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Gene Expression Literature Summary
LIM homeobox protein 5

197 matching records from 197 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E1.5 E2 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15.5 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 4 2 39 7 37 2 50 3 11 1 14 7 6 1 2 2 5 1 6 9
In situ RNA (section) 1 2 11 14 1 26 13 13 7 6 4 9 3 11
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 2 4 2 2 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Western blot 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1
cDNA clones 1 1 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Lhx5  LIM homeobox protein 5   (Synonyms: Lim2)
Results  Reference
2J:103452 Abbott MA, Joksimovic M, Tuggle CK, Ectopic HOXA5 expression results in abnormal differentiation, migration and p53-independent cell death of superficial dorsal horn neurons. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 2005 Oct 6;159(2):87-97
4*J:174477 Abellan A, Menuet A, Dehay C, Medina L, Retaux S, Differential expression of LIM-homeodomain factors in Cajal-Retzius cells of primates, rodents, and birds. Cereb Cortex. 2010 Aug;20(8):1788-98
6*J:187352 Abellan A, Vernier B, Retaux S, Medina L, Similarities and differences in the forebrain expression of Lhx1 and Lhx5 between chicken and mouse: Insights for understanding telencephalic development and evolution. J Comp Neurol. 2010 Sep 1;518(17):3512-28
1J:353312 Adutwum-Ofosu K, Magnani D, Theil T, Price DJ, Fotaki, The molecular and cellular signatures of the mouse eminentia thalami support its role as a signalling centre in the developing forebrain. Brain Struct Funct. 2016;221(7):3709-27
1J:152710 Aldinger KA, Lehmann OJ, Hudgins L, Chizhikov VV, Bassuk AG, Ades LC, Krantz ID, Dobyns WB, Millen KJ, FOXC1 is required for normal cerebellar development and is a major contributor to chromosome 6p25.3 Dandy-Walker malformation. Nat Genet. 2009 Sep;41(9):1037-42
1*J:76132 Aruga J, Tohmonda T, Homma S, Mikoshiba K, Zic1 promotes the expansion of dorsal neural progenitors in spinal cord by inhibiting neuronal differentiation. Dev Biol. 2002 Apr 15;244(2):329-41
2*J:214045 Audouard E, Schakman O, Ginion A, Bertrand L, Gailly P, Clotman F, The Onecut transcription factor HNF-6 contributes to proper reorganization of Purkinje cells during postnatal cerebellum development. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2013 Sep;56:159-68
2J:71625 Bachy I, Vernier P, Retaux S, The LIM-homeodomain gene family in the developing Xenopus brain: conservation and divergences with the mouse related to the evolution of the forebrain. J Neurosci. 2001 Oct 1;21(19):7620-9
1J:257081 Bai G, Chivatakarn O, Bonanomi D, Lettieri K, Franco L, Xia C, Stein E, Ma L, Lewcock JW, Pfaff SL, Presenilin-dependent receptor processing is required for axon guidance. Cell. 2011 Jan 7;144(1):106-18
2J:172564 Bami M, Episkopou V, Gavalas A, Gouti M, Directed neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells is a sensitive system for the identification of novel hox gene effectors. PLoS One. 2011;6(5):e20197
1J:213872 Borromeo MD, Meredith DM, Castro DS, Chang JC, Tung KC, Guillemot F, Johnson JE, A transcription factor network specifying inhibitory versus excitatory neurons in the dorsal spinal cord. Development. 2014 Jul;141(14):2803-12
1J:99491 Britanova O, Akopov S, Lukyanov S, Gruss P, Tarabykin V, Novel transcription factor Satb2 interacts with matrix attachment region DNA elements in a tissue-specific manner and demonstrates cell-type-dependent expression in the developing mouse CNS. Eur J Neurosci. 2005 Feb;21(3):658-68
1J:141954 Brohl D, Strehle M, Wende H, Hori K, Bormuth I, Nave KA, Muller T, Birchmeier C, A transcriptional network coordinately determines transmitter and peptidergic fate in the dorsal spinal cord. Dev Biol. 2008 Aug 7;322(2):381-393
1J:197199 Buckley DM, Burroughs-Garcia J, Lewandoski M, Waters ST, Characterization of the Gbx1-/- mouse mutant: a requirement for Gbx1 in normal locomotion and sensorimotor circuit development. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e56214
2J:82216 Bulchand S, Subramanian L, Tole S, Dynamic spatiotemporal expression of LIM genes and cofactors in the embryonic and postnatal cerebral cortex. Dev Dyn. 2003 Mar;226(3):460-9
2J:175586 Bupesh M, Legaz I, Abellan A, Medina L, Multiple telencephalic and extratelencephalic embryonic domains contribute neurons to the medial extended amygdala. J Comp Neurol. 2011 Jun 1;519(8):1505-25
3J:266003 Caballero IM, Manuel MN, Molinek M, Quintana-Urzainqui I, Mi D, Shimogori T, Price DJ, Cell-autonomous repression of Shh by transcription factor Pax6 regulates diencephalic patterning by controlling the central diencephalic organizer. Cell Rep. 2014 Sep 11;8(5):1405-18
1J:245759 Casoni F, Croci L, Bosone C, D'Ambrosio R, Badaloni A, Gaudesi D, Barili V, Sarna JR, Tessarollo L, Cremona O, Hawkes R, Warming S, Consalez GG, Zfp423/ZNF423 regulates cell cycle progression, the mode of cell division and the DNA-damage response in Purkinje neuron progenitors. Development. 2017 Oct 15;144(20):3686-3697
1J:95393 Cepeda-Nieto AC, Pfaff SL, Varela-Echavarria A, Homeodomain transcription factors in the development of subsets of hindbrain reticulospinal neurons. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2005 Jan;28(1):30-41
1J:304721 Chang SH, Su YC, Chang M, Chen JA, MicroRNAs mediate precise control of spinal interneuron populations to exert delicate sensory-to-motor outputs. Elife. 2021 Mar 31;10:e63768
1J:341393 Cheffer A, Garcia-Miralles M, Maier E, Akol I, Franz H, Srinivasan VSV, Vogel T, DOT1L deletion impairs the development of cortical parvalbumin-expressing interneurons. Cereb Cortex. 2023 Sep 26;33(19):10272-10285
2J:103829 Chen B, Schaevitz LR, McConnell SK, Fezl regulates the differentiation and axon targeting of layer 5 subcortical projection neurons in cerebral cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Nov 22;102(47):17184-9
2J:224198 Chen Y, Takano-Maruyama M, Fritzsch B, Gaufo GO, Hoxb1 controls anteroposterior identity of vestibular projection neurons. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e34762
2J:110657 Cheng X, Hsu CM, Currle DS, Hu JS, Barkovich AJ, Monuki ES, Central roles of the roof plate in telencephalic development and holoprosencephaly. J Neurosci. 2006 Jul 19;26(29):7640-9
1J:105025 Cheung M, Chaboissier MC, Mynett A, Hirst E, Schedl A, Briscoe J, The transcriptional control of trunk neural crest induction, survival, and delamination. Dev Cell. 2005 Feb;8(2):179-92
5J:119033 Chizhikov VV, Lindgren AG, Currle DS, Rose MF, Monuki ES, Millen KJ, The roof plate regulates cerebellar cell-type specification and proliferation. Development. 2006 Aug;133(15):2793-804
2*J:168654 Chung YC, Tsai YJ, Shiu TY, Sun YY, Wang PF, Chen CL, Screening large numbers of expression patterns of transcription factors in late stages of the mouse thymus. Gene Expr Patterns. 2011 Jan-Feb;11(1-2):84-92
1J:226607 Clegg JM, Li Z, Molinek M, Caballero IM, Manuel MN, Price DJ, Pax6 is required intrinsically by thalamic progenitors for the normal molecular patterning of thalamic neurons but not the growth and guidance of their axons. Neural Dev. 2015;10(1):26
4*J:307826 Crispatzu G, Rehimi R, Pachano T, Bleckwehl T, Cruz-Molina S, Xiao C, Mahabir E, Bazzi H, Rada-Iglesias A, The chromatin, topological and regulatory properties of pluripotency-associated poised enhancers are conserved in vivo. Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 16;12(1):4344
1J:171198 Cwinn MA, Mazerolle C, McNeill B, Ringuette R, Thurig S, Hui CC, Wallace VA, Suppressor of fused is required to maintain the multipotency of neural progenitor cells in the retina. J Neurosci. 2011 Mar 30;31(13):5169-80
1J:231601 de Melo J, Zibetti C, Clark BS, Hwang W, Miranda-Angulo AL, Qian J, Blackshaw S, Lhx2 Is an Essential Factor for Retinal Gliogenesis and Notch Signaling. J Neurosci. 2016 Feb 24;36(8):2391-405
1J:175535 Deng Q, Andersson E, Hedlund E, Alekseenko Z, Coppola E, Panman L, Millonig JH, Brunet JF, Ericson J, Perlmann T, Specific and integrated roles of Lmx1a, Lmx1b and Phox2a in ventral midbrain development. Development. 2011 Aug;138(16):3399-408
1J:181907 Ding Q, Joshi PS, Xie ZH, Xiang M, Gan L, BARHL2 transcription factor regulates the ipsilateral/contralateral subtype divergence in postmitotic dI1 neurons of the developing spinal cord. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jan 31;109(5):1566-71
1J:208848 Duval N, Daubas P, Bourcier de Carbon C, St Cloment C, Tinevez JY, Lopes M, Ribes V, Robert B, Msx1 and Msx2 act as essential activators of Atoh1 expression in the murine spinal cord. Development. 2014 Apr;141(8):1726-36
2J:186284 Espana A, Clotman F, Onecut transcription factors are required for the second phase of development of the A13 dopaminergic nucleus in the mouse. J Comp Neurol. 2012 May 1;520(7):1424-41
2J:305862 Eze UC, Bhaduri A, Haeussler M, Nowakowski TJ, Kriegstein AR, Single-cell atlas of early human brain development highlights heterogeneity of human neuroepithelial cells and early radial glia. Nat Neurosci. 2021 Apr;24(4):584-594
1*J:124892 Flames N, Pla R, Gelman DM, Rubenstein JL, Puelles L, Marin O, Delineation of multiple subpallial progenitor domains by the combinatorial expression of transcriptional codes. J Neurosci. 2007 Sep 5;27(36):9682-95
1J:283307 Fogarty LC, Song B, Suppiah Y, Hasan SMM, Martin HC, Hogan SE, Xiong J, Vanderluit JL, Bcl-xL dependency coincides with the onset of neurogenesis in the developing mammalian spinal cord. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2016 Dec;77:34-46
1J:155332 Fotaki V, Larralde O, Zeng S, McLaughlin D, Nichols J, Price DJ, Theil T, Mason JO, Loss of Wnt8b has no overt effect on hippocampus development but leads to altered Wnt gene expression levels in dorsomedial telencephalon. Dev Dyn. 2010 Jan;239(1):284-96
1*J:139696 Fotaki V, Price DJ, Mason JO, Newly identified patterns of Pax2 expression in the developing mouse forebrain. BMC Dev Biol. 2008;8:79
1*J:112208 Fotaki V, Yu T, Zaki PA, Mason JO, Price DJ, Abnormal positioning of diencephalic cell types in neocortical tissue in the dorsal telencephalon of mice lacking functional Gli3. J Neurosci. 2006 Sep 6;26(36):9282-92
1J:240621 Francius C, Hidalgo-Figueroa M, Debrulle S, Pelosi B, Rucchin V, Ronellenfitch K, Panayiotou E, Makrides N, Misra K, Harris A, Hassani H, Schakman O, Parras C, Xiang M, Malas S, Chow RL, Clotman F, Vsx1 Transiently Defines an Early Intermediate V2 Interneuron Precursor Compartment in the Mouse Developing Spinal Cord. Front Mol Neurosci. 2016;9:145
1J:237449 Francius C, Ravassard P, Hidalgo-Figueroa M, Mallet J, Clotman F, Nardelli J, Genetic dissection of Gata2 selective functions during specification of V2 interneurons in the developing spinal cord. Dev Neurobiol. 2015 Jul;75(7):721-37
1*J:270507 Funato N, Yanagisawa H, Deletion of the T-box transcription factor gene, Tbx1, in mice induces differential expression of genes associated with cleft palate in humans. Arch Oral Biol. 2018 Nov;95:149-155
1J:312043 Galdo M, Gregonis J, Fiore CS, Compagnone NA, Dehydroepiandrosterone biosynthesis, role, and mechanism of action in the developing neural tube. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2012;3:16
2J:161632 Garcia-Moreno F, Pedraza M, Di Giovannantonio LG, Di Salvio M, Lopez-Mascaraque L, Simeone A, De Carlos JA, A neuronal migratory pathway crossing from diencephalon to telencephalon populates amygdala nuclei. Nat Neurosci. 2010 Jun;13(6):680-9
1J:88581 Gaufo GO, Wu S, Capecchi MR, Contribution of Hox genes to the diversity of the hindbrain sensory system. Development. 2004 Mar;131(6):1259-66
1J:140315 Geng X, Speirs C, Lagutin O, Inbal A, Liu W, Solnica-Krezel L, Jeong Y, Epstein DJ, Oliver G, Haploinsufficiency of Six3 fails to activate Sonic hedgehog expression in the ventral forebrain and causes holoprosencephaly. Dev Cell. 2008 Aug;15(2):236-47
2J:104420 Glasgow SM, Henke RM, Macdonald RJ, Wright CV, Johnson JE, Ptf1a determines GABAergic over glutamatergic neuronal cell fate in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Development. 2005 Dec;132(24):5461-9
2J:148967 Glassmann A, Topka S, Wang-Eckardt L, Anders S, Weisheit G, Endl E, Zimmer A, Schilling K, Basic molecular fingerprinting of immature cerebellar cortical inhibitory interneurons and their precursors. Neuroscience. 2009 Mar 3;159(1):69-82
2*J:70696 Gowan K, Helms AW, Hunsaker TL, Collisson T, Ebert PJ, Odom R, Johnson JE, Crossinhibitory activities of ngn1 and math1 allow specification of distinct dorsal interneurons. Neuron. 2001 Aug;31(2):219-32
1J:83744 Graef IA, Wang F, Charron F, Chen L, Neilson J, Tessier-Lavigne M, Crabtree GR, Neurotrophins and netrins require calcineurin/NFAT signaling to stimulate outgrowth of embryonic axons. Cell. 2003 May 30;113(5):657-70
1J:305179 Gray de Cristoforis A, Ferrari F, Clotman F, Vogel T, Differentiation and localization of interneurons in the developing spinal cord depends on DOT1L expression. Mol Brain. 2020 May 29;13(1):85
3*J:91257 Gray PA, Fu H, Luo P, Zhao Q, Yu J, Ferrari A, Tenzen T, Yuk DI, Tsung EF, Cai Z, Alberta JA, Cheng LP, Liu Y, Stenman JM, Valerius MT, Billings N, Kim HA, Greenberg ME, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD, Ma Q, Mouse Brain Organization Revealed Through Direct Genome-Scale TF Expression Analysis. Science. 2004 Dec 24;306(5705):2255-2257
1J:76658 Gross MK, Dottori M, Goulding M, Lbx1 specifies somatosensory association interneurons in the dorsal spinal cord. Neuron. 2002 May 16;34(4):535-49
3*J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, GUDMAP: the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project. www.gudmap.org. 2004;
1J:237540 Gueta K, David A, Cohen T, Menuchin-Lasowski Y, Nobel H, Narkis G, Li L, Love P, de Melo J, Blackshaw S, Westphal H, Ashery-Padan R, The stage-dependent roles of Ldb1 and functional redundancy with Ldb2 in mammalian retinogenesis. Development. 2016 Nov 15;143(22):4182-4192
3J:117093 Gui H, Li S, Matise MP, A cell-autonomous requirement for Cip/Kip cyclin-kinase inhibitors in regulating neuronal cell cycle exit but not differentiation in the developing spinal cord. Dev Biol. 2007 Jan 1;301(1):14-26
2*J:331142 Han P, She Y, Yang Z, Zhuang M, Wang Q, Luo X, Yin C, Zhu J, Jaffrey SR, Ji SJ, Cbln1 regulates axon growth and guidance in multiple neural regions. PLoS Biol. 2022 Nov;20(11):e3001853
1J:79021 Hebert JM, Mishina Y, McConnell SK, BMP signaling is required locally to pattern the dorsal telencephalic midline. Neuron. 2002 Sep 12;35(6):1029-41
1J:98830 Helms AW, Battiste J, Henke RM, Nakada Y, Simplicio N, Guillemot F, Johnson JE, Sequential roles for Mash1 and Ngn2 in the generation of dorsal spinal cord interneurons. Development. 2005 Jun;132(12):2709-19
1J:119561 Hirata T, Nakazawa M, Muraoka O, Nakayama R, Suda Y, Hibi M, Zinc-finger genes Fez and Fez-like function in the establishment of diencephalon subdivisions. Development. 2006 Oct;133(20):3993-4004
1*J:175565 Hirose M, Niewiadomski P, Tse G, Chi GC, Dong H, Lee A, Carpenter EM, Waschek JA, Pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating peptide counteracts hedgehog-dependent motor neuron production in mouse embryonic stem cell cultures. J Neurosci Res. 2011 Sep;89(9):1363-74
2J:130251 Hori K, Cholewa-Waclaw J, Nakada Y, Glasgow SM, Masui T, Henke RM, Wildner H, Martarelli B, Beres TM, Epstein JA, Magnuson MA, Macdonald RJ, Birchmeier C, Johnson JE, A nonclassical bHLH Rbpj transcription factor complex is required for specification of GABAergic neurons independent of Notch signaling. Genes Dev. 2008 Jan 15;22(2):166-78
3J:125109 Huang X, Litingtung Y, Chiang C, Ectopic sonic hedgehog signaling impairs telencephalic dorsal midline development: implication for human holoprosencephaly. Hum Mol Genet. 2007 Jun 15;16(12):1454-68
2J:160335 Huang X, Liu J, Ketova T, Fleming JT, Grover VK, Cooper MK, Litingtung Y, Chiang C, Transventricular delivery of Sonic hedgehog is essential to cerebellar ventricular zone development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 May 4;107(18):8422-7
8J:197480 Huilgol D, Udin S, Shimogori T, Saha B, Roy A, Aizawa S, Hevner RF, Meyer G, Ohshima T, Pleasure SJ, Zhao Y, Tole S, Dual origins of the mammalian accessory olfactory bulb revealed by an evolutionarily conserved migratory stream. Nat Neurosci. 2013 Feb;16(2):157-65
1J:208600 Hunter CS, Dixit S, Cohen T, Ediger B, Wilcox C, Ferreira M, Westphal H, Stein R, May CL, Islet alpha-, beta-, and delta-cell development is controlled by the Ldb1 coregulator, acting primarily with the islet-1 transcription factor. Diabetes. 2013 Mar;62(3):875-86
2J:338083 Hwang I, Kim BS, Ko HR, Cho S, Lee HY, Cho SW, Ryu D, Shim S, Ahn JY, Cerebellar dysfunction and schizophrenia-like behavior in Ebp1-deficient mice. Mol Psychiatry. 2022 Apr;27(4):2030-2041
2J:139170 Imayoshi I, Shimogori T, Ohtsuka T, Kageyama R, Hes genes and neurogenin regulate non-neural versus neural fate specification in the dorsal telencephalic midline. Development. 2008 Aug;135(15):2531-41
2J:135191 Ishimura R, Martin GR, Ackerman SL, Loss of apoptosis-inducing factor results in cell-type-specific neurogenesis defects. J Neurosci. 2008 May 7;28(19):4938-48
1J:231591 Iskusnykh IY, Steshina EY, Chizhikov VV, Loss of Ptf1a Leads to a Widespread Cell-Fate Misspecification in the Brainstem, Affecting the Development of Somatosensory and Viscerosensory Nuclei. J Neurosci. 2016 Mar 2;36(9):2691-710
1J:224337 Jia Z, Guo Y, Tang Y, Xu Q, Li B, Wu Q, Regulation of the protocadherin Celsr3 gene and its role in globus pallidus development and connectivity. Mol Cell Biol. 2014 Oct;34(20):3895-910
1J:154668 Joksimovic M, Anderegg A, Roy A, Campochiaro L, Yun B, Kittappa R, McKay R, Awatramani R, Spatiotemporally separable Shh domains in the midbrain define distinct dopaminergic progenitor pools. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Nov 10;106(45):19185-90
5J:99528 Joksimovic M, Jeannotte L, Tuggle CK, Dynamic expression of murine HOXA5 protein in the central nervous system. Gene Expr Patterns. 2005 Aug;5(6):792-800
2J:259920 Ju J, Liu Q, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Jiang M, Zhang L, He X, Peng C, Zheng T, Lu QR, Li H, Olig2 regulates Purkinje cell generation in the early developing mouse cerebellum. Sci Rep. 2016 Jul 29;6:30711
1J:236779 Junge HJ, Yung AR, Goodrich LV, Chen Z, Netrin1/DCC signaling promotes neuronal migration in the dorsal spinal cord. Neural Dev. 2016 Oct 26;11(1):19
4J:284905 Kabayiza KU, Masgutova G, Harris A, Rucchin V, Jacob B, Clotman F, The Onecut Transcription Factors Regulate Differentiation and Distribution of Dorsal Interneurons during Spinal Cord Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2017;10:157
1*J:63423 Kania A, Johnson RL, Jessell TM, Coordinate roles for LIM homeobox genes in directing the dorsoventral trajectory of motor axons in the vertebrate limb. Cell. 2000 Jul 21;102(2):161-73
1J:356145 Khouri-Farah N, Guo Q, Morgan K, Shin J, Li JYH, Integrated single-cell transcriptomic and epigenetic study of cell state transition and lineage commitment in embryonic mouse cerebellum. Sci Adv. 2022 Apr;8(13):eabl9156
1J:98539 Kimura J, Suda Y, Kurokawa D, Hossain ZM, Nakamura M, Takahashi M, Hara A, Aizawa S, Emx2 and Pax6 function in cooperation with Otx2 and Otx1 to develop caudal forebrain primordium that includes future archipallium. J Neurosci. 2005 May 25;25(21):5097-108
1J:326949 Kirjavainen A, Singh P, Lahti L, Seja P, Lelkes Z, Makkonen A, Kilpinen S, Ono Y, Salminen M, Aitta-Aho T, Stenberg T, Molchanova S, Achim K, Partanen J, Gata2, Nkx2-2 and Skor2 form a transcription factor network regulating development of a midbrain GABAergic neuron subtype with characteristics of REM-sleep regulatory neurons. Development. 2022 Jul 15;149(14):dev200937
2J:130846 Kittappa R, Chang WW, Awatramani RB, McKay RD, The foxa2 gene controls the birth and spontaneous degeneration of dopamine neurons in old age. PLoS Biol. 2007 Dec;5(12):e325
1J:270927 Kridsada K, Niu J, Haldipur P, Wang Z, Ding L, Li JJ, Lindgren AG, Herrera E, Thomas GM, Chizhikov VV, Millen KJ, Luo W, Roof Plate-Derived Radial Glial-like Cells Support Developmental Growth of Rapidly Adapting Mechanoreceptor Ascending Axons. Cell Rep. 2018 Jun 5;23(10):2928-2941
2J:98802 Kriks S, Lanuza GM, Mizuguchi R, Nakafuku M, Goulding M, Gsh2 is required for the repression of Ngn1 and specification of dorsal interneuron fate in the spinal cord. Development. 2005 Jul;132(13):2991-3002
1J:183879 Kropp M, Wilson SI, The expression profile of the tumor suppressor gene Lzts1 suggests a role in neuronal development. Dev Dyn. 2012 May;241(5):984-94
2J:130851 Lavado A, Lagutin OV, Oliver G, Six3 inactivation causes progressive caudalization and aberrant patterning of the mammalian diencephalon. Development. 2008 Feb;135(3):441-50
1J:178982 Le Dreau G, Garcia-Campmany L, Rabadan MA, Ferronha T, Tozer S, Briscoe J, Marti E, Canonical BMP7 activity is required for the generation of discrete neuronal populations in the dorsal spinal cord. Development. 2012 Jan;139(2):259-68
1J:263715 Lee B, Kim J, An T, Kim S, Patel EM, Raber J, Lee SK, Lee S, Lee JW, Dlx1/2 and Otp coordinate the production of hypothalamic GHRH- and AgRP-neurons. Nat Commun. 2018 May 23;9(1):2026
1J:184232 Lee K, Tan J, Morris MB, Rizzoti K, Hughes J, Cheah PS, Felquer F, Liu X, Piltz S, Lovell-Badge R, Thomas PQ, Congenital hydrocephalus and abnormal subcommissural organ development in Sox3 transgenic mice. PLoS One. 2012;7(1):e29041
1J:234106 Leggere JC, Saito Y, Darnell RB, Tessier-Lavigne M, Junge HJ, Chen Z, NOVA regulates Dcc alternative splicing during neuronal migration and axon guidance in the spinal cord. Elife. 2016;5:e14264
3J:339532 Li J, Sun L, Peng XL, Yu XM, Qi SJ, Lu ZJ, Han JJ, Shen Q, Integrative genomic analysis of early neurogenesis reveals a temporal genetic program for differentiation and specification of preplate and Cajal-Retzius neurons. PLoS Genet. 2021 Mar;17(3):e1009355
1J:118347 Liu B, Liu Z, Chen T, Li H, Qiang B, Yuan J, Peng X, Qiu M, Selective expression of Bhlhb5 in subsets of early-born interneurons and late-born association neurons in the spinal cord. Dev Dyn. 2007 Mar;236(3):829-35
2*J:270210 Loo L, Simon JM, Xing L, McCoy ES, Niehaus JK, Guo J, Anton ES, Zylka MJ, Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of mouse neocortical development. Nat Commun. 2019 Jan 11;10(1):134
1J:177911 Lu PP, Ramanan N, Serum response factor is required for cortical axon growth but is dispensable for neurogenesis and neocortical lamination. J Neurosci. 2011 Nov 16;31(46):16651-64
1J:91298 Lu X, Borchers AG, Jolicoeur C, Rayburn H, Baker JC, Tessier-Lavigne M, PTK7/CCK-4 is a novel regulator of planar cell polarity in vertebrates. Nature. 2004 Jul 1;430(6995):93-8
1J:154362 Lundell TG, Zhou Q, Doughty ML, Neurogenin1 expression in cell lineages of the cerebellar cortex in embryonic and postnatal mice. Dev Dyn. 2009 Nov 18;238(12):3310-3325
3*J:162220 Magdaleno S, Jensen P, Brumwell CL, Seal A, Lehman K, Asbury A, Cheung T, Cornelius T, Batten DM, Eden C, Norland SM, Rice DS, Dosooye N, Shakya S, Mehta P, Curran T, BGEM: an in situ hybridization database of gene expression in the embryonic and adult mouse nervous system. PLoS Biol. 2006 Apr;4(4):e86
3J:175781 Makki N, Capecchi MR, Identification of novel Hoxa1 downstream targets regulating hindbrain, neural crest and inner ear development. Dev Biol. 2011 Sep 15;357(2):295-304
1J:206629 Marklund U, Alekseenko Z, Andersson E, Falci S, Westgren M, Perlmann T, Graham A, Sundstrom E, Ericson J, Detailed expression analysis of regulatory genes in the early developing human neural tube. Stem Cells Dev. 2014 Jan 1;23(1):5-15
2J:84388 Mastick GS, Andrews GL, Pax6 regulates the identity of embryonic diencephalic neurons. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2001 Jan;17(1):190-207
3*J:43464 Matise MP, Joyner AL, Expression patterns of developmental control genes in normal and Engrailed-1 mutant mouse spinal cord reveal early diversity in developing interneurons. J Neurosci. 1997 Oct 15;17(20):7805-16
1J:178174 Matsumoto A, Susaki E, Onoyama I, Nakayama K, Hoshino M, Nakayama KI, Deregulation of the p57-E2F1-p53 axis results in nonobstructive hydrocephalus and cerebellar malformation in mice. Mol Cell Biol. 2011 Oct;31(20):4176-92
2*J:34662 Matsumoto K, Tanaka T, Furuyama T, Kashihara Y, Ishii N, Tohyama M, Kitanaka J, Takemura M, Mori T, Wanaka A, Differential expression of LIM-homeodomain genes in the embryonic murine brain. Neurosci Lett. 1996 Jun 28;211(3):147-50
1J:116391 Merchant M, Evangelista M, Luoh SM, Frantz GD, Chalasani S, Carano RA, van Hoy M, Ramirez J, Ogasawara AK, McFarland LM, Filvaroff EH, French DM, de Sauvage FJ, Loss of the serine/threonine kinase fused results in postnatal growth defects and lethality due to progressive hydrocephalus. Mol Cell Biol. 2005 Aug;25(16):7054-68
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