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Gene Expression Literature Summary
matrix metallopeptidase 7

27 matching records from 27 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E9.5 E10.5 E11.5 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17.5 E18.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 2
In situ RNA (section) 1 4
Northern blot 1
Western blot 1 3
RT-PCR 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 6 1 8
cDNA clones 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Mmp7  matrix metallopeptidase 7   (Synonyms: MAT, matrilysin)
Results  Reference
1J:127043 Blavier L, Lazaryev A, Groffen J, Heisterkamp N, DeClerck YA, Kaartinen V, TGF-beta3-induced palatogenesis requires matrix metalloproteinases. Mol Biol Cell. 2001 May;12(5):1457-66
1J:343798 Cheng T, Agwu C, Shim K, Wang B, Jain S, Mahjoub MR, Aberrant centrosome biogenesis disrupts nephron and collecting duct progenitor growth and fate resulting in fibrocystic kidney disease. Development. 2023 Dec 15;150(24)
1J:169713 Diao H, Aplin JD, Xiao S, Chun J, Li Z, Chen S, Ye X, Altered spatiotemporal expression of collagen types I, III, IV, and VI in Lpar3-deficient peri-implantation mouse uterus. Biol Reprod. 2011 Feb;84(2):255-65
1*J:150211 Downes M, Francois M, Ferguson C, Parton RG, Koopman P, Vascular defects in a mouse model of hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia syndrome indicate a role for SOX18 in blood vessel maturation. Hum Mol Genet. 2009 Aug 1;18(15):2839-50
1J:312814 Fernandez Vallone V, Leprovots M, Ribatallada-Soriano D, Gerbier R, Lefort A, Libert F, Vassart G, Garcia MI, LGR5 controls extracellular matrix production by stem cells in the developing intestine. EMBO Rep. 2020 Jul 3;21(7):e49224
3*J:46439 Freeman TC, Dixon AK, Campbell EA, Tait TM, Richardson PJ, Rice KM, Maslen GL, Metcalfe AD, Streuli CH, Bentley DR, Expression Mapping of Mouse Genes. MGI Direct Data Submission. 1998;
1*J:150374 Garcia MI, Ghiani M, Lefort A, Libert F, Strollo S, Vassart G, LGR5 deficiency deregulates Wnt signaling and leads to precocious Paneth cell differentiation in the fetal intestine. Dev Biol. 2009 Jul 1;331(1):58-67
1J:154852 Gregorieff A, Stange DE, Kujala P, Begthel H, van den Born M, Korving J, Peters PJ, Clevers H, The ets-domain transcription factor Spdef promotes maturation of goblet and paneth cells in the intestinal epithelium. Gastroenterology. 2009 Oct;137(4):1333-45.e1-3
2*J:84476 Guyot R, Magre S, Leduque P, Le Magueresse-Battistoni B, Differential expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases type 1 (TIMP-1) during mouse gonad development. Dev Dyn. 2003 Jul;227(3):357-66
1J:137419 Kajino-Sakamoto R, Inagaki M, Lippert E, Akira S, Robine S, Matsumoto K, Jobin C, Ninomiya-Tsuji J, Enterocyte-derived TAK1 signaling prevents epithelium apoptosis and the development of ileitis and colitis. J Immunol. 2008 Jul 15;181(2):1143-52
3*J:231594 Kumar M, Syed SM, Taketo MM, Tanwar PS, Epithelial Wnt/betacatenin signalling is essential for epididymal coiling. Dev Biol. 2016 Apr 15;412(2):234-49
4*J:324243 Lei Z, Liu W, Nie Y, Yang Y, Chen G, Huang L, Wu H, Lei Y, Chen L, Hu Q, Rong H, Yu S, Song Q, Tong F, Guo J, EpCAM Is Essential to Maintaining the Immune Homeostasis of Intestines via Keeping the Expression of pIgR in the Intestinal Epithelium of Mice. Front Immunol. 2022;13:843378
1J:263505 Liu G, Cooley MA, Jarnicki AG, Hsu AC, Nair PM, Haw TJ, Fricker M, Gellatly SL, Kim RY, Inman MD, Tjin G, Wark PA, Walker MM, Horvat JC, Oliver BG, Argraves WS, Knight DA, Burgess JK, Hansbro PM, Fibulin-1 regulates the pathogenesis of tissue remodeling in respiratory diseases. JCI Insight. 2016 Jun 16;1(9):e86380
1J:128277 Mori-Akiyama Y, van den Born M, van Es JH, Hamilton SR, Adams HP, Zhang J, Clevers H, de Crombrugghe B, SOX9 is required for the differentiation of paneth cells in the intestinal epithelium. Gastroenterology. 2007 Aug;133(2):539-46
3*J:63335 Morris-Wiman J, Du Y, Brinkley L, Occurrence and temporal variation in matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors during murine secondary palatal morphogenesis. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol. 1999 Oct-Dec;19(4):201-12
1J:91317 Okubo T, Hogan BL, Hyperactive Wnt signaling changes the developmental potential of embryonic lung endoderm. J Biol. 2004;3(3):11
1J:105134 Perez SE, Cano DA, Dao-Pick T, Rougier JP, Werb Z, Hebrok M, Matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 are dispensable for pancreatic islet formation and function in vivo. Diabetes. 2005 Mar;54(3):694-701
1*J:56936 Robbins JR, McGuire PG, Wehrle-Haller B, Rogers SL, Diminished matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) in ectomesenchyme-derived tissues of the Patch mutant mouse: regulation of MMP-2 by PDGF and effects on mesenchymal cell migration. Dev Biol. 1999 Aug 15;212(2):255-63
1J:102106 Shroyer NF, Wallis D, Venken KJ, Bellen HJ, Zoghbi HY, Gfi1 functions downstream of Math1 to control intestinal secretory cell subtype allocation and differentiation. Genes Dev. 2005 Oct 15;19(20):2412-7
3*J:138322 Smith L, Wagner TE, Huizar I, Schnapp LM, uPARAP expression during murine lung development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2008 Sep;8(7-8):486-93
2J:236406 Takada Y, Fukuda A, Chiba T, Seno H, Brg1 plays an essential role in development and homeostasis of the duodenum through regulation of Notch signaling. Development. 2016 Oct 1;143(19):3532-3539
1J:98680 van Es JH, Jay P, Gregorieff A, van Gijn ME, Jonkheer S, Hatzis P, Thiele A, van den Born M, Begthel H, Brabletz T, Taketo MM, Clevers H, Wnt signalling induces maturation of Paneth cells in intestinal crypts. Nat Cell Biol. 2005 Apr;7(4):381-6
1J:165742 VanDussen KL, Samuelson LC, Mouse atonal homolog 1 directs intestinal progenitors to secretory cell rather than absorptive cell fate. Dev Biol. 2010 Oct 15;346(2):215-23
3J:340401 Varadinkova S, Oralova V, Clarke M, Frampton J, Knopfova L, Lesot H, Bartos P, Matalova E, Expression dynamics of metalloproteinases during mandibular bone formation: association with Myb transcription factor. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023;11:1168866
9*J:26885 Wilson CL, Heppner KJ, Rudolph LA, Matrisian LM, The metalloproteinase matrilysin is preferentially expressed by epithelial cells in a tissue-restricted pattern in the mouse. Mol Biol Cell. 1995 Jul;6(7):851-69
1*J:155058 Zhang H, Ables ET, Pope CF, Washington MK, Hipkens S, Means AL, Path G, Seufert J, Costa RH, Leiter AB, Magnuson MA, Gannon M, Multiple, temporal-specific roles for HNF6 in pancreatic endocrine and ductal differentiation. Mech Dev. 2009 Dec;126(11-12):958-73
1J:159631 Zhang Y, Call MK, Yeh LK, Liu H, Kochel T, Wang IJ, Chu PH, Taketo MM, Jester JV, Kao WW, Liu CY, Aberrant expression of a beta-catenin gain-of-function mutant induces hyperplastic transformation in the mouse cornea. J Cell Sci. 2010 Apr 15;123(Pt 8):1285-94

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