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Gene Expression Literature Summary

973 matching records from 973 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E1 E1.5 E2 E2.5 E3 E3.5 E4 E4.5 E5 E5.5 E6 E6.5 E7 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E19.5 E20 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 3 6 1 10 3 13 4 9 1 2 1 3 2 16 6 42 15 133 22 158 22 290 23 175 27 143 7 69 15 81 1 2 1 13 115
In situ RNA (section) 3 1 2 1 4 1 8 13 1 9 28 1 19 1 7 1 8 1 4 12
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 5 3 2 1 3
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1 2 8 2 29 11 27 4 4 4 6 6 3 1 2 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1 1 2 1 7 2 7 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 6
Northern blot 1 1 1
Western blot 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 7
RT-PCR 1 2 2 10 1 3 8 1 6 1 3 1 5 1 8 7 10 3 10 1 13 11 1 7 1 3 1 3 1 18
cDNA clones 1 1 1 1 2

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Eomes  eomesodermin   (Synonyms: Tbr2)
Results  Reference
1J:176572 Ackroyd MR, Whitmore C, Prior S, Kaluarachchi M, Nikolic M, Mayer U, Muntoni F, Brown SC, Fukutin-related protein alters the deposition of laminin in the eye and brain. J Neurosci. 2011 Sep 7;31(36):12927-35
2*J:310134 Adachi K, Nikaido I, Ohta H, Ohtsuka S, Ura H, Kadota M, Wakayama T, Ueda HR, Niwa H, Context-dependent wiring of Sox2 regulatory networks for self-renewal of embryonic and trophoblast stem cells. Mol Cell. 2013 Nov 7;52(3):380-92
1J:267687 Adnani L, Dixit R, Chen X, Balakrishnan A, Modi H, Touahri Y, Logan C, Schuurmans C, Plag1 and Plagl2 have overlapping and distinct functions in telencephalic development. Biol Open. 2018 Oct 25;:bio038661
2*J:226471 Adnani L, Langevin LM, Gautier E, Dixit R, Parsons K, Li S, Kaushik G, Wilkinson G, Wilson R, Childs S, Nguyen MD, Journot L, Dehay C, Schuurmans C, Zac1 Regulates the Differentiation and Migration of Neocortical Neurons via Pac1. J Neurosci. 2015 Sep 30;35(39):13430-47
1J:353312 Adutwum-Ofosu K, Magnani D, Theil T, Price DJ, Fotaki, The molecular and cellular signatures of the mouse eminentia thalami support its role as a signalling centre in the developing forebrain. Brain Struct Funct. 2016;221(7):3709-27
1J:275515 Ahmad ST, Rogers AD, Chen MJ, Dixit R, Adnani L, Frankiw LS, Lawn SO, Blough MD, Alshehri M, Wu W, Marra MA, Robbins SM, Cairncross JG, Schuurmans C, Chan JA, Capicua regulates neural stem cell proliferation and lineage specification through control of Ets factors. Nat Commun. 2019 May 1;10(1):2000
3J:311976 Ajima R, Sakakibara Y, Sakurai-Yamatani N, Muraoka M, Saga Y, Formal proof of the requirement of MESP1 and MESP2 in mesoderm specification and their transcriptional control via specific enhancers in mice. Development. 2021 Oct 15;148(20):dev194613
1J:350469 Alderman PJ, Saxon D, Torrijos-Saiz LI, Sharief M, Page CE, Baroudi JK, Biagiotti SW, Butyrkin VA, Melamed A, Kuo CT, Vicini S, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Herranz-Perez V, Corbin JG, Sorrells SF, Delayed maturation and migration of excitatory neurons in the juvenile mouse paralaminar amygdala. Neuron. 2024 Feb 21;112(4):574-592.e10
