Excel File Text File *Disease is associated/modeled with this Gene or a homolog. More...
      Disease Term Human Homologs Mouse Homologs Mouse Models Homology Source
     acheiropody LMBR1* Lmbr1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
achondrogenesis type IA TRIP11* Trip11* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
achondrogenesis type II COL2A1* Col2a1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
achondroplasia FGFR3* Fgfr3* 9 models Alliance of Genome Resources
acrocephalosyndactylia FGFR2* Fgfr2* 8 models Alliance of Genome Resources
acrodysostosis PRKAR1A* Prkar1a* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
acromesomelic dysplasia, Grebe type GDF5* Gdf5* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
acromesomelic dysplasia, Hunter-Thompson type GDF5* Gdf5* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
acromesomelic dysplasia, Maroteaux type NPR2* Npr2* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy 2 IFT80* Ift80* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy 3 DYNC2H1* Dync2h1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets FGF23* Fgf23* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal dominant osteopetrosis 2 CLCN7* Clcn7* 7 models Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive osteopetrosis 1 TCIRG1* Tcirg1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive osteopetrosis 2 TNFSF11* Tnfsf11* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive osteopetrosis 3 CA2* Car2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive osteopetrosis 4 CLCN7* Clcn7* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive osteopetrosis 5 OSTM1* Ostm1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive osteopetrosis 6 PLEKHM1* Plekhm1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive osteopetrosis 8 SNX10* Snx10* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type A1 IHH* Ihh* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type A1C GDF5* Gdf5* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type A2 GDF5* Gdf5* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type C GDF5* Gdf5* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
campomelic dysplasia SOX9* Sox9* 9 models Alliance of Genome Resources
Carpenter syndrome MEGF8* Megf8* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
chondrodysplasia with joint dislocations gPAPP type BPNT2* Bpnt2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
cleidocranial dysplasia RUNX2* Runx2* 4 models Alliance of Genome Resources
clubfoot PITX1* Pitx1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis MSX2* Msx2* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
craniotubular dysplasia Ikegawa type TMEM53* Tmem53* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Crouzon syndrome FGFR2* Fgfr2* 4 models Alliance of Genome Resources
Desbuquois dysplasia CANT1* Cant1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
diastrophic dysplasia SLC26A2* Slc26a2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
fibular hypoplasia and complex brachydactyly GDF5* Gdf5* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Fuhrmann syndrome WNT7A* Wnt7a* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
geleophysic dysplasia 1 ADAMTSL2* Adamtsl2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
gnathodiaphyseal dysplasia ANO5* Ano5* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome GLI3* Gli3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Hajdu-Cheney syndrome NOTCH2* Notch2* 4 models Alliance of Genome Resources
hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria SLC34A1* Slc34a1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
hereditary multiple exostoses EXT1* Ext1* 5 models Alliance of Genome Resources
hypertrichotic osteochondrodysplasia Cantu type ABCC9* Abcc9* 4 models Alliance of Genome Resources
hypochondroplasia FGFR3* Fgfr3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
KBG syndrome ANKRD11* Ankrd11* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II PCNT* Pcnt* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Muenke Syndrome FGFR3* Fgfr3* 6 models Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple epiphyseal dysplasia 5 MATN3* Matn3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis MATN3* Matn3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis GDF5* Gdf5* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta COL1A2* Col1a2* 5 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta COL1A1* Col1a1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 1 COL1A1* Col1a1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 10 SERPINH1* Serpinh1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 2 COL1A1* Col1a1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 3 COL1A1* Col1a1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 3 COL1A2* Col1a2* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 4 COL1A1* Col1a1* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 5 IFITM5* Ifitm5* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 6 SERPINF1* Serpinf1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 7 CRTAP* Crtap* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 8 P3H1* P3h1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 9 PPIB* Ppib* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis AMER1* Amer1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis TNFSF11* Tnfsf11* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma TP53* Trp53* 10 models Alliance of Genome Resources
otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia, autosomal recessive COL11A2* Col11a2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone TNFRSF11A* Tnfrsf11a* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone SQSTM1* Sqstm1* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
Pfeiffer syndrome FGFR2* Fgfr2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Pfeiffer syndrome FGFR1* Fgfr1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
progressive pseudorheumatoid arthropathy of childhood CCN6* Ccn6* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
pseudoachondroplasia COMP* Comp* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis TNF* Tnf* 6 models Alliance of Genome Resources
rickets VDR* Vdr* 4 models Alliance of Genome Resources
rickets CYP27B1* Cyp27b1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
rigid spine muscular dystrophy 1 SELENON* Selenon* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Saethre-Chotzen syndrome TWIST1* Twist1* 8 models Alliance of Genome Resources
Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia SMARCAL1* Smarcal1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia COL10A1* Col10a1* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
schneckenbecken dysplasia SLC35D1* Slc35d1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
sclerosteosis 1 SOST* Sost* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
sclerosteosis 2 LRP4* Lrp4* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 7 with or without polydactyly WDR35* Wdr35* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 9 with or without polydactyly IFT140* Ift140* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Silverman-Handmaker type dyssegmental dysplasia HSPG2* Hspg2* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
Smith-McCort dysplasia 2 RAB33B* Rab33b* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
split hand-foot malformation 1 DLX5* Dlx5* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocarpotarsal synostosis syndrome FLNB* Flnb* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Pakistani type PAPSS2* Papss2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita COL2A1* Col2a1* 7 models Alliance of Genome Resources
thanatophoric dysplasia FGFR3* Fgfr3* 4 models Alliance of Genome Resources
X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets PHEX* Phex* 20 models Alliance of Genome Resources
     achondroplasia PTHLH Pthlh* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
achondroplasia SPRED2 Spred2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
achondroplasia NPR2 Npr2* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
achondroplasia NPPC Nppc* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
achondroplasia ACAN Acan* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy SMARCAD1 Smarcad1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy srt* 1 model
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy 1 IFT140 Ift140* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy 3 IFT80 Ift80* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets DMP1 Dmp1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive osteopetrosis 1 CCDC154 Ccdc154* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
bone development disease NPR2 Npr2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
bone disease NPR3 Npr3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
bone remodeling disease IDH2 Idh2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
bone structure disease QRFPR Qrfpr*, Qrfprl 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
bone structure disease POSTN Postn* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Camurati-Engelmann disease MITF Mitf* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis PSTPIP2 Pstpip2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
cleidocranial dysplasia Ccd* 2 models
clubfoot skc3* 1 model
clubfoot TCIRG1 Tcirg1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
clubfoot pma* 1 model
clubfoot GRIP1 Grip1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
clubfoot FRAS1 Fras1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
clubfoot FKBP8 Fkbp8* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
clubfoot Dbf* 1 model
clubfoot cl* 1 model
clubfoot vsd* 1 model
clubfoot RET Ret* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
craniometaphyseal dysplasia ANKH Ank* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis AXIN2 Axin2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Crouzon syndrome Bey* 1 model
dysostosis KIF3A Kif3a* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
hereditary multiple exostoses EXT2 Ext2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
hypertrichotic osteochondrodysplasia Cantu type KCNJ8 Kcnj8* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
hypochondrogenesis COL2A1 Col2a1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
idiopathic scoliosis PTPN11 Ptpn11* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
idiopathic scoliosis ADGRG6 Adgrg6* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
idiopathic scoliosis MBTPS1 Mbtps1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
idiopathic scoliosis PRMT5 Prmt5* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
idiopathic scoliosis RUNX3 Runx3* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis SHOX2 Shox2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple epiphyseal dysplasia COMP Comp* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple synostoses syndrome GDF5 Gdf5* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple synostoses syndrome FGF9 Fgf9* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis BMPR1A Bmpr1a* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis COL11A1 Col11a1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ENPP1 Enpp1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ERG Erg* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ERRFI1 Errfi1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis MYL3 Myl3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis SMAD3 Smad3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis TGFBR1 Tgfbr1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ATP7A Atp7a* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis BMP7 Bmp7* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis COL9A1 Col9a1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia ATF2 Atf2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia CEBPB Cebpb* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia MIR140 Mir140* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia NPPC Nppc* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia RNF146 Rnf146* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta SMPD3 Smpd3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta SMAD4 Smad4* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 2 SMPD3 Smpd3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 3 SMPD3 Smpd3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 5 SUCO Suco* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteopetrosis CSF1 Csf1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteopetrosis MITF Mitf* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteopetrosis LRRK1 Lrrk1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis CIITA Ciita* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis ID4 Id4* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis IFNGR1 Ifngr1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis IRAK3 Irak3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis Ly6a* 1 model
osteoporosis PLS3 Pls3* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis Terc* 2 models
osteoporosis TNFRSF11B Tnfrsf11b* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis VDR Vdr* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone INPP5D Inpp5d* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis MMP14 Mmp14* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis ZAP70 Zap70* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis ZFP36 Zfp36* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IL6ST Il6st* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis DNASE2 Dnase2a* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
rickets FAM20C Fam20c* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Scheuermann's disease NFIX Nfix* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Scheuermann's disease CLEC3B Clec3b* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
scoliosis Hvf* 1 model
scoliosis FGFR3 Fgfr3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Smith-McCort dysplasia DYM Dym* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
SOST-related sclerosing bone dysplasia SOST Sost* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
spinal disease TSC1 Tsc1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
split hand-foot malformation MAP3K20 Map3k20* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
split hand-foot malformation 1 DLX6 Dlx6* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloarthropathy TNF Tnf* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloarthropathy ENPP1 Enpp1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocostal dysostosis RIPPLY2 Ripply2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocostal dysostosis HES7 Hes7* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocostal dysostosis DLL3 Dll3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia COL2A1 Col2a1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita HAPLN1 Hapln1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
syndactyly b2b1594Clo* 1 model
synpolydactyly HOXD13 Hoxd13* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
thanatophoric dysplasia HSPG2 Hspg2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome ACVR2A Acvr2a* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome TFRC Tfrc* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome SOX11 Sox11* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome MAPK1 Mapk1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome hpmd* 1 model
X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets Gy* 1 model
     achondrogenesis type IB SLC26A2* Slc26a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acrocapitofemoral dysplasia IHH* Ihh   Alliance of Genome Resources
acrocephalosyndactylia FGFR1* Fgfr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acrocephalosyndactylia TWIST1* Twist1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acrodysostosis PDE4D* Pde4d   Alliance of Genome Resources
acrofacial dysostosis Cincinnati type POLR1A* Polr1a   Alliance of Genome Resources
acromelic frontonasal dysostosis ZSWIM6* Zswim6   Alliance of Genome Resources
acromesomelic dysplasia-3 BMPR1B* Bmpr1b   Alliance of Genome Resources
acromesomelic dysplasia-4 PRKG2* Prkg2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acromicric dysplasia FBN1* Fbn1   Alliance of Genome Resources
anauxetic dysplasia 1 RMRP* Rmrp   Alliance of Genome Resources
anauxetic dysplasia 2 POP1* Pop1   Alliance of Genome Resources
anauxetic dysplasia 3 NEPRO* Nepro   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis HLA-DRB1*, HLA-DRB3, HLA-DRB4, HLA-DRB5 H2-Eb1, H2-Eb2   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis HLA-B*, HLA-A, HLA-C, HLA-E, HLA-F, HLA-G, HLA-H H2-D1, H2-K1, H2-L, H2-M1, H2-M2, H2-M3, H2-M5, H2-M9, H2-M10.1, H2-M10.2, H2-M10.3, H2-M10.4, H2-M10.5, H2-M10.6, H2-M11, H2-Q1, H2-Q2, H2-Q4, H2-Q6, H2-Q7, H2-Q8, H2-Q10, H2-T3, H2-T10, H2-T22, H2-T23   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis TNFRSF1B* Tnfrsf1b   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis TAP2* Tap2   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis TAP1* Tap1   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis PTGER4* Ptger4   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis PSMB9* Psmb9   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis MTHFR* Mthfr   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis KDM5A* Kdm5a   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis JAK2* Jak2   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis IRAK1* Irak1   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis ACE* Ace   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis ANO6* Ano6   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis ASPN* Aspn   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis CYP1A1* Cyp1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis HLA-DQA1*, HLA-DQA2 H2-Aa   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis HLA-DQB1*, HLA-DQB2 H2-Ab1   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis IL23R* Il23r   Alliance of Genome Resources
ankylosing spondylitis IL17A* Il17a   Alliance of Genome Resources
Antley-Bixler syndrome FGFR2* Fgfr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
Antley-Bixler syndrome with disordered steroidogenesis POR* Por   Alliance of Genome Resources
Antley-Bixler syndrome without disordered steroidogenesis FGFR2* Fgfr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthritis HLA-DQB1*, HLA-DQB2 H2-Ab1   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthritis HLA-DQA1*, HLA-DQA2 H2-Aa   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthritis GC* Gc   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthritis FCGR3A*, FCGR3B Fcgr4   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthritis CD40* Cd40   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthritis B2M* B2m   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthritis TLR4* Tlr4   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthritis PARP1* Parp1   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthritis IL23R* Il23r   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthropathy CCN6* Ccn6   Alliance of Genome Resources
arthropathy TBX4* Tbx4   Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy DYNC2LI1* Dync2li1   Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy DYNLT2B* Dynlt2b   Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy IFT52* Ift52   Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy INTU* Intu   Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy NEK1* Nek1   Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy DYNC2H1* Dync2h1   Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy KIAA0753* 4933427D14Rik   Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy 4 TTC21B* Ttc21b   Alliance of Genome Resources
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy 5 WDR19* Wdr19   Alliance of Genome Resources
atelosteogenesis FLNB* Flnb   Alliance of Genome Resources
atelosteogenesis SLC26A2* Slc26a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal dominant craniodiaphyseal dysplasia SOST* Sost   Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal dominant craniometaphyseal dysplasia ANKH* Ank   Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal dominant osteopetrosis 1 LRP5*, LRP5L Lrp5   Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive craniometaphyseal dysplasia GJA1*, GJA6P Gja1, Gja6   Alliance of Genome Resources
autosomal recessive osteopetrosis 7 TNFRSF11A* Tnfrsf11a   Alliance of Genome Resources
axial spondylometaphyseal dysplasia CFAP410* Cfap410   Alliance of Genome Resources
Baller-Gerold syndrome RECQL4* Recql4   Alliance of Genome Resources
Beukes hip dysplasia UFSP2* Ufsp2   Alliance of Genome Resources
bone development disease TNFRSF11A* Tnfrsf11a   Alliance of Genome Resources
bone development disease FLNB* Flnb   Alliance of Genome Resources
bone disease EPHX1* Ephx1   Alliance of Genome Resources
bone disease FGF2* Fgf2   Alliance of Genome Resources
Boomerang dysplasia FLNB* Flnb   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly HOXD13* Hoxd13   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly SLC26A2* Slc26a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type A1 GDF5* Gdf5   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type A1D BMPR1B* Bmpr1b   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type A2 BMPR1B* Bmpr1b   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type A2 BMP2* Bmp2   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type A4 HOXD13* Hoxd13   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type B1 ROR2* Ror2 1 "NOT" model Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type B2 NOG* Nog   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type D HOXD13* Hoxd13   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type E1 HOXD13* Hoxd13   Alliance of Genome Resources
brachydactyly type E2 PTHLH* Pthlh   Alliance of Genome Resources
Caffey disease COL1A1* Col1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
calvarial doughnut lesions with bone fragility SGMS2* Sgms2   Alliance of Genome Resources
Camurati-Engelmann disease TGFB1* Tgfb1   Alliance of Genome Resources
Carpenter syndrome RAB23* Rab23   Alliance of Genome Resources
Catel Manzke syndrome TGDS* Tgds   Alliance of Genome Resources
Cenani-Lenz syndactyly syndrome LRP4* Lrp4   Alliance of Genome Resources
chondrocalcinosis ANKH* Ank   Alliance of Genome Resources
chondrodysplasia Blomstrand type PTH1R* Pth1r   Alliance of Genome Resources
chondrosarcoma TAF15* Taf15   Alliance of Genome Resources
chondrosarcoma EXT1* Ext1   Alliance of Genome Resources
chondrosarcoma COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis IL1R1* Il1r1   Alliance of Genome Resources
clubfoot CYP1A1* Cyp1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
clubfoot HOXD13* Hoxd13   Alliance of Genome Resources
clubfoot HOXD12* Hoxd12   Alliance of Genome Resources
clubfoot FLNB* Flnb   Alliance of Genome Resources
Cole-Carpenter syndrome SEC24D* Sec24d   Alliance of Genome Resources
Cole-Carpenter syndrome P4HB* P4hb   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis ZIC1* Zic1   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis NOG* Nog   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis TWIST1* Twist1   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis ERF* Erf   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis FGFR2* Fgfr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis FGFR3* Fgfr3   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis FLNA* Flna   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis TCF12* Tcf12   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis ALX4* Alx4   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis BBS9* Bbs9   Alliance of Genome Resources
craniosynostosis 7 SMAD6* Smad6   Alliance of Genome Resources
Crouzon syndrome-acanthosis nigricans syndrome FGFR3* Fgfr3   Alliance of Genome Resources
cystic echinococcosis TLR2* Tlr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
cystic echinococcosis HLA-DQB1*, HLA-DQB2 H2-Ab1   Alliance of Genome Resources
cystic echinococcosis HLA-DRB1*, HLA-DRB3, HLA-DRB4, HLA-DRB5 H2-Eb1, H2-Eb2   Alliance of Genome Resources
degenerative disc disease ASPN* Aspn   Alliance of Genome Resources
degenerative disc disease COL1A1* Col1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
Desbuquois dysplasia XYLT1* Xylt1   Alliance of Genome Resources
developmental dysplasia of the hip 1 GDF5* Gdf5   Alliance of Genome Resources
diaphyseal medullary stenosis with malignant fibrous histiocytoma MTAP* Mtap   Alliance of Genome Resources
Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen disease DYM* Dym   Alliance of Genome Resources
dysostosis EFNB1* Efnb1   Alliance of Genome Resources
dysostosis DLL3* Dll3   Alliance of Genome Resources
Eiken syndrome PTH1R* Pth1r   Alliance of Genome Resources
extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma TAF15* Taf15   Alliance of Genome Resources
extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma NR4A3* Nr4a3   Alliance of Genome Resources
familial expansile osteolysis TNFRSF11A* Tnfrsf11a   Alliance of Genome Resources
fibrochondrogenesis 1 COL11A1* Col11a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
fibrochondrogenesis 2 COL11A2* Col11a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
Frank-Ter Haar syndrome SH3PXD2B* Sh3pxd2b   Alliance of Genome Resources
frontometaphyseal dysplasia MAP3K7* Map3k7   Alliance of Genome Resources
frontometaphyseal dysplasia 1 FLNA* Flna   Alliance of Genome Resources
frontometaphyseal dysplasia 2 MAP3K7* Map3k7   Alliance of Genome Resources
geleophysic dysplasia 2 FBN1* Fbn1   Alliance of Genome Resources
geleophysic dysplasia 3 LTBP3* Ltbp3   Alliance of Genome Resources
gout A1CF* A1cf   Alliance of Genome Resources
gout PRPS1* Prps1   Alliance of Genome Resources
gout HP*, HPR Hp   Alliance of Genome Resources
gout SLC17A3* Slc17a3   Alliance of Genome Resources
gout ABCG2* Abcg2, Abcg3   Alliance of Genome Resources
gout ADRB3* Adrb3   Alliance of Genome Resources
hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria SLC34A3* Slc34a3 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis LRP5*, LRP5L Lrp5   Alliance of Genome Resources
ischiocoxopodopatellar syndrome TBX4* Tbx4   Alliance of Genome Resources
Jansen's metaphyseal chondrodysplasia PTH1R* Pth1r   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis IL1A* Il1a   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis SLC26A2* Slc26a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis SLC11A1* Slc11a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis SH2D2A* Sh2d2a   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis PTPN22* Ptpn22   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis LACC1* Lacc1   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis HFE* Hfe   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis HLA-DRB1*, HLA-DRB3, HLA-DRB4, HLA-DRB5 H2-Eb1, H2-Eb2   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis HLA-DQB1*, HLA-DQB2 H2-Ab1   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis HLA-DQA1*, HLA-DQA2 H2-Aa   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis GSTT1* Gstt1   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis CIITA* Ciita   Alliance of Genome Resources
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis CCR5* Ccr5   Alliance of Genome Resources
Kenny-Caffey syndrome type 1 TBCE* Tbce   Alliance of Genome Resources
Kenny-Caffey syndrome type 2 FAM111A* Fam111a   Alliance of Genome Resources
Klippel-Feil syndrome 1 GDF6* Gdf6   Alliance of Genome Resources
Klippel-Feil syndrome 2 MEOX1* Meox1   Alliance of Genome Resources
Klippel-Feil syndrome 3 GDF3* Gdf3   Alliance of Genome Resources
Klippel-Feil syndrome 4 MYO18B* Myo18b   Alliance of Genome Resources
Kniest dysplasia COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
kyphosis ELP1* Elp1   Alliance of Genome Resources
Laurin-Sandrow syndrome LMBR1* Lmbr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis SHOX*  
localized osteosarcoma CCNG1* Ccng1   Alliance of Genome Resources
mandibuloacral dysplasia type A lipodystrophy LMNA* Lmna   Alliance of Genome Resources
mandibuloacral dysplasia type B lipodystrophy ZMPSTE24* Zmpste24   Alliance of Genome Resources
Melnick-Needles syndrome FLNA* Flna   Alliance of Genome Resources
melorheostosis MAP2K1* Map2k1   Alliance of Genome Resources
metachondromatosis PTPN11* Ptpn11   Alliance of Genome Resources
metaphyseal dysplasia SFRP4* Sfrp4   Alliance of Genome Resources
metaphyseal dysplasia-maxillary hypoplasia-brachydactyly syndrome RUNX2* Runx2   Alliance of Genome Resources
metatropic dysplasia TRPV4* Trpv4   Alliance of Genome Resources
microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type I RNU4ATAC*  
Miura type epiphyseal chondrodysplasia NPR2* Npr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple epiphyseal dysplasia 1 COMP* Comp   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple epiphyseal dysplasia 2 COL9A2* Col9a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple epiphyseal dysplasia 3 COL9A3* Col9a3   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple epiphyseal dysplasia 4 SLC26A2* Slc26a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple epiphyseal dysplasia 6 COL9A1* Col9a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple epiphyseal dysplasia 7 CANT1* Cant1   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple synostoses syndrome 1 GDF5* Gdf5   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple synostoses syndrome 1 NOG* Nog   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple synostoses syndrome 2 GDF5* Gdf5   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple synostoses syndrome 3 FGF9* Fgf9   Alliance of Genome Resources
multiple synostoses syndrome 4 GDF6* Gdf6   Alliance of Genome Resources
Nager acrofacial dysostosis SF3B4* Sf3b4   Alliance of Genome Resources
omodysplasia 1 GPC6* Gpc6   Alliance of Genome Resources
omodysplasia 2 FZD2* Fzd2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ADAM12* Adam12   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ADAMTS5* Adamts5   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ADAMTS14* Adamts14   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ASPN* Aspn   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis BAG6* Bag6   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis BGLAP* Bglap, Bglap2, Bglap3   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis BMP2* Bmp2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis CD36* Cd36   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis CILP* Cilp   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis CLEC3B* Clec3b   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis DDR2* Ddr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ESR1* Esr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis ESR2* Esr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis FCGR2A*, FCGR2B, FCGR2C Fcgr2b, Fcgr3   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis FGFR1* Fgfr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis FRZB* Frzb   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis GHR* Ghr   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis HFE* Hfe   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis MMP3* Mmp3   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis MMP13* Mmp13   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis NCOR2* Ncor2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis POMC* Pomc   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis PTGS2* Ptgs2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis TENT5A* Tent5a   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoarthritis TNFRSF11B* Tnfrsf11b   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia COMP* Comp   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia FLNB* Flnb   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia FLNA* Flna   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia DYM* Dym   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia BMPR1B* Bmpr1b   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia CHST3* Chst3   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia COL9A1* Col9a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia COL9A2* Col9a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia COL9A3* Col9a3   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia COL10A1* Col10a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia COL11A2* Col11a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia TRPS1* Trps1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia TGFB1* Tgfb1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia SLC26A2* Slc26a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia PTH1R* Pth1r   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia MATN3* Matn3   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia LIFR* Lifr   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteochondrodysplasia HSPG2* Hspg2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta CCDC134* Ccdc134   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta PHLDB1* Phldb1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 11 FKBP10* Fkbp10   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 12 SP7* Sp7   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 13 BMP1* Bmp1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 14 TMEM38B* Tmem38b   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 15 WNT1* Wnt1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 16 CREB3L1* Creb3l1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 17 SPARC* Sparc   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 18 TENT5A* Tent5a   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 19 MBTPS2* Mbtps2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 2 COL1A2* Col1a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 20 MESD* Mesd   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 21 KDELR2* Kdelr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteogenesis imperfecta type 4 COL1A2* Col1a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoglophonic dysplasia FGFR1* Fgfr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteomyelitis HLA-DQB1*, HLA-DQB2 H2-Ab1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis GSTT1* Gstt1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis F5* F5   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis NOS3* Nos3   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis F2* F2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis IL23R* Il23r   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis ANXA2*, ANXA2P2 Anxa2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis ABCB1* Abcb1a, Abcb1b   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis TFPI* Tfpi   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis TRPV4* Trpv4   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis CAT* Cat   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis PLAT* Plat   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteonecrosis GSTM1*, GSTM5 Gstm1, Gstm2, Gstm3, Gstm6   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteopetrosis CA2* Car2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteopetrosis SLC4A2* Slc4a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteopetrosis PLEKHM1* Plekhm1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis IL1RN* Il1rn   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis IL1A* Il1a   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis LEP* Lep   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis IGF1R* Igf1r   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis GSTP1* Gstp1, Gstp2, Gstp3, Gstp-ps   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis LEPR* Lepr   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis ESR2* Esr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis ESR1* Esr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis DBP* Dbp   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis CYP19A1* Cyp19a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis CYP17A1* Cyp17a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis CXCR4* Cxcr4   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis COL1A2* Col1a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis COL1A1* Col1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis CALCR* Calcr   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis CALCA*, CALCB Calca, Calcb   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis BMP2* Bmp2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis BGLAP* Bglap, Bglap2, Bglap3   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis LRP5*, LRP5L Lrp5   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis NRIP1* Nrip1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis PDLIM4* Pdlim4   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis SOD2* Sod2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis TNFRSF1B* Tnfrsf1b   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis TNFRSF11A* Tnfrsf11a   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteoporosis IL32*  
osteosarcoma E2F1* E2f1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma SERPINF1* Serpinf1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma CDC5L* Cdc5l, Cdc5lrt1, Cdc5lrt4, Cdc5lrt5, Cdc5lrt6, Cdc5lrt7, Cdc5lrt8, Cdc5lrt9, Cdc5lrt10   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma ERCC1* Ercc1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma CXCR4* Cxcr4   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma DDR1* Ddr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma CHEK2* Chek2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma EFEMP2* Efemp2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma EZH2* Ezh2   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma GSTM3* Gstm5   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma MIR494* Mir494   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma MIR624*  
osteosarcoma MTHFR* Mthfr   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma PTH* Pth   Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosarcoma RB1* Rb1 6 models Alliance of Genome Resources
osteosclerotic metaphyseal dysplasia LRRK1* Lrrk1   Alliance of Genome Resources
otopalatodigital syndrome spectrum disorder FLNA* Flna   Alliance of Genome Resources
otopalatodigital syndrome type 1 FLNA* Flna   Alliance of Genome Resources
otopalatodigital syndrome type 2 FLNA* Flna   Alliance of Genome Resources
otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia, autosomal dominant COL11A2* Col11a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone OPTN* Optn   Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone TNFRSF11B* Tnfrsf11b   Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone VCP* Vcp   Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone 2 TNFRSF11A* Tnfrsf11a   Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone 3 SQSTM1* Sqstm1   Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone 5 TNFRSF11B* Tnfrsf11b   Alliance of Genome Resources
Paget's disease of bone 6 ZNF687* Zfp687   Alliance of Genome Resources
parastremmatic dwarfism TRPV4* Trpv4   Alliance of Genome Resources
proximal symphalangism NOG* Nog   Alliance of Genome Resources
proximal symphalangism 1 NOG* Nog   Alliance of Genome Resources
proximal symphalangism 2 GDF5* Gdf5   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis STAT4* Stat4   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis IRAK1* Irak1   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis LTA* Lta   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis PECAM1* Pecam1   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis PTPN22* Ptpn22   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis STAT3* Stat3   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis TNF* Tnf   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis CCR2* Ccr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis CYP1A1* Cyp1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis IL13* Il13   Alliance of Genome Resources
