Gene Ontology (GO) Graphs
About This Graph

This example is a portion of the GO comparative graph of the experimental GO annotations for Slc22a6 from mouse, human, and rat. View the complete graph.

GO Graphs in MGI

GO graphs offer a visualization of experimental GO annotations in a graphical context. Two types of GO graphs are available in MGI:
  • GO Comparative Graphs
    These graphs compare mouse-human-rat experimental GO annotations to MGI curated orthology sets. GO annotations for genes are provided by: MGI for mouse, Gene Ontology Association @ EBI (GOA) for human, and Rat Genome Database (RGD) for rat. For detailed instructions see the following:

    How do I view annotations for mouse/human/rat ortholog sets? FAQ

  • MGI GO Annotation Graphs
    These graphs present GO annotations made to individual mouse genes by GO curators at MGI. They are a complement to the presentation of GO annotations in text and tabular form. For detailed instructions see the following:

    How do I find all GO annotations for a specific gene? FAQ