1J:152710 Aldinger KA, Lehmann OJ, Hudgins L, Chizhikov VV, Bassuk AG, Ades LC, Krantz ID, Dobyns WB, Millen KJ, FOXC1 is required for normal cerebellar development and is a major contributor to chromosome 6p25.3 Dandy-Walker malformation. Nat Genet. 2009 Sep;41(9):1037-42
3J:178862 Alfano C, Viola L, Heng JI, Pirozzi M, Clarkson M, Flore G, De Maio A, Schedl A, Guillemot F, Studer M, COUP-TFI promotes radial migration and proper morphology of callosal projection neurons by repressing Rnd2 expression. Development. 2011 Nov;138(21):4685-97
3J:194545 Alsio JM, Tarchini B, Cayouette M, Livesey FJ, Ikaros promotes early-born neuronal fates in the cerebral cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb 19;110(8):E716-25
3J:282739 Alvarez-Saavedra M, Yan K, De Repentigny Y, Hashem LE, Chaudary N, Sarwar S, Yang D, Ioshikhes I, Kothary R, Hirayama T, Yagi T, Picketts DJ, Snf2h Drives Chromatin Remodeling to Prime Upper Layer Cortical Neuron Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2019;12:243
1J:244926 Amaniti EM, Kelman A, Mason JO, Theil T, Cerebral Cortex Expression of Gli3 Is Required for Normal Development of the Lateral Olfactory Tract. PLoS One. 2015;10(10):e0141525
1J:333720 Ambrozkiewicz MC, Borisova E, Schwark M, Ripamonti S, Schaub T, Smorodchenko A, Weber AI, Rhee HJ, Altas B, Yilmaz R, Mueller S, Piepkorn L, Horan ST, Straussberg R, Zaqout S, Jahn O, Dere E, Rosario M, Boehm-Sturm P, Borck G, Willig KI, Rhee J, Tarabykin V, Kawabe H, The murine ortholog of Kaufman oculocerebrofacial syndrome protein Ube3b regulates synapse number by ubiquitinating Ppp3cc. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 Jun;26(6):1980-1995
4J:225279 Arno B, Grassivaro F, Rossi C, Bergamaschi A, Castiglioni V, Furlan R, Greter M, Favaro R, Comi G, Becher B, Martino G, Muzio L, Neural progenitor cells orchestrate microglia migration and positioning into the developing cortex. Nat Commun. 2014;5:5611
1J:131055 Arnold SJ, Hofmann UK, Bikoff EK, Robertson EJ, Pivotal roles for eomesodermin during axis formation, epithelium-to-mesenchyme transition and endoderm specification in the mouse. Development. 2008 Feb;135(3):501-11
5J:138764 Arnold SJ, Huang GJ, Cheung AF, Era T, Nishikawa S, Bikoff EK, Molnar Z, Robertson EJ, Groszer M, The T-box transcription factor Eomes/Tbr2 regulates neurogenesis in the cortical subventricular zone. Genes Dev. 2008 Sep 15;22(18):2479-84
10*J:154785 Arnold SJ, Sugnaseelan J, Groszer M, Srinivas S, Robertson EJ, Generation and analysis of a mouse line harboring GFP in the Eomes/Tbr2 locus. Genesis. 2009 Nov;47(11):775-81
1J:196665 Arvanitis DN, Behar A, Tryoen-Toth P, Bush JO, Jungas T, Vitale N, Davy A, Ephrin B1 maintains apical adhesion of neural progenitors. Development. 2013 May;140(10):2082-92
1J:290418 Ashokkumar D, Zhang Q, Much C, Bledau AS, Naumann R, Alexopoulou D, Dahl A, Goveas N, Fu J, Anastassiadis K, Stewart AF, Kranz A, MLL4 is required after implantation, whereas MLL3 becomes essential during late gestation. Development. 2020 Jun 17;147(12):dev186999
2J:173570 Asprer JS, Lee B, Wu CS, Vadakkan T, Dickinson ME, Lu HC, Lee SK, LMO4 functions as a co-activator of neurogenin 2 in the developing cortex. Development. 2011 Jul;138(13):2823-32
