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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:2390 Ruberte E, et al., Differential distribution patterns of CRABP I and CRABP II transcripts during mouse embryogenesis. Development. 1992 Aug;115(4):973-87
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:2150737
Gene symbol: Crabp1
Gene name: cellular retinoic acid binding protein I
Probe: Crabp-1 cDNA1
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with S35 RNA
Visualized with: Autoradiography
Assay notes: Probe length was reduced to an average of 150 nucleotides by limited alkaline hydrolysis.
Specimen 1C: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: branchial arch Weak Regionally restricted 1C CRABPI Faint labelling of mesenchyme of pharyngeal arches; absent in ventral endoderm of pharyngeal pouches.
TS13: neural ectoderm Strong Regionally restricted 1C CRABPI
TS13: future prosencephalon Absent 1C CRABPI
TS13: neural tube Absent 1C CRABPI Not expressed at post-cervical levels of trunk neural tube.
TS13: surface ectoderm Absent 1C CRABPI
TS13: head mesenchyme Weak Regionally restricted 1C CRABPI Faint labelling of mesenchyme of the frontonasal region.
TS13: head mesenchyme derived from neural crest Strong Regionally restricted 1C CRABPI High levels in migrating neural crest cells and in neural crest cell-derived cranial ganglia.
TS13: migrating neural crest Strong Regionally restricted 1C CRABPI High levels in migrating neural crest cells and in neural crest cell-derived cranial ganglia.
TS13: trigeminal neural crest Strong 1C CRABPI
TS13: somatopleure Present 1C CRABPI
TS13: splanchnopleure Absent 1C CRABPI
TS13: foregut diverticulum endoderm Absent 1C CRABPI No transcripts detected in ventral endoderm of foregut and midgut.
TS13: midgut endoderm Absent 1C CRABPI No transcripts detected in ventral endoderm of foregut and midgut.

Specimen 1D: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: 1st branchial arch mandibular component mesenchyme Present 1D CRABPI
TS15: head mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 1D CRABPI Transcripts in frontonasal mesenchyme.
TS15: head mesenchyme derived from neural crest Present Regionally restricted 1D CRABPI Intense labelling in subpopulations of neural crest cells that later form the cranial ganglia.
TS15: trunk mesenchyme Absent 1D CRABPI Not detected in lateral mesenchyme.
TS15: foregut Absent 1D CRABPI Not detected in foregut and midgut endoderm.
TS15: midgut Absent 1D CRABPI Not detected in foregut and midgut endoderm.
TS15: otocyst Absent 1D CRABPI
TS15: forelimb bud ectoderm Absent 1D CRABPI No labelling above background in ectoderm and apical ectodermal ridge (AER).
TS15: tail mesenchyme Absent 1D CRABPI

Specimen 2A: embryonic day 8.0 (more )
Note: 5-somites.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: future prosencephalon Absent 2A CRABPI
TS12: future hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2A CRABPI Transcripts present in rhombomeres caudal to the preotic sulcus. Most abundant in a small portion of caudal hindbrain, immediately caudal to preotic sulcus.
TS12: posterior pro-rhombomere Present 2A CRABPI
TS12: trunk unsegmented mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 2A CRABPI Transcripts present in undifferentiated presomitic mesenchyme.

Specimen 2B: embryonic day 8.0 (more )
Note: 7-somites.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS12: future hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2B CRABPI Most abundantly expressed in rhombomere B (the otic rhombomere); levels progressively decrease towards more rostral levels of neuroepithelium; lowest in midbrain and absent from forebrain regions.
TS12: posterior pro-rhombomere Present 2B CRABPI
TS12: anterior pro-rhombomere Present Regionally restricted 2B CRABPI Relatively intense signal at the basal side of the neuroepithelium rostral to the preotic sulcus.
TS12: otic placode Present 2B CRABPI

Specimen 2C: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: 10-somites.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: future brain Present Regionally restricted 2C CRABPI Lower levels at rostral levels of neuroepithelium
TS13: future midbrain Weak 2C CRABPI Lowest in midbrain region.
TS13: future prosencephalon Absent 2C CRABPI
TS13: future hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2C CRABPI Caudal to the otic rhombomere, transcripts up to level of first occipital somites, including undifferentiated epiblast.
TS13: posterior pro-rhombomere Strong 2C CRABPI Most abundantly expressed in rhombomere B (the otic rhombomere).
TS13: trunk unsegmented mesenchyme Present 2C CRABPI Transcripts present in undifferentiated presomitic mesenchyme.

