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Gene Expression Literature Summary
aristaless related homeobox

150 matching records from 150 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E2.5 E3 E3.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E20 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 4 1 7 10 1 9 2 8 14 1 7 6 1 4 9 4 20
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 1 7 1 7 1 21 18 20 12 9 1 8 1 8
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1 3 2 3 2 3
Northern blot 1
Western blot 1 4 1 4 1 2 1 4
RT-PCR 1 3 5 6 7 15 6 1 15 1 23
cDNA clones 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Arx  aristaless related homeobox   (Synonyms: Arx1)
Results  Reference
1J:338878 Abarinov V, Levine JA, Churchill AJ, Hopwood B, Deiter CS, Guney MA, Wells KL, Schrunk JM, Guo Y, Hammelman J, Gifford DK, Magnuson MA, Wichterle H, Sussel L, Major beta cell-specific functions of NKX2.2 are mediated via the NK2-specific domain. Genes Dev. 2023 Jun 1;37(11-12):490-504
2J:248945 Abdellatif AM, Oishi H, Itagaki T, Jung Y, Shawki HH, Okita Y, Hasegawa Y, Suzuki H, El-Morsy SE, El-Sayed MA, Shoaib MB, Sugiyama F, Takahashi S, beta-Cell-Specific Mafk Overexpression Impairs Pancreatic Endocrine Cell Development. PLoS One. 2016;11(2):e0150010
1J:128347 Ahituv N, Zhu Y, Visel A, Holt A, Afzal V, Pennacchio LA, Rubin EM, Deletion of ultraconserved elements yields viable mice. PLoS Biol. 2007 Sep;5(9):e234
1J:156329 Anderson KR, Torres CA, Solomon K, Becker TC, Newgard CB, Wright CV, Hagman J, Sussel L, Cooperative transcriptional regulation of the essential pancreatic islet gene NeuroD1 (beta2) by Nkx2.2 and neurogenin 3. J Biol Chem. 2009 Nov 6;284(45):31236-48
1*J:231585 Arnes L, Akerman I, Balderes DA, Ferrer J, Sussel L, betalinc1 encodes a long noncoding RNA that regulates islet beta-cell formation and function. Genes Dev. 2016 Mar 1;30(5):502-7
1J:240765 Arregi I, Climent M, Iliev D, Strasser J, Gouignard N, Johansson JK, Singh T, Mazur M, Semb H, Artner I, Minichiello L, Pera EM, Retinol Dehydrogenase-10 Regulates Pancreas Organogenesis and Endocrine Cell Differentiation via Paracrine Retinoic Acid Signaling. Endocrinology. 2016 Dec;157(12):4615-4631
2J:120055 Artner I, Blanchi B, Raum JC, Guo M, Kaneko T, Cordes S, Sieweke M, Stein R, MafB is required for islet beta cell maturation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Mar 6;104(10):3853-8
2J:112701 Bailey PJ, Klos JM, Andersson E, Karlen M, Kallstrom M, Ponjavic J, Muhr J, Lenhard B, Sandelin A, Ericson J, A global genomic transcriptional code associated with CNS-expressed genes. Exp Cell Res. 2006 Oct 1;312(16):3108-19
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
13J:76798 Bienvenu T, Poirier K, Friocourt G, Bahi N, Beaumont D, Fauchereau F, Ben Jeema L, Zemni R, Vinet MC, Francis F, Couvert P, Gomot M, Moraine C, van Bokhoven H, Kalscheuer V, Frints S, Gecz J, Ohzaki K, Chaabouni H, Fryns JP, Desportes V, Beldjord C, Chelly J, ARX, a novel Prd-class-homeobox gene highly expressed in the telencephalon, is mutated in X-linked mental retardation. Hum Mol Genet. 2002 Apr 15;11(8):981-91
11*J:141473 Biressi S, Messina G, Collombat P, Tagliafico E, Monteverde S, Benedetti L, Cusella De Angelis MG, Mansouri A, Ferrari S, Tajbakhsh S, Broccoli V, Cossu G, The homeobox gene Arx is a novel positive regulator of embryonic myogenesis. Cell Death Differ. 2008 Jan;15(1):94-104
1J:333987 Bohuslavova R, Fabriciova V, Lebron-Mora L, Malfatti J, Smolik O, Valihrach L, Benesova S, Zucha D, Berkova Z, Saudek F, Evans SM, Pavlinkova G, ISL1 controls pancreatic alpha cell fate and beta cell maturation. Cell Biosci. 2023 Mar 10;13(1):53
1J:309174 Bohuslavova R, Smolik O, Malfatti J, Berkova Z, Novakova Z, Saudek F, Pavlinkova G, NEUROD1 Is Required for the Early alpha and beta Endocrine Differentiation in the Pancreas. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jun 23;22(13)
3J:320748 Borensztein M, Syx L, Ancelin K, Diabangouaya P, Picard C, Liu T, Liang JB, Vassilev I, Galupa R, Servant N, Barillot E, Surani A, Chen CJ, Heard E, Xist-dependent imprinted X inactivation and the early developmental consequences of its failure. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2017 Mar;24(3):226-233
1J:200985 Cai EP, Wu X, Schroer SA, Elia AJ, Nostro MC, Zacksenhaus E, Woo M, Retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein in pancreatic progenitors controls alpha- and beta-cell fate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Sep 3;110(36):14723-8
6J:282102 Canizares MA, Albors AR, Singer G, Suttie N, Gorkic M, Felts P, Storey KG, Multiple steps characterise ventricular layer attrition to form the ependymal cell lining of the adult mouse spinal cord central canal. J Anat. 2019 Oct 31;
3J:129103 Chao CS, Loomis ZL, Lee JE, Sussel L, Genetic identification of a novel NeuroD1 function in the early differentiation of islet alpha, PP and epsilon cells. Dev Biol. 2007 Dec 15;312(2):523-32
1J:341393 Cheffer A, Garcia-Miralles M, Maier E, Akol I, Franz H, Srinivasan VSV, Vogel T, DOT1L deletion impairs the development of cortical parvalbumin-expressing interneurons. Cereb Cortex. 2023 Sep 26;33(19):10272-10285
1J:154611 Chou SJ, Perez-Garcia CG, Kroll TT, O'Leary DD, Lhx2 specifies regional fate in Emx1 lineage of telencephalic progenitors generating cerebral cortex. Nat Neurosci. 2009 Nov;12(11):1381-9
1J:269447 Chytoudis-Peroudis CC, Siskos N, Kalyviotis K, Fysekis I, Ypsilantis P, Simopoulos C, Skavdis G, Grigoriou ME, Spatial distribution of the full-length members of the Grg family during embryonic neurogenesis reveals a "Grg-mediated repression map" in the mouse telencephalon. PLoS One. 2018;13(12):e0209369
6*J:98171 Cobos I, Broccoli V, Rubenstein JL, The vertebrate ortholog of Aristaless is regulated by Dlx genes in the developing forebrain. J Comp Neurol. 2005 Mar 14;483(3):292-303
2J:154438 Cobos I, Long JE, Thwin MT, Rubenstein JL, Cellular patterns of transcription factor expression in developing cortical interneurons. Cereb Cortex. 2006 Jul;16 Suppl 1:i82-8
2J:153556 Colasante G, Sessa A, Crispi S, Calogero R, Mansouri A, Collombat P, Broccoli V, Arx acts as a regional key selector gene in the ventral telencephalon mainly through its transcriptional repression activity. Dev Biol. 2009 Oct 1;334(1):59-71
7J:229227 Colasante G, Simonet JC, Calogero R, Crispi S, Sessa A, Cho G, Golden JA, Broccoli V, ARX regulates cortical intermediate progenitor cell expansion and upper layer neuron formation through repression of Cdkn1c. Cereb Cortex. 2015 Feb;25(2):322-35
13J:86206 Collombat P, Mansouri A, Hecksher-Sorensen J, Serup P, Krull J, Gradwohl G, Gruss P, Opposing actions of Arx and Pax4 in endocrine pancreas development. Genes Dev. 2003 Oct 15;17(20):2591-603
9J:93816 Colombo E, Galli R, Cossu G, Gecz J, Broccoli V, Mouse orthologue of ARX, a gene mutated in several X-linked forms of mental retardation and epilepsy, is a marker of adult neural stem cells and forebrain GABAergic neurons. Dev Dyn. 2004 Nov;231(3):631-9
1J:235909 Conrad E, Dai C, Spaeth J, Guo M, Cyphert HA, Scoville D, Carroll J, Yu WM, Goodrich LV, Harlan DM, Grove KL, Roberts CT Jr, Powers AC, Gu G, Stein R, The MAFB transcription factor impacts islet alpha-cell function in rodents and represents a unique signature of primate islet beta-cells. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Jan 1;310(1):E91-E102
1J:166761 Cruz C, Ribes V, Kutejova E, Cayuso J, Lawson V, Norris D, Stevens J, Davey M, Blight K, Bangs F, Mynett A, Hirst E, Chung R, Balaskas N, Brody SL, Marti E, Briscoe J, Foxj1 regulates floor plate cilia architecture and modifies the response of cells to sonic hedgehog signalling. Development. 2010 Dec;137(24):4271-82
1J:160437 Dames P, Puff R, Weise M, Parhofer KG, Goke B, Gotz M, Graw J, Favor J, Lechner A, Relative roles of the different Pax6 domains for pancreatic alpha cell development. BMC Dev Biol. 2010;10:39
1J:313289 Dias JM, Alekseenko Z, Jeggari A, Boareto M, Vollmer J, Kozhevnikova M, Wang H, Matise MP, Alexeyenko A, Iber D, Ericson J, A Shh/Gli-driven three-node timer motif controls temporal identity and fate of neural stem cells. Sci Adv. 2020 Sep;6(38)
2J:254531 Dickel DE, Ypsilanti AR, Pla R, Zhu Y, Barozzi I, Mannion BJ, Khin YS, Fukuda-Yuzawa Y, Plajzer-Frick I, Pickle CS, Lee EA, Harrington AN, Pham QT, Garvin TH, Kato M, Osterwalder M, Akiyama JA, Afzal V, Rubenstein JLR, Pennacchio LA, Visel A, Ultraconserved Enhancers Are Required for Normal Development. Cell. 2018 Jan 25;172(3):491-499.e15
1*J:153498 Diez-Roux G, Banfi S, Sultan M, Geffers L, Anand S, Rozado D, Magen A, Canidio E, Pagani M, Peluso I, Lin-Marq N, Koch M, Bilio M, Cantiello I, Verde R, De Masi C, Bianchi SA, Cicchini J, Perroud E, Mehmeti S, Dagand E, Schrinner S, Nurnberger A, SchmidtK, Metz K, Zwingmann C, Brieske N, Springer C, Hernandez AM, Herzog S, Grabbe F, Sieverding C, Fischer B, Schrader K, Brockmeyer M, Dettmer S, Helbig C, Alunni V, Battaini MA, Mura C, Henrichsen CN, Garcia-Lopez R, Echevarria D, Puelles E, et al., A high-resolution anatomical atlas of the transcriptome in the mouse embryo. PLoS Biol. 2011;9(1):e1000582
1J:154416 Du A, Hunter CS, Murray J, Noble D, Cai CL, Evans SM, Stein R, May CL, Islet-1 is required for the maturation, proliferation, and survival of the endocrine pancreas. Diabetes. 2009 Sep;58(9):2059-69
4J:184887 Du A, McCracken KW, Walp ER, Terry NA, Klein TJ, Han A, Wells JM, May CL, Arx is required for normal enteroendocrine cell development in mice and humans. Dev Biol. 2012 May 1;365(1):175-88
5J:262482 Dubos A, Meziane H, Iacono G, Curie A, Riet F, Martin C, Loaec N, Birling MC, Selloum M, Normand E, Pavlovic G, Sorg T, Stunnenberg HG, Chelly J, Humeau Y, Friocourt G, Herault Y, A new mouse model of ARX dup24 recapitulates the patients' behavioral and fine motor alterations. Hum Mol Genet. 2018 Jun 15;27(12):2138-2153
1J:248949 Ejarque M, Mir-Coll J, Gomis R, German MS, Lynn FC, Gasa R, Generation of a Conditional Allele of the Transcription Factor Atonal Homolog 8 (Atoh8). PLoS One. 2016;11(1):e0146273
1J:158418 Endoh-Yamagami S, Karkar KM, May SR, Cobos I, Thwin MT, Long JE, Ashique AM, Zarbalis K, Rubenstein JL, Peterson AS, A mutation in the pericentrin gene causes abnormal interneuron migration to the olfactory bulb in mice. Dev Biol. 2010 Apr 1;340(1):41-53
2J:174967 Flandin P, Zhao Y, Vogt D, Jeong J, Long J, Potter G, Westphal H, Rubenstein JL, Lhx6 and Lhx8 coordinately induce neuronal expression of Shh that controls the generation of interneuron progenitors. Neuron. 2011 Jun 9;70(5):939-50
2*J:138839 Fulp CT, Cho G, Marsh ED, Nasrallah IM, Labosky PA, Golden JA, Identification of Arx transcriptional targets in the developing basal forebrain. Hum Mol Genet. 2008;17(23):3740-60
2J:228881 Gazea M, Tasouri E, Tolve M, Bosch V, Kabanova A, Gojak C, Kurtulmus B, Novikov O, Spatz J, Pereira G, Hubner W, Brodski C, Tucker KL, Blaess S, Primary cilia are critical for Sonic hedgehog-mediated dopaminergic neurogenesis in the embryonic midbrain. Dev Biol. 2016 Jan 1;409(1):55-71
1J:112173 Gierl MS, Karoulias N, Wende H, Strehle M, Birchmeier C, The Zinc-finger factor Insm1 (IA-1) is essential for the development of pancreatic beta cells and intestinal endocrine cells. Genes Dev. 2006 Sep 1;20(17):2465-78
1*J:152922 Golson ML, Le Lay J, Gao N, Bramswig N, Loomes KM, Oakey R, May CL, White P, Kaestner KH, Jagged1 is a competitive inhibitor of Notch signaling in the embryonic pancreas. Mech Dev. 2009 Aug-Sep;126(8-9):687-99
1J:334094 Gu X, Heinrich A, Li SY, DeFalco T, Testicular macrophages are recruited during a narrow fetal time window and promote organ-specific developmental functions. Nat Commun. 2023 Mar 15;14(1):1439
1*J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, GUDMAP: the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project. www.gudmap.org. 2004;
3J:292487 Guo T, Liu G, Du H, Wen Y, Wei S, Li Z, Tao G, Shang Z, Song X, Zhang Z, Xu Z, You Y, Chen B, Rubenstein JL, Yang Z, Dlx1/2 are Central and Essential Components in the Transcriptional Code for Generating Olfactory Bulb Interneurons. Cereb Cortex. 2019 Dec 17;29(11):4831-4849
3*J:166749 Hammock EA, Eagleson KL, Barlow S, Earls LR, Miller DM 3rd, Levitt P, Homologs of genes expressed in Caenorhabditis elegans GABAergic neurons are also found in the developing mouse forebrain. Neural Dev. 2010;5(1):32
1J:238301 Henley KD, Stanescu DE, Kropp PA, Wright CV, Won KJ, Stoffers DA, Gannon M, Threshold-Dependent Cooperativity of Pdx1 and Oc1 in Pancreatic Progenitors Establishes Competency for Endocrine Differentiation and beta-Cell Function. Cell Rep. 2016 Jun 21;15(12):2637-50
4J:107405 Hirata T, Nakazawa M, Yoshihara S, Miyachi H, Kitamura K, Yoshihara Y, Hibi M, Zinc-finger gene Fez in the olfactory sensory neurons regulates development of the olfactory bulb non-cell-autonomously. Development. 2006 Apr;133(8):1433-43
1J:224836 Hoch RV, Lindtner S, Price JD, Rubenstein JL, OTX2 Transcription Factor Controls Regional Patterning within the Medial Ganglionic Eminence and Regional Identity of the Septum. Cell Rep. 2015 Jul 21;12(3):482-94
1J:142415 Hoffman BG, Zavaglia B, Beach M, Helgason CD, Expression of Groucho/TLE proteins during pancreas development. BMC Dev Biol. 2008;8:81
6*J:139177 Hoffman BG, Zavaglia B, Witzsche J, Ruiz de Algara T, Beach M, Hoodless PA, Jones SJ, Marra MA, Helgason CD, Identification of transcripts with enriched expression in the developing and adult pancreas. Genome Biol. 2008;9(6):R99
2J:208600 Hunter CS, Dixit S, Cohen T, Ediger B, Wilcox C, Ferreira M, Westphal H, Stein R, May CL, Islet alpha-, beta-, and delta-cell development is controlled by the Ldb1 coregulator, acting primarily with the islet-1 transcription factor. Diabetes. 2013 Mar;62(3):875-86
1J:292850 Imbriglio T, Verhaeghe R, Martinello K, Pascarelli MT, Chece G, Bucci D, Notartomaso S, Quattromani M, Mascio G, Scalabri F, Simeone A, Maccari S, Del Percio C, Wieloch T, Fucile S, Babiloni C, Battaglia G, Limatola C, Nicoletti F, Cannella M, Developmental abnormalities in cortical GABAergic system in mice lacking mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors. FASEB J. 2019 Dec;33(12):14204-14220
2J:233841 Inoue M, Shima Y, Miyabayashi K, Tokunaga K, Sato T, Baba T, Ohkawa Y, Akiyama H, Suyama M, Morohashi K, Isolation and Characterization of Fetal Leydig Progenitor Cells of Male Mice. Endocrinology. 2016 Mar;157(3):1222-33
1J:284905 Kabayiza KU, Masgutova G, Harris A, Rucchin V, Jacob B, Clotman F, The Onecut Transcription Factors Regulate Differentiation and Distribution of Dorsal Interneurons during Spinal Cord Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2017;10:157
4J:108229 Kappeler C, Saillour Y, Baudoin JP, Tuy FP, Alvarez C, Houbron C, Gaspar P, Hamard G, Chelly J, Metin C, Francis F, Branching and nucleokinesis defects in migrating interneurons derived from doublecortin knockout mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2006 May 1;15(9):1387-400
1J:139007 Kataoka A, Shimogori T, Fgf8 controls regional identity in the developing thalamus. Development. 2008 Sep;135(17):2873-81
1*J:138815 Kawaguchi A, Ikawa T, Kasukawa T, Ueda HR, Kurimoto K, Saitou M, Matsuzaki F, Single-cell gene profiling defines differential progenitor subclasses in mammalian neurogenesis. Development. 2008 Sep;135(18):3113-24
6J:213766 Kicheva A, Bollenbach T, Ribeiro A, Valle HP, Lovell-Badge R, Episkopou V, Briscoe J, Coordination of progenitor specification and growth in mouse and chick spinal cord. Science. 2014 Sep 26;345(6204):1254927
1J:295412 Kim DW, Washington PW, Wang ZQ, Lin SH, Sun C, Ismail BT, Wang H, Jiang L, Blackshaw S, The cellular and molecular landscape of hypothalamic patterning and differentiation from embryonic to late postnatal development. Nat Commun. 2020 Aug 31;11(1):4360
1J:241385 Kim SY, Lee JH, Merrins MJ, Gavrilova O, Bisteau X, Kaldis P, Satin LS, Rane SG, Loss of Cyclin-dependent Kinase 2 in the Pancreas Links Primary beta-Cell Dysfunction to Progressive Depletion of beta-Cell Mass and Diabetes. J Biol Chem. 2017 Mar 03;292(9):3841-3853
6J:152416 Kitamura K, Itou Y, Yanazawa M, Ohsawa M, Suzuki-Migishima R, Umeki Y, Hohjoh H, Yanagawa Y, Shinba T, Itoh M, Nakamura K, Goto Y, Three human ARX mutations cause the lissencephaly-like and mental retardation with epilepsy-like pleiotropic phenotypes in mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2009 Oct 1;18(19):3708-24
4*J:43579 Kitamura K, Miura H, Yanazawa M, Miyashita T, Kato K, Expression patterns of Brx1 (Rieg gene), Sonic hedgehog, Nkx2.2, Dlx1 and Arx during zona limitans intrathalamica and embryonic ventral lateral geniculate nuclear formation. Mech Dev. 1997 Sep;67(1):83-96
8J:79871 Kitamura K, Yanazawa M, Sugiyama N, Miura H, Iizuka-Kogo A, Kusaka M, Omichi K, Suzuki R, Kato-Fukui Y, Kamiirisa K, Matsuo M, Kamijo S, Kasahara M, Yoshioka H, Ogata T, Fukuda T, Kondo I, Kato M, Dobyns WB, Yokoyama M, Morohashi K, Mutation of ARX causes abnormal development of forebrain and testes in mice and X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia in humans. Nat Genet. 2002 Nov;32(3):359-69
2J:336092 Knowles SJ, Stafford AM, Zaman T, Angara K, Williams MR, Newbern JM, Vogt D, Distinct hyperactive RAS/MAPK alleles converge on common GABAergic interneuron core programs. Development. 2023 May 15;150(10):dev201371
3J:306907 Kodani N, Nakae J, Kobayashi M, Kikuchi O, Kitamura T, Itoh H, FCoR-Foxo1 Axis Regulates alpha-Cell Mass through Repression of Arx Expression. iScience. 2020 Jan 24;23(1):100798
3J:176201 Kordowich S, Collombat P, Mansouri A, Serup P, Arx and Nkx2.2 compound deficiency redirects pancreatic alpha- and beta-cell differentiation to a somatostatin/ghrelin co-expressing cell lineage. BMC Dev Biol. 2011;11:52
1J:268317 Kumar DL, DeFalco T, A perivascular niche for multipotent progenitors in the fetal testis. Nat Commun. 2018 Oct 30;9(1):4519
1J:168643 Kusaka M, Katoh-Fukui Y, Ogawa H, Miyabayashi K, Baba T, Shima Y, Sugiyama N, Sugimoto Y, Okuno Y, Kodama R, Iizuka-Kogo A, Senda T, Sasaoka T, Kitamura K, Aizawa S, Morohashi K, Abnormal epithelial cell polarity and ectopic epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression induced in Emx2 KO embryonic gonads. Endocrinology. 2010 Dec;151(12):5893-904
2J:130851 Lavado A, Lagutin OV, Oliver G, Six3 inactivation causes progressive caudalization and aberrant patterning of the mammalian diencephalon. Development. 2008 Feb;135(3):441-50
1J:244498 Lee B, Lee M, Song S, Loi LD, Lam DT, Yoon J, Baek K, Curtis DJ, Jeong Y, Specification of neurotransmitter identity by Tal1 in thalamic nuclei. Dev Dyn. 2017 Oct;246(10):749-758
8J:206228 Lee K, Mattiske T, Kitamura K, Gecz J, Shoubridge C, Reduced polyalanine-expanded Arx mutant protein in developing mouse subpallium alters Lmo1 transcriptional regulation. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Feb 15;23(4):1084-94
6J:335087 Lim Y, Cho IT, Golden JA, Cho G, Generation of FLAG-tagged Arx knock-in mouse model. Genesis. 2022 Jul;60(6-7):e23479
1J:275488 Lim Y, Cho IT, Shi X, Grinspan JB, Cho G, Golden JA, Arx Expression Suppresses Ventralization of the Developing Dorsal Forebrain. Sci Rep. 2019 Jan 18;9(1):226
3J:172083 Liu J, Hunter CS, Du A, Ediger B, Walp E, Murray J, Stein R, May CL, Islet-1 Regulates Arx Transcription during Pancreatic Islet {alpha}-Cell Development. J Biol Chem. 2011 Apr 29;286(17):15352-60
1J:293452 Liu Z, Zhang Z, Lindtner S, Li Z, Xu Z, Wei S, Liang Q, Wen Y, Tao G, You Y, Chen B, Wang Y, Rubenstein JL, Yang Z, Sp9 Regulates Medial Ganglionic Eminence-Derived Cortical Interneuron Development. Cereb Cortex. 2019 Jun 1;29(6):2653-2667
1*J:173286 Long JE, Cobos I, Potter GB, Rubenstein JL, Dlx1&2 and Mash1 transcription factors control MGE and CGE patterning and differentiation through parallel and overlapping pathways. Cereb Cortex. 2009 Jul;19 Suppl 1:i96-106
1*J:173287 Long JE, Swan C, Liang WS, Cobos I, Potter GB, Rubenstein JL, Dlx1&2 and Mash1 transcription factors control striatal patterning and differentiation through parallel and overlapping pathways. J Comp Neurol. 2009 Feb 1;512(4):556-72
2J:186115 Lu J, Hamze Z, Bonnavion R, Herath N, Pouponnot C, Assade F, Fontaniere S, Bertolino P, Cordier-Bussat M, Zhang CX, Reexpression of oncoprotein MafB in proliferative beta-cells and Men1 insulinomas in mouse. Oncogene. 2012 Aug 2;31(31):3647-54
2J:264987 Malenczyk K, Szodorai E, Schnell R, Lubec G, Szabo G, Hokfelt T, Harkany T, Secretagogin protects Pdx1 from proteasomal degradation to control a transcriptional program required for beta cell specification. Mol Metab. 2018 Jun 5;
1J:221299 Mansour AA, Khazanov-Zisman S, Netser Y, Klar A, Ben-Arie N, Nato3 plays an integral role in dorsoventral patterning of the spinal cord by segregating floor plate/p3 fates via Nkx2.2 suppression and Foxa2 maintenance. Development. 2014 Feb;141(3):574-84
3J:316111 Marsh ED, Nasrallah MP, Walsh C, Murray KA, Nicole Sunnen C, McCoy A, Golden JA, Developmental interneuron subtype deficits after targeted loss of Arx. BMC Neurosci. 2016 Jun 10;17(1):35
1*J:308708 Martinez ME, Hernandez A, The Type 3 Deiodinase Is a Critical Modulator of Thyroid Hormone Sensitivity in the Fetal Brain. Front Neurosci. 2021;15:703730
1J:309395 Martinez-Ferre A, Lloret-Quesada C, Prakash N, Wurst W, Rubenstein JL, Martinez S, Fgf15 regulates thalamic development by controlling the expression of proneural genes. Brain Struct Funct. 2016 Jul;221(6):3095-109
8J:178173 Mastracci TL, Wilcox CL, Arnes L, Panea C, Golden JA, May CL, Sussel L, Nkx2.2 and Arx genetically interact to regulate pancreatic endocrine cell development and endocrine hormone expression. Dev Biol. 2011 Nov 1;359(1):1-11
4*J:241394 Mattiske T, Lee K, Gecz J, Friocourt G, Shoubridge C, Embryonic forebrain transcriptome of mice with polyalanine expansion mutations in the ARX homeobox gene. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Dec 15;25(24):5433-5443
1J:261809 Mayer C, Hafemeister C, Bandler RC, Machold R, Batista Brito R, Jaglin X, Allaway K, Butler A, Fishell G, Satija R, Developmental diversification of cortical inhibitory interneurons. Nature. 2018 Mar 22;555(7697):457-462
1J:326550 Mayere C, Regard V, Perea-Gomez A, Bunce C, Neirijnck Y, Djari C, Bellido-Carreras N, Sararols P, Reeves R, Greenaway S, Simon M, Siggers P, Condrea D, Kuhne F, Gantar I, Tang F, Stevant I, Batti L, Ghyselinck NB, Wilhelm D, Greenfield A, Capel B, Chaboissier MC, Nef S, Origin, specification and differentiation of a rare supporting-like lineage in the developing mouse gonad. Sci Adv. 2022 May 27;8(21):eabm0972
4J:222626 McClelland KS, Bell K, Larney C, Harley VR, Sinclair AH, Oshlack A, Koopman P, Bowles J, Purification and Transcriptomic Analysis of Mouse Fetal Leydig Cells Reveals Candidate Genes for Specification of Gonadal Steroidogenic Cells. Biol Reprod. 2015 Jun;92(6):145
4J:122008 McKenzie O, Ponte I, Mangelsdorf M, Finnis M, Colasante G, Shoubridge C, Stifani S, Gecz J, Broccoli V, Aristaless-related homeobox gene, the gene responsible for West syndrome and related disorders, is a Groucho/transducin-like enhancer of split dependent transcriptional repressor. Neuroscience. 2007 Apr 25;146(1):236-47
1J:306874 McSweeney C, Dong F, Chen M, Vitale J, Xu L, Crowley N, Luscher B, Zou D, Mao Y, Full function of exon junction complex factor, Rbm8a, is critical for interneuron development. Transl Psychiatry. 2020 Nov 5;10(1):379
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