Excel File Text File *Disease is associated/modeled with this Gene or a homolog. More...
      Disease Term Human Homologs Mouse Homologs Mouse Models Homology Source
     basal ganglia calcification PDGFRB* Pdgfrb* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
basal ganglia calcification SLC20A2* Slc20a2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
biotin-responsive basal ganglia disease SLC19A3* Slc19a3* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
     basal ganglia calcification XPR1* Xpr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
basal ganglia calcification JAM2* Jam2   Alliance of Genome Resources
basal ganglia calcification MYORG* Myorg   Alliance of Genome Resources
basal ganglia calcification PDGFB* Pdgfb   Alliance of Genome Resources
basal ganglia disease FTL* Ftl1, Ftl1-ps2, Ftl2-ps   Alliance of Genome Resources