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Gene Expression Literature Summary
LIM domain kinase 1

39 matching records from 39 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E1.5 E2 E2.5 E3 E3.5 E4.5 E6.5 E7 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17.5 E18 E18.5 P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 5
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 4
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1 2 1 2
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
Western blot 2 1 2 1 2 1 7
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 7
cDNA clones 1 1 1 2
RNase protection 1 1 1 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Limk1  LIM domain kinase 1  
Results  Reference
1*J:108459 Acevedo K, Moussi N, Li R, Soo P, Bernard O, LIM kinase 2 is widely expressed in all tissues. J Histochem Cytochem. 2006 May;54(5):487-501
11J:37753 Bernard O, Ganiatsas S, Kannourakis G, Dringen R, Kiz-1, a protein with LIM zinc finger and kinase domains, is expressed mainly in neurons. Cell Growth Differ. 1994 Nov;5(11):1159-71
1J:266546 Brown JM, Garcia-Garcia MJ, Secretory pathway calcium ATPase 1 (SPCA1) controls mouse neural tube closure by regulating cytoskeletal dynamics. Development. 2018 Oct 5;145(19):dev170019
1J:144338 Chai X, Forster E, Zhao S, Bock HH, Frotscher M, Reelin stabilizes the actin cytoskeleton of neuronal processes by inducing n-cofilin phosphorylation at serine3. J Neurosci. 2009 Jan 7;29(1):288-99
18*J:28711 Cheng AK, Robertson EJ, The murine LIM-kinase gene (limk) encodes a novel serine threonine kinase expressed predominantly in trophoblast giant cells and the developing nervous system. Mech Dev. 1995 Aug;52(2-3):187-97
4J:257926 Collinson JM, Lindstrom NO, Neves C, Wallace K, Meharg C, Charles RH, Ross ZK, Fraser AM, Mbogo I, Oras K, Nakamoto M, Barker S, Duce S, Miedzybrodzka Z, Vargesson N, The developmental and genetic basis of 'clubfoot' in the peroneal muscular atrophy mutant mouse. Development. 2018 Feb 8;145(3):dev160093
4*J:276652 Fang Q, Zhang Y, Da P, Shao B, Pan H, He Z, Cheng C, Li D, Guo J, Wu X, Guan M, Liao M, Zhang Y, Sha S, Zhou Z, Wang J, Wang T, Su K, Chai R, Chen F, Deletion of Limk1 and Limk2 in mice does not alter cochlear development or auditory function. Sci Rep. 2019 Mar 4;9(1):3357
1J:164028 Firulli BA, McConville DP, Byers JS 3rd, Vincentz JW, Barnes RM, Firulli AB, Analysis of a Hand1 hypomorphic allele reveals a critical threshold for embryonic viability. Dev Dyn. 2010 Oct;239(10):2748-60
8J:88894 Foletta VC, Moussi N, Sarmiere PD, Bamburg JR, Bernard O, LIM kinase 1, a key regulator of actin dynamics, is widely expressed in embryonic and adult tissues. Exp Cell Res. 2004 Apr 1;294(2):392-405
3*J:46439 Freeman TC, Dixon AK, Campbell EA, Tait TM, Richardson PJ, Rice KM, Maslen GL, Metcalfe AD, Streuli CH, Bentley DR, Expression Mapping of Mouse Genes. MGI Direct Data Submission. 1998;
1J:282364 Frendo ME, da Silva A, Phan KD, Riche S, Butler SJ, The Cofilin/Limk1 Pathway Controls the Growth Rate of Both Developing and Regenerating Motor Axons. J Neurosci. 2019 Nov 20;39(47):9316-9327
2*J:96841 Gong SG, Gong TW, Shum L, Identification of markers of the midface. J Dent Res. 2005 Jan;84(1):69-72
2*J:91257 Gray PA, Fu H, Luo P, Zhao Q, Yu J, Ferrari A, Tenzen T, Yuk DI, Tsung EF, Cai Z, Alberta JA, Cheng LP, Liu Y, Stenman JM, Valerius MT, Billings N, Kim HA, Greenberg ME, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD, Ma Q, Mouse Brain Organization Revealed Through Direct Genome-Scale TF Expression Analysis. Science. 2004 Dec 24;306(5705):2255-2257
1*J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, GUDMAP: the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project. www.gudmap.org. 2004;
7*J:140465 Guo G, Huss M, Tong GQ, Wang C, Li Sun L, Clarke ND, Robson P, Resolution of cell fate decisions revealed by single-cell gene expression analysis from zygote to blastocyst. Dev Cell. 2010 Apr 20;18(4):675-85
1*J:157948 Jiang XS, Wassif CA, Backlund PS, Song L, Holtzclaw LA, Li Z, Yergey AL, Porter FD, Activation of Rho GTPases in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: pathophysiological and clinical implications. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Apr 1;19(7):1347-57
1J:217820 Larabee SM, Coia H, Jones S, Cheung E, Gallicano GI, miRNA-17 Members that Target Bmpr2 Influence Signaling Mechanisms Important for Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation In Vitro and Gastrulation in Embryos. Stem Cells Dev. 2015 Feb 1;24(3):354-71
1J:167714 Li D, Hallett MA, Zhu W, Rubart M, Liu Y, Yang Z, Chen H, Haneline LS, Chan RJ, Schwartz RJ, Field LJ, Atkinson SJ, Shou W, Dishevelled-associated activator of morphogenesis 1 (Daam1) is required for heart morphogenesis. Development. 2011 Jan;138(2):303-15
6*J:170390 Lindstrom NO, Neves C, McIntosh R, Miedzybrodzka Z, Vargesson N, Martin Collinson J, Tissue specific characterisation of Lim-kinase 1 expression during mouse embryogenesis. Gene Expr Patterns. 2011 Mar-Apr;11(3-4):221-32
4J:290602 Mao R, Deng R, Wei Y, Han L, Meng Y, Xie W, Jia Z, LIMK1 and LIMK2 regulate cortical development through affecting neural progenitor cell proliferation and migration. Mol Brain. 2019 Jul 18;12(1):67
1*J:205051 Miller JA, Nathanson J, Franjic D, Shim S, Dalley RA, Shapouri S, Smith KA, Sunkin SM, Bernard A, Bennett JL, Lee CK, Hawrylycz MJ, Jones AR, Amaral DG, Sestan N, Gage FH, Lein ES, Conserved molecular signatures of neurogenesis in the hippocampal subgranular zone of rodents and primates. Development. 2013 Nov;140(22):4633-44
2J:161853 Mokalled MH, Johnson A, Kim Y, Oh J, Olson EN, Myocardin-related transcription factors regulate the Cdk5/Pctaire1 kinase cascade to control neurite outgrowth, neuronal migration and brain development. Development. 2010 Jul;137(14):2365-74
1*J:347204 Morita R, Kihira M, Nakatsu Y, Nomoto Y, Ogawa M, Ohashi K, Mizuno K, Tachikawa T, Ishimoto Y, Morishita Y, Tsuji T, Coordination of Cellular Dynamics Contributes to Tooth Epithelium Deformations. PLoS One. 2016;11(9):e0161336
2J:186592 Nekrasova T, Minden A, Role for p21-activated kinase PAK4 in development of the mammalian heart. Transgenic Res. 2012 Aug;21(4):797-811
3J:166516 Phan KD, Hazen VM, Frendo M, Jia Z, Butler SJ, The bone morphogenetic protein roof plate chemorepellent regulates the rate of commissural axonal growth. J Neurosci. 2010 Nov 17;30(46):15430-40
10J:29439 Proschel C, Blouin MJ, Gutowski NJ, Ludwig R, Noble M, Limk1 is predominantly expressed in neural tissues and phosphorylates serine, threonine and tyrosine residues in vitro. Oncogene. 1995 Oct 5;11(7):1271-81
1J:192231 Rice DS, Hansen GM, Liu F, Crist MJ, Newhouse MM, Potter D, Xu N, Abuin A, Vogel PJ, Zambrowicz BP, Keratinocyte migration in the developing eyelid requires LIMK2. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e47168
