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Gene Expression Data
Assay Details
Reference: J:146175 Bacon C, et al., Dynamic expression of the Slit-Robo GTPase activating protein genes during development of the murine nervous system. J Comp Neurol. 2009 Mar 10;513(2):224-36
Assay type: RNA in situ
MGI Accession ID: MGI:7621456
Gene symbol: Srgap3
Gene name: SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 3
Probe: srGAP3 cDNA
Probe preparation: Antisense labelled with digoxigenin RNA
Visualized with: Alkaline phosphatase
Specimen 1C: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: nasal pit Present 1C
TS19: telencephalon ventricular layer Present 1C
TS19: trigeminal ganglion Present 1C
TS19: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted 1C Expression is in the preplate.
TS19: eye Present Regionally restricted 1C Expression is in the optic pit.
TS19: midbrain roof plate Present Regionally restricted 1C Expression is in the superior colliculus differentiating zone.

Specimen 1F: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cortical plate Present 1F
TS21: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Weak 1F
TS21: cortical subplate Weak 1F

Specimen 1I: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cortical plate Strong 1I
TS24: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present 1I
TS24: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Present 1I

Specimen 1L: postnatal day 7 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cortical layer II Present 1L
TS28: cortical layer III Present 1L
TS28: cortical layer IV Present 1L
TS28: cortical layer V Present 1L
TS28: cortical layer VI Present 1L
TS28: cortical layer I Absent 1L

Specimen 2C: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: telencephalon Strong Regionally restricted 2C Expression is in the hippocampal neuroepithelium.
TS21: thalamus Present 2C Expression is in the dorsal and ventral thalamus.

Specimen 2F: postnatal day 1 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: hippocampus CA1 Strong 2F
TS27: hippocampus CA3 Strong 2F
TS27: dentate gyrus Present 2F
TS27: hippocampus Present 2F
TS27: thalamus Present 2F Expression was in the ventral thalamus.
TS27: dorsal thalamus Weak 2F

Specimen 2I: postnatal day 7 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: dentate gyrus Present 2I
TS28: dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus Present 2I
TS28: hippocampus Present 2I
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Present 2I
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Present 2I
TS28: ventral lateral geniculate nucleus Present 2I

Specimen 3C: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: midbrain roof plate Present Non-Uniform 3C Expression is stronger in the superior colliculus differentiating zone and throughout the inferior colliculus.
TS21: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted 3C Expression is in the cerebellar plate and in the cerebellar nuclei differentiating zone.

Specimen 3C': embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted 3C' Expression is in the granule cells.

Specimen 3F: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: superior colliculus Present 3F
TS24: inferior colliculus Present 3F
TS24: tectum Present Regionally restricted 3F Expression is in the inferior colliculus differentiating zone.

Specimen 3I: postnatal day 1 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present 3I
TS27: superior colliculus Present 3I
TS27: inferior colliculus Present Regionally restricted 3I Expression is in a region of the inferior colliculus.
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer Weak 3I
TS27: cerebellum granule cell layer Weak 3I

Specimen 3L: postnatal day 7 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present 3L
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Present 3L
TS28: cerebellum granule cell layer Present 3L
TS28: deep cerebellar nucleus Present Regionally restricted 3L
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Absent 3L

Specimen 4C: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: neural tube floor plate Present 4C
TS19: neural tube roof plate Present 4C
TS19: neural tube commissural neuron Present Regionally restricted 4C Expression is in a stream of of commissural neurons positioned medially, in a dorsal region of the cord around the roof plate, and in the ventral horns. Weak expression in the ventral motor columns.
TS19: dorsal root ganglion Weak 4C

Specimen 4F: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: spinal cord Strong 4F Expression was particularly strong in the ependymal layer.
TS20: dorsal root ganglion Strong 4F

Specimen 4I: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: spinal cord Present 4I Expression was particularly strong in the ependymal layer.
TS21: dorsal root ganglion Present 4I

Specimen 5C: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Cell Type Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Strong 5C
TS22: vomeronasal organ Present 5C
TS22: main olfactory bulb layer neuron Present Scattered 5C Expression is in some scattered neurons of the ganglion layer.
TS22: olfactory epithelium Absent 5C

Specimen 5F: postnatal day 1 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Present 5F
TS27: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Weak 5F
TS27: olfactory epithelium Absent 5F

Specimen 6C: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: neural retina Present Regionally restricted 6C Expression is in the retinal ganglion cell layer and the neuroblastic layer

Specimen 6F: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: retina ganglion cell layer Present 6F
TS24: retina nuclear layer Present 6F

Specimen Table 1 E11.5: embryonic day 11.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS19: dorsal root ganglion Present
TS19: future spinal cord Present
TS19: nasal pit Present
TS19: neural tube floor plate Present
TS19: neural tube roof plate Present
TS19: neural retina Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the retinal ganglion layer and neuroblastic layer.
TS19: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the preplate and the ventricular zone of the cerebral cortex.
TS19: midbrain roof plate Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the neuroepithelium and differentiating zone of the superior and inferior colliculi.