2*J:292175 Asselin L, Rivera Alvarez J, Heide S, Bonnet CS, Tilly P, Vitet H, Weber C, Bacino CA, Baranano K, Chassevent A, Dameron A, Faivre L, Hanchard NA, Mahida S, McWalter K, Mignot C, Nava C, Rastetter A, Streff H, Thauvin-Robinet C, Weiss MM, Zapata G, Zwijnenburg PJG, Saudou F, Depienne C, Golzio C, Heron D, Godin JD, Mutations in the KIF21B kinesin gene cause neurodevelopmental disorders through imbalanced canonical motor activity. Nat Commun. 2020 May 15;11(1):2441
1J:299451 Atkins A, Xu MJ, Li M, Rogers NP, Pryzhkova MV, Jordan PW, SMC5/6 is required for replication fork stability and faithful chromosome segregation during neurogenesis. Elife. 2020 Nov 17;9:e61171
1J:90769 Aubin J, Davy A, Soriano P, In vivo convergence of BMP and MAPK signaling pathways: impact of differential Smad1 phosphorylation on development and homeostasis. Genes Dev. 2004 Jun 15;18(12):1482-94
1J:76369 Auman HJ, Nottoli T, Lakiza O, Winger Q, Donaldson S, Williams T, Transcription factor AP-2gamma is essential in the extra-embryonic lineages for early postimplantation development. Development. 2002 Jun;129(11):2733-47
3J:230095 Avila A, Vidal PM, Tielens S, Morelli G, Laguesse S, Harvey RJ, Rigo JM, Nguyen L, Glycine receptors control the generation of projection neurons in the developing cerebral cortex. Cell Death Differ. 2014 Nov;21(11):1696-708
1*J:333804 Badouel C, Audouard C, Davy A, Heterogeneity in the size of the apical surface of cortical progenitors. Dev Dyn. 2023 Mar;252(3):363-376
1J:239796 Badouel C, Zander MA, Liscio N, Bagherie-Lachidan M, Sopko R, Coyaud E, Raught B, Miller FD, McNeill H, Fat1 interacts with Fat4 to regulate neural tube closure, neural progenitor proliferation and apical constriction during mouse brain development. Development. 2015 Aug 15;142(16):2781-91
1J:269647 Baizabal JM, Mistry M, Garcia MT, Gomez N, Olukoya O, Tran D, Johnson MB, Walsh CA, Harwell CC, The Epigenetic State of PRDM16-Regulated Enhancers in Radial Glia Controls Cortical Neuron Position. Neuron. 2018 Jun 6;98(5):945-962.e8
1J:314663 Bang J, Han M, Yoo TJ, Qiao L, Jung J, Na J, Carlson BA, Gladyshev VN, Hatfield DL, Kim JH, Kim LK, Lee BJ, Identification of Signaling Pathways for Early Embryonic Lethality and Developmental Retardation in Sephs1(-/-) Mice. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Oct 28;22(21)
7J:110710 Bani-Yaghoub M, Tremblay RG, Lei JX, Zhang D, Zurakowski B, Sandhu JK, Smith B, Ribecco-Lutkiewicz M, Kennedy J, Walker PR, Sikorska M, Role of Sox2 in the development of the mouse neocortex. Dev Biol. 2006 Jul 1;295(1):52-66
2J:182157 Baranek C, Dittrich M, Parthasarathy S, Bonnon CG, Britanova O, Lanshakov D, Boukhtouche F, Sommer JE, Colmenares C, Tarabykin V, Atanasoski S, Protooncogene Ski cooperates with the chromatin-remodeling factor Satb2 in specifying callosal neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Feb 28;109(9):3546-51
3J:354227 Barao S, Xu Y, Llongueras JP, Vistein R, Goff L, Nielsen KJ, Bae BI, Smith RS, Walsh CA, Stein-O'Brien G, Muller U, Conserved transcriptional regulation by BRN1 and BRN2 in neocortical progenitors drives mammalian neural specification and neocortical expansion. Nat Commun. 2024 Sep 14;15(1):8043
