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Gene Expression Literature Summary
trans-golgi network protein

6 matching records from 6 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E18.5 E19.5 P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 4
Western blot 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Tgoln1  trans-golgi network protein   (Synonyms: D6Ertd384e, TGN38, TGN38A, Ttgn1)
Results  Reference
1*J:28191 Antony C, Huchet M, Changeux JP, Cartaud J, Developmental regulation of membrane traffic organization during synaptogenesis in mouse diaphragm muscle. J Cell Biol. 1995 Aug;130(4):959-68
2*J:159231 Hesse D, Hommel A, Jaschke A, Moser M, Bernhardt U, Zahn C, Kluge R, Wittschen P, Gruber AD, Al-Hasani H, Joost HG, Schurmann A, Altered GLUT4 trafficking in adipocytes in the absence of the GTPase Arfrp1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 Apr 16;394(4):896-903
1*J:154862 Kurth I, Pamminger T, Hennings JC, Soehendra D, Huebner AK, Rotthier A, Baets J, Senderek J, Topaloglu H, Farrell SA, Nurnberg G, Nurnberg P, De Jonghe P, Gal A, Kaether C, Timmerman V, Hubner CA, Mutations in FAM134B, encoding a newly identified Golgi protein, cause severe sensory and autonomic neuropathy. Nat Genet. 2009 Nov;41(11):1179-81
1J:180119 Lee DW, Zhao X, Yim YI, Eisenberg E, Greene LE, Essential role of cyclin-G-associated kinase (Auxilin-2) in developing and mature mice. Mol Biol Cell. 2008 Jul;19(7):2766-76
1J:282570 Mills J, Hanada T, Hase Y, Liscum L, Chishti AH, LDL receptor related protein 1 requires the I3 domain of discs-large homolog 1/DLG1 for interaction with the kinesin motor protein KIF13B. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2019 Dec;1866(12):118552
1J:142321 Zahn C, Jaschke A, Weiske J, Hommel A, Hesse D, Augustin R, Lu L, Hong W, Florian S, Scheepers A, Joost HG, Huber O, Schurmann A, ADP-ribosylation factor-like GTPase ARFRP1 is required for trans-Golgi to plasma membrane trafficking of E-cadherin. J Biol Chem. 2008 Oct 3;283(40):27179-88

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