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Gene Expression Literature Summary
caspase 3

2372 matching records from 2372 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E1 E2 E3 E3.5 E4 E4.5 E5 E5.5 E6 E6.5 E7 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E19.5 E20 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 14 5 19 8 47 34 155 30 240 28 243 33 363 23 322 25 382 19 214 25 207 18 123 16 236 6 14 1 59 646
In situ RNA (section) 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 5
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 2 7 3 4 2 5 1 1 7 3 17 1 18 1 9 1 12 1 12 1 10 5 7 2 4 1 12
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1
Western blot 1 1 2 6 6 7 4 3 10 12 3 14 8 2 11 3 2 20 2 1 1 6 56
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 2 2 3 1 1 5 3 2 1 13
cDNA clones 1 1
RNase protection 1 1 1 1 2

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Casp3  caspase 3   (Synonyms: A830040C14Rik, AC-3, Apopain, Caspase-3, CC3, CPP32, mldy, Yama)
Results  Reference
2J:308693 Abbas E, Hassan MA, Sokpor G, Kiszka K, Pham L, Kerimoglu C, Fischer A, Nguyen HP, Staiger JF, Tuoc T, Conditional Loss of BAF (mSWI/SNF) Scaffolding Subunits Affects Specification and Proliferation of Oligodendrocyte Precursors in Developing Mouse Forebrain. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:619538
1J:167536 Abbas HA, Maccio DR, Coskun S, Jackson JG, Hazen AL, Sills TM, You MJ, Hirschi KK, Lozano G, Mdm2 is required for survival of hematopoietic stem cells/progenitors via dampening of ROS-induced p53 activity. Cell Stem Cell. 2010 Nov 5;7(5):606-17
3J:103452 Abbott MA, Joksimovic M, Tuggle CK, Ectopic HOXA5 expression results in abnormal differentiation, migration and p53-independent cell death of superficial dorsal horn neurons. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 2005 Oct 6;159(2):87-97
2*J:231231 Abby E, Tourpin S, Ribeiro J, Daniel K, Messiaen S, Moison D, Guerquin J, Gaillard JC, Armengaud J, Langa F, Toth A, Martini E, Livera G, Implementation of meiosis prophase I programme requires a conserved retinoid-independent stabilizer of meiotic transcripts. Nat Commun. 2016;7:10324
1J:278544 Abdelhamed ZA, Abdelmottaleb DI, El-Asrag ME, Natarajan S, Wheway G, Inglehearn CF, Toomes C, Johnson CA, The ciliary Frizzled-like receptor Tmem67 regulates canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signalling in the developing cerebellum via Hoxb5. Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 1;9(1):5446
1J:247082 Abedin MJ, Nguyen A, Jiang N, Perry CE, Shelton JM, Watson DK, Ferdous A, Fli1 acts downstream of Etv2 to govern cell survival and vascular homeostasis via positive autoregulation. Circ Res. 2014 May 23;114(11):1690-9
1J:150706 Abler LL, Mansour SL, Sun X, Conditional gene inactivation reveals roles for Fgf10 and Fgfr2 in establishing a normal pattern of epithelial branching in the mouse lung. Dev Dyn. 2009 Jul 17;238(8):1999-2013
1J:360049 Abou Nader N, Charrier L, Meisnsohn MC, Banville L, Deffrennes B, St-Jean G, Boerboom D, Zamberlam G, Brind'Amour J, Pepin D, Boyer A, Lats1 and Lats2 regulate YAP and TAZ activity to control the development of mouse Sertoli cells. FASEB J. 2024 May 15;38(9):e23633
1J:331266 Abou Nader N, Menard A, Levasseur A, St-Jean G, Boerboom D, Zamberlam G, Boyer A, Targeted Disruption of Lats1 and Lats2 in Mice Impairs Testis Development and Alters Somatic Cell Fate. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Nov 5;23(21)
2*J:274050 Abramowski V, Etienne O, Elsaid R, Yang J, Berland A, Kermasson L, Roch B, Musilli S, Moussu JP, Lipson-Ruffert K, Revy P, Cumano A, Boussin FD, de Villartay JP, PAXX and Xlf interplay revealed by impaired CNS development and immunodeficiency of double KO mice. Cell Death Differ. 2018 Feb;25(2):444-452
1J:314668 Abrams SR, Reiter JF, Ciliary Hedgehog signaling regulates cell survival to build the facial midline. Elife. 2021 Oct 21;10:e68558
1J:185552 Acharya A, Baek ST, Huang G, Eskiocak B, Goetsch S, Sung CY, Banfi S, Sauer MF, Olsen GS, Duffield JS, Olson EN, Tallquist MD, The bHLH transcription factor Tcf21 is required for lineage-specific EMT of cardiac fibroblast progenitors. Development. 2012 Jun;139(12):2139-49
1*J:278470 Acharya D, Nera B, Milstone ZJ, Bourke L, Yoon Y, Rivera-Perez JA, Trivedi CM, Fazzio TG, TIP55, a splice isoform of the KAT5 acetyltransferase, is essential for developmental gene regulation and organogenesis. Sci Rep. 2018 Oct 8;8(1):14908
1J:172398 Ackermann J, Ashton G, Lyons S, James D, Hornung JP, Jones N, Breitwieser W, Loss of ATF2 Function Leads to Cranial Motoneuron Degeneration during Embryonic Mouse Development. PLoS One. 2011;6(4):e19090
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1J:177769 Aebischer J, Sturny R, Andrieu D, Rieusset A, Schaller F, Geib S, Raoul C, Muscatelli F, Necdin protects embryonic motoneurons from programmed cell death. PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e23764
2J:306539 Aeby E, Lee HG, Lee YW, Kriz A, Del Rosario BC, Oh HJ, Boukhali M, Haas W, Lee JT, Decapping enzyme 1A breaks X-chromosome symmetry by controlling Tsix elongation and RNA turnover. Nat Cell Biol. 2020 Sep;22(9):1116-1129
2J:287755 Agarwal M, Sharma A, Kumar P, Kumar A, Bharadwaj A, Saini M, Kardon G, Mathew SJ, Myosin heavy chain-embryonic regulates skeletal muscle differentiation during mammalian development. Development. 2020 Apr 6;147(7):dev184507
2J:245045 Aghajanian H, Cho YK, Rizer NW, Wang Q, Li L, Degenhardt K, Jain R, Pdgfralpha functions in endothelial-derived cells to regulate neural crest cells and the development of the great arteries. Dis Model Mech. 2017 Sep 01;10(9):1101-1108
1J:180632 Ahlemeyer B, Gottwald M, Baumgart-Vogt E, Deletion of a single allele of the Pex11beta gene is sufficient to cause oxidative stress, delayed differentiation and neuronal death in mouse brain. Dis Model Mech. 2012 Jan;5(1):125-40
1J:284118 Ahmed M, Marziali LN, Arenas E, Feltri ML, Ffrench-Constant C, Laminin alpha2 controls mouse and human stem cell behaviour during midbrain dopaminergic neuron development. Development. 2019 Aug 29;146(16):dev172668
1J:333560 Ahmed NY, Knowles R, Liu L, Yan Y, Li X, Schumann U, Wang Y, Sontani Y, Reynolds N, Natoli R, Wen J, Del Pino I, Mi D, Dehorter N, Developmental deficits of MGE-derived interneurons in the Cntnap2 knockout mouse model of autism spectrum disorder. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023;11:1112062
2J:168361 Ahn Y, Sanderson BW, Klein OD, Krumlauf R, Inhibition of Wnt signaling by Wise (Sostdc1) and negative feedback from Shh controls tooth number and patterning. Development. 2010 Oct;137(19):3221-31
1J:194074 Ahn Y, Sims C, Logue JM, Weatherbee SD, Krumlauf R, Lrp4 and Wise interplay controls the formation and patterning of mammary and other skin appendage placodes by modulating Wnt signaling. Development. 2013 Feb 1;140(3):583-93
1J:153618 Ahrens MJ, Li Y, Jiang H, Dudley AT, Convergent extension movements in growth plate chondrocytes require gpi-anchored cell surface proteins. Development. 2009 Oct;136(20):3463-74
1*J:174609 Ahrens MJ, Romereim S, Dudley AT, A re-evaluation of two key reagents for in vivo studies of Wnt signaling. Dev Dyn. 2011 Sep;240(9):2060-8
1*J:325730 Ahuja N, Hiltabidle MS, Rajasekhar H, Voss S, Lu SZ, Barlow HR, Cowdin MA, Daniel E, Vaddaraju V, Anandakumar T, Black E, Cleaver O, Maynard C, Endothelial Cyp26b1 restrains murine heart valve growth during development. Dev Biol. 2022 Jun;486:81-95
1J:226941 Akerberg BN, Sarangam ML, Stankunas K, Endocardial Brg1 disruption illustrates the developmental origins of semilunar valve disease. Dev Biol. 2015 Nov 1;407(1):158-72
1J:79879 Akiyama H, Chaboissier MC, Martin JF, Schedl A, De Crombrugghe B, The transcription factor Sox9 has essential roles in successive steps of the chondrocyte differentiation pathway and is required for expression of Sox5 and Sox6. Genes Dev. 2002 Nov 1;16(21):2813-28
4*J:211339 Al-Zahrani KN, Sekhon P, Tessier DR, Yockell-Lelievre J, Pryce BR, Baron KD, Howe GA, Sriram RK, Daniel K, Mckay M, Lo V, Quizi J, Addison CL, Gruslin A, Sabourin LA, Essential role for the SLK protein kinase in embryogenesis and placental tissue development. Dev Dyn. 2014 May;243(5):640-51
1J:98363 Alberi L, Sgado P, Simon HH, Engrailed genes are cell-autonomously required to prevent apoptosis in mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons. Development. 2004 Jul;131(13):3229-36
3*J:271028 Albers E, Sbroggio M, Pladevall-Morera D, Bizard AH, Avram A, Gonzalez P, Martin-Gonzalez J, Hickson ID, Lopez-Contreras AJ, Loss of PICH Results in Chromosomal Instability, p53 Activation, and Embryonic Lethality. Cell Rep. 2018 Sep 18;24(12):3274-3284
1J:142805 Alcalay NI, Sharma M, Vassmer D, Chapman B, Paul B, Zhou J, Brantley JG, Wallace DP, Maser RL, Vanden Heuvel GB, Acceleration of polycystic kidney disease progression in cpk mice carrying a deletion in the homeodomain protein Cux1. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2008 Dec;295(6):F1725-34
3J:262618 Aldeiri B, Roostalu U, Albertini A, Behnsen J, Wong J, Morabito A, Cossu G, Abrogation of TGF-beta signalling in TAGLN expressing cells recapitulates Pentalogy of Cantrell in the mouse. Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 26;8(1):3658
1J:350469 Alderman PJ, Saxon D, Torrijos-Saiz LI, Sharief M, Page CE, Baroudi JK, Biagiotti SW, Butyrkin VA, Melamed A, Kuo CT, Vicini S, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Herranz-Perez V, Corbin JG, Sorrells SF, Delayed maturation and migration of excitatory neurons in the juvenile mouse paralaminar amygdala. Neuron. 2024 Feb 21;112(4):574-592.e10
3J:240005 Aldiri I, Ajioka I, Xu B, Zhang J, Chen X, Benavente C, Finkelstein D, Johnson D, Akiyama J, Pennacchio LA, Dyer MA, Brg1 coordinates multiple processes during retinogenesis and is a tumor suppressor in retinoblastoma. Development. 2015 Dec 01;142(23):4092-106
1J:273391 Aldunate EZ, Di Foggia V, Di Marco F, Hervas LA, Ribeiro JC, Holder DL, Patel A, Jannini TB, Thompson DA, Martinez-Barbera JP, Pearson RA, Ali RR, Sowden JC, Conditional Dicer1 depletion using Chrnb4-Cre leads to cone cell death and impaired photopic vision. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 19;9(1):2314
1*J:208345 Almaidhan A, Cesario J, Landin Malt A, Zhao Y, Sharma N, Choi V, Jeong J, Neural crest-specific deletion of Ldb1 leads to cleft secondary palate with impaired palatal shelf elevation. BMC Dev Biol. 2014;14:3
1J:282008 AlMegbel AM, Shuler CF, SMAD2 overexpression rescues the TGF-beta3 null mutant mice cleft palate by increased apoptosis. Differentiation. 2019 Oct 8;111:60-69
3J:194545 Alsio JM, Tarchini B, Cayouette M, Livesey FJ, Ikaros promotes early-born neuronal fates in the cerebral cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb 19;110(8):E716-25
1*J:228503 Altieri SC, Jalabi W, Zhao T, Romito-DiGiacomo RR, Maricich SM, En1 directs superior olivary complex neuron positioning, survival, and expression of FoxP1. Dev Biol. 2015 Dec 1;408(1):99-108
1J:316641 Altieri SC, Zhao T, Jalabi W, Romito-DiGiacomo RR, Maricich SM, En1 is necessary for survival of neurons in the ventral nuclei of the lateral lemniscus. Dev Neurobiol. 2016 Nov;76(11):1266-1274
1J:358845 Alvarez S, Gupta S, Mercado-Ayon Y, Honeychurch K, Rodriguez C, Kawaguchi R, Butler SJ, Netrin1 patterns the dorsal spinal cord through modulation of Bmp signaling. Cell Rep. 2024 Nov 26;43(11):114954
2J:282739 Alvarez-Saavedra M, Yan K, De Repentigny Y, Hashem LE, Chaudary N, Sarwar S, Yang D, Ioshikhes I, Kothary R, Hirayama T, Yagi T, Picketts DJ, Snf2h Drives Chromatin Remodeling to Prime Upper Layer Cortical Neuron Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2019;12:243
1*J:191149 Alves CH, Sanz Sanz A, Park B, Pellissier LP, Tanimoto N, Beck SC, Huber G, Murtaza M, Richard F, Sridevi Gurubaran I, Garcia Garrido M, Levelt CN, Rashbass P, Le Bivic A, Seeliger MW, Wijnholds J, Loss of CRB2 in the mouse retina mimics human retinitis pigmentosa due to mutations in the CRB1 gene. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Jan 1;22(1):35-50
2*J:216142 Amann R, Wyder S, Slavotinek AM, Trueb B, The FgfrL1 receptor is required for development of slow muscle fibers. Dev Biol. 2014 Oct 15;394(2):228-41
1J:346780 Amato E Jr, Taroc EZM, Forni PE, Illuminating the terminal nerve: Uncovering the link between GnRH-1 neuron and olfactory development. J Comp Neurol. 2024 Mar;532(3):e25599
1J:333720 Ambrozkiewicz MC, Borisova E, Schwark M, Ripamonti S, Schaub T, Smorodchenko A, Weber AI, Rhee HJ, Altas B, Yilmaz R, Mueller S, Piepkorn L, Horan ST, Straussberg R, Zaqout S, Jahn O, Dere E, Rosario M, Boehm-Sturm P, Borck G, Willig KI, Rhee J, Tarabykin V, Kawabe H, The murine ortholog of Kaufman oculocerebrofacial syndrome protein Ube3b regulates synapse number by ubiquitinating Ppp3cc. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 Jun;26(6):1980-1995
1J:232360 Anastasiou V, Ninou E, Alexopoulou D, Stertmann J, Muller A, Dahl A, Solimena M, Speier S, Serafimidis I, Gavalas A, Aldehyde dehydrogenase activity is necessary for beta cell development and functionality in mice. Diabetologia. 2016 Jan;59(1):139-50
3J:207519 Anderegg A, Lin HP, Chen JA, Caronia-Brown G, Cherepanova N, Yun B, Joksimovic M, Rock J, Harfe BD, Johnson R, Awatramani R, An Lmx1b-miR135a2 regulatory circuit modulates Wnt1/Wnt signaling and determines the size of the midbrain dopaminergic progenitor pool. PLoS Genet. 2013 Dec;9(12):e1003973
1J:187740 Anderson C, Williams VC, Moyon B, Daubas P, Tajbakhsh S, Buckingham ME, Shiroishi T, Hughes SM, Borycki AG, Sonic hedgehog acts cell-autonomously on muscle precursor cells to generate limb muscle diversity. Genes Dev. 2012 Sep 15;26(18):2103-17
1J:232560 Anderson MJ, Schimmang T, Lewandoski M, An FGF3-BMP Signaling Axis Regulates Caudal Neural Tube Closure, Neural Crest Specification and Anterior-Posterior Axis Extension. PLoS Genet. 2016 May;12(5):e1006018
1J:273194 Anderson SR, Zhang J, Steele MR, Romero CO, Kautzman AG, Schafer DP, Vetter ML, Complement Targets Newborn Retinal Ganglion Cells for Phagocytic Elimination by Microglia. J Neurosci. 2019 Mar 13;39(11):2025-2040
2J:144081 Andersson ER, Prakash N, Cajanek L, Minina E, Bryja V, Bryjova L, Yamaguchi TP, Hall AC, Wurst W, Arenas E, Wnt5a regulates ventral midbrain morphogenesis and the development of A9-A10 dopaminergic cells in vivo. PLoS One. 2008;3(10):e3517
2J:281201 Anderton H, Bandala-Sanchez E, Simpson DS, Rickard JA, Ng AP, Di Rago L, Hall C, Vince JE, Silke J, Liccardi G, Feltham R, RIPK1 prevents TRADD-driven, but TNFR1 independent, apoptosis during development. Cell Death Differ. 2019 May;26(5):877-889
1J:181005 Andoniadou CL, Signore M, Young RM, Gaston-Massuet C, Wilson SW, Fuchs E, Martinez-Barbera JP, HESX1- and TCF3-mediated repression of Wnt/beta-catenin targets is required for normal development of the anterior forebrain. Development. 2011 Nov;138(22):4931-42
1J:229438 Andrews WD, Davidson K, Tamamaki N, Ruhrberg C, Parnavelas JG, Altered proliferative ability of neuronal progenitors in PlexinA1 mutant mice. J Comp Neurol. 2016 Feb 15;524(3):518-34
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1J:119656 Andrieu D, Meziane H, Marly F, Angelats C, Fernandez PA, Muscatelli F, Sensory defects in Necdin deficient mice result from a loss of sensory neurons correlated within an increase of developmental programmed cell death. BMC Dev Biol. 2006;6:56
1J:267338 Angelim MKSC, Maia LMSS, Mouffle C, Ginhoux F, Low D, Amancio-Dos-Santos A, Makhoul J, Le Corronc H, Mangin JM, Legendre P, Embryonic macrophages and microglia ablation alter the development of dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons in mouse embryos. Glia. 2018 Nov;66(11):2470-2486
1J:294835 Anslow MJ, Bodnar AJ, Cerqueira DM, Bushnell D, Shrom BE, Sims-Lucas S, Bates CM, Ho J, Increased rates of vesicoureteral reflux in mice from deletion of Dicer in the peri-Wolffian duct stroma. Pediatr Res. 2020 Sep;88(3):382-390
2J:218093 Aoto K, Trainor PA, Co-ordinated brain and craniofacial development depend upon Patched1/XIAP regulation of cell survival. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Feb 1;24(3):698-713
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1J:137057 Araya R, Kudo M, Kawano M, Ishii K, Hashikawa T, Iwasato T, Itohara S, Terasaki T, Oohira A, Mishina Y, Yamada M, BMP signaling through BMPRIA in astrocytes is essential for proper cerebral angiogenesis and formation of the blood-brain-barrier. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2008 Jul;38(3):417-30
1J:137346 Arbour N, Vanderluit JL, Le Grand JN, Jahani-Asl A, Ruzhynsky VA, Cheung EC, Kelly MA, MacKenzie AE, Park DS, Opferman JT, Slack RS, Mcl-1 is a key regulator of apoptosis during CNS development and after DNA damage. J Neurosci. 2008 Jun 11;28(24):6068-78
1J:204089 Arechederra M, Carmona R, Gonzalez-Nunez M, Gutierrez-Uzquiza A, Bragado P, Cruz-Gonzalez I, Cano E, Guerrero C, Sanchez A, Lopez-Novoa JM, Schneider MD, Maina F, Munoz-Chapuli R, Porras A, Met signaling in cardiomyocytes is required for normal cardiac function in adult mice. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Dec;1832(12):2204-15
1J:281567 Ariyasu D, Kubo E, Higa D, Shibata S, Takaoka Y, Sugimoto M, Imaizumi K, Hasegawa T, Araki K, Decreased Activity of the Ghrhr and Gh Promoters Causes Dominantly Inherited GH Deficiency in Humanized GH1 Mouse Models. Endocrinology. 2019 Nov 1;160(11):2673-2691
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2*J:230556 Armistead J, Patel N, Wu X, Hemming R, Chowdhury B, Basra GS, Del Bigio MR, Ding H, Triggs-Raine B, Growth arrest in the ribosomopathy, Bowen-Conradi syndrome, is due to dramatically reduced cell proliferation and a defect in mitotic progression. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 May;1852(5):1029-37
4J:169444 Armstrong A, Ryu YK, Chieco D, Kuruvilla R, Frizzled3 Is Required for Neurogenesis and Target Innervation during Sympathetic Nervous System Development. J Neurosci. 2011 Feb 16;31(7):2371-81
2J:138764 Arnold SJ, Huang GJ, Cheung AF, Era T, Nishikawa S, Bikoff EK, Molnar Z, Robertson EJ, Groszer M, The T-box transcription factor Eomes/Tbr2 regulates neurogenesis in the cortical subventricular zone. Genes Dev. 2008 Sep 15;22(18):2479-84
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1J:99585 Asher DR, Cerny AM, Weiler SR, Horner JW, Keeler ML, Neptune MA, Jones SN, Bronson RT, Depinho RA, Finberg RW, Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor is essential for cardiomyocyte development. Genesis. 2005 Jun;42(2):77-85
2J:288305 Aslanpour S, Rosin JM, Balakrishnan A, Klenin N, Blot F, Gradwohl G, Schuurmans C, Kurrasch DM, Ascl1 is required to specify a subset of ventromedial hypothalamic neurons. Development. 2020 May 28;147(10):dev180067
1J:288982 Assenza MR, Barbagallo F, Barrios F, Cornacchione M, Campolo F, Vivarelli E, Gianfrilli D, Auletta L, Soricelli A, Isidori AM, Lenzi A, Pellegrini M, Naro F, Critical role of phosphodiesterase 2A in mouse congenital heart defects. Cardiovasc Res. 2018 May 1;114(6):830-845
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2J:235652 Bachmann C, Nguyen H, Rosenbusch J, Pham L, Rabe T, Patwa M, Sokpor G, Seong RH, Ashery-Padan R, Mansouri A, Stoykova A, Staiger JF, Tuoc T, mSWI/SNF (BAF) Complexes Are Indispensable for the Neurogenesis and Development of Embryonic Olfactory Epithelium. PLoS Genet. 2016 Sep;12(9):e1006274
1J:196570 Bae KB, Kim MO, Yu DH, Shin MJ, Kim HJ, Yuh HS, Ji YR, Kim JY, Kim JM, Hyun BH, Lee HC, Chang WK, Park SB, Kim do H, Lee HS, Choo YS, Lee S, Ryoo ZY, Overexpression of Jazf1 induces cardiac malformation through the upregulation of pro-apoptotic genes in mice. Transgenic Res. 2011 Oct;20(5):1019-31
4*J:171630 Bagheri-Fam S, Argentaro A, Svingen T, Combes AN, Sinclair AH, Koopman P, Harley VR, Defective survival of proliferating Sertoli cells and androgen receptor function in a mouse model of the ATR-X syndrome. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 Jun 1;20(11):2213-24
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1J:192203 Balakrishnan A, Chaillet JR, Role of the inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase type II Inpp4b in the generation of ovarian teratomas. Dev Biol. 2013 Jan 1;373(1):118-29
1*J:140337 Balastik M, Ferraguti F, Pires-da Silva A, Lee TH, Alvarez-Bolado G, Lu KP, Gruss P, Deficiency in ubiquitin ligase TRIM2 causes accumulation of neurofilament light chain and neurodegeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Aug 19;105(33):12016-21
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