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Gene Expression Literature Summary
lymphocyte antigen 76

99 matching records from 99 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17.5 E18.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 9 6 1 13 17 2 11 1 16 9 5 1 4 4 15
In situ RNA (section) 1
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 4

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Ly76  lymphocyte antigen 76   (Synonyms: Ter119, TER-119)
Results  Reference
1J:227638 Alvarez S, Diaz M, Flach J, Rodriguez-Acebes S, Lopez-Contreras AJ, Martinez D, Canamero M, Fernandez-Capetillo O, Isern J, Passegue E, Mendez J, Replication stress caused by low MCM expression limits fetal erythropoiesis and hematopoietic stem cell functionality. Nat Commun. 2015;6:8548
8J:217592 Arnold TD, Niaudet C, Pang MF, Siegenthaler J, Gaengel K, Jung B, Ferrero GM, Mukouyama YS, Fuxe J, Akhurst R, Betsholtz C, Sheppard D, Reichardt LF, Excessive vascular sprouting underlies cerebral hemorrhage in mice lacking alphaVbeta8-TGFbeta signaling in the brain. Development. 2014 Dec;141(23):4489-99
1J:79427 Baudino TA, McKay C, Pendeville-Samain H, Nilsson JA, Maclean KH, White EL, Davis AC, Ihle JN, Cleveland JL, c-Myc is essential for vasculogenesis and angiogenesis during development and tumor progression. Genes Dev. 2002 Oct 1;16(19):2530-43
1J:157997 Beck L, Leroy C, Beck-Cormier S, Forand A, Salaun C, Paris N, Bernier A, Urena-Torres P, Prie D, Ollero M, Coulombel L, Friedlander G, The phosphate transporter PiT1 (Slc20a1) revealed as a new essential gene for mouse liver development. PLoS One. 2010;5(2):e9148
2J:240616 Benito-Jardon M, Klapproth S, Gimeno-LLuch I, Petzold T, Bharadwaj M, Muller DJ, Zuchtriegel G, Reichel CA, Costell M, The fibronectin synergy site re-enforces cell adhesion and mediates a crosstalk between integrin classes. Elife. 2017 Jan 16;6:e22264
1*J:165184 Berahovich RD, Zabel BA, Penfold ME, Lewen S, Wang Y, Miao Z, Gan L, Pereda J, Dias J, Slukvin II, McGrath KE, Jaen JC, Schall TJ, CXCR7 protein is not expressed on human or mouse leukocytes. J Immunol. 2010 Nov 1;185(9):5130-9
2J:123909 Breitwieser W, Lyons S, Flenniken AM, Ashton G, Bruder G, Willington M, Lacaud G, Kouskoff V, Jones N, Feedback regulation of p38 activity via ATF2 is essential for survival of embryonic liver cells. Genes Dev. 2007 Aug 15;21(16):2069-82
1J:186280 Cantu C, Bose F, Bianchi P, Reali E, Colzani MT, Cantu I, Barbarani G, Ottolenghi S, Witke W, Spinardi L, Ronchi AE, Defective erythroid maturation in gelsolin mutant mice. Haematologica. 2012 Jul;97(7):980-8
1J:338402 Cao X, Li T, Xu B, Ding K, Li W, Shen B, Chu M, Zhu D, Rui L, Shang Z, Li X, Wang Y, Zheng S, Alitalo K, Liu G, Tang J, Kubota Y, He Y, Endothelial TIE1 Restricts Angiogenic Sprouting to Coordinate Vein Assembly in Synergy With Its Homologue TIE2. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2023 Aug;43(8):e323-e338
1J:196959 Castagnaro L, Lenti E, Maruzzelli S, Spinardi L, Migliori E, Farinello D, Sitia G, Harrelson Z, Evans SM, Guidotti LG, Harvey RP, Brendolan A, Nkx2-5(+)islet1(+) mesenchymal precursors generate distinct spleen stromal cell subsets and participate in restoring stromal network integrity. Immunity. 2013 Apr 18;38(4):782-91
