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Gene Expression Literature Summary
zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 2

106 matching records from 106 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E4.5 E5.5 E6.5 E7 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 3 2 13 3 20 3 17 1 7 2 5 2 12
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 9 6 1 5 10 6 8 5 3 5 3 2 2 3 4
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 4 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 8 5 1 2 1 1
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 1 1
Western blot 1 2 1 1 1
RT-PCR 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3
cDNA clones 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Zic2  zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 2   (Synonyms: GENA 29, Ku, odd-paired homolog)
Results  Reference
2J:73494 Aruga J, Inoue T, Hoshino J, Mikoshiba K, Zic2 controls cerebellar development in cooperation with zic1. J Neurosci. 2002 Jan 1;22(1):218-25
6*J:30607 Aruga J, Nagai T, Tokuyama T, Hayashizaki Y, Okazaki Y, Chapman VM, Mikoshiba K, The mouse zic gene family. Homologues of the Drosophila pair-rule gene odd-paired. J Biol Chem. 1996 Jan 12;271(2):1043-7
1*J:184980 Assimacopoulos S, Kao T, Issa NP, Grove EA, Fibroblast growth factor 8 organizes the neocortical area map and regulates sensory map topography. J Neurosci. 2012 May 23;32(21):7191-201
1J:112701 Bailey PJ, Klos JM, Andersson E, Karlen M, Kallstrom M, Ponjavic J, Muhr J, Lenhard B, Sandelin A, Ericson J, A global genomic transcriptional code associated with CNS-expressed genes. Exp Cell Res. 2006 Oct 1;312(16):3108-19
4J:266054 Barratt KS, Diamand KEM, Arkell RM, Identification of reference genes suitable for RT-qPCR studies of murine gastrulation and patterning. Mamm Genome. 2018 Oct;29(9-10):656-662
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
3*J:211641 Bhansali P, Rayport I, Rebsam A, Mason C, Delayed neurogenesis leads to altered specification of ventrotemporal retinal ganglion cells in albino mice. Neural Dev. 2014;9:11
3*J:143129 Brown L, Brown S, Zic2 is expressed in pluripotent cells in the blastocyst and adult brain expression overlaps with makers of neurogenesis. Gene Expr Patterns. 2009 Jan;9(1):43-9
3*J:84357 Brown LY, Kottmann AH, Brown S, Immunolocalization of Zic2 expression in the developing mouse forebrain. Gene Expr Patterns. 2003 Jun;3(3):361-7
2J:240943 Bruce FM, Brown S, Smith JN, Fuerst PG, Erskine L, DSCAM promotes axon fasciculation and growth in the developing optic pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Feb 14;114(7):1702-1707
4J:170971 Carreres MI, Escalante A, Murillo B, Chauvin G, Gaspar P, Vegar C, Herrera E, Transcription factor foxd1 is required for the specification of the temporal retina in mammals. J Neurosci. 2011 Apr 13;31(15):5673-81
1J:336226 Chen X, Chen T, Dong C, Chen H, Dong X, Yang L, Hu L, Wang H, Wu B, Yao Y, Xiong Y, Xiong M, Lin Y, Zhou W, Deletion of CHD8 in cerebellar granule neuron progenitors leads to severe cerebellar hypoplasia, ataxia, and psychiatric behavior in mice. J Genet Genomics. 2022 Sep;49(9):859-869
3J:110657 Cheng X, Hsu CM, Currle DS, Hu JS, Barkovich AJ, Monuki ES, Central roles of the roof plate in telencephalic development and holoprosencephaly. J Neurosci. 2006 Jul 19;26(29):7640-9