4J:277749 Barber M, Andrews WD, Memi F, Gardener P, Ciantar D, Tata M, Ruhrberg C, Parnavelas JG, Vascular-Derived Vegfa Promotes Cortical Interneuron Migration and Proximity to the Vasculature in the Developing Forebrain. Cereb Cortex. 2018 Jul 1;28(7):2577-2593
1J:242500 Barford K, Yap CC, Dwyer ND, Winckler B, The related neuronal endosomal proteins NEEP21 (Nsg1) and P19 (Nsg2) have divergent expression profiles in vivo. J Comp Neurol. 2017 Jun 01;525(8):1861-1878
1J:130205 Barrow JR, Howell WD, Rule M, Hayashi S, Thomas KR, Capecchi MR, McMahon AP, Wnt3 signaling in the epiblast is required for proper orientation of the anteroposterior axis. Dev Biol. 2007 Dec 1;312(1):312-20
1J:334106 Bashford AL, Subramanian V, Hippocampals neurogenesis is impaired in mice with a deletion in the coiled coil domain of Talpid3-implications for Joubert syndrome. Hum Mol Genet. 2022 Sep 29;31(19):3245-3265
1J:253960 Basilicata MF, Frank M, Solter D, Brabletz T, Stemmler MP, Inappropriate cadherin switching in the mouse epiblast compromises proper signaling between the epiblast and the extraembryonic ectoderm during gastrulation. Sci Rep. 2016 May 24;6:26562
3*J:266583 Baumgartner M, Olthof AM, Aquino GS, Hyatt KC, Lemoine C, Drake K, Sturrock N, Nguyen N, Al Seesi S, Kanadia RN, Minor spliceosome inactivation causes microcephaly, owing to cell cycle defects and death of self-amplifying radial glial cells. Development. 2018 Aug 28;145(17):dev166322
1J:81247 Beck S, Le Good JA, Guzman M, Ben Haim N, Roy K, Beermann F, Constam DB, Extraembryonic proteases regulate Nodal signalling during gastrulation. Nat Cell Biol. 2002 Dec;4(12):981-5
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
2J:162313 Bedogni F, Hodge RD, Elsen GE, Nelson BR, Daza RA, Beyer RP, Bammler TK, Rubenstein JL, Hevner RF, Tbr1 regulates regional and laminar identity of postmitotic neurons in developing neocortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jul 20;107(29):13129-34
1*J:155881 Bedogni F, Hodge RD, Nelson BR, Frederick EA, Shiba N, Daza RA, Hevner RF, Autism susceptibility candidate 2 (Auts2) encodes a nuclear protein expressed in developing brain regions implicated in autism neuropathology. Gene Expr Patterns. 2010 Jan;10(1):9-15
1*J:329966 Bell CJ, Gupta N, Tremblay KD, Mager J, Borcs6 is required for endo-lysosomal degradation during early development. Mol Reprod Dev. 2022 Aug;89(8):337-350
2J:308977 Ben-Reuven L, Reiner O, Dynamics of cortical progenitors and production of subcerebral neurons are altered in embryos of a maternal inflammation model for autism. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 May;26(5):1535-1550
1J:284524 Bendriem RM, Singh S, Aleem AA, Antonetti DA, Ross ME, Tight junction protein occludin regulates progenitor Self-Renewal and survival in developing cortex. Elife. 2019 Dec 3;8:e49376
8J:305458 Bertacchi M, Romano AL, Loubat A, Tran Mau-Them F, Willems M, Faivre L, Khau van Kien P, Perrin L, Devillard F, Sorlin A, Kuentz P, Philippe C, Garde A, Neri F, Di Giaimo R, Oliviero S, Cappello S, D'Incerti L, Frassoni C, Studer M, NR2F1 regulates regional progenitor dynamics in the mouse neocortex and cortical gyrification in BBSOAS patients. EMBO J. 2020 Jul 1;39(13):e104163
1J:221596 Bertero A, Madrigal P, Galli A, Hubner NC, Moreno I, Burks D, Brown S, Pedersen RA, Gaffney D, Mendjan S, Pauklin S, Vallier L, Activin/nodal signaling and NANOG orchestrate human embryonic stem cell fate decisions by controlling the H3K4me3 chromatin mark. Genes Dev. 2015 Apr 1;29(7):702-17
2J:356256 Bertino F, Mukherjee D, Bonora M, Bagowski C, Nardelli J, Metani L, Zanin Venturini DI, Chianese D, Santander N, Salaroglio IC, Hentschel A, Quarta E, Genova T, McKinney AA, Allocco AL, Fiorito V, Petrillo S, Ammirata G, De Giorgio F, Dennis E, Allington G, Maier F, Shoukier M, Gloning KP, Munaron L, Mussano F, Salsano E, Pareyson D, di Rocco M, Altruda F, Panagiotakos G, Kahle KT, Gressens P, Riganti C, Pinton PP, Roos A, Arnold T, Tolosano E, Chiabrando D, Dysregulation of FLVCR1a-dependent mitochondrial calcium handling in neural progenitors causes congenital hydrocephalus. Cell Rep Med. 2024 Jul 16;5(7):101647
2J:171429 Besse L, Neti M, Anselme I, Gerhardt C, Ruther U, Laclef C, Schneider-Maunoury S, Primary cilia control telencephalic patterning and morphogenesis via Gli3 proteolytic processing. Development. 2011 May;138(10):2079-88
5J:203970 Betancourt J, Katzman S, Chen B, Nuclear factor one B regulates neural stem cell differentiation and axonal projection of corticofugal neurons. J Comp Neurol. 2014 Jan 1;522(1):6-35
1J:201152 Bezzi M, Teo SX, Muller J, Mok WC, Sahu SK, Vardy LA, Bonday ZQ, Guccione E, Regulation of constitutive and alternative splicing by PRMT5 reveals a role for Mdm4 pre-mRNA in sensing defects in the spliceosomal machinery. Genes Dev. 2013 Sep 1;27(17):1903-16
3*J:254597 Bhargava S, Cox B, Polydorou C, Gresakova V, Korinek V, Strnad H, Sedlacek R, Epp TA, Chawengsaksophak K, The epigenetic modifier Fam208a is required to maintain epiblast cell fitness. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 24;7(1):9322
2J:350446 Bi S, Huang L, Chen Y, Hu Z, Li S, Wang Y, Huang B, Zhang L, Huang Y, Dai B, Du L, Tu Z, Wang Y, Xu D, Xu X, Sun W, Kzhyshkowska J, Wang H, Chen D, Wang F, Zhang S, KAT8-mediated H4K16ac is essential for sustaining trophoblast self-renewal and proliferation via regulating CDX2. Nat Commun. 2024 Jul 3;15(1):5602
5J:269810 Bian S, Hong J, Li Q, Schebelle L, Pollock A, Knauss JL, Garg V, Sun T, MicroRNA cluster miR-17-92 regulates neural stem cell expansion and transition to intermediate progenitors in the developing mouse neocortex. Cell Rep. 2013 May 30;3(5):1398-1406
1*J:198636 Biechele S, Cockburn K, Lanner F, Cox BJ, Rossant J, Porcn-dependent Wnt signaling is not required prior to mouse gastrulation. Development. 2013 Jul;140(14):2961-71
1*J:163909 Bilguvar K, Ozturk AK, Louvi A, Kwan KY, Choi M, Tatli B, Yalnizoglu D, Tuysuz B, Caglayan AO, Gokben S, Kaymakcalan H, Barak T, Bakircioglu M, Yasuno K, Ho W, Sanders S, Zhu Y, Yilmaz S, Dincer A, Johnson MH, Bronen RA, Kocer N, Per H, Mane S, Pamir MN,Yalcinkaya C, Kumandas S, Topcu M, Ozmen M, Sestan N, Lifton RP, State MW, Gunel M, Whole-exome sequencing identifies recessive WDR62 mutations in severe brain malformations. Nature. 2010 Sep 9;467(7312):207-10
