How do I find references that report expression data for a gene at a specific age?
You can use the Gene Expression Literature Query Form to search for references on gene expression during development using the genes and ages analyzed (and the assay types used) in the references. Other fields on the form allow you to query for bibliographic information or specific words in the title or abstract.
Accessing the Genes Expression Literature Query Form
On most MGI pages, you can access the Genes Expression Literature Query Form from the Search menu as shown in the image at right.

For this tutorial, open the Gene Expression Literature Query Form in a new window. Scroll down this page for further instructions.

Search Menu GEL QF Screen Shot

Example. Finding literature assaying Fgf8 expression at 10.5 days post-conception
  1. Type fgf8 into the Gene Symbol/Name text box.
  2. Select the Assay type(s) you would like to return. Ctrl + click to select multiple items (default is "ANY" which includes all assay types). To follow along this example, select "Immunohistochemistry (section)" and "Immunohistochemistry (whole mount)"
  3. Select "10.5" from the Age pick list.

    Alternatively (or additionally), enter text in the final box to search publication titles and abstracts for matches.

  4. Click Search.
GEL QF Screen Shot
  1. The search results list references that examined Fgf8 expression at embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) as well as the assay types used in these studies.

  2. The Summary by Age and Assay table at the top of the page groups the references by developmental stage analyzed and assay type used. You can click the numerical link to pull out a list of these references.

  3. The Summary by Gene and Reference table lists all matching references that analyze Fgf8 expression. The numerical links indicate the number of results for each reference that match the chosen search criteria, click for more information and a direct link to the publication. An asterisk is used to indicate that detailed results from that reference have been curated in MGI.

  4. Click the 2* hyperlink next to the MacArthur et al. (1995) reference to go to the reference summary matrix.
GEL Search Results
  1. The Gene Expression Literature Detail page displays a table that summarizes which ages were analyzed and which assay types were used to examine expression of that gene in that reference. Assays included in the reference that did not meet the original search criteria will also be shown (in this case, ages E11.5, E12.5, E14.5, in situ RNA and RNAse protection).
  2. Click 21 results to see Gene Expression data.
Reference detail matrix
  1. The Gene Expression Data page organizes data into six tabs along the top: Genes, Assays, Assay Results, Images, Tissue x Stage Matrix, and Tissue x Gene Matrix. Tables can be sorted by clicking column headers containing arrows, and/or exported as .txt or Excel files.
  2. Click data under Result Details to specimen and assay details.
Gene Expression table
  1. This page contains metadata details about the assay displayed, including which antibody or probe was used, the genetic background of the mice (including mutant alleles where applicable), and annotated anatomy terms.
Result details