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Phenotypes Associated with This Genotype
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
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Mouse lines carrying:
Chd7Gt(XK403)Byg mutation (0 available); any Chd7 mutation (138 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
nervous system
• 64% of adult mice exhibit a subtle cerebellar foliation anomaly, with variable severity between individual mice
• most pronounced foliation anomaly involves a small and posteriorly shifted lobule VIII associated with a shallow secondary fissure
• foliation defects result from defects in the timing and position of fissure formation during cerebellar development
• however, remaining 36% of mice exhibit a normal foliation structure
• adult mice (~P60) show a 9% reduction in mean total brain volume
• adult mice show a 9.7% reduction in mean total cortical volume
• mice that exhibit foliation defects in the vermis also show a hemisphere-specific foliation defect; overall penetrance of this foliation phenotype in the hemispheres is also 67%
• adult mice show a 15% reduction of simplex lobule in the anterior hemisphere of the cerebellum
• delayed formation of the superior posterior fissure results in a shallower fissure at later stages, incomplete separation of the simplex and Crus I lobules and hypoplasia of the simplex lobule
• mildly affected mice exhibit a deeper prepyramidal fissure and a correspondingly shallower secondary fissure, resulting in a subtle posterior shift of lobule VIII
• severely affected mice show a markedly smaller and even more posteriorly shifted lobule VIII associated with a shallow secondary fissure
• in some mice, the superior posterior fissure that separates the simplex lobule from Crus I appears to be shallower, leading to partial fusion of these lobules in the anterior cerebellar hemispheres
• at E18.5, mice show a general delay in fissure formation in the vermis, with shallower preculminate and primary fissures and absence of the secondary and posterolateral fissures
• at E18.5 and P0, 60% of mice show defects in fissure formation in the vermis, in agreement with the incidence foliation defects in adult mice; formation of the preculminate, primary, secondary, and posterolateral fissures is delayed while the prepyramidal fissure is shifted to a more posterior position
• similar to findings in the vermis, delayed fissure formation is seen in the hemispheres at P2; formation of the superior posterior fissure is specifically delayed, resulting in a shallower fissure at later stages, incomplete separation of the simplex and Crus I lobules and hypoplasia of the simplex lobule
• adult mice show a 16% reduction of lobule VIII in the posterior vermis of the cerebellum
• at P21, three of 7 mice show a small posterior shift of lobule VIII along lobule IX, while 2 of 7 mice show a more pronounced shift of lobule VIII accompanied by hypoplasia
• total incidence of foliation change affecting lobule VIII in the vermis is 67% (12 of 18)
• adult mice show a ~12% reduction in mean total cerebellar volume
• severely affected mice show a 17% in mean cerebellar volume
• ~65% (12 of 18) mice exhibit mild, but significant, cerebellar hypoplasia

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
CHARGE syndrome DOID:0050834 OMIM:214800

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory