How do I search for all targeted or spontaneous alleles associated with a gene or marker?
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For a single gene search, you can easily retrieve all alleles (or all transgenic, all targeted, all gene trapped, etc.) by going to the gene detail (ex. Nrp2) page and clicking on the appropriate hyperlink in the Mutations, alleles and phenotypes row.

Alleles and phenotypes row

For more customizable options, to search multiple markers simultaneously, or find alleles of any gene associated with a specific phenotype use the Phenotypes, Alleles and Diseases query form.

Accessing the Phenotypes, Alleles and Disease Models Query Form
On most MGI pages, you can access the Phenotypes, Alleles and Disease Models Query Form from the Search menu as shown in the image at right. It is also linked on the mini homepage for Phenotypes & Mutant Alleles.

For this tutorial, open the Phenotypes, Alleles and Diseases query form. in a new window. Scroll down this page for further instructions.

Search Menu PAD QF Screen Shot

Example: Finding targeted, spontaneous, ENU-induced or endonuclease mediated mutations in Nrp2 that result in a gene knock-out or null allele.
  1. Type Nrp2 in the Gene/Marker text box.
  2. Check the boxes to make selections in the Categories section.
    The first box provides options based on allele generation method, the second - allele attributes and the third allows you to restrict your results to the alleles generated by a particular institution or project. See documentation for more about how MGI defines each of these terms.
  3. Click Search.
PAD QF Screen Shot
  1. Search results are ordered by state, such that alleles present in live mice appear first and alleles present in cell lines last, then alphabetically by allele symbol. Note that the allele properties are displayed in the "Category" column; use the arrows in the column header(s) to re-sort.

  2. Click on an allele symbol to view details including mutation descriptions, annotated phenotypes and references for each.
PAD Summary Screen Shot