Specimen Table 1 E12.5: embryonic day 12.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS20: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Present
TS20: cortical preplate Present
TS20: dorsal root ganglion Present
TS20: spinal cord Present
TS20: spinal cord floor plate Present
TS20: spinal cord roof plate Present
TS20: vomeronasal organ Present
TS20: neural retina Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the retinal ganglion layer and neuroblastic layer.
TS20: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the hippocampus.
TS20: brain nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and ventral lateral geniculate nucleus.
TS20: midbrain roof plate Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the neuroepithelium and differentiating zone of the superior and inferior colliculi.
TS20: cerebellum primordium Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the cerebellar nuclei differentiating zone and cerebellar plate.
TS20: olfactory epithelium Absent

Specimen Table 1 E13.5: embryonic day 13.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS21: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present
TS21: cortical plate Present
TS21: cortical subplate Present
TS21: dorsal root ganglion Present
TS21: retina ganglion cell layer Present
TS21: spinal cord Present
TS21: spinal cord floor plate Present
TS21: spinal cord roof plate Present
TS21: vomeronasal organ Present
TS21: neural retinal epithelium Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the neuroblastic layer.
TS21: main olfactory bulb layer Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the mitral layer and granule cell layer.
TS21: telencephalon Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the hippocampus.
TS21: brain nucleus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and ventral lateral geniculate nucleus.
TS21: midbrain roof plate Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the neuroepithelium and differentiating zone of the superior and inferior colliculi.
TS21: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the cerebellar nuclei differentiating zone,cerebellar plate and the external granule layer.
TS21: cerebral cortex marginal layer Absent
TS21: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Absent
TS21: olfactory epithelium Absent

Specimen Table 1 E14.5: embryonic day 14.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS22: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present
TS22: cortical plate Present
TS22: hippocampus Present
TS22: inferior colliculus Present
TS22: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Present
TS22: retina ganglion cell layer Present
TS22: vomeronasal organ Present
TS22: neural retinal epithelium Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the neuroblastic layer.
TS22: main olfactory bulb layer Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the mitral layer and granule cell layer.
TS22: superior colliculus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the neuroepithelium of the superior colliculus.
TS22: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the cerebellar plate.
TS22: cerebral cortex marginal layer Absent
TS22: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Absent
TS22: cortical subplate Absent
TS22: dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus Absent
TS22: olfactory epithelium Absent
TS22: ventral lateral geniculate nucleus Absent

Specimen Table 1 E16.4: embryonic day 16.5 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS24: cerebral cortex intermediate zone Present
TS24: cerebral cortex ventricular layer Present
TS24: cortical plate Present
TS24: dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus Present
TS24: hippocampus Present
TS24: inferior colliculus Present
TS24: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Present
TS24: main olfactory bulb prospective granule cell layer Present
TS24: retina ganglion cell layer Present
TS24: retina nuclear layer Present
TS24: ventral lateral geniculate nucleus Present
TS24: vomeronasal organ Present
TS24: superior colliculus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the neuroepithelium of the superior colliculus.
TS24: cerebellum Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the cerebellar plate.
TS24: cerebral cortex marginal layer Absent
TS24: cortical subplate Absent
TS24: olfactory epithelium Absent

Specimen Table 1 P1: postnatal day 1 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS27: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present
TS27: cerebellum external granule cell layer Present
TS27: cerebellum granule cell layer Present
TS27: cortical layer II Present
TS27: cortical layer III Present
TS27: cortical layer IV Present
TS27: cortical layer V Present
TS27: cortical layer VI Present
TS27: dentate gyrus Present
TS27: dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus Present
TS27: hippocampus CA1 Present
TS27: hippocampus CA3 Present
TS27: main olfactory bulb granule cell layer Present
TS27: main olfactory bulb mitral cell layer Present
TS27: ventral lateral geniculate nucleus Present
TS27: inferior colliculus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the neuroepithelium.
TS27: superior colliculus Present Regionally restricted Expression is in the neuroepithelium.
TS27: cerebellum molecular layer Absent
TS27: cerebral cortex ventricular zone Absent
TS27: cortical layer I Absent
TS27: olfactory epithelium Absent
TS27: vomeronasal organ Absent

Specimen Table 1 P7: postnatal day 7 (more )
Structure Level Pattern Image Note
TS28: cerebellum Purkinje cell layer Present
TS28: cerebellum external granule cell layer Present
TS28: cerebellum granule cell layer Present
TS28: cortical layer II Present
TS28: cortical layer III Present
TS28: cortical layer IV Present
TS28: cortical layer V Present
TS28: cortical layer VI Present
TS28: deep cerebellar nucleus Present
TS28: dentate gyrus Present
TS28: hippocampus CA1 Present
TS28: hippocampus CA3 Present
TS28: ventral lateral geniculate nucleus Present
TS28: ventral posterior lateral thalamic nucleus Present
TS28: cerebellum molecular layer Absent
TS28: cerebral cortex ventricular zone Absent
TS28: cortical layer I Absent
TS28: ventrolateral thalamic nucleus Absent

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory