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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:66343 Gaunt SJ, et al., Mouse homeo-genes within a subfamily, Hox-1.4, -2.6 and -5.1, display similar anteroposterior domains of expression in the embryo, but show stage- and tissue-dependent differences in their regulation. Development. 1989 Sep;107(1):131-41
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:1934227
Gene symbol: Hoxd4
Gene name: homeobox D4
Probe: Hox-5.1 probe1
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with S35 RNA
Visualized with: Autoradiography
Specimen 1 D: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: central nervous system Present Regionally restricted 1D
TS20: spinal cord Present 1D Trancripts were most concentrated in dorsal parts of the spinal cord.

Specimen 2 C: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: central nervous system Present 2C
TS20: medulla oblongata Present Regionally restricted 2C The anterior boundary was found in the mid-myelencephalon.

Specimen 3 C: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: C1 vertebral cartilage condensation Weak 3C/D Weak labeling especially in ventral parts.
TS20: C2 vertebral cartilage condensation Strong 3C/D
TS20: cervical vertebral cartilage condensation Present Graded 3C/D
TS20: thoracic vertebral cartilage condensation Present Graded 3C/D Labeling gradually decreased to background levels by prevertebra 14 (T7).
TS20: lumbar vertebral cartilage condensation Present Graded 3C/D Labeling intensity increased from prevertebrae 20 - 25.
TS20: sacral vertebral cartilage condensation Present Graded 3C/D Labeling declined from prevertebrae 27 - 30.
TS20: sacral vertebral pre-cartilage condensation Present Graded 3C/D Labeling declined from prevertebrae 27 - 30.
TS20: lung Absent 3C/D

Specimen 5 D: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: thymus primordium Present 5D
TS20: thyroid gland Present 5D
TS20: pharynx Present Regionally restricted 5D Expression in the floor of the pharynx posterior and anterior to the thyroid duct but absent in posterior parts of the pharyngeal floor.
TS20: trachea Absent 5D

Specimen 6 D: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: mesonephros Present 6D
TS20: metanephros Present 6D
TS20: liver Absent 6D
TS20: stomach Present Regionally restricted 6D Transcripts in the stomach were restricted to patches located in the peripheral zone of the wall and are absent from mesodermal components.
TS20: testis Strong Regionally restricted 6D Transcripts were located mainly within the peripheral mesenchymal tissue of the testis and were less intense or absent within the testis cords.

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: gut Present Regionally restricted Expression in posterior regions of the intestine.

Specimen 7 D: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: lateral plate mesoderm Present Regionally restricted 7D Transcripts were confined to more posterior parts, lateral plate mesoderm, somtatic mesoderm, and neurectoderm.
TS13: neural ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 7D Transcripts were confined to more posterior parts, lateral plate mesoderm, somtatic mesoderm, and neurectoderm.
TS13: trunk paraxial mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 7D Transcripts were confined to more posterior parts, lateral plate mesoderm, somtatic mesoderm, and neurectoderm.

Specimen 8 D: embryonic day 9.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: trunk mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 8D Expression in lateral plate mesoderm as it contacted and surrounded the gut endoderm.
TS15: future spinal cord Present 8D Expression in somatic mesoderm and neurectoderm.
TS15: trunk paraxial mesenchyme Present 8D Expression in somatic mesoderm and neurectoderm.

Specimen 9 E: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: lung Weak Regionally restricted 9E Weak expression in the mesodermal components of the lung which and absence of expression in the adjacent lining endothelium.

Specimen 9 F: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: stomach Present Regionally restricted 9F Uniform distribution over the mesodermal components of the stomach wall.
TS17: stomach epithelium Absent 9F Absence of expression in the lining endothelium.

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory