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Gene Expression Literature Summary
TATA box binding protein

51 matching records from 51 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E1 E1.5 E2 E2.5 E3 E3.5 E4.5 E6.5 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10.5 E11.5 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 2
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 1 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1 2 1
Western blot 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10
RT-PCR 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 5 1 2 2 4 1 4 1 5 1 3 2 2 1 2 12
RNase protection 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Tbp  TATA box binding protein   (Synonyms: Gtf2d)
Results  Reference
2J:228779 Alpern D, Langer D, Ballester B, Le Gras S, Romier C, Mengus G, Davidson I, TAF4, a subunit of transcription factor II D, directs promoter occupancy of nuclear receptor HNF4A during post-natal hepatocyte differentiation. Elife. 2014;3:e03613
4J:266054 Barratt KS, Diamand KEM, Arkell RM, Identification of reference genes suitable for RT-qPCR studies of murine gastrulation and patterning. Mamm Genome. 2018 Oct;29(9-10):656-662
4J:111407 Beaudry JB, Pierreux CE, Hayhurst GP, Plumb-Rudewiez N, Weiss MC, Rousseau GG, Lemaigre FP, Threshold levels of hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF-6) acting in synergy with HNF-4 and PGC-1alpha are required for time-specific gene expression during liver development. Mol Cell Biol. 2006 Aug;26(16):6037-46
5J:173973 Benlhabib H, Mendelson CR, Epigenetic regulation of surfactant protein A gene (SP-A) expression in fetal lung reveals a critical role for Suv39h methyltransferases during development and hypoxia. Mol Cell Biol. 2011 May;31(10):1949-58
4*J:93300 Blackshaw S, Harpavat S, Trimarchi J, Cai L, Huang H, Kuo WP, Weber G, Lee K, Fraioli RE, Cho SH, Yung R, Asch E, Ohno-Machado L, Wong WH, Cepko CL, Genomic analysis of mouse retinal development. PLoS Biol. 2004 Oct;2(9):E247
5*J:120667 Bouzin C, Clotman F, Renauld JC, Lemaigre FP, Rousseau GG, The onecut transcription factor hepatocyte nuclear factor-6 controls B lymphopoiesis in fetal liver. J Immunol. 2003 Aug 1;171(3):1297-303
1J:310311 Braun SMG, Petrova R, Tang J, Krokhotin A, Miller EL, Tang Y, Panagiotakos G, Crabtree GR, BAF subunit switching regulates chromatin accessibility to control cell cycle exit in the developing mammalian cortex. Genes Dev. 2021 Mar 1;35(5-6):335-353
1J:86206 Collombat P, Mansouri A, Hecksher-Sorensen J, Serup P, Krull J, Gradwohl G, Gruss P, Opposing actions of Arx and Pax4 in endocrine pancreas development. Genes Dev. 2003 Oct 15;17(20):2591-603
4*J:31634 Cooke JE, Heasman J, Wylie CC, The role of interleukin-4 in the regulation of mouse primordial germ cell numbers. Dev Biol. 1996 Feb 25;174(1):14-21
1*J:57857 Donohoe ME, Zhang X, McGinnis L, Biggers J, Li E, Shi Y, Targeted disruption of mouse Yin Yang 1 transcription factor results in peri-implantation lethality. Mol Cell Biol. 1999 Oct;19(10):7237-44
2J:337771 El-Saafin F, Bergamasco MI, Chen Y, May RE, Esakky P, Hediyeh-Zadeh S, Dixon M, Wilcox S, Davis MJ, Strasser A, Smyth GK, Thomas T, Voss AK, Loss of TAF8 causes TFIID dysfunction and p53-mediated apoptotic neuronal cell death. Cell Death Differ. 2022 May;29(5):1013-1027
