Excel File Text File *Disease is associated/modeled with this Gene or a homolog. More...
      Disease Term Human Homologs Mouse Homologs Mouse Models Homology Source
     acute myeloid leukemia ASXL1* Asxl1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CEBPA* Cebpa* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CREBBP* Crebbp* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia FLT3* Flt3* 4 models Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia KMT2A* Kmt2a* 4 models Alliance of Genome Resources
     acute myeloid leukemia ARID4A Arid4a* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia MYBL2 Mybl2* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia SPI1 Spi1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia CHORDC1 Chordc1* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia NCSTN Ncstn* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia SH2B3 Sh2b3* 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia SIPA1 Sipa1* 2 models Alliance of Genome Resources
familial chronic myelocytic leukemia-like syndrome IRF8 Irf8* 4 models Alliance of Genome Resources
     acute megakaryocytic leukemia EZH2* Ezh2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute megakaryocytic leukemia MRTFA* Mrtfa   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute megakaryocytic leukemia JAK3* Jak3   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute monocytic leukemia MLLT10* Mllt10   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia ZRSR2*, ZRSR2P1 Zrsr2, Zrsr2-ps1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia DNMT3B* Dnmt3b   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia EPHX1* Ephx1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia ERCC1* Ercc1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia ERCC2* Ercc2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia ETV6* Etv6   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia EZH2* Ezh2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia FANCA* Fanca   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia FANCC* Fancc   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia FAS* Fas   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia FGFR1* Fgfr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia GATA2* Gata2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia GFI1* Gfi1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia GPX1* Gpx1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia GSTM1*, GSTM5 Gstm1, Gstm2, Gstm3, Gstm6   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia GSTP1* Gstp1, Gstp2, Gstp3, Gstp-ps   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia GSTT1* Gstt1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia HLA-DQB1*, HLA-DQB2 H2-Ab1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia IDH1* Idh1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia IDH2* Idh2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia IL1A* Il1a   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia IL6* Il6   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia ITGAV* Itgav   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia ITGB3* Itgb3   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia JAK2* Jak2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia KAT6A* Kat6a   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia KIT* Kit   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia KRAS* Kras 1 "NOT" model Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia LPP* Lpp   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia MEFV* Mefv   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia MLLT10* Mllt10   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia MTHFR* Mthfr   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia MTRR* Mtrr   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia NAT2*, NAT1 Nat1, Nat2, Nat3   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia NCOA2* Ncoa2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia NF1* Nf1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia NOS3* Nos3   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia NPM1* Npm1 1 "NOT" model Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia NQO1* Nqo1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia NRAS* Nras   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia NSD1* Nsd1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia NUP214* Nup214   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia PHF6* Phf6   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia PICALM* Picalm   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia RUNX1* Runx1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia SAMHD1* Samhd1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia SH3GL1* Sh3gl1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia SOCS1* Socs1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia SOD2* Sod2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia SRSF2* Srsf2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia TERT* Tert   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia TET2* Tet2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia TFPI2* Tfpi2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia TP53* Trp53   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia TYMS* Tyms   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia VEGFA* Vegfa   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia ABL1* Abl1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia ACSL6* Acsl6   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia BCL2* Bcl2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia BMI1*, COMMD3-BMI1 Bmi1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia BRD7* Brd7   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CBL* Cbl   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CCND1* Ccnd1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CDH1* Cdh1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CDKN1B* Cdkn1b   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CDKN2A* Cdkn2a   