1*J:330081 Chen S, Vedula RS, Cuevas-Navarro A, Lu B, Hogg SJ, Wang E, Benbarche S, Knorr K, Kim WJ, Stanley RF, Cho H, Erickson C, Singer M, Cui D, Tittley S, Durham BH, Pavletich TS, Fiala E, Walsh MF, Inoue D, Monette S, Taylor J, Rosen N, McCormick F, Lindsley RC, Castel P, Abdel-Wahab O, Impaired Proteolysis of Noncanonical RAS Proteins Drives Clonal Hematopoietic Transformation. Cancer Discov. 2022 Oct 5;12(10):2434-2453
1J:286704 Cheng HW, Onder L, Novkovic M, Soneson C, Lutge M, Pikor N, Scandella E, Robinson MD, Miyazaki JI, Tersteegen A, Sorg U, Pfeffer K, Rulicke T, Hehlgans T, Ludewig B, Origin and differentiation trajectories of fibroblastic reticular cells in the splenic white pulp. Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 15;10(1):1739
1*J:261784 Chennupati V, Veiga DF, Maslowski KM, Andina N, Tardivel A, Yu EC, Stilinovic M, Simillion C, Duchosal MA, Quadroni M, Roberts I, Sankaran VG, MacDonald HR, Fasel N, Angelillo-Scherrer A, Schneider P, Hoang T, Allam R, Ribonuclease inhibitor 1 regulates erythropoiesis by controlling GATA1 translation. J Clin Invest. 2018 Apr 2;128(4):1597-1614
2J:182738 Chhabra A, Lechner AJ, Ueno M, Acharya A, Van Handel B, Wang Y, Iruela-Arispe ML, Tallquist MD, Mikkola HK, Trophoblasts regulate the placental hematopoietic niche through PDGF-B signaling. Dev Cell. 2012 Mar 13;22(3):651-9
1J:100352 Clotman F, Jacquemin P, Plumb-Rudewiez N, Pierreux CE, Van der Smissen P, Dietz HC, Courtoy PJ, Rousseau GG, Lemaigre FP, Control of liver cell fate decision by a gradient of TGFbeta signaling modulated by Onecut transcription factors. Genes Dev. 2005 Aug 15;19(16):1849-54
1J:237076 Crosswhite PL, Podsiadlowska JJ, Curtis CD, Gao S, Xia L, Srinivasan RS, Griffin CT, CHD4-regulated plasmin activation impacts lymphovenous hemostasis and hepatic vascular integrity. J Clin Invest. 2016 Jun 01;126(6):2254-66
2J:243698 Decaens T, Godard C, de Reynies A, Rickman DS, Tronche F, Couty JP, Perret C, Colnot S, Stabilization of beta-catenin affects mouse embryonic liver growth and hepatoblast fate. Hepatology. 2008 Jan;47(1):247-58
2J:301004 Di Marco B, Crouch EE, Shah B, Duman C, Paredes MF, Ruiz de Almodovar C, Huang EJ, Alfonso J, Reciprocal Interaction between Vascular Filopodia and Neural Stem Cells Shapes Neurogenesis in the Ventral Telencephalon. Cell Rep. 2020 Oct 13;33(2):108256
2J:127523 Di Rosa P, Villaescusa JC, Longobardi E, Iotti G, Ferretti E, Diaz VM, Miccio A, Ferrari G, Blasi F, The homeodomain transcription factor Prep1 (pKnox1) is required for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell activity. Dev Biol. 2007 Nov 15;311(2):324-34
1J:139199 Dumitriu B, Patrick MR, Petschek JP, Cherukuri S, Klingmuller U, Fox PL, Lefebvre V, Sox6 cell-autonomously stimulates erythroid cell survival, proliferation, and terminal maturation and is thereby an important enhancer of definitive erythropoiesis during mouse development. Blood. 2006 Aug 15;108(4):1198-207
1*J:311212 Fantin A, Tacconi C, Villa E, Ceccacci E, Denti L, Ruhrberg C, KIT Is Required for Fetal Liver Hematopoiesis. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:648630
5J:315679 Farley A, Lloyd S, Dayton M, Biben C, Stonehouse O, Taoudi S, Severe thrombocytopenia is sufficient for fetal and neonatal intracerebral hemorrhage to occur. Blood. 2021 Sep 9;138(10):885-897
1J:346124 Feng Z, Liu S, Su M, Song C, Lin C, Zhao F, Li Y, Zeng X, Zhu Y, Hou Y, Ren C, Zhang H, Yi P, Ji Y, Wang C, Li H, Ma M, Luo L, Li L, TANGO6 regulates cell proliferation via COPI vesicle-mediated RPB2 nuclear entry. Nat Commun. 2024 Mar 15;15(1):2371
