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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:39657 Lobe CG, Expression of the helix-loop-helix factor, Hes3, during embryo development suggests a role in early midbrain-hindbrain patterning. Mech Dev. 1997 Mar;62(2):227-37
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:5444030
Gene symbol: Hes3
Gene name: hes family bHLH transcription factor 3
Probe: Hes3 cDNA6
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with digoxigenin RNA
Visualized with: Alkaline phosphatase
Specimen 1A: embryonic day 7.0-7.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS10: embryo ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 1A Expressed in the embryonic ectoderm, just ahead of the node and more caudally flanking the primitive streak.

Specimen 1B: embryonic day 7.5 (more )
Note: This is a headfold stage embryo.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS11: embryo ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 1B The anterior boundary was in the region of the prospective hindbrain. Expressed in the neural plate ahead of the node and in ectoderm lateral to the primitive streak.
TS11: future spinal cord neural plate Present Regionally restricted 1B Expressed in the neural plate ahead of the node.
TS11: future brain Present Regionally restricted 1B The anterior boundary was in the region of the prospective hindbrain.

Specimen 1E: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: future midbrain Strong Regionally restricted 1E Expressed in the region of the dorsal mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary.
TS14: midbrain-hindbrain junction Strong Regionally restricted 1E Expressed in the region of the dorsal mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary.
TS14: future hindbrain Strong Regionally restricted 1E Expressed in the region of the dorsal mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary.
TS14: future spinal cord neural plate Strong 1E
TS14: rhombomere 4 Strong 1E
TS14: rhombomere 6 Strong 1E
TS14: rhombomere 7 Strong 1E
TS14: embryo ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 1E Expressed in ectoderm adjacent to the primitive streak.
TS14: neural tube floor plate Absent 1E
TS14: rhombomere 5 Absent 1E

Specimen 1F: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: This is a headfold stage embryo.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: future midbrain Strong Regionally restricted 1F Expressed in the region of the dorsal mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary.
TS14: future hindbrain Strong Regionally restricted 1F Expressed in the region of the dorsal mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary.
TS14: midbrain-hindbrain junction Strong Regionally restricted 1F Expressed in the region of the dorsal mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary.
TS14: future spinal cord neural plate Strong 1F
TS14: rhombomere 4 Strong 1F
TS14: rhombomere 6 Strong 1F
TS14: rhombomere 7 Strong 1F
TS14: embryo ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 1F Expressed in ectoderm adjacent to the primitive streak.
TS14: rhombomere 5 Absent 1F

Specimen 2A: embryonic day 8.0 (more )
Note: 0-4 somite stage embryo.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: future hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2A Embryos display a gap (rhombomere 03) in hindbrain expression.
TS13: rhombomere 3 Absent 2A

Specimen 2B: embryonic day 8.0 (more )
Note: 0-4 somite stage embryo. Also stained for Egr2 (Krox20; assay MGI:5444146).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS13: future hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 2B Embryos display a gap (rhombomere 03, positive for Krox20) in hindbrain expression.
TS13: rhombomere 3 Absent 2B

Specimen 2D: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: 5-8 somite stage embryo.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: rhombomere 1 Present 2D Expression is strongest among all rhombomeres.
TS14: rhombomere 2 Weak 2D
TS14: rhombomere 4 Weak 2D
TS14: rhombomere 6 Weak 2D
TS14: rhombomere 7 Weak 2D
TS14: rhombomere 3 Absent 2D
TS14: rhombomere 5 Absent 2D
TS14: embryo ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 2D Expressed in ectoderm adjacent to the primitive streak.
TS14: future spinal cord neural plate Present 2D

Specimen 2E: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: 5-8 somite stage embryo. Also stained for Egr2 (Krox20; assay MGI:5444146).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: rhombomere 1 Present 2E Expression is strongest among all rhombomeres.
TS14: rhombomere 2 Weak 2E
TS14: rhombomere 4 Weak 2E
TS14: rhombomere 6 Weak 2E
TS14: rhombomere 7 Weak 2E
TS14: rhombomere 3 Absent 2E
TS14: rhombomere 5 Absent 2E

Specimen 2G: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: 5-8 somite stage embryo. Lateral view of the same embryo in 2D.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: rhombomere 1 Present 2G Expression is strongest among all rhombomeres.
TS14: rhombomere 2 Weak 2G
TS14: rhombomere 4 Weak 2G
TS14: rhombomere 6 Weak 2G
TS14: rhombomere 7 Weak 2G
TS14: rhombomere 3 Absent 2G
TS14: rhombomere 5 Absent 2G
TS14: embryo ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 2G Expressed in ectoderm adjacent to the primitive streak.
TS14: future spinal cord neural plate Present 2G