Specimen 2D: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: 12-somites.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: future hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2D CRABPI Detected in all rhombomeres.
TS13: rhombomere 1 Weak 2D CRABPI Lowest levels in rhombomeres 1 to 3.
TS13: rhombomere 2 Weak 2D CRABPI Lowest levels in rhombomeres 1 to 3.
TS13: rhombomere 3 Weak 2D CRABPI Lowest levels in rhombomeres 1 to 3.
TS13: rhombomere 4 Very strong 2D CRABPI Highest levels in rhombomere 4.
TS13: rhombomere 5 Strong 2D CRABPI
TS13: future hindbrain posterior to rhombomere 5 Strong Regionally restricted 2D CRABPI High levels in rhombomere 6; intensity of signal progressively decreased in more caudal levels of neural epithelium.
TS13: rhombomere 1 neural crest Present 2D CRABPI
TS13: rhombomere 2 neural crest Present 2D CRABPI
TS13: future hindbrain posterior to rhombomere 5 neural crest Present Regionally restricted 2D CRABPI Transcripts in neural crest cells adjacent to rhombomeres 1, 2 and 6 to 8.

Specimen 2E: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Note: 18- to 19-somites.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: facio-acoustic neural crest Present 2E CRABPI
TS14: trigeminal neural crest Present 2E CRABPI
TS14: head mesenchyme derived from neural crest Present Regionally restricted 2E CRABPI Relatively weaker signal in neural crest cells that will contribute to cranial ganglia IX and X (derived from rhombomeres 6 and 7).
TS14: rhombomere Present Non-Uniform 2E CRABPI All rhombomeres were labelled; most abundant in rhombomeres 4 to 6; intensity progressively decreased rostrally and caudally.
TS14: rhombomere 1 Present 2E CRABPI
TS14: rhombomere 2 Present 2E CRABPI
TS14: rhombomere 3 Present Regionally restricted 2E CRABPI Expression only in the most dorsal regions of epithelium of rhombomere 3.
TS14: rhombomere 4 Strong 2E CRABPI
TS14: rhombomere 5 Strong 2E CRABPI
TS14: rhombomere 6 Strong 2E CRABPI
TS14: otic pit Absent 2E CRABPI

Specimen 3A: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: forelimb bud mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 3A CRABPI More abundant in distal regions, particularly in anterior regions; absent from more proximal central and dorsal mesenchyme.
TS17: neural tube floor plate Absent 3A CRABPI No transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS17: neural tube roof plate Absent 3A CRABPI No transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS17: neural tube lateral wall Present Regionally restricted 3A CRABPI In the spinal cord, transcripts preferentially found in marginal and mantle layers.
TS17: cranial ganglion Present 3A CRABPI

Specimen 3B: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: forelimb bud mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 3B CRABPI More abundant in distal regions, particularly in anterior regions; absent from more proximal central and dorsal mesenchyme.
TS17: neural tube floor plate Absent 3B CRABPI No transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS17: neural tube roof plate Absent 3B CRABPI No transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS17: neural tube lateral wall Present Regionally restricted 3B CRABPI Transcripts preferentially found in marginal and mantle layers.
TS17: cranial ganglion Present 3B CRABPI

Specimen 3C: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: forelimb bud mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 3C CRABPI More abundant in distal regions, particularly in anterior regions; absent from more proximal central and dorsal mesenchyme.
TS17: neural tube floor plate Absent 3C CRABPI No transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS17: neural tube roof plate Absent 3C CRABPI No transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS17: neural tube lateral wall Present Regionally restricted 3C CRABPI Transcripts preferentially found in marginal and mantle layers.
TS17: cranial ganglion Present 3C CRABPI

Specimen 3D: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: forelimb bud mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 3D CRABPI More abundant in distal regions, particularly in anterior regions; absent from more proximal central and dorsal mesenchyme.
TS17: neural tube floor plate Absent 3D CRABPI No transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS17: neural tube roof plate Absent 3D CRABPI No transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS17: neural tube lateral wall Present Regionally restricted 3D CRABPI Transcripts preferentially found in marginal and mantle layers.
TS17: cranial ganglion Present 3D CRABPI

Specimen 4B: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: hindlimb Present Regionally restricted 4B CRABPI Expression in distal mesenchyme underlying the AER at the tip of digits; absent from cartilage and developing muscles; high levels in parts of perichondrium and mesenchyme.

Specimen 5A: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: surface ectoderm Absent 5A CRABPI
TS15: trunk dermomyotome Present Regionally restricted 5A CRABPI Transcripts low in somites and their derivatives; restricted to a small portion of the dermamyotome; myotomic portions of somites are more intensely labelled.
TS15: future forebrain Absent 5A CRABPI
TS15: future midbrain Present Regionally restricted 5A CRABPI Labelling of mesencephalon restricted to outermost cells.
TS15: neural tube lateral wall Present Regionally restricted 5A CRABPI Transcripts preferentially found in marginal and mantle layers. There are no transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS15: spinal ganglion Present 5A CRABPI
TS15: olfactory placode Absent 5A CRABPI No expression in olfactory placodes.

Specimen 5B: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: surface ectoderm Absent 5B CRABPI
TS15: forelimb bud mesenchyme Present 5B CRABPI
TS15: trunk dermomyotome Present Regionally restricted 5B CRABPI Myotomic portions of somites are more intensely labelled.
TS15: future forebrain Absent 5B CRABPI
TS15: future midbrain Present Regionally restricted 5B CRABPI Labelling of mesencephalon restricted to outermost cells.
TS15: neural tube lateral wall Present Regionally restricted 5B CRABPI In the spinal cord, transcripts preferentially found in marginal and mantle layers. There are no transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS15: spinal ganglion Present 5B CRABPI
TS15: olfactory placode Absent 5B CRABPI No expression in olfactory placodes.

Specimen 5C: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: branchial arch Present Regionally restricted 5C CRABPI Particularly abundant in the distal portion of frontonasal and pharyngeal arch mesenchyme.
TS17: head mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 5C CRABPI Particularly abundant in the distal portion of frontonasal and pharyngeal arch mesenchyme.
TS17: forelimb bud mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 5C CRABPI More abundant in distal regions of limb buds; particularly in anterior regions, absent from more proximal central and dorsal mesenchyme.
TS17: hindlimb bud mesenchyme Present Uniform 5C CRABPI
TS17: neural tube lateral wall Present Regionally restricted 5C CRABPI Transcripts preferentially found in marginal and mantle layers. There are no transcripts in floor and roof plates of the neural tube.
TS17: spinal ganglion Present Regionally restricted 5C CRABPI
TS17: stomach mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 5C CRABPI Labelling in mesenchyme of stomach close to dorsal mesentery.

Specimen 6: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: diencephalon Absent 6CRABPI
TS20: telencephalon Absent 6CRABPI
TS20: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 6CRABPI Some labelling in mantle layer of metencephalon and myelencephalon.
TS20: metencephalon Present Regionally restricted 6CRABPI Some labelling in mantle layer of metencephalon and myelencephalon.
TS20: midbrain Present Regionally restricted 6CRABPI Only outermost cells of mesencephalon appeared to contain transcripts.
TS20: spinal ganglion Absent 6CRABPI
TS20: fronto-nasal process Strong Regionally restricted 6CRABPI Present in distal frontonasal mesenchyme.
TS20: mandibular process Strong 6CRABPI
TS20: tongue Strong 6CRABPI
TS20: liver Absent 6CRABPI
TS20: genital tubercle Present 6CRABPI
TS20: metanephros Present 6CRABPI

Specimen 7A: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 7A CRABPI Some labelling in mantle layer of metencephalon and myelencephalon.
TS20: metencephalon Present Regionally restricted 7A CRABPI Some labelling in mantle layer of metencephalon and myelencephalon.
TS20: fronto-nasal process Strong Regionally restricted 7A CRABPI Present in distal frontonasal mesenchyme.
TS20: thymus primordium Absent 7A CRABPI
TS20: mandibular process Strong 7A CRABPI
TS20: tongue Strong 7A CRABPI

Specimen 7B: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: nose Present Regionally restricted 7B CRABPI Present in distal frontonasal mesenchyme.
TS21: thymus primordium Absent 7B CRABPI
TS21: mandible Present 7B CRABPI
TS21: tongue Present 7B CRABPI

Specimen 7C: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: spinal ganglion Present 7C CRABPI
TS17: mesonephros mesenchyme Present Regionally restricted 7C CRABPI Transcripts restricted to the dorsal mesonephric mesenchyme.

Specimen 7D: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: gut epithelium Absent 7D CRABPI
TS20: mesenchyme of metanephros Present Regionally restricted 7D CRABPI Expression in mesenchymal cells surrounding the developing metanephros.
TS20: genital tubercle Present Regionally restricted 7D CRABPI Labelling in periphery of genital tubercle mesenchyme; not present in the core mesenchyme.

Specimen 7E: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: mesenchyme of metanephros Present Regionally restricted 7E CRABPI Present only in stromal cells of the kidney.

Specimen 9A: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: Rathke's pouch Absent 9A CRABPI
TS17: future adenohypophysis Absent 9A CRABPI

Specimen 9B: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: neurohypophysis infundibulum Absent 9B CRABPI
TS20: remnant of Rathke's pouch Absent 9B CRABPI

Specimen 9C: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: alar columns Present Regionally restricted 9C CRABPI Transcripts are preferentially found in the alar plate.
TS21: spinal cord floor plate Absent 9C CRABPI
TS21: spinal cord roof plate Absent 9C CRABPI
TS21: spinal cord Present Regionally restricted 9C CRABPI Transcripts are preferentially found in the alar plate. No transcripts in neuroepithelial layer or the floor and roof plates.
TS21: spinal ganglion Absent 9C CRABPI

Specimen 10A: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: neural retinal epithelium Present Regionally restricted 10A CRABPI Labelling restricted to central area of retina.

Specimen 10B: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: nasal cavity epithelium Present Regionally restricted 10B CRABPI Transcripts restricted to olfactory epithelium.
TS21: olfactory epithelium Present Regionally restricted 10B CRABPI Preferentially expresssed in the middle layer.

Specimen 10C: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: dermis Present 10C CRABPI
TS21: epidermis Absent 10C CRABPI
TS21: vibrissa dermal component Present 10C CRABPI

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: anterior pro-rhombomere neural crest Present Labelled neural crest cells migrating from neuroepithelium rostral to preotic sulcus to invade the first pharyngeal arch.
TS13: posterior pro-rhombomere neural crest Strong High levels in neural crest cells migrating from levels immediately rostral to the otic placode.
TS13: migrating neural crest Present

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: surface ectoderm Absent
TS17: nasal pit Absent No expression in olfactory placodes.
TS17: lung Absent No labelling above background in lung epithelium.

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: limb Present Regionally restricted Restricted to the periphery.; absent from precartilage condensations and differentiated cartilage.
TS20: neurohypophysis infundibulum Absent
TS20: remnant of Rathke's pouch Absent
TS20: lung Absent No labelling above background in lung epithelium.

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: neurohypophysis infundibulum Absent
TS21: remnant of Rathke's pouch Absent
TS21: corpus striatum Present
TS21: lung Absent No labelling above background in lung epithelium.

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted Transcripts in hippocampus.
TS22: corpus striatum Present
TS22: hindbrain meninges Absent Not expressed in meninges covering the brainstem.
TS22: medulla oblongata Present
TS22: pons Present
TS22: spinal ganglion Present
TS22: lung Absent No labelling above background in lung epithelium.
TS22: limb Present Regionally restricted Transcripts in connective tissues (tendons, ligaments and perichondrium) of the limb.

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