2*J:84599 Ferkowicz MJ, Starr M, Xie X, Li W, Johnson SA, Shelley WC, Morrison PR, Yoder MC, CD41 expression defines the onset of primitive and definitive hematopoiesis in the murine embryo. Development. 2003 Sep;130(18):4393-403
1*J:183953 Francois M, Short K, Secker GA, Combes A, Schwarz Q, Davidson TL, Smyth I, Hong YK, Harvey NL, Koopman P, Segmental territories along the cardinal veins generate lymph sacs via a ballooning mechanism during embryonic lymphangiogenesis in mice. Dev Biol. 2012 Apr 15;364(2):89-98
2J:243226 Geraud C, Koch PS, Zierow J, Klapproth K, Busch K, Olsavszky V, Leibing T, Demory A, Ulbrich F, Diett M, Singh S, Sticht C, Breitkopf-Heinlein K, Richter K, Karppinen SM, Pihlajaniemi T, Arnold B, Rodewald HR, Augustin HG, Schledzewski K, Goerdt S, GATA4-dependent organ-specific endothelial differentiation controls liver development and embryonic hematopoiesis. J Clin Invest. 2017 Mar 01;127(3):1099-1114
1J:287857 Gur-Cohen S, Yang H, Baksh SC, Miao Y, Levorse J, Kataru RP, Liu X, de la Cruz-Racelis J, Mehrara BJ, Fuchs E, Stem cell-driven lymphatic remodeling coordinates tissue regeneration. Science. 2019 Dec 6;366(6470):1218-1225
1J:332219 Haji S, Ito T, Guenther C, Nakano M, Shimizu T, Mori D, Chiba Y, Tanaka M, Mishra SK, Willment JA, Brown GD, Nagae M, Yamasaki S, Human Dectin-1 is O-glycosylated and serves as a ligand for C-type lectin receptor CLEC-2. Elife. 2022 Dec 8;11
1*J:94943 Hartmann D, de Strooper B, Serneels L, Craessaerts K, Herreman A, Annaert W, Umans L, Lubke T, Lena Illert A, von Figura K, Saftig P, The disintegrin/metalloprotease ADAM 10 is essential for Notch signalling but not for alpha-secretase activity in fibroblasts. Hum Mol Genet. 2002 Oct 1;11(21):2615-24
2J:87715 Hartner JC, Schmittwolf C, Kispert A, Muller AM, Higuchi M, Seeburg PH, Liver Disintegration in the Mouse Embryo Caused by Deficiency in the RNA-editing Enzyme ADAR1. J Biol Chem. 2004 Feb 6;279(6):4894-902
1J:171969 He Y, Zhang H, Yu L, Gunel M, Boggon TJ, Chen H, Min W, Stabilization of VEGFR2 signaling by cerebral cavernous malformation 3 is critical for vascular development. Sci Signal. 2010;3(116):ra26
1J:245009 Himmels P, Paredes I, Adler H, Karakatsani A, Luck R, Marti HH, Ermakova O, Rempel E, Stoeckli ET, Ruiz de Almodovar C, Motor neurons control blood vessel patterning in the developing spinal cord. Nat Commun. 2017 Mar 06;8:14583
1J:343095 Honeycutt SE, N'Guetta PY, Hardesty DM, Xiong Y, Cooper SL, Stevenson MJ, O'Brien LL, Netrin 1 directs vascular patterning and maturity in the developing kidney. Development. 2023 Nov 15;150(22)
3J:307823 Hoover C, Kondo Y, Shao B, McDaniel MJ, Lee R, McGee S, Whiteheart S, Bergmeier W, McEver RP, Xia L, Heightened activation of embryonic megakaryocytes causes aneurysms in the developing brain of mice lacking podoplanin. Blood. 2021 May 20;137(20):2756-2769
1*J:287184 Huang K, Crist AM, Patel NR, Blanks A, Carter K, Cleaver O, Meadows SM, Annexin A3 is necessary for parallel artery-vein alignment in the mouse retina. Dev Dyn. 2020 May;249(5):666-678
2J:95106 Iavarone A, King ER, Dai XM, Leone G, Stanley ER, Lasorella A, Retinoblastoma promotes definitive erythropoiesis by repressing Id2 in fetal liver macrophages. Nature. 2004 Dec 23;432(7020):1040-5
1*J:130203 Ijpenberg A, Perez-Pomares JM, Guadix JA, Carmona R, Portillo-Sanchez V, Macias D, Hohenstein P, Miles CM, Hastie ND, Munoz-Chapuli R, Wt1 and retinoic acid signaling are essential for stellate cell development and liver morphogenesis. Dev Biol. 2007 Dec 1;312(1):157-70
1J:204444 James JM, Nalbandian A, Mukouyama YS, TGFbeta signaling is required for sprouting lymphangiogenesis during lymphatic network development in the skin. Development. 2013 Sep;140(18):3903-14
2J:294228 Kalailingam P, Wang KQ, Toh XR, Nguyen TQ, Chandrakanthan M, Hasan Z, Habib C, Schif A, Radio FC, Dallapiccola B, Weiss K, Nguyen LN, Deficiency of MFSD7c results in microcephaly-associated vasculopathy in Fowler syndrome. J Clin Invest. 2020 Aug 3;130(8):4081-4093
1J:128378 Kim BM, Miletich I, Mao J, McMahon AP, Sharpe PA, Shivdasani RA, Independent functions and mechanisms for homeobox gene Barx1 in patterning mouse stomach and spleen. Development. 2007 Oct;134(20):3603-13
1*J:79932 Kimura N, Takizawa M, Okita K, Natori O, Igarashi K, Ueno M, Nakashima K, Nobuhisa I, Taga T, Identification of a novel transcription factor, ELYS, expressed predominantly in mouse foetal haematopoietic tissues. Genes Cells. 2002 Apr;7(4):435-46
1*J:51843 Kitajima K, Kojima M, Nakajima K, Kondo S, Hara T, Miyajima A , Takeuchi T, Definitive but not primitive hematopoiesis is impaired in jumonji mutant mice. Blood. 1999 Jan 1;93(1):87-95
1J:184521 Koss M, Bolze A, Brendolan A, Saggese M, Capellini TD, Bojilova E, Boisson B, Prall OW, Elliott DA, Solloway M, Lenti E, Hidaka C, Chang CP, Mahlaoui N, Harvey RP, Casanova JL, Selleri L, Congenital Asplenia in Mice and Humans with Mutations in a Pbx/Nkx2-5/p15 Module. Dev Cell. 2012 May 15;22(5):913-26
1J:342552 Kulikauskas MR, Oatley M, Yu T, Liu Z, Matsumura L, Kidder E, Ruter D, Bautch VL, Endothelial cell SMAD6 balances Alk1 function to regulate adherens junctions and hepatic vascular development. Development. 2023 Nov 1;150(21)
1J:327598 Le TNU, Nguyen TQ, Kalailingam P, Nguyen YTK, Sukumar VK, Tan CKH, Tukijan F, Couty L, Hasan Z, Del Gaudio I, Wenk MR, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Camerer E, Nguyen LN, Mfsd2b and Spns2 are essential for maintenance of blood vessels during development and in anaphylactic shock. Cell Rep. 2022 Aug 16;40(7):111208
1J:241239 Lee LK, Ghorbanian Y, Wang W, Wang Y, Kim YJ, Weissman IL, Inlay MA, Mikkola HK, LYVE1 Marks the Divergence of Yolk Sac Definitive Hemogenic Endothelium from the Primitive Erythroid Lineage. Cell Rep. 2016 Nov 22;17(9):2286-2298
1J:246234 Lee SH, Lee S, Yang H, Song S, Kim K, Saunders TL, Yoon JK, Koh GY, Kim I, Notch pathway targets proangiogenic regulator Sox17 to restrict angiogenesis. Circ Res. 2014 Jul 07;115(2):215-26
2J:308923 Li Z, Li D, Rao Y, Wei L, Liu M, Zheng G, Yao Y, Hou X, Chen Y, Ruan XZ, SCAP knockout in SM22alpha-Cre mice induces defective angiogenesis in the placental labyrinth. Biomed Pharmacother. 2021 Jan;133:111011
1*J:75316 Liao HJ, Kume T, McKay C, Xu MJ, Ihle JN, Carpenter G, Absence of Erythrogenesis and Vasculogenesis in Plcg1-deficient Mice. J Biol Chem. 2002 Mar 15;277(11):9335-41
1J:223043 Liebl J, Zhang S, Moser M, Agalarov Y, Demir CS, Hager B, Bibb JA, Adams RH, Kiefer F, Miura N, Petrova TV, Vollmar AM, Zahler S, Cdk5 controls lymphatic vessel development and function by phosphorylation of Foxc2. Nat Commun. 2015;6:7274
2J:331898 Liu K, Jin H, Tang M, Zhang S, Tian X, Zhang M, Han X, Liu X, Tang J, Pu W, Li Y, He L, Yang Z, Lui KO, Zhou B, Lineage tracing clarifies the cellular origin of tissue-resident macrophages in the developing heart. J Cell Biol. 2022 Jun 6;221(6)
1*J:224632 Lowe KL, Finney BA, Deppermann C, Hagerling R, Gazit SL, Frampton J, Buckley C, Camerer E, Nieswandt B, Kiefer F, Watson SP, Podoplanin and CLEC-2 drive cerebrovascular patterning and integrity during development. Blood. 2015 Jun 11;125(24):3769-77
2J:241849 Ma S, Santhosh D, Kumar T P, Huang Z, A Brain-Region-Specific Neural Pathway Regulating Germinal Matrix Angiogenesis. Dev Cell. 2017 May 22;41(4):366-381.e4
1J:229604 Machon O, Masek J, Machonova O, Krauss S, Kozmik Z, Meis2 is essential for cranial and cardiac neural crest development. BMC Dev Biol. 2015;15:40
1J:143668 Maetens M, Doumont G, Clercq SD, Francoz S, Froment P, Bellefroid E, Klingmuller U, Lozano G, Marine JC, Distinct roles of Mdm2 and Mdm4 in red cell production. Blood. 2007 Mar 15;109(6):2630-3
3*J:57476 Marine JC, McKay C, Wang D, Topham DJ, Parganas E, Nakajima H, Pendeville H, Yasukawa H, Sasaki A, Yoshimura A, Ihle JN, SOCS3 is essential in the regulation of fetal liver erythropoiesis. Cell. 1999 Sep 3;98(5):617-27
1J:306706 Metais A, Lamsoul I, Melet A, Uttenweiler-Joseph S, Poincloux R, Stefanovic S, Valiere A, Gonzalez de Peredo A, Stella A, Burlet-Schiltz O, Zaffran S, Lutz PG, Moog-Lutz C, Asb2alpha-Filamin A Axis Is Essential for Actin Cytoskeleton Remodeling During Heart Development. Circ Res. 2018 Mar 16;122(6):e34-e48
1J:69056 Mikula M, Schreiber M, Husak Z, Kucerova L, Ruth J, Wieser R, Zatloukal K, Beug H, Wagner EF, Baccarini M, Embryonic lethality and fetal liver apoptosis in mice lacking the c-raf-1 gene. EMBO J. 2001 Apr 17;20(8):1952-62
1J:269506 Minocha S, Valloton D, Brunet I, Eichmann A, Hornung JP, Lebrand C, NG2 glia are required for vessel network formation during embryonic development. Elife. 2015 Dec 10;4:e09102
1J:314041 Moazzen H, Venger K, Kant S, Leube RE, Krusche CA, Desmoglein 2 regulates cardiogenesis by restricting hematopoiesis in the developing murine heart. Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 4;11(1):21687
1J:98335 Mok H, Mendoza M, Prchal JT, Balogh P, Schumacher A, Dysregulation of ferroportin 1 interferes with spleen organogenesis in polycythaemia mice. Development. 2004 Oct;131(19):4871-81
1J:295059 Patel MM, Behar AR, Silasi R, Regmi G, Sansam CL, Keshari RS, Lupu F, Lupu C, Role of ADTRP (Androgen-Dependent Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor Regulating Protein) in Vascular Development and Function. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018 Nov 20;7(22):e010690
1J:244545 Peraki I, Palis J, Mavrothalassitis G, The Ets2 Repressor Factor (Erf) Is Required for Effective Primitive and Definitive Hematopoiesis. Mol Cell Biol. 2017 Oct 01;37(19)
1J:264119 Pichol-Thievend C, Betterman KL, Liu X, Ma W, Skoczylas R, Lesieur E, Bos FL, Schulte D, Schulte-Merker S, Hogan BM, Oliver G, Harvey NL, Francois M, A blood capillary plexus-derived population of progenitor cells contributes to genesis of the dermal lymphatic vasculature during embryonic development. Development. 2018 May 17;145(10):dev160184
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1*J:146219 Postel EH, Wohlman I, Zou X, Juan T, Sun N, D'Agostin D, Cuellar M, Choi T, Notterman DA, La Perle KM, Targeted deletion of Nm23/nucleoside diphosphate kinase A and B reveals their requirement for definitive erythropoiesis in the mouse embryo. Dev Dyn. 2009 Mar;238(3):775-87
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1*J:278094 Pu W, He L, Han X, Tian X, Li Y, Zhang H, Liu Q, Huang X, Zhang L, Wang QD, Yu Z, Yang X, Smart N, Zhou B, Genetic Targeting of Organ-Specific Blood Vessels. Circ Res. 2018 Jun 22;123(1):86-99
3J:287134 Santander N, Lizama CO, Meky E, McKinsey GL, Jung B, Sheppard D, Betsholtz C, Arnold TD, Lack of Flvcr2 impairs brain angiogenesis without affecting the blood-brain barrier. J Clin Invest. 2020 May 5;
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1J:338451 Shintani A, Fukai S, Nobusawa R, Taniguchi K, Hatatani T, Nagai H, Sakai T, Yoshimura T, Miyasaka M, Hayasaka H, Dach1 transcription factor regulates the expression of peripheral node addressin and lymphocyte trafficking in lymph nodes. Curr Res Immunol. 2022;3:175-185
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1*J:208725 Sui Z, Nowak RB, Bacconi A, Kim NE, Liu H, Li J, Wickrema A, An XL, Fowler VM, Tropomodulin3-null mice are embryonic lethal with anemia due to impaired erythroid terminal differentiation in the fetal liver. Blood. 2014 Jan 30;123(5):758-67
2J:324532 Sung DC, Chen X, Chen M, Yang J, Schultz S, Babu A, Xu Y, Gao S, Keller TCS 4th, Mericko-Ishizuka P, Lee M, Yang Y, Scallan JP, Kahn ML, VE-cadherin enables trophoblast endovascular invasion and spiral artery remodeling during placental development. Elife. 2022 Apr 29;11:e77241
1J:111404 Suzuki T, Kanai Y, Hara T, Sasaki J, Sasaki T, Kohara M, Maehama T, Taya C, Shitara H, Yonekawa H, Frohman MA, Yokozeki T, Kanaho Y, Crucial role of the small GTPase ARF6 in hepatic cord formation during liver development. Mol Cell Biol. 2006 Aug;26(16):6149-56
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1*J:257920 Tahara N, Akiyama R, Theisen JWM, Kawakami H, Wong J, Garry DJ, Kawakami Y, Gata6 restricts Isl1 to the posterior of nascent hindlimb buds through Isl1 cis-regulatory modules. Dev Biol. 2018 Feb 1;434(1):74-83
1J:300986 Tai-Nagara I, Hasumi Y, Kusumoto D, Hasumi H, Okabe K, Ando T, Matsuzaki F, Itoh F, Saya H, Liu C, Li W, Mukouyama YS, Marston Linehan W, Liu X, Hirashima M, Suzuki Y, Funasaki S, Satou Y, Furuya M, Baba M, Kubota Y, Blood and lymphatic systems are segregated by the FLCN tumor suppressor. Nat Commun. 2020 Dec 9;11(1):6314
2J:242901 Tai-Nagara I, Yoshikawa Y, Numata N, Ando T, Okabe K, Sugiura Y, Ieda M, Takakura N, Nakagawa O, Zhou B, Okabayashi K, Suematsu M, Kitagawa Y, Bastmeyer M, Sato K, Klein R, Navankasattusas S, Li DY, Yamagishi S, Kubota Y, Placental labyrinth formation in mice requires endothelial FLRT2/UNC5B signaling. Development. 2017 Jul 01;144(13):2392-2401
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1*J:317911 Wang L, Yu H, Cheng H, He K, Fang Z, Ge L, Cheng T, Jin Y, Deletion of Stk40 impairs definitive erythropoiesis in the mouse fetal liver. Cell Death Dis. 2017 Mar 30;8(3):e2722
1*J:319863 Wang Y, Yen FS, Zhu XG, Timson RC, Weber R, Xing C, Liu Y, Allwein B, Luo H, Yeh HW, Heissel S, Unlu G, Gamazon ER, Kharas MG, Hite R, Birsoy K, SLC25A39 is necessary for mitochondrial glutathione import in mammalian cells. Nature. 2021 Nov;599(7883):136-140
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