Excel File Text File All mouse models of centronuclear myopathy with phenotypic similarity to the human disease
        Disease Term Allelic Composition Genetic Background Reference Phenotypes
      centronuclear myopathy Dnm2tm1.1Ics/Dnm2+ involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 J:237196 View
centronuclear myopathy Klhl31em1Eno/Klhl31em1Eno involves: C57BL/6 J:247651 View
centronuclear myopathy Mtm1tm1.1Jman/Y involves: 129T1/Sv * C57BL/6 J:81791 View
centronuclear myopathy Tg(Myh7-Pln)2Egk/0 FVB/N-Tg(Myh7-Pln)2Egk J:224766 View