1J:71679 Freiman RN, Albright SR, Zheng S, Sha WC, Hammer RE, Tjian R, Requirement of tissue-selective TBP-associated factor TAFII105 in ovarian development. Science. 2001 Sep 14;293(5537):2084-7
1J:330574 Fulton SL, Wenderski W, Lepack AE, Eagle AL, Fanutza T, Bastle RM, Ramakrishnan A, Hays EC, Neal A, Bendl J, Farrelly LA, Al-Kachak A, Lyu Y, Cetin B, Chan JC, Tran TN, Neve RL, Roper RJ, Brennand KJ, Roussos P, Schimenti JC, Friedman AK, Shen L, Blitzer RD, Robison AJ, Crabtree GR, Maze I, Rescue of deficits by Brwd1 copy number restoration in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome. Nat Commun. 2022 Oct 26;13(1):6384
4*J:123297 Gazdag E, Rajkovic A, Torres-Padilla ME, Tora L, Analysis of TATA-binding protein 2 (TBP2) and TBP expression suggests different roles for the two proteins in regulation of gene expression during oogenesis and early mouse development. Reproduction. 2007 Jul;134(1):51-62
1J:209773 Gewies A, Castineiras-Vilarino M, Ferch U, Jahrling N, Heinrich K, Hoeckendorf U, Przemeck GK, Munding M, Gross O, Schroeder T, Horsch M, Karran EL, Majid A, Antonowicz S, Beckers J, Hrabe de Angelis M, Dodt HU, Peschel C, Forster I, Dyer MJ, Ruland J, Prdm6 is essential for cardiovascular development in vivo. PLoS One. 2013;8(11):e81833
3*J:91257 Gray PA, Fu H, Luo P, Zhao Q, Yu J, Ferrari A, Tenzen T, Yuk DI, Tsung EF, Cai Z, Alberta JA, Cheng LP, Liu Y, Stenman JM, Valerius MT, Billings N, Kim HA, Greenberg ME, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD, Ma Q, Mouse Brain Organization Revealed Through Direct Genome-Scale TF Expression Analysis. Science. 2004 Dec 24;306(5705):2255-2257
1*J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, GUDMAP: the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project. www.gudmap.org. 2004;
2J:306177 Guimaraes AO, Motta FL, Alves VS, Castilho BA, Pesquero JB, Multiple RNAs from the mouse carboxypeptidase M locus: functional RNAs or transcription noise?. BMC Mol Biol. 2009 Feb 8;10:7
7*J:140465 Guo G, Huss M, Tong GQ, Wang C, Li Sun L, Clarke ND, Robson P, Resolution of cell fate decisions revealed by single-cell gene expression analysis from zygote to blastocyst. Dev Cell. 2010 Apr 20;18(4):675-85
1J:292511 Gustafson EA, Seymour KA, Sigrist K, Rooij DGDE, Freiman RN, ZFP628 Is a TAF4b-Interacting Transcription Factor Required for Mouse Spermiogenesis. Mol Cell Biol. 2020 Mar 16;40(7)
6*J:170220 Hernandez MC, Janusonis S, Quantitative mRNA analysis of serotonin 5-HT and adrenergic beta receptors in the mouse embryonic telencephalon. Dev Neurosci. 2010;32(4):278-87
1*J:104894 Jacquemin P, Yoshitomi H, Kashima Y, Rousseau GG, Lemaigre FP, Zaret KS, An endothelial-mesenchymal relay pathway regulates early phases of pancreas development. Dev Biol. 2006 Feb 1;290(1):189-99
1J:59312 Jensen J, Pedersen EE, Galante P, Hald J, Heller RS, Ishibashi M, Kageyama R, Guillemot F, Serup P, Madsen OD, Control of endodermal endocrine development by Hes-1. Nat Genet. 2000 Jan;24(1):36-44
11J:30127 Kaestner KH, Monaghan AP, Kern H, Ang SL, Weitz S, Lichter P, Schutz G, The mouse fkh-2 gene. Implications for notochord, foregut, and midbrain regionalization. J Biol Chem. 1995 Dec 15;270(50):30029-35
1J:41235 Kaestner KH, Silberg DG, Traber PG, Schutz G, The mesenchymal winged helix transcription factor Fkh6 is required for the control of gastrointestinal proliferation and differentiation. Genes Dev. 1997 Jun 15;11(12):1583-95
2J:181994 Kamileri I, Karakasilioti I, Sideri A, Kosteas T, Tatarakis A, Talianidis I, Garinis GA, Defective transcription initiation causes postnatal growth failure in a mouse model of nucleotide excision repair (NER) progeria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Feb 21;109(8):2995-3000
1J:314906 Khang R, Jo A, Kang H, Kim H, Kwag E, Lee JY, Koo O, Park J, Kim HK, Jo DG, Hwang I, Ahn JY, Lee Y, Choi JY, Lee YS, Shin JH, Loss of zinc-finger protein 212 leads to Purkinje cell death and locomotive abnormalities with phospholipase D3 downregulation. Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 23;11(1):22745
1*J:217303 Koudelka J, Horn JM, Vatanashevanopakorn C, Minichiello L, Genetic dissection of TrkB activated signalling pathways required for specific aspects of the taste system. Neural Dev. 2014;9:21
1J:153553 Li C, Li A, Li M, Xing Y, Chen H, Hu L, Tiozzo C, Anderson S, Taketo MM, Minoo P, Stabilized beta-catenin in lung epithelial cells changes cell fate and leads to tracheal and bronchial polyposis. Dev Biol. 2009 Oct 1;334(1):97-108
3J:278355 Moyses-Oliveira M, Cabral V, Gigek CO, Correa DCC, Di-Battista A, Stumpp T, Melaragno MI, Search for appropriate reference genes for quantitative reverse transcription PCR studies in somite, prosencephalon and heart of early mouse embryo. Gene. 2019 Aug 20;710:148-155
1J:154029 Munger SC, Aylor DL, Syed HA, Magwene PM, Threadgill DW, Capel B, Elucidation of the transcription network governing mammalian sex determination by exploiting strain-specific susceptibility to sex reversal. Genes Dev. 2009 Nov 1;23(21):2521-36
5J:167091 Nyeng P, Bjerke MA, Norgaard GA, Qu X, Kobberup S, Jensen J, Fibroblast growth factor 10 represses premature cell differentiation during establishment of the intestinal progenitor niche. Dev Biol. 2011 Jan 1;349(1):20-34
1J:95069 Plumb-Rudewiez N, Clotman F, Strick-Marchand H, Pierreux CE, Weiss MC, Rousseau GG, Lemaigre FP, Transcription factor HNF-6/OC-1 inhibits the stimulation of the HNF-3alpha/Foxa1 gene by TGF-beta in mouse liver. Hepatology. 2004 Dec;40(6):1266-74
1J:134188 Reichardt HM, Schutz G, Feedback control of glucocorticoid production is established during fetal development. Mol Med. 1996 Nov;2(6):735-44
1J:179521 Saghizadeh M, Gribanova Y, Akhmedov NB, Farber DB, ZBED4, a cone and Muller cell protein in human retina, has a different cellular expression in mouse. Mol Vis. 2011;17:2011-8
3J:124079 Sekine K, Chen YR, Kojima N, Ogata K, Fukamizu A, Miyajima A, Foxo1 links insulin signaling to C/EBPalpha and regulates gluconeogenesis during liver development. EMBO J. 2007 Aug 8;26(15):3607-15
1*J:98713 Spencer C, Pajovic S, Devlin H, Dinh QD, Corson TW, Gallie BL, Distinct patterns of expression of the RB gene family in mouse and human retina. Gene Expr Patterns. 2005 Jun;5(5):687-94