1J:46383 Riley P, Anson-Cartwright L, Cross JC, The Hand1 bHLH transcription factor is essential for placentation and cardiac morphogenesis. Nat Genet. 1998 Mar;18(3):271-5
1J:185948 Rosario M, Schuster S, Juttner R, Parthasarathy S, Tarabykin V, Birchmeier W, Neocortical dendritic complexity is controlled during development by NOMA-GAP-dependent inhibition of Cdc42 and activation of cofilin. Genes Dev. 2012 Aug 1;26(15):1743-57
5*J:215487 Thompson CL, Ng L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee CK, Glattfelder K, Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JL, Wakeman WB, Hohmann J, Dee N, Sodt AJ, Young R, Smith K, Nguyen TN, Kidney J, Kuan L, Jeromin A,Kaykas A, Miller J, Page D, Orta G, Bernard A, Riley Z, Smith S, Wohnoutka P, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L, Jones AR, A high-resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain. Neuron. 2014 Jul 16;83(2):309-23
2J:101335 Tursun B, Schluter A, Peters MA, Viehweger B, Ostendorff HP, Soosairajah J, Drung A, Bossenz M, Johnsen SA, Schweizer M, Bernard O, Bach I, The ubiquitin ligase Rnf6 regulates local LIM kinase 1 levels in axonal growth cones. Genes Dev. 2005 Oct 1;19(19):2307-19
1J:275093 Vaswani AR, Weykopf B, Hagemann C, Fried HU, Brustle O, Blaess S, Correct setup of the substantia nigra requires Reelin-mediated fast, laterally-directed migration of dopaminergic neurons. Elife. 2019 Jan 28;8:e41623
1J:129038 Wang X, Nadarajah B, Robinson AC, McColl BW, Jin JW, Dajas-Bailador F, Boot-Handford RP, Tournier C, Targeted deletion of the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 gene in the nervous system causes severe brain developmental defects and premature death. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Nov;27(22):7935-46
1*J:190636 Wiese CB, Ireland S, Fleming NL, Yu J, Valerius MT, Georgas K, Chiu HS, Brennan J, Armstrong J, Little MH, McMahon AP, Southard-Smith EM, A genome-wide screen to identify transcription factors expressed in pelvic ganglia of the lower urinary tract. Front Neurosci. 2012;6:130
1J:330575 Yamada S, Mizukoshi T, Tokunaga A, Sakakibara SI, Inka2, a novel Pak4 inhibitor, regulates actin dynamics in neuronal development. PLoS Genet. 2022 Oct;18(10):e1010438
3J:119920 Ybot-Gonzalez P, Savery D, Gerrelli D, Signore M, Mitchell CE, Faux CH, Greene ND, Copp AJ, Convergent extension, planar-cell-polarity signalling and initiation of mouse neural tube closure. Development. 2007 Feb;134(4):789-99
1*J:149990 Yoshimura K, Kitagawa H, Fujiki R, Tanabe M, Takezawa S, Takada I, Yamaoka I, Yonezawa M, Kondo T, Furutani Y, Yagi H, Yoshinaga S, Masuda T, Fukuda T, Yamamoto Y, Ebihara K, Li DY, Matsuoka R, Takeuchi JK, Matsumoto T, Kato S, Distinct function of 2 chromatin remodeling complexes that share a common subunit, Williams syndrome transcription factor (WSTF). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Jun 9;106(23):9280-5
1J:300786 Zhang Z, Ye M, Li Q, You Y, Yu H, Ma Y, Mei L, Sun X, Wang L, Yue W, Li R, Li J, Zhang D, The Schizophrenia Susceptibility Gene OPCML Regulates Spine Maturation and Cognitive Behaviors through Eph-Cofilin Signaling. Cell Rep. 2019 Oct 1;29(1):49-61.e7
1J:280168 Zhu C, Cheng C, Wang Y, Muhammad W, Liu S, Zhu W, Shao B, Zhang Z, Yan X, He Q, Xu Z, Yu C, Qian X, Lu L, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Xiong W, Gao X, Xu Z, Chai R, Loss of ARHGEF6 Causes Hair Cell Stereocilia Deficits and Hearing Loss in Mice. Front Mol Neurosci. 2018;11:362

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