5*J:198578 Chervenak AP, Hakim IS, Barald KF, Spatiotemporal expression of zic genes during vertebrate inner ear development. Dev Dyn. 2013 Jul;242(7):897-908
1J:105025 Cheung M, Chaboissier MC, Mynett A, Hirst E, Schedl A, Briscoe J, The transcriptional control of trunk neural crest induction, survival, and delamination. Dev Cell. 2005 Feb;8(2):179-92
2J:239874 Christ A, Christa A, Klippert J, Eule JC, Bachmann S, Wallace VA, Hammes A, Willnow TE, LRP2 Acts as SHH Clearance Receptor to Protect the Retinal Margin from Mitogenic Stimuli. Dev Cell. 2015 Oct 12;35(1):36-48
2J:266267 Clements R, Wright KM, Retinal ganglion cell axon sorting at the optic chiasm requires dystroglycan. Dev Biol. 2018 Oct 15;442(2):210-219
1J:92064 Ding YQ, Yin J, Kania A, Zhao ZQ, Johnson RL, Chen ZF, Lmx1b controls the differentiation and migration of the superficial dorsal horn neurons of the spinal cord. Development. 2004 Aug;131(15):3693-703
3*J:268103 Dykes IM, Szumska D, Kuncheria L, Puliyadi R, Chen CM, Papanayotou C, Lockstone H, Dubourg C, David V, Schneider JE, Keane TM, Adams DJ, Brown SDM, Mercier S, Odent S, Collignon J, Bhattacharya S, A Requirement for Zic2 in the Regulation of Nodal Expression Underlies the Establishment of Left-Sided Identity. Sci Rep. 2018 Jul 11;8(1):10439
9*J:91213 Elms P, Scurry A, Davies J, Willoughby C, Hacker T, Bogani D, Arkell R, Overlapping and distinct expression domains of Zic2 and Zic3 during mouse gastrulation. Gene Expr Patterns. 2004 Sep;4(5):505-11
1*J:86841 Elms P, Siggers P, Napper D, Greenfield A, Arkell R, Zic2 is required for neural crest formation and hindbrain patterning during mouse development. Dev Biol. 2003 Dec 15;264(2):391-406
1J:54722 Engelkamp D, Rashbass P, Seawright A, van Heyningen V, Role of Pax6 in development of the cerebellar system. Development. 1999 Aug;126(16):3585-96
2J:174966 Erskine L, Reijntjes S, Pratt T, Denti L, Schwarz Q, Vieira JM, Alakakone B, Shewan D, Ruhrberg C, VEGF signaling through neuropilin 1 guides commissural axon crossing at the optic chiasm. Neuron. 2011 Jun 9;70(5):951-65
7J:207512 Escalante A, Murillo B, Morenilla-Palao C, Klar A, Herrera E, Zic2-dependent axon midline avoidance controls the formation of major ipsilateral tracts in the CNS. Neuron. 2013 Dec 18;80(6):1392-406
2J:335088 Escuin S, Rose Raza-Knight S, Savery D, Gaston-Massuet C, Galea GL, Greene NDE, Copp AJ, Dual mechanism underlying failure of neural tube closure in the Zic2 mutant mouse. Dis Model Mech. 2023 Mar 1;16(3)
1J:157640 Fabre PJ, Shimogori T, Charron F, Segregation of ipsilateral retinal ganglion cell axons at the optic chiasm requires the Shh receptor Boc. J Neurosci. 2010 Jan 6;30(1):266-75
3*J:328711 Fernandez-Guerrero M, Zdral S, Castilla-Ibeas A, Lopez-Delisle L, Duboule D, Ros MA, Time-sequenced transcriptomes of developing distal mouse limb buds: A comparative tissue layer analysis. Dev Dyn. 2022 Sep;251(9):1550-1575
3*J:46439 Freeman TC, Dixon AK, Campbell EA, Tait TM, Richardson PJ, Rice KM, Maslen GL, Metcalfe AD, Streuli CH, Bentley DR, Expression Mapping of Mouse Genes. MGI Direct Data Submission. 1998;
2*J:339296 Fries M, Brown TW, Jolicoeur C, Boulan B, Boudreau-Pinsonneault C, Javed A, Abram P, Cayouette M, Pou3f1 orchestrates a gene regulatory network controlling contralateral retinogeniculate projections. Cell Rep. 2023 Aug 16;42(8):112985
2*J:97076 Furushima K, Murata T, Kiyonari H, Aizawa S, Characterization of Opr deficiency in mouse brain: Subtle defects in dorsomedial telencephalon and medioventral forebrain. Dev Dyn. 2005 Apr;232(4):1056-61
3J:304355 Garcia-Calero E, Lopez-Gonzalez L, Martinez-de-la-Torre M, Fan CM, Puelles L, Sim1-expressing cells illuminate the origin and course of migration of the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract in the mouse amygdala. Brain Struct Funct. 2021 Mar;226(2):519-562
2*J:134680 Garcia-Frigola C, Carreres MI, Vegar C, Mason C, Herrera E, Zic2 promotes axonal divergence at the optic chiasm midline by EphB1-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Development. 2008 May;135(10):1833-41
2*J:98796 Gaston-Massuet C, Henderson DJ, Greene ND, Copp AJ, Zic4, a zinc-finger transcription factor, is expressed in the developing mouse nervous system. Dev Dyn. 2005 May 13;233(3):1110-1115
3*J:91257 Gray PA, Fu H, Luo P, Zhao Q, Yu J, Ferrari A, Tenzen T, Yuk DI, Tsung EF, Cai Z, Alberta JA, Cheng LP, Liu Y, Stenman JM, Valerius MT, Billings N, Kim HA, Greenberg ME, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD, Ma Q, Mouse Brain Organization Revealed Through Direct Genome-Scale TF Expression Analysis. Science. 2004 Dec 24;306(5705):2255-2257
1*J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, GUDMAP: the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project. www.gudmap.org. 2004;
1J:203028 Hasenpusch-Theil K, Magnani D, Amaniti EM, Han L, Armstrong D, Theil T, Transcriptional analysis of Gli3 mutants identifies Wnt target genes in the developing hippocampus. Cereb Cortex. 2012 Dec;22(12):2878-93
9J:85445 Herrera E, Brown L, Aruga J, Rachel RA, Dolen G, Mikoshiba K, Brown S, Mason CA, Zic2 patterns binocular vision by specifying the uncrossed retinal projection. Cell. 2003 Sep 5;114(5):545-57
5J:94392 Herrera E, Marcus R, Li S, Williams SE, Erskine L, Lai E, Mason C, Foxd1 is required for proper formation of the optic chiasm. Development. 2004 Nov;131(22):5727-39
8J:92220 Inoue T, Hatayama M, Tohmonda T, Itohara S, Aruga J, Mikoshiba K, Mouse Zic5 deficiency results in neural tube defects and hypoplasia of cephalic neural crest derivatives. Dev Biol. 2004 Jun 1;270(1):146-62
8J:134970 Inoue T, Ogawa M, Mikoshiba K, Aruga J, Zic deficiency in the cortical marginal zone and meninges results in cortical lamination defects resembling those in type II lissencephaly. J Neurosci. 2008 Apr 30;28(18):4712-25
14*J:122556 Inoue T, Ota M, Mikoshiba K, Aruga J, Zic2 and Zic3 synergistically control neurulation and segmentation of paraxial mesoderm in mouse embryo. Dev Biol. 2007 Jun 15;306(2):669-84
5J:121744 Inoue T, Ota M, Ogawa M, Mikoshiba K, Aruga J, Zic1 and Zic3 regulate medial forebrain development through expansion of neuronal progenitors. J Neurosci. 2007 May 16;27(20):5461-73
4*J:273132 Ishiguro A, Hatayama M, Otsuka MI, Aruga J, Link between the causative genes of holoprosencephaly: Zic2 directly regulates Tgif1 expression. Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 1;8(1):2140
2J:189004 Iwafuchi-Doi M, Matsuda K, Murakami K, Niwa H, Tesar PJ, Aruga J, Matsuo I, Kondoh H, Transcriptional regulatory networks in epiblast cells and during anterior neural plate development as modeled in epiblast stem cells. Development. 2012 Nov;139(21):3926-37
1J:272616 Iwai-Takekoshi L, Balasubramanian R, Sitko A, Khan R, Weinreb S, Robinson K, Mason C, Activation of Wnt signaling reduces ipsilaterally projecting retinal ganglion cells in pigmented retina. Development. 2018 Nov 2;145(21):dev163212
1J:237402 Iwai-Takekoshi L, Ramos A, Schaler A, Weinreb S, Blazeski R, Mason C, Retinal pigment epithelial integrity is compromised in the developing albino mouse retina. J Comp Neurol. 2016 Dec 15;524(18):3696-3716
6J:270927 Kridsada K, Niu J, Haldipur P, Wang Z, Ding L, Li JJ, Lindgren AG, Herrera E, Thomas GM, Chizhikov VV, Millen KJ, Luo W, Roof Plate-Derived Radial Glial-like Cells Support Developmental Growth of Rapidly Adapting Mechanoreceptor Ascending Axons. Cell Rep. 2018 Jun 5;23(10):2928-2941
2J:256120 Kuwajima T, Soares CA, Sitko AA, Lefebvre V, Mason C, SoxC Transcription Factors Promote Contralateral Retinal Ganglion Cell Differentiation and Axon Guidance in the Mouse Visual System. Neuron. 2017 Mar 8;93(5):1110-1125.e5
1J:188362 Kuwajima T, Yoshida Y, Takegahara N, Petros TJ, Kumanogoh A, Jessell TM, Sakurai T, Mason C, Optic chiasm presentation of Semaphorin6D in the context of Plexin-A1 and Nr-CAM promotes retinal axon midline crossing. Neuron. 2012 May 24;74(4):676-90
2J:217604 Lavado A, Ware M, Pare J, Cao X, The tumor suppressor Nf2 regulates corpus callosum development by inhibiting the transcriptional coactivator Yap. Development. 2014 Nov;141(21):4182-93
1J:344967 Le VH, Orniacki C, Murcia-Belmonte V, Denti L, Schutz D, Stumm R, Ruhrberg C, Erskine L, CXCL12 promotes the crossing of retinal ganglion cell axons at the optic chiasm. Development. 2024 Jan 15;151(2)
2J:60594 Lee KJ, Dietrich P, Jessell TM, Genetic ablation reveals that the roof plate is essential for dorsal interneuron specification [see comments]. Nature. 2000 Feb 17;403(6771):734-40
3J:339532 Li J, Sun L, Peng XL, Yu XM, Qi SJ, Lu ZJ, Han JJ, Shen Q, Integrative genomic analysis of early neurogenesis reveals a temporal genetic program for differentiation and specification of preplate and Cajal-Retzius neurons. PLoS Genet. 2021 Mar;17(3):e1009355
2J:332317 Lin X, Swedlund B, Ton MN, Ghazanfar S, Guibentif C, Paulissen C, Baudelet E, Plaindoux E, Achouri Y, Calonne E, Dubois C, Mansfield W, Zaffran S, Marioni JC, Fuks F, Gottgens B, Lescroart F, Blanpain C, Mesp1 controls the chromatin and enhancer landscapes essential for spatiotemporal patterning of early cardiovascular progenitors. Nat Cell Biol. 2022 Jul;24(7):1114-1128
1J:82686 Liu J, Wilson S, Reh T, BMP receptor 1b is required for axon guidance and cell survival in the developing retina. Dev Biol. 2003 Apr 1;256(1):34-48
4J:241892 Marcucci F, Murcia-Belmonte V, Wang Q, Coca Y, Ferreiro-Galve S, Kuwajima T, Khalid S, Ross ME, Mason C, Herrera E, The Ciliary Margin Zone of the Mammalian Retina Generates Retinal Ganglion Cells. Cell Rep. 2016 Dec 20;17(12):3153-3164
3*J:269981 Marcucci F, Soares CA, Mason C, Distinct timing of neurogenesis of ipsilateral and contralateral retinal ganglion cells. J Comp Neurol. 2019 Jan 1;527(1):212-224
1J:203346 Milla LA, Arros A, Espinoza N, Remke M, Kool M, Taylor MD, Pfister SM, Wainwright BJ, Palma V, Neogenin1 is a Sonic Hedgehog target in medulloblastoma and is necessary for cell cycle progression. Int J Cancer. 2014 Jan 1;134(1):21-31
