Excel File Text File *Disease is associated/modeled with this Gene or a homolog. More...
      Disease Term Human Homologs Mouse Homologs Mouse Models Homology Source
     familial partial lipodystrophy PPARG Pparg* 3 models Alliance of Genome Resources
familial partial lipodystrophy ZMPSTE24 Zmpste24* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
     familial partial lipodystrophy ADRA2A* Adra2a   Alliance of Genome Resources
familial partial lipodystrophy CAV1* Cav1   Alliance of Genome Resources
familial partial lipodystrophy LMNA* Lmna 2 "NOT" models Alliance of Genome Resources
familial partial lipodystrophy type 2 LMNA* Lmna   Alliance of Genome Resources
familial partial lipodystrophy type 3 PPARG* Pparg   Alliance of Genome Resources
familial partial lipodystrophy type 4 PLIN1* Plin1   Alliance of Genome Resources
familial partial lipodystrophy type 5 CIDEC* Cidec   Alliance of Genome Resources
familial partial lipodystrophy type 6 LIPE* Lipe   Alliance of Genome Resources
partial lipodystrophy LMNB2* Lmnb2   Alliance of Genome Resources

Transgenes and other genome features developed in mice to model this disease.
     Disease Term Transgenes and Other Genome Features Mouse Models
  familial partial lipodystrophy Tg(Fabp4-LMNA*R482Q)11ACdl 1 model
  familial partial lipodystrophy Tg(Fabp4-LMNA*R482Q)17CCdl 1 model