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Disease Ontology Browser
chromosome 15q26-qter deletion syndrome (DOID:0060397)
Alliance: disease page
Synonyms: 15q26 deletion syndrome; distal 15q deletion syndrome; distal monosomy 15q; Drayer syndrome; telomeric 15q deletion syndrome
Alt IDs: OMIM:612626, ICD10CM:Q93.5, MESH:C567232, ORDO:1596
Definition: A chromosomal deletion syndrome that is characterized by pre- and postnatal growth restriction, developmental delay, variable degrees of intellectual disability, brachy-clinodactyly, talipes equinovarus, nail hypoplasia, proximally placed digits and mild craniofacial dysmorphism including microcephaly, triangular face, broad nasal bridge and micrognathia.

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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