1J:333797 Min KW, Kim N, Lee JH, Sung Y, Kim M, Lee EJ, Kim JM, Kim JH, Lee J, Cho W, Yang JM, Kim N, Kim J, Lee CJ, Park YG, Lee SH, Lee HW, Kim JW, Visuomotor anomalies in achiasmatic mice expressing a transfer-defective Vax1 mutant. Exp Mol Med. 2023 Feb;55(2):385-400
1J:157031 Misra K, Matise MP, A critical role for sFRP proteins in maintaining caudal neural tube closure in mice via inhibition of BMP signaling. Dev Biol. 2010 Jan 1;337(1):74-83
5J:196051 Moldrich RX, Gobius I, Pollak T, Zhang J, Ren T, Brown L, Mori S, De Juan Romero C, Britanova O, Tarabykin V, Richards LJ, Molecular regulation of the developing commissural plate. J Comp Neurol. 2010 Sep 15;518(18):3645-61
1*J:306191 Monteiro FA, Miranda RM, Samina MC, Dias AF, Raposo AASF, Oliveira P, Reguenga C, Castro DS, Lima D, Tlx3 Exerts Direct Control in Specifying Excitatory Over Inhibitory Neurons in the Dorsal Spinal Cord. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:642697
2*J:112964 Morimura N, Inoue T, Katayama K, Aruga J, Comparative analysis of structure, expression and PSD95-binding capacity of Lrfn, a novel family of neuronal transmembrane proteins. Gene. 2006 Oct 1;380(2):72-83
1J:186443 Muller Smith K, Williamson TL, Schwartz ML, Vaccarino FM, Impaired motor coordination and disrupted cerebellar architecture in Fgfr1 and Fgfr2 double knockout mice. Brain Res. 2012 Jun 15;1460:12-24
1J:171526 Murali D, Kawaguchi-Niida M, Deng CX, Furuta Y, Smad4 Is Required Predominantly in the Developmental Processes Dependent on the BMP Branch of the TGF-{beta} Signaling System in the Embryonic Mouse Retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52(6):2930-7
1*J:278827 Murcia-Belmonte V, Coca Y, Vegar C, Negueruela S, de Juan Romero C, Valino AJ, Sala S, DaSilva R, Kania A, Borrell V, Martinez LM, Erskine L, Herrera E, A Retino-retinal Projection Guided by Unc5c Emerged in Species with Retinal Waves. Curr Biol. 2019 Apr 1;29(7):1149-1160.e4
2J:226023 Murillo B, Ruiz-Reig N, Herrera M, Fairen A, Herrera E, Zic2 Controls the Migration of Specific Neuronal Populations in the Developing Forebrain. J Neurosci. 2015 Aug 12;35(32):11266-80
5J:60644 Nagai T, Aruga J, Minowa O, Sugimoto T, Ohno Y, Noda T, Mikoshiba K, Zic2 regulates the kinetics of neurulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Feb 15;97(4):1618-23
16J:38554 Nagai T, Aruga J, Takada S, Gunther T, Sporle R, Schughart K , Mikoshiba K, The expression of the mouse Zic1, Zic2, and Zic3 gene suggests an essential role for Zic genes in body pattern formation. Dev Biol. 1997 Feb 15;182(2):299-313
1*J:272594 Nakamoto C, Durward E, Horie M, Nakamoto M, Nell2 regulates the contralateral-versus-ipsilateral visual projection as a domain-specific positional cue. Development. 2019 Feb 18;146(4):dev170704
1J:310742 Odaka YS, Tohmonda T, Toyoda A, Aruga J, An Evolutionarily Conserved Mesodermal Enhancer in Vertebrate Zic3. Sci Rep. 2018 Oct 8;8(1):14954
1*J:100371 Okada A, Kushima K, Aoki Y, Bialer M, Fujiwara M, Identification of early-responsive genes correlated to valproic acid-induced neural tube defects in mice. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2005 Apr;73(4):229-38
