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Gene Expression Literature Summary
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12

181 matching records from 181 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E7.5 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19.5 E20 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 2 2 1 4 5 2 4 8 5 1 3 3 1 1 1 14
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 2 5 4 14 4 16 2 22 27 4 32 18 2 19 12 1 13 6 16
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 2 5 1 1 3 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 3 3 4 4 3 4 2 4 2 2 7
Western blot 1 1 1 1 1 3
RT-PCR 3 7 6 11 7 8 1 10 3 11 2 11 1 3 1 5 1 23
cDNA clones 1 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Cxcl12  C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12   (Synonyms: PBSF, PBSF/SDF-1, Scyb12, Sdf1, SDF-1, Sdf1a, Sdf1b, TLSF-a, TLSF-b, TPAR1)
Results  Reference
4J:226478 Abe P, Molnar Z, Tzeng YS, Lai DM, Arnold SJ, Stumm R, Intermediate Progenitors Facilitate Intracortical Progression of Thalamocortical Axons and Interneurons through CXCL12 Chemokine Signaling. J Neurosci. 2015 Sep 23;35(38):13053-63
1*J:213419 Abe P, Mueller W, Schutz D, MacKay F, Thelen M, Zhang P, Stumm R, CXCR7 prevents excessive CXCL12-mediated downregulation of CXCR4 in migrating cortical interneurons. Development. 2014 May;141(9):1857-63
1*J:325730 Ahuja N, Hiltabidle MS, Rajasekhar H, Voss S, Lu SZ, Barlow HR, Cowdin MA, Daniel E, Vaddaraju V, Anandakumar T, Black E, Cleaver O, Maynard C, Endothelial Cyp26b1 restrains murine heart valve growth during development. Dev Biol. 2022 Jun;486:81-95
2J:152710 Aldinger KA, Lehmann OJ, Hudgins L, Chizhikov VV, Bassuk AG, Ades LC, Krantz ID, Dobyns WB, Millen KJ, FOXC1 is required for normal cerebellar development and is a major contributor to chromosome 6p25.3 Dandy-Walker malformation. Nat Genet. 2009 Sep;41(9):1037-42
4J:187740 Anderson C, Williams VC, Moyon B, Daubas P, Tajbakhsh S, Buckingham ME, Shiroishi T, Hughes SM, Borycki AG, Sonic hedgehog acts cell-autonomously on muscle precursor cells to generate limb muscle diversity. Genes Dev. 2012 Sep 15;26(18):2103-17
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4J:277749 Barber M, Andrews WD, Memi F, Gardener P, Ciantar D, Tata M, Ruhrberg C, Parnavelas JG, Vascular-Derived Vegfa Promotes Cortical Interneuron Migration and Proximity to the Vasculature in the Developing Forebrain. Cereb Cortex. 2018 Jul 1;28(7):2577-2593
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1J:224431 Besschetnova TY, Ichimura T, Katebi N, St Croix B, Bonventre JV, Olsen BR, Regulatory mechanisms of anthrax toxin receptor 1-dependent vascular and connective tissue homeostasis. Matrix Biol. 2015 Mar;42:56-73
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5J:239363 Cavallero S, Shen H, Yi C, Lien CL, Kumar SR, Sucov HM, CXCL12 Signaling Is Essential for Maturation of the Ventricular Coronary Endothelial Plexus and Establishment of Functional Coronary Circulation. Dev Cell. 2015 May 26;33(4):469-77
1*J:123817 Chalasani SH, Baribaud F, Coughlan CM, Sunshine MJ, Lee VM, Doms RW, Littman DR, Raper JA, The chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1 promotes the survival of embryonic retinal ganglion cells. J Neurosci. 2003 Jun 1;23(11):4601-12
6*J:331053 Chandrasekaran P, Negretti NM, Sivakumar A, Liberti DC, Wen H, Peers de Nieuwburgh M, Wang JY, Michki NS, Chaudhry FN, Kaur S, Lu M, Jin A, Zepp JA, Young LR, Sucre JMS, Frank DB, CXCL12 defines lung endothelial heterogeneity and promotes distal vascular growth. Development. 2022 Nov 1;149(21):dev200909
4*J:243789 Chang AH, Raftrey BC, D'Amato G, Surya VN, Poduri A, Chen HI, Goldstone AB, Woo J, Fuller GG, Dunn AR, Red-Horse K, DACH1 stimulates shear stress-guided endothelial cell migration and coronary artery growth through the CXCL12-CXCR4 signaling axis. Genes Dev. 2017 Aug 04;31(13):1308-1324
1J:333323 Chen H, Bai Y, Kobayashi M, Xiao S, Cai W, Barajas S, Chen S, Miao J, Meke FN, Vemula S, Ropa JP, Croop JM, Boswell HS, Wan J, Jia Y, Liu H, Li LS, Altman JK, Eklund EA, Ji P, Tong W, Band H, Huang DT, Platanias LC, Zhang ZY, Liu Y, PRL2 phosphatase enhances oncogenic FLT3 signaling via dephosphorylation of the E3 ubiquitin ligase CBL at tyrosine 371. Blood. 2023 Jan 19;141(3):244-259
2J:225062 Chen SR, Zheng QS, Zhang Y, Gao F, Liu YX, Disruption of genital ridge development causes aberrant primordial germ cell proliferation but does not affect their directional migration. BMC Biol. 2013;11:22
7J:314168 Chen W, Liu X, Li W, Shen H, Zeng Z, Yin K, Priest JR, Zhou Z, Single-cell transcriptomic landscape of cardiac neural crest cell derivatives during development. EMBO Rep. 2021 Nov 4;22(11):e52389
1J:182705 Choe Y, Siegenthaler JA, Pleasure SJ, A cascade of morphogenic signaling initiated by the meninges controls corpus callosum formation. Neuron. 2012 Feb 23;73(4):698-712
1J:171226 Cullen M, Elzarrad MK, Seaman S, Zudaire E, Stevens J, Yang MY, Li X, Chaudhary A, Xu L, Hilton MB, Logsdon D, Hsiao E, Stein EV, Cuttitta F, Haines DC, Nagashima K, Tessarollo L, St Croix B, GPR124, an orphan G protein-coupled receptor, is required for CNS-specific vascularization and establishment of the blood-brain barrier. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Apr 5;108(14):5759-64
2J:271384 D'Amato G, Luxan G, del Monte-Nieto G, Martinez-Poveda B, Torroja C, Walter W, Bochter MS, Benedito R, Cole S, Martinez F, Hadjantonakis AK, Uemura A, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, de la Pompa JL, Sequential Notch activation regulates ventricular chamber development. Nat Cell Biol. 2016 Jan;18(1):7-20
2J:331483 D'Amato G, Phansalkar R, Naftaly JA, Fan X, Amir ZA, Rios Coronado PE, Cowley DO, Quinn KE, Sharma B, Caron KM, Vigilante A, Red-Horse K, Endocardium-to-coronary artery differentiation during heart development and regeneration involves sequential roles of Bmp2 and Cxcl12/Cxcr4. Dev Cell. 2022 Nov 21;57(22):2517-2532.e6
2J:354439 D'Cruz R, Kim YK, Mulder J, Ibeh N, Jiang N, Tian Y, Rosenblum ND, Hedgehog signalling in Foxd1+ embryonic kidney stromal progenitors controls nephron formation via Cxcl12 and Wnt5a. J Pathol. 2023 Dec;261(4):385-400
9*J:95331 Daniel D, Rossel M, Seki T, Konig N, Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) expression in embryonic mouse cerebral cortex starts in the intermediate zone close to the pallial-subpallial boundary and extends progressively towards the cortical hem. Gene Expr Patterns. 2005 Feb;5(3):317-22
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1*J:153498 Diez-Roux G, Banfi S, Sultan M, Geffers L, Anand S, Rozado D, Magen A, Canidio E, Pagani M, Peluso I, Lin-Marq N, Koch M, Bilio M, Cantiello I, Verde R, De Masi C, Bianchi SA, Cicchini J, Perroud E, Mehmeti S, Dagand E, Schrinner S, Nurnberger A, SchmidtK, Metz K, Zwingmann C, Brieske N, Springer C, Hernandez AM, Herzog S, Grabbe F, Sieverding C, Fischer B, Schrader K, Brockmeyer M, Dettmer S, Helbig C, Alunni V, Battaini MA, Mura C, Henrichsen CN, Garcia-Lopez R, Echevarria D, Puelles E, et al., A high-resolution anatomical atlas of the transcriptome in the mouse embryo. PLoS Biol. 2011;9(1):e1000582
4J:359863 Do LNH, Delgado E, Lim CG, Bkhache M, Peluzzo AM, Hua Y, Oza M, Mohsin S, Chen H, Autieri MV, Kim S, Liu X, A neuro-lymphatic communication guides lymphatic development by CXCL12 and CXCR4 signaling. Development. 2024 Nov 15;151(22)
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1*J:178498 Fagman H, Amendola E, Parrillo L, Zoppoli P, Marotta P, Scarfo M, De Luca P, de Carvalho DP, Ceccarelli M, De Felice M, Di Lauro R, Gene expression profiling at early organogenesis reveals both common and diverse mechanisms in foregut patterning. Dev Biol. 2011 Nov 15;359(2):163-75
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3J:333567 Gonzalez-Meljem JM, Ivins S, Andoniadou CL, Le Tissier P, Scambler P, Martinez-Barbera JP, An expression and function analysis of the CXCR4/SDF-1 signalling axis during pituitary gland development. PLoS One. 2023;18(2):e0280001
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