Specimen 2H: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: 5-8 somite stage embryo. Also stained for Egr2 (Krox20; assay MGI:5444146). Lateral view of the same embryo in 2D.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: rhombomere 1 Present 2H Expression is strongest among all rhombomeres.
TS14: rhombomere 2 Weak 2H
TS14: rhombomere 4 Weak 2H
TS14: rhombomere 6 Weak 2H
TS14: rhombomere 7 Weak 2H
TS14: rhombomere 3 Absent 2H
TS14: rhombomere 5 Absent 2H

Specimen 2J: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: rhombomere 1 Present 2J Expression is strongest among all rhombomeres.
TS14: rhombomere 2 Weak 2J
TS14: rhombomere 4 Weak 2J
TS14: rhombomere 6 Weak 2J
TS14: rhombomere 7 Weak 2J
TS14: rhombomere 3 Absent 2J
TS14: rhombomere 5 Absent 2J

Specimen 3A: embryonic day 8.5 (more )
Note: 7-8 somite stage embryo.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS14: future hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 3A Expressed in the dorsal region of the mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary.
TS14: future midbrain Present Regionally restricted 3A Expressed in the dorsal region of the mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary.
TS14: midbrain-hindbrain junction Present Regionally restricted 3A Expressed in the dorsal region of the mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary.
TS14: embryo ectoderm Strong Regionally restricted 3A Expressed in ectoderm adjacent to the primitive streak.
TS14: future spinal cord neural plate Strong 3A
TS14: rhombomere 4 Weak 3A The expression is quite low.
TS14: rhombomere 6 Weak 3A The expression is quite low.
TS14: rhombomere 7 Weak 3A The expression is quite low.

Specimen 4A: embryonic day 9.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS15: future midbrain Weak 4A
TS15: future hindbrain Weak Regionally restricted 4A Expressed in the rostral part of the metencephalon.
TS15: tail neural tube Weak Regionally restricted 4A Expressed in the dorsal part of the open neural tube in the tail region.
TS15: midbrain-hindbrain junction Weak Regionally restricted 4A Expressed in the dorsal part of the midhindbrain boundary.

Specimen 4B: embryonic day 9.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS16: future midbrain Present Scattered 4B Expressed more rostrally in the mesencephalon.
TS16: future hindbrain Present 4B Strongest expression is in the cerebello-mesencephalic flexure.
TS16: midbrain-hindbrain junction Present 4B Strongest expression is in the cerebello-mesencephalic flexure.
TS16: neural tube Present Graded 4B Expressed in a rostral to caudal gradient.

Specimen 4C: embryonic day 9.5 (more )
Note: A slightly older embryo than that shown in 4B.
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS16: future forebrain Present 4C Stronger expression throughout the brain.
TS16: future hindbrain Present 4C Stronger expression throughout the brain.
TS16: future midbrain Present 4C Stronger expression throughout the brain.
TS16: midbrain-hindbrain junction Present 4C Stronger expression throughout the brain.
TS16: neural tube Present 4C Stronger expression throughout the brain.

Specimen 4G: embryonic day 9.5 (more )
Note: Cross-sections of the embryo shown in (C).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS16: future hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 4G Expressed in the dorsal-lateral part of the metencephalon.
TS16: neural tube Present Regionally restricted 4G Expressed in the dorsal-lateral part.

Specimen 4H: embryonic day 9.5 (more )
Note: Cross-sections of the embryo shown in (C).
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS16: future hindbrain Present Regionally restricted 4H Expressed in the dorsal-lateral part of the myelencephalon.
TS16: neural tube Present Regionally restricted 4H Expressed in the dorsal-lateral part.

Specimen 4J: embryonic day 9.5-10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS16: future midbrain Present Regionally restricted 4J Expressed in two bands, one just rostral of the mesencephalic/metencephalic boundary and one slightly more anterior.

Specimen 4K: embryonic day 10.0 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: midbrain Present Regionally restricted 4K The strongest signal occurs rostral to the isthmus, in the inferior colliculus.

Specimen 5A: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: nasal cavity respiratory epithelium Present 5A Expressed in the nasosensory epithelia.
TS20: olfactory epithelium Present 5A Expressed in cells lining the olfactory pit.
TS20: telencephalon ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 5A Expressed in the dorsal ventricular zone, the roof of the telencephalon.
TS20: midbrain roof plate Present Regionally restricted 5A Expressed in the caudal region.
TS20: cranial nerve Present 5A
TS20: diencephalon lateral wall Present 5A
TS20: diencephalon roof plate Present 5A
TS20: lens vesicle epithelium Present 5A
TS20: midbrain-hindbrain junction Present 5A
TS20: pigmented retinal epithelium Present 5A
TS20: diencephalon floor plate Weak 5A
TS20: trigeminal nerve Present Regionally restricted 5A Expressed in semilunar ganglia of the trigeminal nerve.
TS20: facial ganglion Present 5A Expressed in accousticofacialis ganglia VII.
TS20: vestibulo-cochlear ganglion Present 5A Expressed in accousticofacialis ganglia VIII.
TS20: inner ear epithelium Present Single cells 5A Expressed in a few cells lining the otic vesicle.
TS20: medulla oblongata ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 5A Expressed in the ventricular zone above the sulcus limitans in the myelencephalon.
TS20: medulla oblongata floor plate Present 5A Expressed in the floor plate in the myelencephalon.
TS20: epidermis Present Regionally restricted 5A Expressed in the basal layer of the skin.
TS20: midbrain ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 5A Strongest expression was in the lateral walls, just above the sulcus limitans.
TS20: hindbrain floor plate Strong Single cells 5A Expressed in a few cells.
TS20: spinal cord floor plate Strong Single cells 5A Expressed in a few cells.
TS20: hindbrain ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 5A Expressed in the caudal part.
TS20: spinal cord ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 5A Expressed in the caudal part.

Specimen 5B: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: spinal cord ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted 5B Strongest expression is in the dorsal-most part of the spinal cord, in cells of the ventricular zone lining the lumen.
TS21: spinal cord floor plate Present Single cells 5B Expressed in a few cells.
TS21: dorsal root ganglion Present 5B

Specimen 5D: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: vibrissa follicle Present 5D Expressed in the whisker follicles.
TS22: nasal cavity epithelium Present 5D Expressed in the nasosensory epithelia.
TS22: tooth Present 5D Expressed in the toothbud progenitor.
TS22: brainstem Present 5D
TS22: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Present 5D
TS22: hair follicle Present 5D
TS22: inferior colliculus Present 5D
TS22: trigeminal ganglion Present 5D
TS22: inner ear epithelium Present 5D Expressed in the neuroepithelium of the otic vesicle.
TS22: cochlear duct epithelium Present 5D Expressed in cells lining the cochlea.
TS22: midbrain tegmentum Present Regionally restricted 5D Expressed in the post-tegmental neuroepithelium.
TS22: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted 5D Expressed in the external granular layer of the prospective cerebellum.
TS22: tectum Present Regionally restricted 5D Expressed in the tectal neuroepithelium.

Specimen 5E: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: adenohypophysis pars intermedia Present 5E Expressed in the pars intermedia of the developing pituitary.

Specimen 5F: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted 5F Expressed in the external granular layer of the prospective cerebellum.
TS22: medulla oblongata Present Regionally restricted 5F Expressed in the dorsal medulla.
TS22: 4th ventricle choroid plexus Present 5F

Specimen 5G: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: adrenal medulla Present 5G
TS22: gut epithelium Present 5G
TS22: liver Present 5G
TS22: lung epithelium Present 5G
TS22: metanephros Present 5G
TS22: renal cortex Present 5G
TS22: dorsal root ganglion Present 5G

Specimen 6A: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: vibrissa follicle Present 6A Expressed in the whisker follicles.
TS24: tooth epithelium Present 6A Expressed in the epithelia of the toothbud progenitor.
TS24: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Present 6A
TS24: cochlear duct epithelium Present 6A
TS24: hair follicle Present 6A
TS24: nasal cavity epithelium Present 6A
TS24: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted 6A Expressed in the external granular layer of the cerebellum.

Specimen 6B: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: epidermis Present 6B Expressed in the basal layer of the skin.
TS24: hair follicle Present 6B
TS24: vibrissa follicle Present Regionally restricted 6B Expressed in the inner root sheath of the whisker follicles.

Specimen 6C: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: inferior colliculus Present Regionally restricted 6C Expressed in the ventricular zone of the inferior colliculus.
TS24: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted 6C Expressed in the external granular layer of the cerebellum.
TS24: tectum Present Regionally restricted 6C Expressed in the tectal neuroepithelium.
TS24: choroid plexus Present 6C

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS16: tail neural plate Present

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: midbrain ventricular layer Present Regionally restricted Expressed in the lateral walls, just above the sulcus limitans, in the ventricular zone next to the lumen.
TS20: spinal cord marginal layer Present Regionally restricted Expressed in the ventral horn.

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: salivary gland Present
TS22: spinal cord ventricular layer Present
TS22: thymus primordium Present Regionally restricted Expressed in the thymic epithelia.

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: thymus Present Regionally restricted Expressed in the thymic epithelia.

Specimen not shown: postnatal day 21 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present

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MGI 6.13
The Jackson Laboratory