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CDKN2B* Cdkn2b   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CFHR1*, CFHR2 Cfhr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CHIC2* Chic2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CSF2* Csf2   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CSF3* Csf3   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CSF3R* Csf3r   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CTLA4* Ctla4   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CXCR4* Cxcr4   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CYP1A1* Cyp1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CYP2B6* Cyp2b9, Cyp2b10, Cyp2b13, Cyp2b19, Cyp2b23   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia CYP2D6*, CYP2D7 Cyp2d9, Cyp2d10, Cyp2d11, Cyp2d12, Cyp2d22, Cyp2d26, Cyp2d34, Cyp2d40   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia DLEC1* Dlec1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myeloid leukemia DNMT3A* Dnmt3a   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myelomonocytic leukemia FLT3* Flt3   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myelomonocytic leukemia CBFB* Cbfb   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myelomonocytic leukemia ARHGAP26* Arhgap26   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute myelomonocytic leukemia GMPS* Gmps   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute promyelocytic leukemia CDKN2B* Cdkn2b   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute promyelocytic leukemia GSTT1* Gstt1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute promyelocytic leukemia NUMA1* Numa1   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute promyelocytic leukemia ZBTB16* Zbtb16 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
acute promyelocytic leukemia PML* Pml 1 model Alliance of Genome Resources
acute promyelocytic leukemia RARA* Rara   Alliance of Genome Resources
acute promyelocytic leukemia MYC* Bmyc, Myc   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia IL10* Il10   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia MDM2* Mdm2   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia MTHFR* Mthfr   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia NQO1* Nqo1   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia VEGFA* Vegfa   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia XRCC1* Xrcc1   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia HLA-DQB1*, HLA-DQB2 H2-Ab1   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia ABCB1* Abcb1a, Abcb1b   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia ABCC2* Abcc2   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia ABCG2* Abcg2, Abcg3   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia ABL1* Abl1   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia AKT1* Akt1   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia BCL2L1* Bcl2l1   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia BCR* Bcr   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia CRKL* Crkl   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia CYP1A1* Cyp1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia CYP3A5*, CYP3A4, CYP3A7, CYP3A7-CYP3A51P, CYP3A43 Cyp3a11, Cyp3a13, Cyp3a16, Cyp3a25, Cyp3a41a, Cyp3a41b, Cyp3a44, Cyp3a57, Cyp3a59   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia ERCC2* Ercc2   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia FAS* Fas   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia FASLG* Fasl   Alliance of Genome Resources
chronic myeloid leukemia HLA-DQA1*, HLA-DQA2 H2-Aa   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia PRAME*, PRAMEF1, PRAMEF2, PRAMEF4, PRAMEF5, PRAMEF6, PRAMEF7, PRAMEF8, PRAMEF9, PRAMEF10, PRAMEF11, PRAMEF12, PRAMEF13, PRAMEF15, PRAMEF17, PRAMEF18, PRAMEF19, PRAMEF20, PRAMEF22, PRAMEF25, PRAMEF26, PRAMEF27, PRAMEF33 Pramel5, Pramel11, Pramel12, Pramel13, Pramel15, Pramel16, Pramel17, Pramel18, Pramel19, Pramel20, Pramel21, Pramel23, Pramel24, Pramel28, Pramel30, Pramel31, Pramel32, Pramel33, Pramel34, Pramel35, Pramel36, Pramel37, Pramel38, Pramel39-ps, Pramel40, Pramel41, Pramel42, Pramel43, Pramel44, Pramel45, Pramel46, Pramel47, Pramel48, Pramel49, Pramel50, Pramel53, Pramel54, Pramel55, Pramel56, Pramel57, Pramel58, Pramel59, Pramel60, Pramel61   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia PDGFRA* Pdgfra   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia NSD3* Nsd3   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia MN1* Mn1   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia IFNG* Ifng   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia GATA2* Gata2   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia FGFR1* Fgfr1   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia ERG* Erg   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia GSTP1* Gstp1, Gstp2, Gstp3, Gstp-ps   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia UGT1A1* Ugt1a1   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia CBX7* Cbx7   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia GSTM1*, GSTM5 Gstm1, Gstm2, Gstm3, Gstm6   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia GSTT1* Gstt1   Alliance of Genome Resources
myeloid leukemia associated with Down Syndrome GATA1* Gata1   Alliance of Genome Resources

Transgenes and other genome features developed in mice to model this disease.
     Disease Term Transgenes and Other Genome Features Mouse Models
  acute myeloid leukemia Tg(CMV-SALL4_iB)#Chai 1 model
  acute myeloid leukemia Tg(Vav1-Asxl1*Y588X)#Fcy 1 model
  acute myeloid leukemia Tg(Vav1-ERG)#Jpim 1 model
  acute promyelocytic leukemia Tg(PML-RARA)556Kog 2 models
  acute promyelocytic leukemia Tg(CTSG-NUMA1/RARA)#Skr 1 model
  chronic myeloid leukemia Tg(Ly6a-TK,-BCR/ABL1)IS9AIsg 1 model
  chronic myeloid leukemia Tg(tetO-BCR/ABL1)2Dgt 2 models
  chronic myeloid leukemia Tg(Ly6a-BCR/ABL1)IS1AIsg 1 model
  chronic myeloid leukemia Tg(Ly6a-BCR/ABL1)IS1BIsg 1 model