• mice show decreased survival
• splenomegaly with increased cellularity is seen in 12-week-old mice
• 12-week-old mice show increased spleen cellularity
immune system
• splenomegaly with increased cellularity is seen in 12-week-old mice
• 12-week-old mice show increased spleen cellularity
• spleen shows reduced T:B cell ratio with an increase in in total B cells
• spleen shows an increase in plasma cells
• CXCR3+ extrafollicular helper CD4+ T cells are increased
• effector or memory CD4+CD44high cells are increased
• slightly lower white blood cell count
• spleen shows an increase in age-associated B cells (B220+CD21-CXCR5-CD19hiCD11c+)
• age-associated B cells are also expanded in the blood and kidneys
• increase in germinal center B cells (CD19+CD95+BCL6+)
• percentage of splenic marginal zone B cells is decreased, but the total numbers are not decreased
• spleen shows spontaneous germinal centers
• hyperplasia of Peyer's patches
• plasmacytoid dendritic cells appear to be activated with increased MHC-II and reduced siglec-H expression
• ANAs are detected from 6 weeks of age in females
• mice show increased autoantibodies to ssDNA at 6 weeks but not 4 weeks of age
• lymphoid infiltrates in the salivary glands
• lymphoid infiltrates in the pancreas where they occasionally form peri-islet follicular structures
• chronic lymphadenitis of the regional, mesenteric, and inguinal lymph nodes including those in the gut, salivary glands, lungs
• lymphoid infiltrates in the liver
• proliferative glomerulonephritis
• subpleural, perivascular and interstitial lymphocytic and mononuclear cell infiltrates in the lungs
cardiovascular system
• focal myocardial fibrosis
digestive/alimentary system
• exocrine pancreatic tissue is often replaced with fat
• lymphoid infiltrates in the salivary glands
endocrine/exocrine glands
• exocrine pancreatic tissue is often replaced with fat
• lymphoid infiltrates in the salivary glands
• lymphoid infiltrates in the pancreas where they occasionally form peri-islet follicular structures
hematopoietic system
• splenomegaly with increased cellularity is seen in 12-week-old mice
• 12-week-old mice show increased spleen cellularity
• spleen shows reduced T:B cell ratio with an increase in in total B cells
• increase in germinal center B cells (CD19+CD95+BCL6+)
• spleen shows an increase in plasma cells
• CXCR3+ extrafollicular helper CD4+ T cells are increased
• effector or memory CD4+CD44high cells are increased
• slightly lower white blood cell count
• spleen shows an increase in age-associated B cells (B220+CD21-CXCR5-CD19hiCD11c+)
• age-associated B cells are also expanded in the blood and kidneys
• percentage of splenic marginal zone B cells is decreased, but the total numbers are not decreased
• spleen shows spontaneous germinal centers
liver/biliary system
• lymphoid infiltrates in the liver
• myocyte degeneration and necrosis in skin panniculus muscle
• splenic lymphomas
renal/urinary system
• proliferative glomerulonephritis
respiratory system
• subpleural, perivascular and interstitial lymphocytic and mononuclear cell infiltrates in the lungs
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
systemic lupus erythematosus | DOID:9074 |
OMIM:152700 OMIM:300809 OMIM:605480 OMIM:608437 OMIM:609903 OMIM:609939 OMIM:610065 OMIM:610066 OMIM:612254 OMIM:612378 OMIM:613145 OMIM:614420 |
J:324448 |