3J:199644 Staahl BT, Tang J, Wu W, Sun A, Gitler AD, Yoo AS, Crabtree GR, Kinetic analysis of npBAF to nBAF switching reveals exchange of SS18 with CREST and integration with neural developmental pathways. J Neurosci. 2013 Jun 19;33(25):10348-61
5J:156252 Svingen T, Spiller CM, Kashimada K, Harley VR, Koopman P, Identification of suitable normalizing genes for quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis of gene expression in fetal mouse gonads. Sex Dev. 2009;3(4):194-204
1*J:220544 Takeda S, Sasagawa S, Oyama T, Searleman AC, Westergard TD, Cheng EH, Hsieh JJ, Taspase1-dependent TFIIA cleavage coordinates head morphogenesis by limiting Cdkn2a locus transcription. J Clin Invest. 2015 Mar 2;125(3):1203-14
2J:138818 Tatarakis A, Margaritis T, Martinez-Jimenez CP, Kouskouti A, Mohan WS 2nd, Haroniti A, Kafetzopoulos D, Tora L, Talianidis I, Dominant and redundant functions of TFIID involved in the regulation of hepatic genes. Mol Cell. 2008 Aug 22;31(4):531-43
1*J:197015 Thompson PJ, Norton KA, Niri FH, Dawe CE, McDermid HE, CECR2 is involved in spermatogenesis and forms a complex with SNF2H in the testis. J Mol Biol. 2012 Feb 3;415(5):793-806
1*J:122989 Visel A, Thaller C, Eichele G, GenePaint.org: an atlas of gene expression patterns in the mouse embryo. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 1;32(Database issue):D552-6
4*J:173663 Wansleeben C, van Gurp L, de Graaf P, Mousson F, Marc Timmers HT, Meijlink F, An ENU-induced point mutation in the mouse Btaf1 gene causes post-gastrulation embryonic lethality and protein instability. Mech Dev. 2011 May-Jun;128(5-6):279-88
1J:308529 Willemin A, Lopez-Delisle L, Bolt CC, Gadolini ML, Duboule D, Rodriguez-Carballo E, Induction of a chromatin boundary in vivo upon insertion of a TAD border. PLoS Genet. 2021 Jul;17(7):e1009691
5*J:38660 Worrad DM, Schultz RM, Regulation of gene expression in the preimplantation mouse embryo: temporal and spatial patterns of expression of the transcription factor Sp1. Mol Reprod Dev. 1997 Mar;46(3):268-77
2J:201607 Wu G, Han D, Gong Y, Sebastiano V, Gentile L, Singhal N, Adachi K, Fischedick G, Ortmeier C, Sinn M, Radstaak M, Tomilin A, Scholer HR, Establishment of totipotency does not depend on Oct4A. Nat Cell Biol. 2013 Sep;15(9):1089-97
4*J:105948 Xiao L, Kim M, Dejong J, Developmental and cell type-specific regulation of core promoter transcription factors in germ cells of frogs and mice. Gene Expr Patterns. 2006 Apr;6(4):409-19
2*J:156017 Yokoyama S, Ito Y, Ueno-Kudoh H, Shimizu H, Uchibe K, Albini S, Mitsuoka K, Miyaki S, Kiso M, Nagai A, Hikata T, Osada T, Fukuda N, Yamashita S, Harada D, Mezzano V, Kasai M, Puri PL, Hayashizaki Y, Okado H, Hashimoto M, Asahara H, A systems approach reveals that the myogenesis genome network is regulated by the transcriptional repressor RP58. Dev Cell. 2009 Dec;17(6):836-48
1*J:102143 Yoshikawa T, Piao Y, Zhong J, Matoba R, Carter MG, Wang Y, Goldberg I, Ko MS, High-throughput screen for genes predominantly expressed in the ICM of mouse blastocysts by whole mount in situ hybridization. Gene Expr Patterns. 2006 Jan;6(2):213-24
1J:264530 Zaffran S, Odelin G, Stefanovic S, Lescroart F, Etchevers HC, Ectopic expression of Hoxb1 induces cardiac and craniofacial malformations. Genesis. 2018 Jun;56(6-7):e23221

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