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Gene Expression Literature Summary
cerberus 1, DAN family BMP antagonist

213 matching records from 213 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E1.5 E2.5 E3.5 E4 E4.5 E5 E5.5 E6 E6.5 E7 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10.5 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13.5 E14.5 E15.5 E16.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 2 1 5 2 1 1
In situ RNA (section) 2 2 15 4 15 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 1 4 1 2 2 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 4 3 21 13 72 41 72 14 5 4 8 7 3 1 2 5
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 1
cDNA clones 3 1 1
RNase protection 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Cer1  cerberus 1, DAN family BMP antagonist   (Synonyms: cer-1, Cerberus-like, Cerl, Cerl1, Cerr1)
Results  Reference
1*J:89361 Acampora D, Annino A, Puelles E, Alfano I, Tuorto F, Simeone A, OTX1 compensates for OTX2 requirement in regionalisation of anterior neuroectoderm. Gene Expr Patterns. 2003 Aug;3(4):497-501
2*J:49817 Acampora D, Avantaggiato V, Tuorto F, Briata P, Corte G, Simeone A, Visceral endoderm-restricted translation of otx1 mediates recovery of otx2 requirements for specification of anterior neural plate and normal gastrulation. Development. 1998 Dec;125(24):5091-104
1*J:72726 Acampora D, Boyl PP, Signore M, Martinez-Barbera JP, Ilengo C, Puelles E, Annino A, Reichert H, Corte G, Simeone A, OTD/OTX2 functional equivalence depends on 5' and 3' UTR-mediated control of Otx2 mRNA for nucleo-cytoplasmic export and epiblast-restricted translation. Development. 2001 Dec;128(23):4801-13
2*J:153562 Acampora D, Di Giovannantonio LG, Di Salvio M, Mancuso P, Simeone A, Selective inactivation of Otx2 mRNA isoforms reveals isoform-specific requirement for visceral endoderm anteriorization and head morphogenesis and highlights cell diversity in the visceral endoderm. Mech Dev. 2009 Oct;126(10):882-97
1J:196367 Ahmed JN, Ali RG, Warr N, Wilson HM, Bellchambers HM, Barratt KS, Thompson AJ, Arkell RM, A murine Zic3 transcript with a premature termination codon evades nonsense-mediated decay during axis formation. Dis Model Mech. 2013 May-Jun;6(3):755-67
1*J:184591 Aoyama M, Sun-Wada GH, Yamamoto A, Yamamoto M, Hamada H, Wada Y, Spatial Restriction of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling in Mouse Gastrula through the mVam2-Dependent Endocytic Pathway. Dev Cell. 2012 Jun 12;22(6):1163-75
2J:131055 Arnold SJ, Hofmann UK, Bikoff EK, Robertson EJ, Pivotal roles for eomesodermin during axis formation, epithelium-to-mesenchyme transition and endoderm specification in the mouse. Development. 2008 Feb;135(3):501-11
2J:290418 Ashokkumar D, Zhang Q, Much C, Bledau AS, Naumann R, Alexopoulou D, Dahl A, Goveas N, Fu J, Anastassiadis K, Stewart AF, Kranz A, MLL4 is required after implantation, whereas MLL3 becomes essential during late gestation. Development. 2020 Jun 17;147(12):dev186999
1J:132361 Aulehla A, Wiegraebe W, Baubet V, Wahl MB, Deng C, Taketo M, Lewandoski M, Pourquie O, A beta-catenin gradient links the clock and wavefront systems in mouse embryo segmentation. Nat Cell Biol. 2008 Feb;10(2):186-93
2J:60303 Bachiller D, Klingensmith J, Kemp C, Belo JA, Anderson RM, May SR, McMahon JA, McMahon AP, Harland RM, Rossant J, De Robertis EM, The organizer factors Chordin and Noggin are required for mouse forebrain development. Nature. 2000 Feb 10;403(6770):658-61
3*J:54606 Barrantes IB, Elia AJ, Wunsch K, De Angelis MH, Mak TW, Rossant J, Conlon RA, Gossler A, de la Pompa JL, Interaction between Notch signalling and Lunatic fringe during somite boundary formation in the mouse. Curr Biol. 1999 May 6;9(9):470-80
1J:130205 Barrow JR, Howell WD, Rule M, Hayashi S, Thomas KR, Capecchi MR, McMahon AP, Wnt3 signaling in the epiblast is required for proper orientation of the anteroposterior axis. Dev Biol. 2007 Dec 1;312(1):312-20
1J:253960 Basilicata MF, Frank M, Solter D, Brabletz T, Stemmler MP, Inappropriate cadherin switching in the mouse epiblast compromises proper signaling between the epiblast and the extraembryonic ectoderm during gastrulation. Sci Rep. 2016 May 24;6:26562
2J:81247 Beck S, Le Good JA, Guzman M, Ben Haim N, Roy K, Beermann F, Constam DB, Extraembryonic proteases regulate Nodal signalling during gastrulation. Nat Cell Biol. 2002 Dec;4(12):981-5
1*J:63761 Beckers J, Schlautmann N, Gossler A, The mouse rib-vertebrae mutation disrupts anterior-posterior somite patterning and genetically interacts with a delta1 null allele. Mech Dev. 2000 Jul;95(1-2):35-46
1*J:329966 Bell CJ, Gupta N, Tremblay KD, Mager J, Borcs6 is required for endo-lysosomal degradation during early development. Mol Reprod Dev. 2022 Aug;89(8):337-350
13*J:44900 Belo JA, Bouwmeester T, Leyns L, Kertesz N, Gallo M, Follettie M, De Robertis EM, Cerberus-like is a secreted factor with neutralizing activity expressed in the anterior primitive endoderm of the mouse gastrula. Mech Dev. 1997 Nov;68(1-2):45-57
1J:112799 Ben-Haim N, Lu C, Guzman-Ayala M, Pescatore L, Mesnard D, Bischofberger M, Naef F, Robertson EJ, Constam DB, The nodal precursor acting via activin receptors induces mesoderm by maintaining a source of its convertases and BMP4. Dev Cell. 2006 Sep;11(3):313-23
2J:254597 Bhargava S, Cox B, Polydorou C, Gresakova V, Korinek V, Strnad H, Sedlacek R, Epp TA, Chawengsaksophak K, The epigenetic modifier Fam208a is required to maintain epiblast cell fitness. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 24;7(1):9322
13*J:46377 Biben C, Stanley E, Fabri L, Kotecha S, Rhinn M, Drinkwater C, Lah M, Wang CC, Nash A, Hilton D, Ang SL, Mohun T, Harvey RP, Murine cerberus homologue mCer-1: a candidate anterior patterning molecule. Dev Biol. 1998 Feb 15;194(2):135-51
1*J:198636 Biechele S, Cockburn K, Lanner F, Cox BJ, Rossant J, Porcn-dependent Wnt signaling is not required prior to mouse gastrulation. Development. 2013 Jul;140(14):2961-71
1*J:173623 Biechele S, Cox BJ, Rossant J, Porcupine homolog is required for canonical Wnt signaling and gastrulation in mouse embryos. Dev Biol. 2011 Jul 15;355(2):275-85
1J:183946 Bloomekatz J, Grego-Bessa J, Migeotte I, Anderson KV, Pten regulates collective cell migration during specification of the anterior-posterior axis of the mouse embryo. Dev Biol. 2012 Apr 15;364(2):192-201
6J:219394 Boroviak T, Loos R, Bertone P, Smith A, Nichols J, The ability of inner-cell-mass cells to self-renew as embryonic stem cells is acquired following epiblast specification. Nat Cell Biol. 2014 Jun;16(6):516-28
1*J:71034 Boyl PP, Signore M, Acampora D, Martinez-Barbera JP, Ilengo C, Annino A, Corte G, Simeone A, Forebrain and midbrain development requires epiblast-restricted Otx2 translational control mediated by its 3' UTR. Development. 2001 Aug;128(15):2989-3000
1J:90513 Bussen M, Petry M, Schuster-Gossler K, Leitges M, Gossler A, Kispert A, The T-box transcription factor Tbx18 maintains the separation of anterior and posterior somite compartments. Genes Dev. 2004 May 15;18(10):1209-21
3*J:202883 Cai W, Albini S, Wei K, Willems E, Guzzo RM, Tsuda M, Giordani L, Spiering S, Kurian L, Yeo GW, Puri PL, Mercola M, Coordinate Nodal and BMP inhibition directs Baf60c-dependent cardiomyocyte commitment. Genes Dev. 2013 Nov 1;27(21):2332-44
1*J:61428 Camus A, Davidson BP, Billiards S, Khoo P, Rivera-Perez JA, Wakamiya M, Behringer RR, Tam PP, The morphogenetic role of midline mesendoderm and ectoderm in the development of the forebrain and the midbrain of the mouse embryo. Development. 2000 May;127(9):1799-813
2J:110605 Camus A, Perea-Gomez A, Moreau A, Collignon J, Absence of Nodal signaling promotes precocious neural differentiation in the mouse embryo. Dev Biol. 2006 Jul 15;295(2):743-55
1J:72861 Carver EA, Jiang R, Lan Y, Oram KF, Gridley T, The mouse snail gene encodes a key regulator of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Dec;21(23):8184-8
1J:112232 Chazaud C, Rossant J, Disruption of early proximodistal patterning and AVE formation in Apc mutants. Development. 2006 Sep;133(17):3379-87
1J:104371 Chen C, Ware SM, Sato A, Houston-Hawkins DE, Habas R, Matzuk MM, Shen MM, Brown CW, The Vg1-related protein Gdf3 acts in a Nodal signaling pathway in the pre-gastrulation mouse embryo. Development. 2006 Jan;133(2):319-29
1J:353282 Chen R, Fan R, Chen F, Govindasamy N, Brinkmann H, Stehling M, Adams RH, Jeong HW, Bedzhov I, Analyzing embryo dormancy at single-cell resolution reveals dynamic transcriptional responses and activation of integrin-Yap/Taz prosurvival signaling. Cell Stem Cell. 2024 Jul 18;
1J:327432 Chen T, Alcorn H, Devbhandari S, Remus D, Lacy E, Huangfu D, Anderson KV, A hypomorphic mutation in Pold1 disrupts the coordination of embryo size expansion and morphogenesis during gastrulation. Biol Open. 2022 Aug 15;11(8):bio059307
1J:81582 Chen W, Liang Y, Deng W, Shimizu K, Ashique AM, Li E, Li YP, The zinc-finger protein CNBP is required for forebrain formation in the mouse. Development. 2003 Apr;130(7):1367-79
5*J:180958 Chi L, Saarela U, Railo A, Prunskaite-Hyyrylainen R, Skovorodkin I, Anthony S, Katsu K, Liu Y, Shan J, Salgueiro AM, Belo JA, Davies J, Yokouchi Y, Vainio SJ, A secreted BMP antagonist, Cer1, fine tunes the spatial organization of the ureteric bud tree during mouse kidney development. PLoS One. 2011;6(11):e27676
1J:92066 Chu GC, Dunn NR, Anderson DC, Oxburgh L, Robertson EJ, Differential requirements for Smad4 in TGFbeta-dependent patterning of the early mouse embryo. Development. 2004 Aug;131(15):3501-12
2J:104418 Chu J, Ding J, Jeays-Ward K, Price SM, Placzek M, Shen MM, Non-cell-autonomous role for Cripto in axial midline formation during vertebrate embryogenesis. Development. 2005 Dec;132(24):5539-51
2J:160475 Chu J, Shen MM, Functional redundancy of EGF-CFC genes in epiblast and extraembryonic patterning during early mouse embryogenesis. Dev Biol. 2010 Jun 1;342(1):63-73
1J:67377 Chung AC, Katz D, Pereira FA, Jackson KJ, DeMayo FJ, Cooney AJ, O'Malley BW, Loss of orphan receptor germ cell nuclear factor function results in ectopic development of the tail bud and a novel posterior truncation. Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Jan;21(2):663-77
1J:175616 Clements M, Pernaute B, Vella F, Rodriguez TA, Crosstalk between Nodal/activin and MAPK p38 signaling is essential for anterior-posterior axis specification. Curr Biol. 2011 Aug 9;21(15):1289-95
1*J:56972 Constam DB, Robertson EJ, Tissue-specific requirements for the proprotein convertase furin/SPC1 during embryonic turning and heart looping. Development. 2000 Jan;127(2):245-54
3*J:226614 Costello I, Nowotschin S, Sun X, Mould AW, Hadjantonakis AK, Bikoff EK, Robertson EJ, Lhx1 functions together with Otx2, Foxa2, and Ldb1 to govern anterior mesendoderm, node, and midline development. Genes Dev. 2015 Oct 15;29(20):2108-22
1J:186907 D'Andrea D, Liguori GL, Le Good JA, Lonardo E, Andersson O, Constam DB, Persico MG, Minchiotti G, Cripto promotes A-P axis specification independently of its stimulatory effect on Nodal autoinduction. J Cell Biol. 2008 Feb 11;180(3):597-605
1J:239417 Dai HQ, Wang BA, Yang L, Chen JJ, Zhu GC, Sun ML, Ge H, Wang R, Chapman DL, Tang F, Sun X, Xu GL, TET-mediated DNA demethylation controls gastrulation by regulating Lefty-Nodal signalling. Nature. 2016 Oct 27;538(7626):528-532
1J:85554 del Barco Barrantes I, Davidson G, Grone HJ, Westphal H, Niehrs C, Dkk1 and noggin cooperate in mammalian head induction. Genes Dev. 2003 Sep 15;17(18):2239-44
1*J:101679 Deltagen Inc, NIH initiative supporting placement of Deltagen, Inc. mice into public repositories. MGI Direct Data Submission. 2005;
1J:353553 Despin-Guitard E, Rosa VS, Plunder S, Mathiah N, Van Schoor K, Nehme E, Merino-Aceituno S, Egea J, Shahbazi MN, Theveneau E, Migeotte I, Non-apical mitoses contribute to cell delamination during mouse gastrulation. Nat Commun. 2024 Aug 28;15(1):7364
1J:50343 Ding J, Yang L, Yan YT, Chen A, Desai N, Wynshaw-Boris A, Shen MM, Cripto is required for correct orientation of the anterior-posterior axis in the mouse embryo [see comments]. Nature. 1998 Oct 15;395(6703):702-7
2J:98382 Donnison M, Beaton A, Davey HW, Broadhurst R, L'huillier P, Pfeffer PL, Loss of the extraembryonic ectoderm in Elf5 mutants leads to defects in embryonic patterning. Development. 2005 May;132(10):2299-308
3*J:165751 Du J, Takeuchi H, Leonhard-Melief C, Shroyer KR, Dlugosz M, Haltiwanger RS, Holdener BC, O-fucosylation of thrombospondin type 1 repeats restricts epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and maintains epiblast pluripotency during mouse gastrulation. Dev Biol. 2010 Oct 1;346(1):25-38
1J:89189 Dunn NR, Vincent SD, Oxburgh L, Robertson EJ, Bikoff EK, Combinatorial activities of Smad2 and Smad3 regulate mesoderm formation and patterning in the mouse embryo. Development. 2004 Apr;131(8):1717-28
1*J:75954 Dunwoodie SL, Clements M, Sparrow DB, Sa X, Conlon RA, Beddington RS, Axial skeletal defects caused by mutation in the spondylocostal dysplasia/pudgy gene Dll3 are associated with disruption of the segmentation clock within the presomitic mesoderm. Development. 2002 Apr;129(7):1795-806
2J:142039 Egea J, Erlacher C, Montanez E, Burtscher I, Yamagishi S, Hess M, Hampel F, Sanchez R, Rodriguez-Manzaneque MT, Bosl MR, Fassler R, Lickert H, Klein R, Genetic ablation of FLRT3 reveals a novel morphogenetic function for the anterior visceral endoderm in suppressing mesoderm differentiation. Genes Dev. 2008 Dec 1;22(23):3349-3362
2J:198627 Engert S, Burtscher I, Liao WP, Dulev S, Schotta G, Lickert H, Wnt/beta-catenin signalling regulates Sox17 expression and is essential for organizer and endoderm formation in the mouse. Development. 2013 Aug;140(15):3128-38
3J:68833 Episkopou V, Arkell R, Timmons PM, Walsh JJ, Andrew RL, Swan D, Induction of the mammalian node requires Arkadia function in the extraembryonic lineages. Nature. 2001 Apr 12;410(6830):825-30
2J:154368 Farkas DR, Chapman DL, Kinked tail mutation results in notochord defects in heterozygotes and distal visceral endoderm defects in homozygotes. Dev Dyn. 2009 Oct 29;238(12):3237-3247
2J:165811 Fernandez-Diaz LC, Laurent A, Girasoli S, Turco M, Longobardi E, Iotti G, Jenkins NA, Fiorenza MT, Copeland NG, Blasi F, The absence of Prep1 causes p53-dependent apoptosis of mouse pluripotent epiblast cells. Development. 2010 Oct;137(20):3393-403
2J:154679 Fu J, Jiang M, Mirando AJ, Yu HM, Hsu W, Reciprocal regulation of Wnt and Gpr177/mouse Wntless is required for embryonic axis formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Nov 3;106(44):18598-603
2*J:131814 Fukusumi Y, Naruse C, Asano M, Wtap is required for differentiation of endoderm and mesoderm in the mouse embryo. Dev Dyn. 2008 Mar;237(3):618-29
3*J:122557 Furushima K, Yamamoto A, Nagano T, Shibata M, Miyachi H, Abe T, Ohshima N, Kiyonari H, Aizawa S, Mouse homologues of Shisa antagonistic to Wnt and Fgf signalings. Dev Biol. 2007 Jun 15;306(2):480-92
1J:183346 Futterer A, Raya A, Llorente M, Izpisua-Belmonte JC, de la Pompa JL, Klatt P, Martinez-A C, Ablation of Dido3 compromises lineage commitment of stem cells in vitro and during early embryonic development. Cell Death Differ. 2012 Jan;19(1):132-43
1J:94049 Galceran J, Sustmann C, Hsu SC, Folberth S, Grosschedl R, LEF1-mediated regulation of Delta-like1 links Wnt and Notch signaling in somitogenesis. Genes Dev. 2004 Nov 15;18(22):2718-23
1J:139139 Garcia-Garcia MJ, Shibata M, Anderson KV, Chato, a KRAB zinc-finger protein, regulates convergent extension in the mouse embryo. Development. 2008 Sep;135(18):3053-62
2J:106548 Georgiades P, Rossant J, Ets2 is necessary in trophoblast for normal embryonic anteroposterior axis development. Development. 2006 Mar;133(6):1059-68
2J:142592 Goller T, Vauti F, Ramasamy S, Arnold HH, Transcriptional regulator BPTF/FAC1 is essential for trophoblast differentiation during early mouse development. Mol Cell Biol. 2008 Nov;28(22):6819-27
1*J:173403 Goncalves L, Filipe M, Marques S, Salgueiro AM, Becker JD, Belo JA, Identification and functional analysis of novel genes expressed in the Anterior Visceral Endoderm. Int J Dev Biol. 2011;55(3):281-95
1J:98883 Gotoh N, Manova K, Tanaka S, Murohashi M, Hadari Y, Lee A, Hamada Y, Hiroe T, Ito M, Kurihara T, Nakazato H, Shibuya M, Lax I, Lacy E, Schlessinger J, The docking protein FRS2alpha is an essential component of multiple fibroblast growth factor responses during early mouse development. Mol Cell Biol. 2005 May;25(10):4105-16
2J:87048 Gu G, Wells JM, Dombkowski D, Preffer F, Aronow B, Melton DA, Global expression analysis of gene regulatory pathways during endocrine pancreatic development. Development. 2004 Jan;131(1):165-79
2J:135128 Guo Q, Li JY, Distinct functions of the major Fgf8 spliceform, Fgf8b, before and during mouse gastrulation. Development. 2007 Jun;134(12):2251-60
2J:75055 Hallonet M, Kaestner KH, Martin-Parras L, Sasaki H, Betz UA, Ang SL, Maintenance of the specification of the anterior definitive endoderm and forebrain depends on the axial mesendoderm: a study using HNF3beta/Foxa2 conditional mutants. Dev Biol. 2002 Mar 1;243(1):20-33
2J:77443 Hart AH, Hartley L, Sourris K, Stadler ES, Li R, Stanley EG, Tam PP, Elefanty AG, Robb L, Mixl1 is required for axial mesendoderm morphogenesis and patterning in the murine embryo. Development. 2002 Aug;129(15):3597-608
1J:279070 Hernandez-Martinez R, Ramkumar N, Anderson KV, p120-catenin regulates WNT signaling and EMT in the mouse embryo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Aug 20;116(34):16872-16881
4J:205039 Hiramatsu R, Matsuoka T, Kimura-Yoshida C, Han SW, Mochida K, Adachi T, Takayama S, Matsuo I, External mechanical cues trigger the establishment of the anterior-posterior axis in early mouse embryos. Dev Cell. 2013 Oct 28;27(2):131-44
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2J:69594 Hoodless PA, Pye M, Chazaud C, Labbe E, Attisano L, Rossant J, Wrana JL, FoxH1 (Fast) functions to specify the anterior primitive streak in the mouse. Genes Dev. 2001 May 15;15(10):1257-71
4J:222398 Hoshino H, Shioi G, Aizawa S, AVE protein expression and visceral endoderm cell behavior during anterior-posterior axis formation in mouse embryos: Asymmetry in OTX2 and DKK1 expression. Dev Biol. 2015 Jun 15;402(2):175-91
1J:82316 Hsieh JC, Lee L, Zhang L, Wefer S, Brown K, DeRossi C, Wines ME, Rosenquist T, Holdener BC, Mesd encodes an LRP5/6 chaperone essential for specification of mouse embryonic polarity. Cell. 2003 Feb 7;112(3):355-67
2J:254969 Huang X, Balmer S, Yang F, Fidalgo M, Li D, Guallar D, Hadjantonakis AK, Wang J, Zfp281 is essential for mouse epiblast maturation through transcriptional and epigenetic control of Nodal signaling. Elife. 2017 Nov 23;6:e33333
2J:60391 Huelsken J, Vogel R, Brinkmann V, Erdmann B, Birchmeier C, Birchmeier W, Requirement for beta-catenin in anterior-posterior axis formation in mice. J Cell Biol. 2000 Feb 7;148(3):567-78
1J:284488 Huycke TR, Miller BM, Gill HK, Nerurkar NL, Sprinzak D, Mahadevan L, Tabin CJ, Genetic and Mechanical Regulation of Intestinal Smooth Muscle Development. Cell. 2019 Sep 19;179(1):90-105.e21
2J:320699 Ichikawa T, Zhang HT, Panavaite L, Erzberger A, Fabreges D, Snajder R, Wolny A, Korotkevich E, Tsuchida-Straeten N, Hufnagel L, Kreshuk A, Hiiragi T, An ex vivo system to study cellular dynamics underlying mouse peri-implantation development. Dev Cell. 2022 Feb 7;57(3):373-386.e9
1J:119566 Ishimura A, Ng JK, Taira M, Young SG, Osada S, Man1, an inner nuclear membrane protein, regulates vascular remodeling by modulating transforming growth factor beta signaling. Development. 2006 Oct;133(19):3919-28
1J:299860 Jin L, Chen Y, Crossman DK, Datta A, Vu T, Mobley JA, Basu MK, Scarduzio M, Wang H, Chang C, Datta PK, STRAP regulates alternative splicing fidelity during lineage commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells. Nat Commun. 2020 Nov 23;11(1):5941
2*J:75946 Kanai-Azuma M, Kanai Y, Gad JM, Tajima Y, Taya C, Kurohmaru M, Sanai Y, Yonekawa H, Yazaki K, Tam PP, Hayashi Y, Depletion of definitive gut endoderm in Sox17-null mutant mice. Development. 2002 May;129(10):2367-79
1J:187732 Kawamura N, Sun-Wada GH, Aoyama M, Harada A, Takasuga S, Sasaki T, Wada Y, Delivery of endosomes to lysosomes via microautophagy in the visceral endoderm of mouse embryos. Nat Commun. 2012 Sep 18;3:1071
1*J:295945 Kawamura N, Takaoka K, Hamada H, Hadjantonakis AK, Sun-Wada GH, Wada Y, Rab7-Mediated Endocytosis Establishes Patterning of Wnt Activity through Inactivation of Dkk Antagonism. Cell Rep. 2020 Jun 9;31(10):107733
2J:91055 Kelly OG, Pinson KI, Skarnes WC, The Wnt co-receptors Lrp5 and Lrp6 are essential for gastrulation in mice. Development. 2004 Jun;131(12):2803-15
1J:329565 Kim J, Muraoka M, Okada H, Toyoda A, Ajima R, Saga Y, The RNA helicase DDX6 controls early mouse embryogenesis by repressing aberrant inhibition of BMP signaling through miRNA-mediated gene silencing. PLoS Genet. 2022 Oct;18(10):e1009967
1J:327957 Kim YS, Fan R, Lith SC, Dicke AK, Drexler HCA, Kremer L, Kuempel-Rink N, Hekking L, Stehling M, Bedzhov I, Rap1 controls epiblast morphogenesis in sync with the pluripotency states transition. Dev Cell. 2022 Aug 22;57(16):1937-1956.e8
1J:283312 Kim YY, Moon JS, Kwon MC, Shin J, Im SK, Kim HA, Han JK, Kong YY, Meteorin regulates mesendoderm development by enhancing nodal expression. PLoS One. 2014;9(2):e88811
2*J:70278 Kimura C, Shen MM, Takeda N, Aizawa S, Matsuo I, Complementary functions of Otx2 and Cripto in initial patterning of mouse epiblast. Dev Biol. 2001 Jul 1;235(1):12-32
1J:324183 Kimura-Yoshida C, Mochida K, Kanno SI, Matsuo I, USP39 is essential for mammalian epithelial morphogenesis through upregulation of planar cell polarity components. Commun Biol. 2022 Apr 19;5(1):378
3J:103272 Kimura-Yoshida C, Nakano H, Okamura D, Nakao K, Yonemura S, Belo JA, Aizawa S, Matsui Y, Matsuo I, Canonical Wnt signaling and its antagonist regulate anterior-posterior axis polarization by guiding cell migration in mouse visceral endoderm. Dev Cell. 2005 Nov;9(5):639-50
3J:120359 Kimura-Yoshida C, Tian E, Nakano H, Amazaki S, Shimokawa K, Rossant J, Aizawa S, Matsuo I, Crucial roles of Foxa2 in mouse anterior-posterior axis polarization via regulation of anterior visceral endoderm-specific genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Apr 3;104(14):5919-24
1J:74124 Kinder SJ, Tsang TE, Ang SL, Behringer RR, Tam PP, Defects of the body plan of mutant embryos lacking Lim1, Otx2 or Hnf3beta activity. Int J Dev Biol. 2001;45(1 Spec No):347-55
3*J:71995 Kinder SJ, Tsang TE, Wakamiya M, Sasaki H, Behringer RR, Nagy A, Tam PP, The organizer of the mouse gastrula is composed of a dynamic population of progenitor cells for the axial mesoderm. Development. 2001 Sep;128(18):3623-34
2J:62984 Kitajima S, Takagi A, Inoue T, Saga Y, MesP1 and MesP2 are essential for the development of cardiac mesoderm. Development. 2000 Aug;127(15):3215-26
1J:59069 Klingensmith J, Ang SL, Bachiller D, Rossant J, Neural induction and patterning in the mouse in the absence of the node and its derivatives. Dev Biol. 1999 Dec 15;216(2):535-49
1J:210110 Komatsu Y, Kishigami S, Mishina Y, In situ hybridization methods for mouse whole mounts and tissue sections with and without additional beta-galactosidase staining. Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1092:1-15
1*J:117234 Komatsu Y, Scott G, Nagy A, Kaartinen V, Mishina Y, BMP type I receptor ALK2 is essential for proper patterning at late gastrulation during mouse embryogenesis. Dev Dyn. 2007 Feb;236(2):512-7
1*J:210984 Kumar A, Lualdi M, Loncarek J, Cho YW, Lee JE, Ge K, Kuehn MR, Loss of function of mouse Pax-Interacting Protein 1-associated glutamate rich protein 1a (Pagr1a) leads to reduced Bmp2 expression and defects in chorion and amnion development. Dev Dyn. 2014 Jul;243(7):937-47
3J:221169 Kumar A, Lualdi M, Lyozin GT, Sharma P, Loncarek J, Fu XY, Kuehn MR, Nodal signaling from the visceral endoderm is required to maintain Nodal gene expression in the epiblast and drive DVE/AVE migration. Dev Biol. 2015 Apr 1;400(1):1-9
1*J:91012 Kurokawa D, Takasaki N, Kiyonari H, Nakayama R, Kimura-Yoshida C, Matsuo I, Aizawa S, Regulation of Otx2 expression and its functions in mouse epiblast and anterior neuroectoderm. Development. 2004 Jul;131(14):3307-17
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