psoriatic arthritis IL17A* Il17a   Alliance of Genome Resources
pycnodysostosis CTSK* Ctsk   Alliance of Genome Resources
reactive arthritis TAP1* Tap1   Alliance of Genome Resources
reactive arthritis HLA-B*, HLA-A, HLA-C, HLA-E, HLA-F, HLA-G, HLA-H H2-D1, H2-K1, H2-L, H2-M1, H2-M2, H2-M3, H2-M5, H2-M9, H2-M10.1, H2-M10.2, H2-M10.3, H2-M10.4, H2-M10.5, H2-M10.6, H2-M11, H2-Q1, H2-Q2, H2-Q4, H2-Q6, H2-Q7, H2-Q8, H2-Q10, H2-T3, H2-T10, H2-T22, H2-T23   Alliance of Genome Resources
reactive arthritis TAP2* Tap2   Alliance of Genome Resources
reactive arthritis CYP1A1* Cyp1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
reactive arthritis SOD2* Sod2   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis TNFRSF1A* Tnfrsf1a   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis TYMS* Tyms   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis VDR* Vdr   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis VIM* Vim   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IL23R* Il23r   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IL17A* Il17a   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IL10* Il10   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IL4R* Il4ra   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IL3* Il3   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IL2* Il2   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IL1RN* Il1rn   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IL1A* Il1a   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IGF2* Igf2   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IFNG* Ifng   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis HFE* Hfe   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis HLA-DRB1*, HLA-DRB3, HLA-DRB4, HLA-DRB5 H2-Eb1, H2-Eb2   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis HLA-DQB1*, HLA-DQB2 H2-Ab1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis HLA-DQA1*, HLA-DQA2 H2-Aa   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis GSTT1* Gstt1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis GSTM1*, GSTM5 Gstm1, Gstm2, Gstm3, Gstm6   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis FCGR3A*, FCGR3B Fcgr4   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis IRF5* Irf5   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis FAS* Fas   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis ESR2* Esr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis ELN* Eln   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis EDN1* Edn1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis DNMT3B* Dnmt3b   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis CLEC16A* Clec16a   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis CIITA* Ciita   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis CD244* Cd244a   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis CD40* Cd40   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis CCR5* Ccr5   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis CCR1* Ccr1, Ccr1l1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis CAST* Cast   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis C4B*, C4A, C4B_2 C4a, C4b   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis BTNL2* Btnl2   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis BGLAP* Bglap, Bglap2, Bglap3   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis ADRB3* Adrb3   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis FCGR2A*, FCGR2B, FCGR2C Fcgr2b, Fcgr3   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis ITPA* Itpa   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis KIF5A* Kif5a   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis MBD4* Mbd4   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis ND1* mt-Nd1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis MTHFR* Mthfr   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis NCF2* Ncf2   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis NCF4* Ncf4   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis NFKBIL1* Nfkbil1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis NPSR1* Npsr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis OPRM1* Oprm1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis PLAUR* Plaur   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis PTGS2* Ptgs2   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis PTPN22* Ptpn22   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis SLC11A1* Slc11a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis SLC22A4* Slc22a4   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis SPP1* Spp1   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis STAT3* Stat3   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis TAP2* Tap2   Alliance of Genome Resources
rheumatoid arthritis THBD* Thbd   Alliance of Genome Resources
Saethre-Chotzen syndrome FGFR2* Fgfr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
Saul-Wilson syndrome COG4* Cog4   Alliance of Genome Resources
sclerosteosis SOST* Sost   Alliance of Genome Resources
scoliosis TPH1* Tph1   Alliance of Genome Resources
scoliosis FBN2* Fbn2   Alliance of Genome Resources
scoliosis FBN1* Fbn1   Alliance of Genome Resources
scoliosis ELP1* Elp1   Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 10 with or without polydactyly IFT172* Ift172   Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 11 with or without polydactyly DYNC2I2* Dync2i2   Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 13 with or without polydactyly CEP120* Cep120   Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 14 with polydactyly KIAA0586* 2700049A03Rik   Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 18 with polydactyly IFT43* Ift43   Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 19 with or without polydactyly IFT81* Ift81   Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 6 with or without polydactyly NEK1* Nek1   Alliance of Genome Resources
short-rib thoracic dysplasia 8 with or without polydactyly DYNC2I1* Dync2i1   Alliance of Genome Resources
SHOX-related short stature SHOX*  
Smith-McCort dysplasia 1 DYM* Dym   Alliance of Genome Resources
spinal disease FLNB* Flnb   Alliance of Genome Resources
split hand-foot malformation 1 with sensorineural hearing loss DLX5* Dlx5   Alliance of Genome Resources
split hand-foot malformation 4 TP63* Trp63   Alliance of Genome Resources
split hand-foot malformation 6 WNT10B* Wnt10b   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloarthropathy HLA-B*, HLA-A, HLA-C, HLA-E, HLA-F, HLA-G, HLA-H H2-D1, H2-K1, H2-L, H2-M1, H2-M2, H2-M3, H2-M5, H2-M9, H2-M10.1, H2-M10.2, H2-M10.3, H2-M10.4, H2-M10.5, H2-M10.6, H2-M11, H2-Q1, H2-Q2, H2-Q4, H2-Q6, H2-Q7, H2-Q8, H2-Q10, H2-T3, H2-T10, H2-T22, H2-T23   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloarthropathy COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocostal dysostosis 1 DLL3* Dll3   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocostal dysostosis 2 MESP2* Mesp2   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocostal dysostosis 3 LFNG* Lfng   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocostal dysostosis 4 HES7* Hes7   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocostal dysostosis 5 TBX6* Tbx6   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylocostal dysostosis 6 RIPPLY2* Ripply2   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Genevieve-type NANS* Nans   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Missouri type MMP13* Mmp13   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Sponastrime type TONSL* Tonsl   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Strudwick type COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity type 1 B3GALT6* B3galt6   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity type 2 KIF22* Kif22   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity type 3 EXOC6B* Exoc6b   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Kimberley type ACAN* Acan   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Kondo-Fu type MBTPS1* Mbtps1   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Maroteaux type TRPV4* Trpv4   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Nishimura type MIR140* Mir140   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia Stanescu type COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia with congenital joint dislocations CHST3* Chst3   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylolysis SLC26A2* Slc26a2   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylometaepiphyseal dysplasia, short limb-hand type DDR2* Ddr2   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia PRKG2* Prkg2   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia ACP5* Acp5   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia corner fracture type FN1* Fn1   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia Kozlowski type TRPV4* Trpv4   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia Megarbane-Dagher-Melike type PAM16* Pam16, Pam16l   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia Sedaghatian type GPX4* Gpx4   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with cone-rod dystrophy PCYT1A* Pcyt1a   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with corneal dystrophy PLCB3* Plcb3   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondyloperipheral dysplasia COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
spondylosis KL* Kl   Alliance of Genome Resources
syndactyly GLI3* Gli3   Alliance of Genome Resources
syndactyly IRF6* Irf6   Alliance of Genome Resources
syndactyly type 1 IHH* Ihh   Alliance of Genome Resources
syndactyly type 3 GJA1*, GJA6P Gja1, Gja6   Alliance of Genome Resources
syndactyly type 4 LMBR1* Lmbr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
syndactyly type 4 SHH* Shh   Alliance of Genome Resources
syndactyly type 5 HOXD13* Hoxd13   Alliance of Genome Resources
syndactyly type 8 FGF16* Fgf16   Alliance of Genome Resources
tarsal-carpal coalition syndrome NOG* Nog   Alliance of Genome Resources
Torrance type platyspondylic dysplasia COL2A1* Col2a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
visceral leishmaniasis SLC11A1* Slc11a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
visceral leishmaniasis CSF2* Csf2   Alliance of Genome Resources
visceral leishmaniasis CXCL8*  
visceral leishmaniasis HLA-DQA1*, HLA-DQA2 H2-Aa   Alliance of Genome Resources
visceral leishmaniasis IL2RB* Il2rb   Alliance of Genome Resources
visceral leishmaniasis IL32*  
visceral leishmaniasis LTA* Lta   Alliance of Genome Resources
visceral leishmaniasis MBL2* Mbl2   Alliance of Genome Resources
visceral leishmaniasis TNF* Tnf   Alliance of Genome Resources
vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1A CYP27B1* Cyp27b1   Alliance of Genome Resources
vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1B CYP2R1* Cyp2r1   Alliance of Genome Resources
vitamin D-dependent rickets type 2A VDR* Vdr   Alliance of Genome Resources
Weyers acrofacial dysostosis EVC* Evc   Alliance of Genome Resources
Weyers acrofacial dysostosis EVC2* Evc2   Alliance of Genome Resources
Worth syndrome LRP5*, LRP5L Lrp5   Alliance of Genome Resources
X-linked recessive hypophosphatemic rickets CLCN5* Clcn5   Alliance of Genome Resources
X-linked spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia BGN* Bgn   Alliance of Genome Resources
X-linked spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda TRAPPC2*, TRAPPC2B Trappc2, Trappc2b   Alliance of Genome Resources

Transgenes and other genome features developed in mice to model this disease.
     Disease Term Transgenes and Other Genome Features Mouse Models
  achondroplasia Tg(FGFR3-G380R)7Aya 2 models
  achondroplasia Tg(Col2a1-Fgfr3/GH)BDor 1 model
  autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets Tg(APOE-FGF23*R176Q)#Ack 1 model
  autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets Tg(APOE-FGF23*R176Q)#Ack 1 model
  bone development disease Tg(Col11a2-Npr2*)28Keoz 1 model
  craniosynostosis Tg(Msx2)1Rem 1 model
  craniosynostosis Tg(CMV-Msx2*P7H)1Rem 1 model
  craniosynostosis Tg(Nell1)1Ting 1 model
  craniosynostosis Tg(Timp1-Msx2*P7H)1Rem 1 model
  hypochondrogenesis Tg(Col2a1*G574S)1Waho 1 model
  osteoarthritis Tg(MT2A-TGFBR2)4Rser 1 model
  osteogenesis imperfecta type 1 Tg(COL1A1)73Prc 1 model
  osteogenesis imperfecta type 5 Tg(Col1a1-Ifitm5*)1Brle 1 model
  osteoporosis Tg(TNFSF11)5519Edou 1 model
  osteoporosis Tg(CD4-CIITA)357Ccum 1 model
  osteoporosis Tg(APCS-Tnfsf11*)#aKhs 1 model
  osteosarcoma Tg(Bglap2-TAg)1Rkho 2 models
  osteosarcoma Tg(tetO-RNAi:Trp53)ASlowe 2 models
  pseudoachondroplasia Tg(Col2a1-rtTA,tetO-COMP*)2Jath 1 model
  rheumatoid arthritis Tg(CAG-SYVN1)1Tn 1 model
  rheumatoid arthritis Tg(FCGR2A)11Mkz 1 model
  rheumatoid arthritis Tg(HLA-DRA*0101,HLA-DRB1*0101)1Dmz 1 model
  rheumatoid arthritis Tg(TcraR28,TcrbR28)KRNDim 2 models
  rheumatoid arthritis Tg(TNF)197Gkl 1 model
  rheumatoid arthritis Tg(TNF)3647Gkl 1 model
  SOST-related sclerosing bone dysplasia Tg(RP11-209M4)AGglo 2 models
  SOST-related sclerosing bone dysplasia Rr20 1 model
  split hand-foot malformation 1 Del(6Dlx6-Dlx5)1Tlu 1 model
  spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita Tg(Col2a1*R789C)#Waho 1 model
  X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets Tg(Col1a1-FGF2*,-Sapphire)203Mmh 1 model
  X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets Tg(APOE-FGF23*R176Q)#Ack 1 model