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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:21409 Porteus MH, et al., DLX-2, MASH-1, and MAP-2 expression and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation define molecularly distinct cell populations in the embryonic mouse forebrain. J Neurosci. 1994 Nov;14(11 Pt 1):6370-83
Assay type: Immunohistochemistry
MGI Accession ID: MGI:5703954
Gene symbol: Dlx2
Gene name: distal-less homeobox 2
Antibody: C124
Detection system: Biotinylated secondary antibody/[Strept]avidin coupled to horseradish peroxidase
Assay notes: Two antibodies were described C124 MGI:5703952 and C199 MGI:5523007. Either could have been used in this assay.
Specimen 1 right panel: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: liver Absent 1_right panel
TS22: spinal cord Absent 1_right panel
TS22: lateral ganglionic eminence Strong 1_right panel
TS22: medial ganglionic eminence Strong 1_right panel
TS22: nose Strong Regionally restricted 1_right panel Strong expression was detected in the ecodermal cells of the frontonasal prominence.

Specimen 2: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted 2A , 2B Expression was detected in the lateral ganglionic eminence.
TS17: optic stalk Present 2A , 2C
TS17: diencephalon Present Regionally restricted 2A , 2D Expression was detected in ventral thalamus but terminates abruptly at the zona limitans.
TS17: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 2A Expression was detected in 2 domains. The rostral domain (I) and caudal domain (II) separated by a strip of negative tissue called the optoeminential zone.

Specimen 3 E12.5: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 3_E12.5 , 3_E12.5 high mag Expression was in 2 regions. Caudal- extends from the area of the suprachiasmatic nucleus through the hypothalamic cell cord and posterior entopeduncular area into the ventral thalamus. Rostral- from the lateral ganglionic eminence to the optic stalk.
TS20: prethalamus Present Regionally restricted 3_E12.5 Expression was detected in the ventral thalamus and terminated abruptly at the zona limitans.
TS20: lateral ganglionic eminence Present 3_E12.5
TS20: cerebral cortex Absent 3_E12.5

Specimen 3 E13.5: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 3_E13.5 Expression was in 2 regions. Caudal- extends from the area of the suprachiasmatic nucleus through the hypothalamic cell cord and posterior entopeduncular area into the ventral thalamus. Rostral- from the lateral ganglionic eminence to the optic stalk.
TS21: prethalamus Present Regionally restricted 3_E13.5 Expression was detected in the ventral thalamus and terminated abruptly at the zona limitans.
TS21: lateral ganglionic eminence Present 3_E13.5
TS21: cerebral cortex Absent 3_E13.5
TS21: zona limitans intrathalamica Absent 3_E13.5

Specimen 3 E14.5: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 3_E14.5 Expression was in 2 regions. Caudal- extends from the area of the suprachiasmatic nucleus through the hypothalamic cell cord and posterior entopeduncular area into the ventral thalamus. Rostral- from the lateral ganglionic eminence to the optic stalk.
TS22: prethalamus Present Regionally restricted 3_E14.5 Expression was detected in the ventral thalamus and terminated abruptly at the zona limitans.
TS22: lateral ganglionic eminence Present 3_E14.5
TS22: cerebral cortex Absent 3_E14.5
TS22: dorsal thalamus Absent 3_E14.5
TS22: zona limitans intrathalamica Absent 3_E14.5

Specimen 4: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: forebrain Present Regionally restricted 4_E16.5 Forebrain Expression remains strong in the rostral expression domains, but begins to weaken in the more caudal domains.
TS24: prethalamus Weak 4_E16.5 Forebrain
TS24: dorsal thalamus Present 4_E16.5 Forebrain
TS24: anterior entopeduncular area Present 4B , 4_E16.5 Forebrain
TS24: main olfactory bulb Present 4_E16.5 Forebrain , 4C
TS24: cerebral cortex marginal layer Present Regionally restricted 4_E16.5 Forebrain , 4C , 4D Expression was in dispersed cells, continuous with the positive staining in the lateral ganglionic eminence and olfactory bulb. Staining in the cerebral cortex was only a fraction of the staining in the subventricular zone of the ganglionic eminence.
TS24: cerebral cortex subventricular zone Present Regionally restricted 4_E16.5 Forebrain , 4C , 4D Expression was in dispersed cells, continuous with the positive staining in the lateral ganglionic eminence and olfactory bulb. Staining in the cerebral cortex was only a fraction of the staining in the subventricular zone of the ganglionic eminence.
TS24: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present Scattered 4D , 4_E16.5 Forebrain
TS24: cortical plate Present Scattered 4D , 4_E16.5 Forebrain
TS24: cortical subplate Present Scattered 4D , 4_E16.5 Forebrain
TS24: ganglionic eminence Present Regionally restricted 4C , 4_E16.5 Forebrain Expression was detected in all cells of the subventricular zone of the ganglionic eminence.

Specimen 5 P17: postnatal day 17 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: corpus striatum Present Regionally restricted 5B , 5_P17 Expression was detected in the periventricular region of the striatum.
TS28: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted 5_P17 , 5C Expression was detected in cells that lie between the cerebral cortex and the striatum.
TS28: main olfactory bulb Present 5_P17 , 5D
TS28: caudate-putamen Present Regionally restricted 5_P17 Expression was detected in the subventricular zone of the caudoputamen complex.

Specimen 5 Adult: postnatal adult (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: corpus striatum Present Regionally restricted 5E , 5_Adult Expression was detected in the periventricular region of the striatum.
TS28: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted 5F , 5_Adult Expression was detected in cells that lie between the cerebral cortex and the striatum.
TS28: main olfactory bulb Present 5G , 5_Adult
TS28: caudate-putamen Present Regionally restricted 5_Adult Expression was detected in the subventricular zone of the caudoputamen complex.

Specimen 6 E10.5 1st branchial arch: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: 1st branchial arch ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 6_E10.5 1st branchial arch Expression in the ectoderm outlines the bud with maximal expression in the most distal ectoderm.

Specimen 6 E10.5 hindlimb: embryonic day 10.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS17: hindlimb bud ectoderm Present Regionally restricted 6_E10.5 hindlimb bud Expression in the ectoderm outlines the bud with maximal expression in the most distal ectoderm.

Specimen 6 E12.5 GT: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: surface ectoderm of genital tubercle Present Regionally restricted 6_E12.5 GT Expression was detected in the distal ectoderm of the genital tubercle.

Specimen 6 E12.5 tail: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: tail surface ectoderm Present 6_E12.5 tail

Specimen 7: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: medial ganglionic eminence Strong Regionally restricted 7_Dlx2 bottom , 7_Dlx2 top , 7_Dlx2 middle Strong expression was detected in the subventricular zone of the medial ganglionic eminence. Moderate expression was detected in the submantle. No expression was in the ganglionic mantle.
TS20: prethalamus Moderate 7_Dlx2 top
TS20: hypothalamus Moderate Regionally restricted 7_Dlx2 top Expression was detected in the preoptic area and the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

Specimen not shown: embryonic day 18.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS26: medial ganglionic eminence Present Regionally restricted All of the cells in the medial ganglionic eminence subventricular layer are positive.

Specimen 9D: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: medial ganglionic eminence Present Regionally restricted 9D Comparing the immunopositive cells with BrdU staining, there is overlap of immunopositive cells with cells that are undergoing S-phase of the cell cycle in the medial ganglionic eminence.

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory