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Gene Expression Literature Summary
ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain

1442 matching records from 1442 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E1.5 E2 E6.5 E7 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E19.5 E20 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 8 16 23 27 164 33 331 35 263 14 298 13 179 12 144 9 94 11 64 6 46 2 78 4 3 4 37 148
In situ RNA (section) 3 11 19 6 36 7 52 3 55 5 50 3 40 3 32 24 1 21 1 4 1 14 10 19
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 2 2 4 2 7 12 2 7 1 5 6 1 2 3 1 1 1 5
In situ RNA (whole mount) 4 11 17 21 13 39 10 37 3 30 2 27 1 16 12 6 1 2 5
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1 5 8 7 9 3 6 4 3 1 2 7
Northern blot 1 1 1
Western blot 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 5
RT-PCR 1 1 1 2 1 10 5 25 3 13 4 13 10 4 17 1 8 2 12 2 6 2 5 2 13 1 4 31
cDNA clones 1 1 1 2

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Isl1  ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain   (Synonyms: Islet 1)
Results  Reference
8J:184160 Abdo H, Li L, Lallemend F, Bachy I, Xu XJ, Rice FL, Ernfors P, Dependence on the transcription factor Shox2 for specification of sensory neurons conveying discriminative touch. Eur J Neurosci. 2011 Nov;34(10):1529-41
1J:237454 Abdulhaleem FA, Song X, Kawano R, Uezono N, Ito A, Ahmed G, Hossain M, Nakashima K, Tanaka H, Ohta K, Akhirin regulates the proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells in intact and injured mouse spinal cord. Dev Neurobiol. 2015 May;75(5):494-504
6J:172398 Ackermann J, Ashton G, Lyons S, James D, Hornung JP, Jones N, Breitwieser W, Loss of ATF2 Function Leads to Cranial Motoneuron Degeneration during Embryonic Mouse Development. PLoS One. 2011;6(4):e19090
1J:157307 Adameyko I, Lallemend F, Aquino JB, Pereira JA, Topilko P, Muller T, Fritz N, Beljajeva A, Mochii M, Liste I, Usoskin D, Suter U, Birchmeier C, Ernfors P, Schwann cell precursors from nerve innervation are a cellular origin of melanocytes in skin. Cell. 2009 Oct 16;139(2):366-79
1J:222718 Adams KL, Rousso DL, Umbach JA, Novitch BG, Foxp1-mediated programming of limb-innervating motor neurons from mouse and human embryonic stem cells. Nat Commun. 2015;6:6778
4J:177769 Aebischer J, Sturny R, Andrieu D, Rieusset A, Schaller F, Geib S, Raoul C, Muscatelli F, Necdin protects embryonic motoneurons from programmed cell death. PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e23764
1J:155074 Agalliu D, Takada S, Agalliu I, McMahon AP, Jessell TM, Motor neurons with axial muscle projections specified by Wnt4/5 signaling. Neuron. 2009 Mar 12;61(5):708-20
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6J:37641 Ahlgren U, Pfaff SL, Jessell TM, Edlund T, Edlund H, Independent requirement for ISL1 in formation of pancreatic mesenchyme and islet cells. Nature. 1997 Jan 16;385(6613):257-60
1J:143626 Ai D, Fu X, Wang J, Lu MF, Chen L, Baldini A, Klein WH, Martin JF, Canonical Wnt signaling functions in second heart field to promote right ventricular growth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 29;104(22):9319-24
1J:119307 Ai D, Liu W, Ma L, Dong F, Lu MF, Wang D, Verzi MP, Cai C, Gage PJ, Evans S, Black BL, Brown NA, Martin JF, Pitx2 regulates cardiac left-right asymmetry by patterning second cardiac lineage-derived myocardium. Dev Biol. 2006 Aug 15;296(2):437-49
11J:207610 Akiyama R, Kawakami H, Taketo MM, Evans SM, Wada N, Petryk A, Kawakami Y, Distinct populations within Isl1 lineages contribute to appendicular and facial skeletogenesis through the beta-catenin pathway. Dev Biol. 2014 Mar 1;387(1):37-48
2*J:104158 Alanentalo T, Chatonnet F, Karlen M, Sulniute R, Ericson J, Andersson E, Ahlgren U, Cloning and analysis of Nkx6.3 during CNS and gastrointestinal development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2006 Jan;6(2):162-70
10*J:130196 Alfonsi F, Filippi P, Salaun D, deLapeyriere O, Durbec P, LIFR beta plays a major role in neuronal identity determination and glial differentiation in the mouse facial nucleus. Dev Biol. 2008 Jan 1;313(1):267-78
1*J:238553 Allaway KC, Machold R, Developmental specification of forebrain cholinergic neurons. Dev Biol. 2017 Jan 01;421(1):1-7
2J:121553 Allen BL, Tenzen T, McMahon AP, The Hedgehog-binding proteins Gas1 and Cdo cooperate to positively regulate Shh signaling during mouse development. Genes Dev. 2007 May 15;21(10):1244-57
1*J:98302 Altick AL, Dravis C, Bowdler T, Henkemeyer M, Mastick GS, EphB receptor tyrosine kinases control morphological development of the ventral midbrain. Mech Dev. 2005 Apr;122(4):501-12
1J:358845 Alvarez S, Gupta S, Mercado-Ayon Y, Honeychurch K, Rodriguez C, Kawaguchi R, Butler SJ, Netrin1 patterns the dorsal spinal cord through modulation of Bmp signaling. Cell Rep. 2024 Nov 26;43(11):114954
1J:287171 Alvarez-Lindo N, Baleriola J, de Los Rios V, Suarez T, de la Rosa EJ, RAG-2 deficiency results in fewer phosphorylated histone H2AX foci, but increased retinal ganglion cell death and altered axonal growth. Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 6;9(1):18486
1J:346780 Amato E Jr, Taroc EZM, Forni PE, Illuminating the terminal nerve: Uncovering the link between GnRH-1 neuron and olfactory development. J Comp Neurol. 2024 Mar;532(3):e25599
1J:227113 Amin ND, Bai G, Klug JR, Bonanomi D, Pankratz MT, Gifford WD, Hinckley CA, Sternfeld MJ, Driscoll SP, Dominguez B, Lee KF, Jin X, Pfaff SL, Loss of motoneuron-specific microRNA-218 causes systemic neuromuscular failure. Science. 2015 Dec 18;350(6267):1525-9
2J:193588 Ammirabile G, Tessari A, Pignataro V, Szumska D, Sutera Sardo F, Benes J Jr, Balistreri M, Bhattacharya S, Sedmera D, Campione M, Pitx2 confers left morphological, molecular, and functional identity to the sinus venosus myocardium. Cardiovasc Res. 2012 Feb 1;93(2):291-301
1J:330443 Anania C, Acemel RD, Jedamzick J, Bolondi A, Cova G, Brieske N, Kuhn R, Wittler L, Real FM, Lupianez DG, In vivo dissection of a clustered-CTCF domain boundary reveals developmental principles of regulatory insulation. Nat Genet. 2022 Jul;54(7):1026-1036
2J:207519 Anderegg A, Lin HP, Chen JA, Caronia-Brown G, Cherepanova N, Yun B, Joksimovic M, Rock J, Harfe BD, Johnson R, Awatramani R, An Lmx1b-miR135a2 regulatory circuit modulates Wnt1/Wnt signaling and determines the size of the midbrain dopaminergic progenitor pool. PLoS Genet. 2013 Dec;9(12):e1003973
1J:156022 Anderson KR, White P, Kaestner KH, Sussel L, Identification of known and novel pancreas genes expressed downstream of Nkx2.2 during development. BMC Dev Biol. 2009;9:65
2J:104525 Andersson E, Jensen JB, Parmar M, Guillemot F, Bjorklund A, Development of the mesencephalic dopaminergic neuron system is compromised in the absence of neurogenin 2. Development. 2006 Feb;133(3):507-16
1J:144081 Andersson ER, Prakash N, Cajanek L, Minina E, Bryja V, Bryjova L, Yamaguchi TP, Hall AC, Wurst W, Arenas E, Wnt5a regulates ventral midbrain morphogenesis and the development of A9-A10 dopaminergic cells in vivo. PLoS One. 2008;3(10):e3517
2J:83694 Andrews GL, Yun K, Rubenstein JL, Mastick GS, Dlx transcription factors regulate differentiation of dopaminergic neurons of the ventral thalamus. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2003 May;23(1):107-20
1J:119656 Andrieu D, Meziane H, Marly F, Angelats C, Fernandez PA, Muscatelli F, Sensory defects in Necdin deficient mice result from a loss of sensory neurons correlated within an increase of developmental programmed cell death. BMC Dev Biol. 2006;6:56
1*J:86964 Andrieu D, Watrin F, Niinobe M, Yoshikawa K, Muscatelli F, Fernandez PA, Expression of the Prader-Willi gene Necdin during mouse nervous system development correlates with neuronal differentiation and p75NTR expression. Gene Expr Patterns. 2003 Dec;3(6):761-5
1J:222437 Aoto K, Sandell LL, Butler Tjaden NE, Yuen KC, Watt KE, Black BL, Durnin M, Trainor PA, Mef2c-F10N enhancer driven beta-galactosidase (LacZ) and Cre recombinase mice facilitate analyses of gene function and lineage fate in neural crest cells. Dev Biol. 2015 Jun 1;402(1):3-16
9J:57072 Apelqvist A, Li H, Sommer L, Beatus P, Anderson DJ, Honjo T, Hrabe de Angelis M, Lendahl U, Edlund H, Notch signalling controls pancreatic cell differentiation. Nature. 1999 Aug 26;400(6747):877-81
1J:131720 Aquino JB, Marmigere F, Lallemend F, Lundgren TK, Villar MJ, Wegner M, Ernfors P, Differential expression and dynamic changes of murine NEDD9 in progenitor cells of diverse tissues. Gene Expr Patterns. 2008 Apr;8(4):217-26
2J:221787 Arbeille E, Reynaud F, Sanyas I, Bozon M, Kindbeiter K, Causeret F, Pierani A, Falk J, Moret F, Castellani V, Cerebrospinal fluid-derived Semaphorin3B orients neuroepithelial cell divisions in the apicobasal axis. Nat Commun. 2015;6:6366
6J:57340 Arber S, Han B, Mendelsohn M, Smith M, Jessell TM, Sockanathan S, Requirement for the homeobox gene Hb9 in the consolidation of motor neuron identity. Neuron. 1999 Aug;23(4):659-74
5J:78232 Arber S, Ladle DR, Lin JH, Frank E, Jessell TM, ETS gene Er81 controls the formation of functional connections between group Ia sensory afferents and motor neurons. Cell. 2000 May 26;101(5):485-98
2J:91364 Arenkiel BR, Tvrdik P, Gaufo GO, Capecchi MR, Hoxb1 functions in both motoneurons and in tissues of the periphery to establish and maintain the proper neuronal circuitry. Genes Dev. 2004 Jul 1;18(13):1539-52
5J:358844 Argiro L, Chevalier C, Choquet C, Nandkishore N, Ghata A, Baudot A, Zaffran S, Lescroart F, Gastruloids are competent to specify both cardiac and skeletal muscle lineages. Nat Commun. 2024 Nov 23;15(1):10172
2J:240765 Arregi I, Climent M, Iliev D, Strasser J, Gouignard N, Johansson JK, Singh T, Mazur M, Semb H, Artner I, Minichiello L, Pera EM, Retinol Dehydrogenase-10 Regulates Pancreas Organogenesis and Endocrine Cell Differentiation via Paracrine Retinoic Acid Signaling. Endocrinology. 2016 Dec;157(12):4615-4631
6J:120055 Artner I, Blanchi B, Raum JC, Guo M, Kaneko T, Cordes S, Sieweke M, Stein R, MafB is required for islet beta cell maturation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Mar 6;104(10):3853-8
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1*J:76132 Aruga J, Tohmonda T, Homma S, Mikoshiba K, Zic1 promotes the expansion of dorsal neural progenitors in spinal cord by inhibiting neuronal differentiation. Dev Biol. 2002 Apr 15;244(2):329-41
1J:166932 Asai R, Kurihara Y, Fujisawa K, Sato T, Kawamura Y, Kokubo H, Tonami K, Nishiyama K, Uchijima Y, Miyagawa-Tomita S, Kurihara H, Endothelin receptor type A expression defines a distinct cardiac subdomain within the heart field and is later implicated in chamber myocardium formation. Development. 2010 Nov;137(22):3823-33
3*J:97065 Asayesh A, Alanentalo T, Khoo NK, Ahlgren U, Developmental expression of metalloproteases ADAM 9, 10, and 17 becomes restricted to divergent pancreatic compartments. Dev Dyn. 2005 Apr;232(4):1105-14
2J:111685 Asayesh A, Sharpe J, Watson RP, Hecksher-Sorensen J, Hastie ND, Hill RE, Ahlgren U, Spleen versus pancreas: strict control of organ interrelationship revealed by analyses of Bapx1-/- mice. Genes Dev. 2006 Aug 15;20(16):2208-13
1J:186055 Ashique AM, Choe Y, Karlen M, May SR, Phamluong K, Solloway MJ, Ericson J, Peterson AS, The Rfx4 transcription factor modulates Shh signaling by regional control of ciliogenesis. Sci Signal. 2009;2(95):ra70
1J:185656 Ashrafi S, Lalancette-Hebert M, Friese A, Sigrist M, Arber S, Shneider NA, Kaltschmidt JA, Wnt7A Identifies Embryonic gamma-Motor Neurons and Reveals Early Postnatal Dependence of gamma-Motor Neurons on a Muscle Spindle-Derived Signal. J Neurosci. 2012 Jun 20;32(25):8725-8731
3J:288982 Assenza MR, Barbagallo F, Barrios F, Cornacchione M, Campolo F, Vivarelli E, Gianfrilli D, Auletta L, Soricelli A, Isidori AM, Lenzi A, Pellegrini M, Naro F, Critical role of phosphodiesterase 2A in mouse congenital heart defects. Cardiovasc Res. 2018 May 1;114(6):830-845
1J:335233 Astrof S, Arriagada C, Saijoh Y, Francou A, Kelly RG, Moon A, Aberrant differentiation of second heart field mesoderm prefigures cellular defects in the outflow tract in response to loss of FGF8. Dev Biol. 2023 Apr 14;499:10-21
3J:201949 Attanasio C, Nord AS, Zhu Y, Blow MJ, Li Z, Liberton DK, Morrison H, Plajzer-Frick I, Holt A, Hosseini R, Phouanenavong S, Akiyama JA, Shoukry M, Afzal V, Rubin EM, FitzPatrick DR, Ren B, Hallgrimsson B, Pennacchio LA, Visel A, Fine tuning of craniofacial morphology by distant-acting enhancers. Science. 2013 Oct 25;342(6157):1241006
2J:195554 Audouard E, Schakman O, Rene F, Huettl RE, Huber AB, Loeffler JP, Gailly P, Clotman F, The Onecut transcription factor HNF-6 regulates in motor neurons the formation of the neuromuscular junctions. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e50509
1J:223814 Aujla PK, Bogdanovic V, Naratadam GT, Raetzman LT, Persistent expression of activated notch in the developing hypothalamus affects survival of pituitary progenitors and alters pituitary structure. Dev Dyn. 2015 Aug;244(8):921-34
1J:166443 Avraham O, Hadas Y, Vald L, Hong S, Song MR, Klar A, Motor and dorsal root ganglion axons serve as choice points for the ipsilateral turning of dI3 axons. J Neurosci. 2010 Nov 17;30(46):15546-57
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7J:178481 Bachy I, Franck MC, Li L, Abdo H, Pattyn A, Ernfors P, The transcription factor Cux2 marks development of an A-delta sublineage of TrkA sensory neurons. Dev Biol. 2011 Dec 1;360(1):77-86
3J:125289 Backer S, Hidalgo-Sanchez M, Offner N, Portales-Casamar E, Debant A, Fort P, Gauthier-Rouviere C, Bloch-Gallego E, Trio controls the mature organization of neuronal clusters in the hindbrain. J Neurosci. 2007 Sep 26;27(39):10323-32
1J:152698 Baguma-Nibasheka M, Kablar B, Abnormal retinal development in the Btrc null mouse. Dev Dyn. 2009 Aug 24;238(10):2680-2687
2*J:79392 Bai CB, Auerbach W, Lee JS, Stephen D, Joyner AL, Gli2, but not Gli1, is required for initial Shh signaling and ectopic activation of the Shh pathway. Development. 2002 Oct;129(20):4753-61
1*J:73074 Bai CB, Joyner AL, Gli1 can rescue the in vivo function of Gli2. Development. 2001 Dec;128(24):5161-72
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1J:257081 Bai G, Chivatakarn O, Bonanomi D, Lettieri K, Franco L, Xia C, Stein E, Ma L, Lewcock JW, Pfaff SL, Presenilin-dependent receptor processing is required for axon guidance. Cell. 2011 Jan 7;144(1):106-18
2J:112701 Bailey PJ, Klos JM, Andersson E, Karlen M, Kallstrom M, Ponjavic J, Muhr J, Lenhard B, Sandelin A, Ericson J, A global genomic transcriptional code associated with CNS-expressed genes. Exp Cell Res. 2006 Oct 1;312(16):3108-19
1*J:207154 Balasubramanian R, Bui A, Ding Q, Gan L, Expression of LIM-homeodomain transcription factors in the developing and mature mouse retina. Gene Expr Patterns. 2014 Jan;14(1):1-8
1*J:279805 Baleriola J, Alvarez-Lindo N, de la Villa P, Bernad A, Blanco L, Suarez T, de la Rosa EJ, Increased neuronal death and disturbed axonal growth in the Polmu-deficient mouse embryonic retina. Sci Rep. 2016 May 13;6:25928
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1J:175541 Bangs F, Antonio N, Thongnuek P, Welten M, Davey MG, Briscoe J, Tickle C, Generation of mice with functional inactivation of talpid3, a gene first identified in chicken. Development. 2011 Aug;138(15):3261-72
1J:222839 Bangs FK, Schrode N, Hadjantonakis AK, Anderson KV, Lineage specificity of primary cilia in the mouse embryo. Nat Cell Biol. 2015 Feb;17(2):113-22
1J:244630 Bardot E, Calderon D, Santoriello F, Han S, Cheung K, Jadhav B, Burtscher I, Artap S, Jain R, Epstein J, Lickert H, Gouon-Evans V, Sharp AJ, Dubois NC, Foxa2 identifies a cardiac progenitor population with ventricular differentiation potential. Nat Commun. 2017 Feb 14;8:14428
4J:288459 Bartesaghi L, Wang Y, Fontanet P, Wanderoy S, Berger F, Wu H, Akkuratova N, Boucanova F, Medard JJ, Petitpre C, Landy MA, Zhang MD, Harrer P, Stendel C, Stucka R, Dusl M, Kastriti ME, Croci L, Lai HC, Consalez GG, Pattyn A, Ernfors P, Senderek J, Adameyko I, Lallemend F, Hadjab S, Chrast R, PRDM12 Is Required for Initiation of the Nociceptive Neuron Lineage during Neurogenesis. Cell Rep. 2019 Mar 26;26(13):3484-3492.e4
1*J:181601 Bassett EA, Korol A, Deschamps PA, Buettner R, Wallace VA, Williams T, West-Mays JA, Overlapping expression patterns and redundant roles for AP-2 transcription factors in the developing mammalian retina. Dev Dyn. 2012 Apr;241(4):814-29
3J:129080 Bassett EA, Pontoriero GF, Feng W, Marquardt T, Fini ME, Williams T, West-Mays JA, Conditional deletion of activating protein 2alpha (AP-2alpha) in the developing retina demonstrates non-cell-autonomous roles for AP-2alpha in optic cup development. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Nov;27(21):7497-510
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3J:131770 Baudet C, Pozas E, Adameyko I, Andersson E, Ericson J, Ernfors P, Retrograde signaling onto Ret during motor nerve terminal maturation. J Neurosci. 2008 Jan 23;28(4):963-75
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3J:217339 Beiser KU, Glaser A, Kleinschmidt K, Scholl I, Roth R, Li L, Gretz N, Mechtersheimer G, Karperien M, Marchini A, Richter W, Rappold GA, Identification of novel SHOX target genes in the developing limb using a transgenic mouse model. PLoS One. 2014;9(6):e98543
1*J:173463 Bejarano-Escobar R, Holguin-Arevalo MS, Montero JA, Francisco-Morcillo J, Martin-Partido G, Macrophage and microglia ontogeny in the mouse visual system can be traced by the expression of Cathepsins B and D. Dev Dyn. 2011 Jul;240(7):1841-55
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1J:341993 Bernheim S, Borgel A, Le Garrec JF, Perthame E, Desgrange A, Michel C, Guillemot L, Sart S, Baroud CN, Krezel W, Raimondi F, Bonnet D, Zaffran S, Houyel L, Meilhac SM, Identification of Greb1l as a genetic determinant of crisscross heart in mice showing torsion of the heart tube by shortage of progenitor cells. Dev Cell. 2023 Oct 13;
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1J:274021 Bethea M, Liu Y, Wade AK, Mullen R, Gupta R, Gelfanov V, DiMarchi R, Bhatnagar S, Behringer R, Habegger KM, Hunter CS, The islet-expressed Lhx1 transcription factor interacts with Islet-1 and contributes to glucose homeostasis. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Mar 1;316(3):E397-E409
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1*J:73072 Bhushan A, Itoh N, Kato S, Thiery JP, Czernichow P, Bellusci S, Scharfmann R, Fgf10 is essential for maintaining the proliferative capacity of epithelial progenitor cells during early pancreatic organogenesis. Development. 2001 Dec;128(24):5109-17
1*J:174731 Bielle F, Marcos-Mondejar P, Keita M, Mailhes C, Verney C, Nguyen Ba-Charvet K, Tessier-Lavigne M, Lopez-Bendito G, Garel S, Slit2 activity in the migration of guidepost neurons shapes thalamic projections during development and evolution. Neuron. 2011 Mar 24;69(6):1085-98
1J:227232 Bin JM, Han D, Lai Wing Sun K, Croteau LP, Dumontier E, Cloutier JF, Kania A, Kennedy TE, Complete Loss of Netrin-1 Results in Embryonic Lethality and Severe Axon Guidance Defects without Increased Neural Cell Death. Cell Rep. 2015 Aug 18;12(7):1099-106
1*J:218850 Bisson JA, Mills B, Paul Helt JC, Zwaka TP, Cohen ED, Wnt5a and Wnt11 inhibit the canonical Wnt pathway and promote cardiac progenitor development via the Caspase-dependent degradation of AKT. Dev Biol. 2015 Feb 1;398(1):80-96
4J:319558 Bizen N, Bepari AK, Zhou L, Abe M, Sakimura K, Ono K, Takebayashi H, Ddx20, an Olig2 binding factor, governs the survival of neural and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells via proper Mdm2 splicing and p53 suppression. Cell Death Differ. 2022;
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1J:137136 Blaess S, Stephen D, Joyner AL, Gli3 coordinates three-dimensional patterning and growth of the tectum and cerebellum by integrating Shh and Fgf8 signaling. Development. 2008 Jun;135(12):2093-103
1*J:118802 Blak AA, Naserke T, Saarimaki-Vire J, Peltopuro P, Giraldo-Velasquez M, Vogt Weisenhorn DM, Prakash N, Sendtner M, Partanen J, Wurst W, Fgfr2 and Fgfr3 are not required for patterning and maintenance of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 1;303(1):231-43
1J:185651 Bluske KK, Vue TY, Kawakami Y, Taketo MM, Yoshikawa K, Johnson JE, Nakagawa Y, beta-Catenin signaling specifies progenitor cell identity in parallel with Shh signaling in the developing mammalian thalamus. Development. 2012 Aug;139(15):2692-702
2J:277168 Bohuslavova R, Cerychova R, Papousek F, Olejnickova V, Bartos M, Gorlach A, Kolar F, Sedmera D, Semenza GL, Pavlinkova G, HIF-1alpha is required for development of the sympathetic nervous system. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jul 2;116(27):13414-13423
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