Recent Changes to MGI's website


MGI is remodeling its website. As a first step, we have retired or redesigned several rarely-used pages.

As always, please feel free to contact User Support for alternative ways to obtain information, to request custom data reports, or to comment on the changes. Thank you for your patience while we make improvements for you.


Which pages have changed?

The pages described below have been retired or redesigned due to low usage or redundant or out-dated information. Click any page image for a larger example.

Accession IDs

Accession ID Query Form

Accession IDs Query Form

Description:  Searches all accession IDs.
Changes:  Retired.
Use instead:
Quick Search Box
Page:  Any MGI page
Description:  The Quick Search (yellow box) searches for matches to accession IDs.

Expression Data

cDNA Clones Query Form

cDNA Clone Query Form

Description:  Searches for expression information based on tissue or cell-line origin of cDNAs.
Changes:  Retired.
Use instead:
cDNA Clone Link on Marker Detail Page
Page:  Detail Page for a Gene or Genome Feature
Description:  cDNA source data for a particular gene are available via a link from the "Expression" section of the Gene Detail Page.


Mapping Data

Mapping Panels Query Form

DNA Mapping Panel Data Sets

Description:  Displays a table of the results of a genetic cross in HTML or tab-delimited format for user-selected mapping panel and chromosome.
Changes:  Retired.
Use instead:
Download menu for FTP site
Page:  Public Reports on MGI's FTP server
Description:  Reports for each mapping panel and chromosome are available in tab-delimited format on MGI's FTP server. Reach these reports via the "Download" item on the menu bar.


Molecular Reagents

Probes and Clones Query Form

Probes and Clones Query Form

Description:  Searches for probes, clones, primers, BACs, YACs and STSs in MGI's database.
Changes:  Retired.
Use instead:
Probes and Clones Links from Marker
Probes and Clones Links from Reference
Page:  Detail Page for a gene or genome feature, or Detail Page for a reference
Description:  Molecular reagents (probes, clones, primers, antibodies, etc.) associated with MGI's data for a gene or genome feature are available via a link from the "Molecular Reagents" section of the Detail Page for a gene or genome feature. The molecular reagents identifed in MGI's curated references are available via a link from the Detail Page for a reference.



Orthology Query Form

Orthology Query Form

Description:  Searches for orthologies between two or more mammalian species.
Changes:  Retired.
Use instead:
Marker Detail Page link to Orthology Summary
Reference Detail Page link to Orthology Data
Quick Search showing Ortholog
Page:  Detail Page for a gene or genome feature, or Detail Page for a reference, or Quick Search results when using a non-mouse gene's accession ID.
Description:  Orthologous genes associated with a mouse gene or genome feature are available via a link from the "Mammalian Homology" section of the Detail Page for a gene or genome feature. Orthologs identified in MGI's curated references are available via a link from the Detail Page for a reference. Performing a Quick Search using a non-mouse gene or sequence accession ID returns a link to Orthology Summary page.


Oxford Grid Query Form
Mouse-Human Oxford Grid

Oxford Grid

Description:  Creates an Oxford Grid for user-selected organisms.
Changes:  Retired.

Page:  Public Reports on MGI's FTP server
Description:  Various orthology reports are available in tab-delimited format on MGI's FTP server. These include reports for human-mouse; rat-mouse; rat-human; chimp-mouse; and dog-mouse. Reach these reports via the "Download" item on the menu bar.


PIRSF First Page

Protein Information Super Family (PIRSF) Browser

Description:  Searches for or allows browsing to PIRSF terms and displays links to the Super Family pages listing genes or genome features associated with that family.
Changes:  Retired.
Use instead:
PIRSF Link on Gene Detail Page
PIRSF Quick Search Result
Page:  Detail Page for a gene or genome feature, or Quick Search results when searching using a PIRSF term or accession ID
Description:  The curated Protein Super Family association for a gene or genome feature is available via a link from the "Mammalian Homology" section of the Detail Page for a gene or genome feature. Performing a Quick Search using a PIRSF term or accession ID returns a list of all mouse genes or genome features associated with the Super Family, and a link to the Super Family page.



Nomenclature History Page

Nomenclature History

Description:  Provides a history of nomenclature changes for a gene or genome feature.
Changes:  Retired.

Contact User Support for a custom data report.