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Gene Expression Literature Summary
phosphodiesterase 1C

13 matching records from 13 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E9 E11.5 E12.5 E13.5 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E17 E18.5 P
In situ RNA (section) 2 1 4 2 2 3
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 4

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Pde1c  phosphodiesterase 1C  
Results  Reference
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
2J:174459 Boyle MP, Bernard A, Thompson CL, Ng L, Boe A, Mortrud M, Hawrylycz MJ, Jones AR, Hevner RF, Lein ES, Cell-type-specific consequences of Reelin deficiency in the mouse neocortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. J Comp Neurol. 2011 Aug 1;519(11):2061-89
1J:320618 Fleck JS, Sanchis-Calleja F, He Z, Santel M, Boyle MJ, Camp JG, Treutlein B, Resolving organoid brain region identities by mapping single-cell genomic data to reference atlases. Cell Stem Cell. 2021 Jun 3;28(6):1148-1159.e8
3*J:46439 Freeman TC, Dixon AK, Campbell EA, Tait TM, Richardson PJ, Rice KM, Maslen GL, Metcalfe AD, Streuli CH, Bentley DR, Expression Mapping of Mouse Genes. MGI Direct Data Submission. 1998;
1*J:139177 Hoffman BG, Zavaglia B, Witzsche J, Ruiz de Algara T, Beach M, Hoodless PA, Jones SJ, Marra MA, Helgason CD, Identification of transcripts with enriched expression in the developing and adult pancreas. Genome Biol. 2008;9(6):R99
3*J:250640 Isidori AM, Cornacchione M, Barbagallo F, Di Grazia A, Barrios F, Fassina L, Monaco L, Giannetta E, Gianfrilli D, Garofalo S, Zhang X, Chen X, Xiang YK, Lenzi A, Pellegrini M, Naro F, Inhibition of type 5 phosphodiesterase counteracts beta2-adrenergic signalling in beating cardiomyocytes. Cardiovasc Res. 2015 Jun 1;106(3):408-20
3*J:162220 Magdaleno S, Jensen P, Brumwell CL, Seal A, Lehman K, Asbury A, Cheung T, Cornelius T, Batten DM, Eden C, Norland SM, Rice DS, Dosooye N, Shakya S, Mehta P, Curran T, BGEM: an in situ hybridization database of gene expression in the embryonic and adult mouse nervous system. PLoS Biol. 2006 Apr;4(4):e86
1*J:273070 Rodriguez-de la Rosa L, Sanchez-Calderon H, Contreras J, Murillo-Cuesta S, Falagan S, Avendano C, Dopazo J, Varela-Nieto I, Milo M, Comparative gene expression study of the vestibular organ of the Igf1 deficient mouse using whole-transcript arrays. Hear Res. 2015 Dec;330(Pt A):62-77
1J:346629 Schmidt H, Peters S, Frank K, Wen L, Feil R, Rathjen FG, Dorsal root ganglion axon bifurcation tolerates increased cyclic GMP levels: the role of phosphodiesterase 2A and scavenger receptor Npr3. Eur J Neurosci. 2016 Dec;44(12):2991-3000
5*J:215487 Thompson CL, Ng L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee CK, Glattfelder K, Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JL, Wakeman WB, Hohmann J, Dee N, Sodt AJ, Young R, Smith K, Nguyen TN, Kidney J, Kuan L, Jeromin A,Kaykas A, Miller J, Page D, Orta G, Bernard A, Riley Z, Smith S, Wohnoutka P, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L, Jones AR, A high-resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain. Neuron. 2014 Jul 16;83(2):309-23
1J:171966 van Berlo JH, Elrod JW, van den Hoogenhof MM, York AJ, Aronow BJ, Duncan SA, Molkentin JD, The transcription factor GATA-6 regulates pathological cardiac hypertrophy. Circ Res. 2010 Oct 15;107(8):1032-40
1*J:127119 Visel A, Carson J, Oldekamp J, Warnecke M, Jakubcakova V, Zhou X, Shaw CA, Alvarez-Bolado G, Eichele G, Regulatory pathway analysis by high-throughput in situ hybridization. PLoS Genet. 2007 Oct 19;3(10):1867-83
1*J:122989 Visel A, Thaller C, Eichele G, GenePaint.org: an atlas of gene expression patterns in the mouse embryo. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 1;32(Database issue):D552-6

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