This mutation was derived from the parent line b2b370Clo.

Summative Diagnosis:
Cardiovascular defects: Right aortic arch (RAA), hypoplastic ascending aorta and brachiocephalic arteries.
Non-cardiac defects: Noncardiac defects: Craniofacial defects - proboscis, micrognathia, no oral cavity opening (no mouth), holosproencephaly

Fyler Codes
The Fyler code developed by The Boston Children's Heart Foundation in Boston Children's Hospital provides a hierarchical clinical diagnosis of congenital cardiovascular defects and other disorders. These codes are used to delineate pathology in the mutant mouse models that parallel human disease and can be cross referenced to the International Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Code (IPCCC) (

Fyler Code ID Code Description
2600 Systemic artery anomaly
2700 Abnormal aortic arch
2721 Right aortic arch with abnormal branching pattern
3804 Congenital heart disease
4163 Micrognathia
4874 Mouth malformation
4907 Non-cardiac thoracic abnormality