Parent term(s)
high grade glioma
central nervous system cancer
Term with siblings
malignant astrocytoma +
adult central nervous system choriocarcinoma
brain cancer
brain stem glioma
central nervous system germ cell tumor
central nervous system hematologic cancer
central nervous system melanocytic neoplasm
central nervous system mesenchymal non-meningothelial tumor
central nervous system rhabdomyosarcoma
central nervous system sarcoma
cerebellar astrocytoma
chordoid glioma
cranial nerve malignant neoplasm
diencephalic astrocytoma
diffuse pediatric-type high-grade glioma, H3-wildtype and IDH-wildtype
high grade ependymoma
histone mutated tumor
mixed glioma
optic nerve astrocytoma
pineal gland astrocytoma
spinal cancer
spinal cord glioma
Child term(s)
adult astrocytic tumor
anaplastic astrocytoma
anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
childhood astrocytic tumor
fibrillary astrocytoma
gemistocytic astrocytoma
infant-type hemispheric glioma
protoplasmic astrocytoma
denotes an 'is-a' relationship