nervous system
• increased granule cell precursor apoptosis in both the cerebellar vermis and hemispheres at P7, but is only statistically significant in the hemispheres
• in vermis lobules I - VIII at early postnatal stages, but not in the hemispheres
• rapid degeneration of inner hair cells at P10 and P14 in 6 of 8 and 15 of 16 mice, respectively
• however, inner hair cell development and morphology are similar to controls at P7
• by P21 most nuclei are missing, pyknotic, or fragmented
• degeneration of outer hair cells is slower than that of inner hair cells
• irregular
• delayed initiation of foliation in the vermis becomes evident at E17.5
• hypoplasia in the hemispheres evident by P7
• at P7 and P21 cells in the cerebellar vermis are organized in monolayers with small regions of slightly disorganized cells
• at P7, large patches of Purkinje cells are present in the cerebellar hemispheres
• distribution is irregular at E16.5 and mislocalized cells are evident in the cerebellar vermis and hemispheres by E18.5
• in the cerebella at P21
• decrease is due to reduction in the number of cells in lobules I-VII
• vermis folia IV-V and IX extend abnormally into the hemispheres
• becomes evident at E18.5
• at P21, with hypoplasia in lobules I - VIII, most strikingly in the central lobules
• becomes evident in the vermis at E18.5 and in the hemispheres by P7
N |
• no differences in vocalization, social investigation or olfactory discrimination
• delay in acquiring the righting reflex
• males but not females perform worse in a rotarod assay compared to sex-matched control littermates
• delay in acquiring the righting reflex. negative geotaxis, ability to reach out toward an object
• when explants of P6 cochlea are exposed to gentamicin for 5h more than half of the hair cells are lost, similar treatment of control cultures does not result in hair cell loss
• increased granule cell precursor apoptosis in both the cerebellar vermis and hemispheres at P7, but is only statistically significant in the hemispheres
• in vermis lobules I - VIII at early postnatal stages, but not in the hemispheres
• rapid degeneration of inner hair cells at P10 and P14 in 6 of 8 and 15 of 16 mice, respectively
• however, inner hair cell development and morphology are similar to controls at P7
• by P21 most nuclei are missing, pyknotic, or fragmented
• degeneration of outer hair cells is slower than that of inner hair cells
• most (6 of 7) display severe-profound hearing loss across all frequencies at 4 and 8 weeks of age
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
CHARGE syndrome | DOID:0050834 |
OMIM:214800 |
J:314588 |