2J:139160 Okada T, Okumura Y, Motoyama J, Ogawa M, FGF8 signaling patterns the telencephalic midline by regulating putative key factors of midline development. Dev Biol. 2008 Aug 1;320(1):92-101
3J:207511 Paixao S, Balijepalli A, Serradj N, Niu J, Luo W, Martin JH, Klein R, EphrinB3/EphA4-mediated guidance of ascending and descending spinal tracts. Neuron. 2013 Dec 18;80(6):1407-20
2J:94630 Pak W, Hindges R, Lim YS, Pfaff SL, O'Leary DD, Magnitude of binocular vision controlled by islet-2 repression of a genetic program that specifies laterality of retinal axon pathfinding. Cell. 2004 Nov 12;119(4):567-78
4*J:170532 Pan H, Gustafsson MK, Aruga J, Tiedken JJ, Chen JC, Emerson CP Jr, A role for Zic1 and Zic2 in Myf5 regulation and somite myogenesis. Dev Biol. 2011 Mar 1;351(1):120-7
2J:120058 Pascual M, Abasolo I, Mingorance-Le Meur A, Martinez A, Del Rio JA, Wright CV, Real FX, Soriano E, Cerebellar GABAergic progenitors adopt an external granule cell-like phenotype in the absence of Ptf1a transcription factor expression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Mar 20;104(12):5193-8
1J:256025 Peng J, Fabre PJ, Dolique T, Swikert SM, Kermasson L, Shimogori T, Charron F, Sonic Hedgehog Is a Remotely Produced Cue that Controls Axon Guidance Trans-axonally at a Midline Choice Point. Neuron. 2018 Jan 17;97(2):326-340.e4
1J:160165 Pinter R, Hindges R, Perturbations of microRNA function in mouse dicer mutants produce retinal defects and lead to aberrant axon pathfinding at the optic chiasm. PLoS One. 2010;5(4):e10021
1J:283382 Qin L, Ahn KJ, Wine Lee L, de Charleroy C Jr, Crenshaw EB 3rd, Analyses with double knockouts of the Bmpr1a and Bmpr1b genes demonstrate that BMP signaling is involved in the formation of precerebellar mossy fiber nuclei derived from the rhombic lip. PLoS One. 2019;14(12):e0226602
1J:123264 Quina LA, Pak W, Lanier J, Banwait P, Gratwick K, Liu Y, Velasquez T, O'Leary DD, Goulding M, Turner EE, Brn3a-expressing retinal ganglion cells project specifically to thalamocortical and collicular visual pathways. J Neurosci. 2005 Dec 14;25(50):11595-604
1J:184137 Rebsam A, Bhansali P, Mason CA, Eye-specific projections of retinogeniculate axons are altered in albino mice. J Neurosci. 2012 Apr 4;32(14):4821-6
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1J:196967 Roy A, de Melo J, Chaturvedi D, Thein T, Cabrera-Socorro A, Houart C, Meyer G, Blackshaw S, Tole S, LHX2 is necessary for the maintenance of optic identity and for the progression of optic morphogenesis. J Neurosci. 2013 Apr 17;33(16):6877-84
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7J:198426 Sanchez-Arrones L, Nieto-Lopez F, Sanchez-Camacho C, Carreres MI, Herrera E, Okada A, Bovolenta P, Shh/Boc signaling is required for sustained generation of ipsilateral projecting ganglion cells in the mouse retina. J Neurosci. 2013 May 15;33(20):8596-607
1J:143442 Sanchez-Camacho C, Bovolenta P, Autonomous and non-autonomous Shh signalling mediate the in vivo growth and guidance of mouse retinal ganglion cell axons. Development. 2008 Nov;135(21):3531-41
1J:231654 Sanchez-Ferras O, Bernas G, Farnos O, Toure AM, Souchkova O, Pilon N, A direct role for murine Cdx proteins in the trunk neural crest gene regulatory network. Development. 2016 Apr 15;143(8):1363-74
1J:270726 Shimada IS, Hwang SH, Somatilaka BN, Wang X, Skowron P, Kim J, Kim M, Shelton JM, Rajaram V, Xuan Z, Taylor MD, Mukhopadhyay S, Basal Suppression of the Sonic Hedgehog Pathway by the G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Gpr161 Restricts Medulloblastoma Pathogenesis. Cell Rep. 2018 Jan 30;22(5):1169-1184
4*J:157819 Shimogori T, Lee DA, Miranda-Angulo A, Yang Y, Wang H, Jiang L, Yoshida AC, Kataoka A, Mashiko H, Avetisyan M, Qi L, Qian J, Blackshaw S, A genomic atlas of mouse hypothalamic development. Nat Neurosci. 2010;13(6):767-75
2J:332436 Slavi N, Balasubramanian R, Lee MA, Liapin M, Oaks-Leaf R, Peregrin J, Potenski A, Troy CM, Ross ME, Herrera E, Kosmidis S, John SWM, Mason CA, CyclinD2-mediated regulation of neurogenic output from the retinal ciliary margin is perturbed in albinism. Neuron. 2023 Jan 4;111(1):49-64.e5
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5*J:215487 Thompson CL, Ng L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee CK, Glattfelder K, Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JL, Wakeman WB, Hohmann J, Dee N, Sodt AJ, Young R, Smith K, Nguyen TN, Kidney J, Kuan L, Jeromin A,Kaykas A, Miller J, Page D, Orta G, Bernard A, Riley Z, Smith S, Wohnoutka P, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L, Jones AR, A high-resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain. Neuron. 2014 Jul 16;83(2):309-23
1*J:142507 Tian NM, Pratt T, Price DJ, Foxg1 regulates retinal axon pathfinding by repressing an ipsilateral program in nasal retina and by causing optic chiasm cells to exert a net axonal growth-promoting activity. Development. 2008 Dec;135(24):4081-9
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4J:255944 Wang Q, Marcucci F, Cerullo I, Mason C, Ipsilateral and Contralateral Retinal Ganglion Cells Express Distinct Genes during Decussation at the Optic Chiasm. eNeuro. 2016 Nov-Dec;3(6):ENEURO.0169-16.2016
3J:256746 Wang X, Shan X, Gregory-Evans CY, A mouse model of aniridia reveals the in vivo downstream targets of Pax6 driving iris and ciliary body development in the eye. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2017 Jan;1863(1):60-67
1J:138862 Warr N, Powles-Glover N, Chappell A, Robson J, Norris D, Arkell RM, Zic2-associated holoprosencephaly is caused by a transient defect in the organizer region during gastrulation. Hum Mol Genet. 2008 Oct 1;17(19):2986-96
4*J:178701 Watabe Y, Baba Y, Nakauchi H, Mizota A, Watanabe S, The role of Zic family zinc finger transcription factors in the proliferation and differentiation of retinal progenitor cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011 Nov 11;415(1):42-7
2J:122943 Williams SE, Grumet M, Colman DR, Henkemeyer M, Mason CA, Sakurai T, A role for Nr-CAM in the patterning of binocular visual pathways. Neuron. 2006 May 18;50(4):535-47
1J:210443 Yamada M, Seto Y, Taya S, Owa T, Inoue YU, Inoue T, Kawaguchi Y, Nabeshima Y, Hoshino M, Specification of spatial identities of cerebellar neuron progenitors by ptf1a and atoh1 for proper production of GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons. J Neurosci. 2014 Apr 2;34(14):4786-800
1J:327333 Yang KY, Zhao S, Feng H, Shen J, Chen Y, Wang ST, Wang SJ, Zhang YX, Wang Y, Guo C, Liu H, Tang TS, Ca(2+) homeostasis maintained by TMCO1 underlies corpus callosum development via ERK signaling. Cell Death Dis. 2022 Aug 4;13(8):674
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