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Gene Expression Literature Summary
ladybird homeobox 1

116 matching records from 116 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14.5 E15.5 E16.5 E17.5 E18.5 E19 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 4 4 21 5 29 2 19 1 6 9 6 5 4 1 3 7
In situ RNA (section) 2 1 3 8 1 7 2 5 2 3 3 3 2 1 4
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 2 3 9 1 16 7 1 1 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 2 4 3 2 4 3 1 1 1 1
Northern blot 1 1 1
Western blot 1 1
RT-PCR 1 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 1 2
cDNA clones 1 1 1 1 1
Primer Extension 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Lbx1  ladybird homeobox 1   (Synonyms: Lbx1h)
Results  Reference
2J:103452 Abbott MA, Joksimovic M, Tuggle CK, Ectopic HOXA5 expression results in abnormal differentiation, migration and p53-independent cell death of superficial dorsal horn neurons. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 2005 Oct 6;159(2):87-97
2J:187740 Anderson C, Williams VC, Moyon B, Daubas P, Tajbakhsh S, Buckingham ME, Shiroishi T, Hughes SM, Borycki AG, Sonic hedgehog acts cell-autonomously on muscle precursor cells to generate limb muscle diversity. Genes Dev. 2012 Sep 15;26(18):2103-17
2J:187218 Andersson LS, Larhammar M, Memic F, Wootz H, Schwochow D, Rubin CJ, Patra K, Arnason T, Wellbring L, Hjalm G, Imsland F, Petersen JL, McCue ME, Mickelson JR, Cothran G, Ahituv N, Roepstorff L, Mikko S, Vallstedt A, Lindgren G, Andersson L, Kullander K, Mutations in DMRT3 affect locomotion in horses and spinal circuit function in mice. Nature. 2012 Aug 30;488(7413):642-6
1*J:321845 Bernhardt N, Memic F, Velica A, Tran MA, Vieillard J, Sayyab S, Chersa T, Andersson L, Whelan PJ, Boije H, Kullander K, Hop Mice Display Synchronous Hindlimb Locomotion and a Ventrally Fused Lumbar Spinal Cord Caused by a Point Mutation in Ttc26. eNeuro. 2022 Mar-Apr;9(2):ENEURO.0518-21.2022
2J:99491 Britanova O, Akopov S, Lukyanov S, Gruss P, Tarabykin V, Novel transcription factor Satb2 interacts with matrix attachment region DNA elements in a tissue-specific manner and demonstrates cell-type-dependent expression in the developing mouse CNS. Eur J Neurosci. 2005 Feb;21(3):658-68
3*J:56466 Brohmann H, Jagla K, Birchmeier C, The role of Lbx1 in migration of muscle precursor cells. Development. 2000 Jan;127(2):437-45
1J:187280 Campbell AL, Shih HP, Xu J, Gross MK, Kioussi C, Regulation of motility of myogenic cells in filling limb muscle anlagen by Pitx2. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35822
1J:304721 Chang SH, Su YC, Chang M, Chen JA, MicroRNAs mediate precise control of spinal interneuron populations to exert delicate sensory-to-motor outputs. Elife. 2021 Mar 31;10:e63768
2J:224198 Chen Y, Takano-Maruyama M, Fritzsch B, Gaufo GO, Hoxb1 controls anteroposterior identity of vestibular projection neurons. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e34762
1J:102513 Cheng L, Samad OA, Xu Y, Mizuguchi R, Luo P, Shirasawa S, Goulding M, Ma Q, Lbx1 and Tlx3 are opposing switches in determining GABAergic versus glutamatergic transmitter phenotypes. Nat Neurosci. 2005 Nov;8(11):1510-5
2J:334109 Cova G, Glaser J, Schopflin R, Prada-Medina CA, Ali S, Franke M, Falcone R, Federer M, Ponzi E, Ficarella R, Novara F, Wittler L, Timmermann B, Gentile M, Zuffardi O, Spielmann M, Mundlos S, Combinatorial effects on gene expression at the Lbx1/Fgf8 locus resolve split-hand/foot malformation type 3. Nat Commun. 2023 Mar 17;14(1):1475
3J:349859 Cui K, Xia Y, Patnaik A, Salivara A, Lowenstein ED, Isik EG, Knorz AL, Airaghi L, Crotti M, Garratt AN, Meng F, Schmitz D, Studer M, Rijli FM, Nothwang HG, Rost BR, Strauss U, Hernandez-Miranda LR, Genetic identification of medullary neurons underlying congenital hypoventilation. Sci Adv. 2024 Jun 21;10(25):eadj0720
2J:180432 D'Autreaux F, Coppola E, Hirsch MR, Birchmeier C, Brunet JF, Homeoprotein Phox2b commands a somatic-to-visceral switch in cranial sensory pathways. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Dec 13;108(50):20018-23
3J:319391 Decourtye L, McCallum-Loudeac JA, Zellhuber-McMillan S, Young E, Sircombe KJ, Wilson MJ, Characterization of a novel Lbx1 mouse loss of function strain. Differentiation. 2021 Dec 9;123:30-41
2J:278241 Delile J, Rayon T, Melchionda M, Edwards A, Briscoe J, Sagner A, Single cell transcriptomics reveals spatial and temporal dynamics of gene expression in the developing mouse spinal cord. Development. 2019 Mar 27;146(12):dev173807
1J:314904 Dempsey B, Sungeelee S, Bokiniec P, Chettouh Z, Diem S, Autran S, Harrell ER, Poulet JFA, Birchmeier C, Carey H, Genovesio A, McMullan S, Goridis C, Fortin G, Brunet JF, A medullary centre for lapping in mice. Nat Commun. 2021 Nov 2;12(1):6307
4*J:53292 Dietrich S, Abou-Rebyeh F, Brohmann H, Bladt F, Sonnenberg-Riethmacher E , Yamaai T , Lumsden A , Brand-Saberi B , Birchmeier C, The role of SF/HGF and c-Met in the development of skeletal muscle. Development. 1999 Apr;126(8):1621-9
1J:59749 Dietrich S, Schubert FR, Gruss P, Lumsden A, The role of the notochord for epaxial myotome formation in the mouse. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-Le-Grand). 1999 Jul;45(5):601-16
3J:92064 Ding YQ, Yin J, Kania A, Zhao ZQ, Johnson RL, Chen ZF, Lmx1b controls the differentiation and migration of the superficial dorsal horn neurons of the spinal cord. Development. 2004 Aug;131(15):3693-703
1J:209344 Dougherty KJ, Zagoraiou L, Satoh D, Rozani I, Doobar S, Arber S, Jessell TM, Kiehn O, Locomotor rhythm generation linked to the output of spinal shox2 excitatory interneurons. Neuron. 2013 Nov 20;80(4):920-33
1J:296619 Fan Y, Richelme S, Avazeri E, Audebert S, Helmbacher F, Dono R, Maina F, Tissue-Specific Gain of RTK Signalling Uncovers Selective Cell Vulnerability during Embryogenesis. PLoS Genet. 2015;11(9):e1005533
1J:252092 Gard C, Gonzalez Curto G, Frarma YE, Chollet E, Duval N, Auzie V, Aurade F, Vigier L, Relaix F, Pierani A, Causeret F, Ribes V, Pax3- and Pax7-mediated Dbx1 regulation orchestrates the patterning of intermediate spinal interneurons. Dev Biol. 2017 Dec 1;432(1):24-33
1J:88581 Gaufo GO, Wu S, Capecchi MR, Contribution of Hox genes to the diversity of the hindbrain sensory system. Development. 2004 Mar;131(6):1259-66
2J:148967 Glassmann A, Topka S, Wang-Eckardt L, Anders S, Weisheit G, Endl E, Zimmer A, Schilling K, Basic molecular fingerprinting of immature cerebellar cortical inhibitory interneurons and their precursors. Neuroscience. 2009 Mar 3;159(1):69-82
1J:305179 Gray de Cristoforis A, Ferrari F, Clotman F, Vogel T, Differentiation and localization of interneurons in the developing spinal cord depends on DOT1L expression. Mol Brain. 2020 May 29;13(1):85
1J:98519 Grifone R, Demignon J, Houbron C, Souil E, Niro C, Seller MJ, Hamard G, Maire P, Six1 and Six4 homeoproteins are required for Pax3 and Mrf expression during myogenesis in the mouse embryo. Development. 2005 May;132(9):2235-49
9J:76658 Gross MK, Dottori M, Goulding M, Lbx1 specifies somatosensory association interneurons in the dorsal spinal cord. Neuron. 2002 May 16;34(4):535-49
3J:56498 Gross MK, Moran-Rivard L, Velasquez T, Nakatsu MN, Jagla K, Goulding M, Lbx1 is required for muscle precursor migration along a lateral pathway into the limb. Development. 2000 Jan;127(2):413-24
1*J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, GUDMAP: the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project. www.gudmap.org. 2004;
1J:263230 Helmbacher F, Tissue-specific activities of the Fat1 cadherin cooperate to control neuromuscular morphogenesis. PLoS Biol. 2018 May;16(5):e2004734
2J:269168 Hernandez-Miranda LR, Ibrahim DM, Ruffault PL, Larrosa M, Balueva K, Muller T, Weerd W, Stolte-Dijkstra I, Hostra RMW, Brunet JF, Fortin G, Mundlos S, Birchmeier C, Mutation in LBX1/Lbx1 precludes transcription factor cooperativity and causes congenital hypoventilation in humans and mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Dec 18;115(51):13021-13026
1J:260688 Hilde KL, Levine AJ, Hinckley CA, Hayashi M, Montgomery JM, Gullo M, Driscoll SP, Grosschedl R, Kohwi Y, Kohwi-Shigematsu T, Pfaff SL, Satb2 Is Required for the Development of a Spinal Exteroceptive Microcircuit that Modulates Limb Position. Neuron. 2016 Aug 17;91(4):763-776
1J:199321 Hirsch MR, d'Autreaux F, Dymecki SM, Brunet JF, Goridis C, A Phox2b::FLPo transgenic mouse line suitable for intersectional genetics. Genesis. 2013 Jul;51(7):506-14
1J:184447 Hu J, Huang T, Li T, Guo Z, Cheng L, c-Maf is required for the development of dorsal horn laminae III/IV neurons and mechanoreceptive DRG axon projections. J Neurosci. 2012 Apr 18;32(16):5362-73
2J:188329 Huang WH, Tupal S, Huang TW, Ward CS, Neul JL, Klisch TJ, Gray PA, Zoghbi HY, Atoh1 Governs the Migration of Postmitotic Neurons that Shape Respiratory Effectiveness at Birth and Chemoresponsiveness in Adulthood. Neuron. 2012 Sep 6;75(5):799-809
1J:150348 Iulianella A, Sharma M, Vanden Heuvel GB, Trainor PA, Cux2 functions downstream of Notch signaling to regulate dorsal interneuron formation in the spinal cord. Development. 2009 Jul;136(14):2329-34
27*J:29933 Jagla K, Dolle P, Mattei MG, Jagla T, Schuhbaur B, Dretzen G, Bellard F, Bellard M, Mouse Lbx1 and human LBX1 define a novel mammalian homeobox gene family related to the Drosophila lady bird genes. Mech Dev. 1995 Nov;53(3):345-56
1J:94269 Jeong J, McMahon AP, Growth and pattern of the mammalian neural tube are governed by partially overlapping feedback activities of the hedgehog antagonists patched 1 and Hhip1. Development. 2005 Jan;132(1):143-54
3J:184011 John A, Brylka H, Wiegreffe C, Simon R, Liu P, Juttner R, Crenshaw EB 3rd, Luyten FP, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Birchmeier C, Britsch S, Bcl11a is required for neuronal morphogenesis and sensory circuit formation in dorsal spinal cord development. Development. 2012 May;139(10):1831-41
4J:284905 Kabayiza KU, Masgutova G, Harris A, Rucchin V, Jacob B, Clotman F, The Onecut Transcription Factors Regulate Differentiation and Distribution of Dorsal Interneurons during Spinal Cord Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2017;10:157
1J:186538 Katayama K, Leslie JR, Lang RA, Zheng Y, Yoshida Y, Left-Right Locomotor Circuitry Depends on RhoA-Driven Organization of the Neuroepithelium in the Developing Spinal Cord. J Neurosci. 2012 Jul 25;32(30):10396-407
1*J:251322 Kim M, Minoux M, Piaia A, Kueng B, Gapp B, Weber D, Haller C, Barbieri S, Namoto K, Lorenz T, Wirsching J, Bassilana F, Dietrich W, Rijli FM, Ksiazek I, DPP9 enzyme activity controls survival of mouse migratory tongue muscle progenitors and its absence leads to neonatal lethality due to suckling defect. Dev Biol. 2017 Nov 15;431(2):297-308
4J:173779 Kossler N, Stricker S, Rodelsperger C, Robinson PN, Kim J, Dietrich C, Osswald M, Kuhnisch J, Stevenson DA, Braun T, Mundlos S, Kolanczyk M, Neurofibromin (Nf1) is required for skeletal muscle development. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Jul 15;20(14):2697-709
2J:98802 Kriks S, Lanuza GM, Mizuguchi R, Nakafuku M, Goulding M, Gsh2 is required for the repression of Ngn1 and specification of dorsal interneuron fate in the spinal cord. Development. 2005 Jul;132(13):2991-3002
4J:78622 Kruger M, Schafer K, Braun T, The homeobox containing gene Lbx1 is required for correct dorsal-ventral patterning of the neural tube. J Neurochem. 2002 Aug;82(4):774-82
1J:156014 Lagha M, Brunelli S, Messina G, Cumano A, Kume T, Relaix F, Buckingham ME, Pax3:Foxc2 reciprocal repression in the somite modulates muscular versus vascular cell fate choice in multipotent progenitors. Dev Cell. 2009 Dec;17(6):892-9
2J:167213 Lagha M, Sato T, Regnault B, Cumano A, Zuniga A, Licht J, Relaix F, Buckingham M, Transcriptome analyses based on genetic screens for Pax3 myogenic targets in the mouse embryo. BMC Genomics. 2010;11:696
2J:89813 Lanuza GM, Gosgnach S, Pierani A, Jessell TM, Goulding M, Genetic identification of spinal interneurons that coordinate left-right locomotor activity necessary for walking movements. Neuron. 2004 May 13;42(3):375-86
1J:178982 Le Dreau G, Garcia-Campmany L, Rabadan MA, Ferronha T, Tozer S, Briscoe J, Marti E, Canonical BMP7 activity is required for the generation of discrete neuronal populations in the dorsal spinal cord. Development. 2012 Jan;139(2):259-68
1J:95257 Lee CT, Li L, Takamoto N, Martin JF, Demayo FJ, Tsai MJ, Tsai SY, The nuclear orphan receptor COUP-TFII is required for limb and skeletal muscle development. Mol Cell Biol. 2004 Dec;24(24):10835-43
1J:86619 Li X, Oghi KA, Zhang J, Krones A, Bush KT, Glass CK, Nigam SK, Aggarwal AK, Maas R, Rose DW, Rosenfeld MG, Eya protein phosphatase activity regulates Six1-Dach-Eya transcriptional effects in mammalian organogenesis. Nature. 2003 Nov 20;426(6964):247-54
1J:118347 Liu B, Liu Z, Chen T, Li H, Qiang B, Yuan J, Peng X, Qiu M, Selective expression of Bhlhb5 in subsets of early-born interneurons and late-born association neurons in the spinal cord. Dev Dyn. 2007 Mar;236(3):829-35
1J:143462 Liu Z, Li H, Hu X, Yu L, Liu H, Han R, Colella R, Mower GD, Chen Y, Qiu M, Control of precerebellar neuron development by Olig3 bHLH transcription factor. J Neurosci. 2008 Oct 1;28(40):10124-33
1J:212419 Lours-Calet C, Alvares LE, El-Hanfy AS, Gandesha S, Walters EH, Sobreira DR, Wotton KR, Jorge EC, Lawson JA, Kelsey Lewis A, Tada M, Sharpe C, Kardon G, Dietrich S, Evolutionarily conserved morphogenetic movements at the vertebrate head-trunk interface coordinate the transport and assembly of hypopharyngeal structures. Dev Biol. 2014 Jun 15;390(2):231-46
1J:56172 Mankoo BS, Collins NS, Ashby P, Grigorieva E, Pevny LH, Candia A , Wright CV , Rigby PW , Pachnis V, Mox2 is a component of the genetic hierarchy controlling limb muscle development. Nature. 1999 Jul 1;400(6739):69-73
2J:196292 Marinic M, Aktas T, Ruf S, Spitz F, An integrated holo-enhancer unit defines tissue and gene specificity of the Fgf8 regulatory landscape. Dev Cell. 2013 Mar 11;24(5):530-42
1*J:283401 Masgutova G, Harris A, Jacob B, Corcoran LM, Clotman F, Pou2f2 Regulates the Distribution of Dorsal Interneurons in the Mouse Developing Spinal Cord. Front Mol Neurosci. 2019;12:263
3J:212088 Mayeuf-Louchart A, Lagha M, Danckaert A, Rocancourt D, Relaix F, Vincent SD, Buckingham M, Notch regulation of myogenic versus endothelial fates of cells that migrate from the somite to the limb. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Jun 17;111(24):8844-9
1J:240081 Mayeuf-Louchart A, Montarras D, Bodin C, Kume T, Vincent SD, Buckingham M, Endothelial cell specification in the somite is compromised in Pax3-positive progenitors of Foxc1/2 conditional mutants, with loss of forelimb myogenesis. Development. 2016 Mar 01;143(5):872-9
5*J:350459 McCallum-Loudeac J, Moody E, Williams J, Johnstone G, Sircombe KJ, Clarkson AN, Wilson MJ, Deletion of a conserved genomic region associated with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis leads to vertebral rotation in mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2024 Apr 18;33(9):787-801
2J:95326 McDermott A, Gustafsson M, Elsam T, Hui CC, Emerson CP Jr, Borycki AG, Gli2 and Gli3 have redundant and context-dependent function in skeletal muscle formation. Development. 2005 Jan;132(2):345-57
4*J:48130 Mennerich D, Schafer K, Braun T, Pax-3 is necessary but not sufficient for lbx1 expression in myogenic precursor cells of the limb. Mech Dev. 1998 May;73(2):147-58
1J:201154 Meziane H, Fraulob V, Riet F, Krezel W, Selloum M, Geffarth M, Acampora D, Herault Y, Simeone A, Brand M, Dolle P, Rhinn M, The homeodomain factor Gbx1 is required for locomotion and cell specification in the dorsal spinal cord. PeerJ. 2013;1:e142
3J:110261 Mizuguchi R, Kriks S, Cordes R, Gossler A, Ma Q, Goulding M, Ascl1 and Gsh1/2 control inhibitory and excitatory cell fate in spinal sensory interneurons. Nat Neurosci. 2006 Jun;9(6):770-8
1*J:156768 Mizuhara E, Minaki Y, Nakatani T, Kumai M, Inoue T, Muguruma K, Sasai Y, Ono Y, Purkinje cells originate from cerebellar ventricular zone progenitors positive for Neph3 and E-cadherin. Dev Biol. 2010 Feb 15;338(2):202-14
1J:96986 Mizuhara E, Nakatani T, Minaki Y, Sakamoto Y, Ono Y, Corl1, a novel neuronal lineage-specific transcriptional corepressor for the homeodomain transcription factor Lbx1. J Biol Chem. 2005 Feb 4;280(5):3645-55
1J:70192 Moran-Rivard L, Kagawa T, Saueressig H, Gross MK, Burrill J, Goulding M, Evx1 is a postmitotic determinant of v0 interneuron identity in the spinal cord. Neuron. 2001 Feb;29(2):385-99
2J:96749 Muller T, Anlag K, Wildner H, Britsch S, Treier M, Birchmeier C, The bHLH factor Olig3 coordinates the specification of dorsal neurons in the spinal cord. Genes Dev. 2005 Mar 15;19(6):733-43
10*J:76659 Muller T, Brohmann H, Pierani A, Heppenstall PA, Lewin GR, Jessell TM, Birchmeier C, The homeodomain factor lbx1 distinguishes two major programs of neuronal differentiation in the dorsal spinal cord. Neuron. 2002 May 16;34(4):551-62
2J:208769 Nakatani T, Minaki Y, Kumai M, Nitta C, Ono Y, The c-Ski family member and transcriptional regulator Corl2/Skor2 promotes early differentiation of cerebellar Purkinje cells. Dev Biol. 2014 Apr 1;388(1):68-80
1J:242339 Ohayon D, Garces A, Joly W, Soukkarieh C, Takagi T, Sabourin JC, Agius E, Darling DS, De Santa Barbara P, Higashi Y, Stolt CC, Hugnot JP, Richardson WD, Carroll P, Pattyn A, Onset of Spinal Cord Astrocyte Precursor Emigration from the Ventricular Zone Involves the Zeb1 Transcription Factor. Cell Rep. 2016 Nov 01;17(6):1473-1481
1J:121344 Pachikara A, Dolson DK, Martinu L, Riccomagno MM, Jeong Y, Epstein DJ, Activation of Class I transcription factors by low level Sonic hedgehog signaling is mediated by Gli2-dependent and independent mechanisms. Dev Biol. 2007 May 1;305(1):52-62
2J:207511 Paixao S, Balijepalli A, Serradj N, Niu J, Luo W, Martin JH, Klein R, EphrinB3/EphA4-mediated guidance of ascending and descending spinal tracts. Neuron. 2013 Dec 18;80(6):1407-20
1J:215309 Patterson ES, Waller LE, Kroll KL, Geminin loss causes neural tube defects through disrupted progenitor specification and neuronal differentiation. Dev Biol. 2014 Sep 1;393(1):44-56
1J:273477 Perry S, Larhammar M, Vieillard J, Nagaraja C, Hilscher MM, Tafreshiha A, Rofo F, Caixeta FV, Kullander K, Characterization of Dmrt3-Derived Neurons Suggest a Role within Locomotor Circuits. J Neurosci. 2019 Mar 6;39(10):1771-1782
1J:80207 Persson M, Stamataki D, te Welscher P, Andersson E, Bose J, Ruther U, Ericson J, Briscoe J, Dorsal-ventral patterning of the spinal cord requires Gli3 transcriptional repressor activity. Genes Dev. 2002 Nov 15;16(22):2865-78
1J:117030 Pillai A, Mansouri A, Behringer R, Westphal H, Goulding M, Lhx1 and Lhx5 maintain the inhibitory-neurotransmitter status of interneurons in the dorsal spinal cord. Development. 2007 Jan;134(2):357-66
2*J:160590 Rebelo S, Reguenga C, Lopes C, Lima D, Prrxl1 is required for the generation of a subset of nociceptive glutamatergic superficial spinal dorsal horn neurons. Dev Dyn. 2010 Jun;239(6):1684-94
2J:165741 Rojas A, Schachterle W, Xu SM, Martin F, Black BL, Direct transcriptional regulation of Gata4 during early endoderm specification is controlled by FoxA2 binding to an intronic enhancer. Dev Biol. 2010 Oct 15;346(2):346-55
2J:298882 Roome RB, Bourojeni FB, Mona B, Rastegar-Pouyani S, Blain R, Dumouchel A, Salesse C, Thompson WS, Brookbank M, Gitton Y, Tessarollo L, Goulding M, Johnson JE, Kmita M, Chedotal A, Kania A, Phox2a Defines a Developmental Origin of the Anterolateral System in Mice and Humans. Cell Rep. 2020 Nov 24;33(8):108425
6J:155760 Rose MF, Ren J, Ahmad KA, Chao HT, Klisch TJ, Flora A, Greer JJ, Zoghbi HY, Math1 is essential for the development of hindbrain neurons critical for perinatal breathing. Neuron. 2009 Nov 12;64(3):341-54
1J:235958 Rousso DL, Qiao M, Kagan RD, Yamagata M, Palmiter RD, Sanes JR, Two Pairs of ON and OFF Retinal Ganglion Cells Are Defined by Intersectional Patterns of Transcription Factor Expression. Cell Rep. 2016 May 31;15(9):1930-44
1J:229254 Ruffault PL, D'Autreaux F, Hayes JA, Nomaksteinsky M, Autran S, Fujiyama T, Hoshino M, Hagglund M, Kiehn O, Brunet JF, Fortin G, Goridis C, The retrotrapezoid nucleus neurons expressing Atoh1 and Phox2b are essential for the respiratory response to CO(2). Elife. 2015;4
1J:68751 Sachs M, Brohmann H, Zechner D, Muller T, Hulsken J, Walther I, Schaeper U, Birchmeier C, Birchmeier W, Essential role of Gab1 for signaling by the c-Met receptor in vivo. J Cell Biol. 2000 Sep 18;150(6):1375-84
3J:125303 Schaeper U, Vogel R, Chmielowiec J, Huelsken J, Rosario M, Birchmeier W, Distinct requirements for Gab1 in Met and EGF receptor signaling in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Sep 25;104(39):15376-81
4J:57891 Schafer K, Braun T, Early specification of limb muscle precursor cells by the homeobox gene Lbx1h. Nat Genet. 1999 Oct;23(2):213-6
9*J:109334 Schafer K, Neuhaus P, Kruse J, Braun T, The homeobox gene Lbx1 specifies a subpopulation of cardiac neural crest necessary for normal heart development. Circ Res. 2003 Jan 10;92(1):73-80
1J:287023 Schnerwitzki D, Perry S, Ivanova A, Caixeta FV, Cramer P, Gunther S, Weber K, Tafreshiha A, Becker L, Vargas Panesso IL, Klopstock T, Hrabe de Angelis M, Schmidt M, Kullander K, Englert C, Neuron-specific inactivation of Wt1 alters locomotion in mice and changes interneuron composition in the spinal cord. Life Sci Alliance. 2018 Aug;1(4):e201800106
1J:119082 Schuster-Gossler K, Cordes R, Gossler A, Premature myogenic differentiation and depletion of progenitor cells cause severe muscle hypotrophy in Delta1 mutants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Jan 9;104(2):537-42
1J:89459 Schweizer H, Johnson RL, Brand-Saberi B, Characterization of migration behavior of myogenic precursor cells in the limb bud with respect to Lmx1b expression. Anat Embryol (Berl). 2004 Apr;208(1):7-18
2*J:117808 Shih HP, Gross MK, Kioussi C, Expression pattern of the homeodomain transcription factor Pitx2 during muscle development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2007 Feb;7(4):441-51
3J:239455 Shin J, Watanabe S, Hoelper S, Kruger M, Kostin S, Poling J, Kubin T, Braun T, BRAF activates PAX3 to control muscle precursor cell migration during forelimb muscle development. Elife. 2016 Dec 01;5:e18351
3J:121332 Sieber MA, Storm R, Martinez-de-la-Torre M, Muller T, Wende H, Reuter K, Vasyutina E, Birchmeier C, Lbx1 acts as a selector gene in the fate determination of somatosensory and viscerosensory relay neurons in the hindbrain. J Neurosci. 2007 May 2;27(18):4902-9
2J:169133 Stafford DA, Brunet LJ, Khokha MK, Economides AN, Harland RM, Cooperative activity of noggin and gremlin 1 in axial skeleton development. Development. 2011 Mar;138(5):1005-14
2J:116148 Stolt CC, Schlierf A, Lommes P, Hillgartner S, Werner T, Kosian T, Sock E, Kessaris N, Richardson WD, Lefebvre V, Wegner M, SoxD proteins influence multiple stages of oligodendrocyte development and modulate SoxE protein function. Dev Cell. 2006 Nov;11(5):697-709
2J:143526 Storm R, Cholewa-Waclaw J, Reuter K, Brohl D, Sieber M, Treier M, Muller T, Birchmeier C, The bHLH transcription factor Olig3 marks the dorsal neuroepithelium of the hindbrain and is essential for the development of brainstem nuclei. Development. 2009 Jan;136(2):295-305
1J:333705 Talpalar AE, Bouvier J, Borgius L, Fortin G, Pierani A, Kiehn O, Dual-mode operation of neuronal networks involved in left-right alternation. Nature. 2013 Aug 1;500(7460):85-8
1*J:330271 Tekko T, Lozovska A, Novoa A, Mallo M, Assessing Myf5 and Lbx1 contribution to carapace development by reproducing their turtle-specific signatures in mouse embryos. Dev Dyn. 2022 Oct;251(10):1698-1710
5*J:215487 Thompson CL, Ng L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee CK, Glattfelder K, Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JL, Wakeman WB, Hohmann J, Dee N, Sodt AJ, Young R, Smith K, Nguyen TN, Kidney J, Kuan L, Jeromin A,Kaykas A, Miller J, Page D, Orta G, Bernard A, Riley Z, Smith S, Wohnoutka P, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L, Jones AR, A high-resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain. Neuron. 2014 Jul 16;83(2):309-23
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