• a lower number of pups survive at postnatal day 1 (43% versus the expected 50%)
• adult naive males (not exposed to foster dams/handling) show long-term memory impairment in the novel object recognition test
• adult mice show increased grooming frequency
• males, but not females, show increased grooming duration
• pups gain the reflex for cliff aversion sooner than wild-type pups
• NAP treated pups gain the rooting reflex later than NAP treated wild-type pups
• however, rooting reflex is not different in untreated mice
• pups acquire the ear twitch reflex earlier than wild-type pups
• surviving pups show delayed surface-righting (pup righting on all 4 paws on a flat surface) and air-righting (righting to the correct orientation midair) indicating delayed acquisition of vestibular reflexes
• treatment with NAP corrects the delayed righting response/vestibular reflexes in pups
• pups gain the auditory startle reflex significantly later than wild-type pups
• females show decreased latency to fall in the hanging wire test
• both males and females exhibit a smaller front base of support
• females, but not males, exhibit slower swing speed with increased duration
• NAP treatment partially corrects the smaller front base of support in males but not in females and corrects the slower swing speed and increased duration in females
• males, but not females, exhibit an increase in footprint length and area
• NAP treatment corrects this increase in footprint length and area
• mice show decreased latency to nociception in the hot plate
• adult naive mice show impaired social recognition
• mice show decreased vocalization syntax complexity
• NAP treatment improves the syntax complexity
• mice show decreased total ultrasonic vocalization during pup-dam separation
• however, NAP treatment has no effect on the decreased vocalization
digestive/alimentary system
• males exhibit an increase in total eubacterial load, Bifidobacterium genus, and Lactobacillus group, as well as decreased loads of Enterobacteriaceae
• females exhibit an increase in bacterial load of Bifidobacterium
• treatment with the microtubule/autophagy-protective ADNP fragment NAPVSIPQ (NAP) restores normal levels of total eubacterial load and normalizes the increased bacterial load of Bifidobacterium in females
• female, but not male, pups are lighter from P10
• NAP treatment restores normal weight, visible from P10 and reaching significance at P20-21
• female, but not male, pups are shorter from P10
• mice show differences in ear twitch, cliff aversion, and auditory startle reflexes, suggesting delayed hearing
nervous system
• 2-month-old males show hyperphosphorylated tau deposits in the hippocampus and visual cortex
• NAP treatment ameliorates the hyperphosphorylated tau deposits in the hippocampus and visual cortex
• males exhibit an approximate 15% reduction in CA1 hippocampal dendritic spine density
• females exhibit an approximate 16% reduction in spine density in the motor cortex L5 layer
• NAP treatment ameliorates this reduction in dendritic spine density
• females exhibit an approximate 25% decrease in PSD95 volume in the hippocampus (representing immature synapses)
• NAP treatment ameliorates this reduction in PSD95 volume
• mice exhibit impaired odor discrimination
• NAP treatment reverses the odor discrimination impairment in females but not males
• females, but not males, exhibit delayed eye opening
• NAP treatment reverses the delay in eye opening
• males exhibit abnormal visual evoked potentials
• NAP treatment reverses abnormalities of visual evoke potentials at all stimulation intensities tested except for the 100 mcd of the P3 waveform
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
Helsmoortel-Van Der Aa Syndrome | DOID:0070058 |
OMIM:615873 |
J:361953 |