How do I find candidate genes for a given phenotype and a specific genome location?
You can use the Genes and Markers Query Form to narrow your search to a specific region of the mouse genome. Within this interval, you can choose to retrieve genes or other marker types associated with a mouse phenotype.
Accessing the Genes and Markers Query Form
On most MGI pages, you can access the Genes and Markers Query Form from the Search menu as shown in the image at right.

For this tutorial, open the Gene and Markers query in a new window. Scroll down this page for further instructions.

Search Menu G&M QF

Example 1. Finding genes associated with metabolism on Chromosome 7 between 130 and 140 Mbp
  1. Check the box for gene in the Feature Type section.

  2. Select 7 from the Chromosome(s) list.

  3. Type 130 - 140 in the text box beneath Genome Coordinates.

  4. Change bp to Mbp in the drop-down menu near Genome Coordinates.

  5. Type metabolism in the text box beneath Phenotype/Human Disease.

  6. Click Search.