1*J:342153 Bisia AM, Costello I, Xypolita ME, Harland LTG, Kurbel PJ, Bikoff EK, Robertson EJ, A degron-based approach to manipulate Eomes functions in the context of the developing mouse embryo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Oct 31;120(44):e2311946120
2J:278765 Bittermann E, Abdelhamed Z, Liegel RP, Menke C, Timms A, Beier DR, Stottmann RW, Differential requirements of tubulin genes in mammalian forebrain development. PLoS Genet. 2019 Aug;15(8):e1008243
1J:282886 Blackwood CA, Jagged1 is Essential for Radial Glial Maintenance in the Cortical Proliferative Zone. Neuroscience. 2019 Aug 10;413:230-238
1J:308131 Blizzard LE, Menke C, Patel SD, Waclaw RR, Lachke SA, Stottmann RW, A Novel Mutation in Cse1l Disrupts Brain and Eye Development with Specific Effects on Pax6 Expression. J Dev Biol. 2021 Jul 7;9(3)
2J:316182 Blume M, Inoguchi F, Sugiyama T, Owada Y, Osumi N, Aimi Y, Taki K, Katsuyama Y, Dab1 contributes differently to the morphogenesis of the hippocampal subdivisions. Dev Growth Differ. 2017 Oct;59(8):657-673
1J:234630 Bonney S, Harrison-Uy S, Mishra S, MacPherson AM, Choe Y, Li D, Jaminet SC, Fruttiger M, Pleasure SJ, Siegenthaler JA, Diverse Functions of Retinoic Acid in Brain Vascular Development. J Neurosci. 2016 Jul 20;36(29):7786-801
1J:193910 Bormuth I, Yan K, Yonemasu T, Gummert M, Zhang M, Wichert S, Grishina O, Pieper A, Zhang W, Goebbels S, Tarabykin V, Nave KA, Schwab MH, Neuronal basic helix-loop-helix proteins Neurod2/6 regulate cortical commissure formation before midline interactions. J Neurosci. 2013 Jan 9;33(2):641-51
1J:315765 Borrell V, Cardenas A, Ciceri G, Galceran J, Flames N, Pla R, Nobrega-Pereira S, Garcia-Frigola C, Peregrin S, Zhao Z, Ma L, Tessier-Lavigne M, Marin O, Slit/Robo signaling modulates the proliferation of central nervous system progenitors. Neuron. 2012 Oct 18;76(2):338-52
1J:237195 Bosch PJ, Fuller LC, Sleeth CM, Weiner JA, Akirin2 is essential for the formation of the cerebral cortex. Neural Dev. 2016 Nov 21;11(1):21
2J:306159 Bowers M, Liang T, Gonzalez-Bohorquez D, Zocher S, Jaeger BN, Kovacs WJ, Rohrl C, Cramb KML, Winterer J, Kruse M, Dimitrieva S, Overall RW, Wegleiter T, Najmabadi H, Semenkovich CF, Kempermann G, Foldy C, Jessberger S, FASN-Dependent Lipid Metabolism Links Neurogenic Stem/Progenitor Cell Activity to Learning and Memory Deficits. Cell Stem Cell. 2020 Jul 2;27(1):98-109.e11
2J:330973 Brault JB, Bardin S, Lampic M, Carpentieri JA, Coquand L, Penisson M, Lachuer H, Victoria GS, Baloul S, El Marjou F, Boncompain G, Miserey-Lenkei S, Belvindrah R, Fraisier V, Francis F, Perez F, Goud B, Baffet AD, RAB6 and dynein drive post-Golgi apical transport to prevent neuronal progenitor delamination. EMBO Rep. 2022 Oct 6;23(10):e54605
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1J:139130 Breunig JJ, Sarkisian MR, Arellano JI, Morozov YM, Ayoub AE, Sojitra S, Wang B, Flavell RA, Rakic P, Town T, Primary cilia regulate hippocampal neurogenesis by mediating sonic hedgehog signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Sep 2;105(35):13127-32
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4*J:55094 Bulfone A, Martinez S, Marigo V, Campanella M, Basile A, Quaderi N, Gattuso C, Rubenstein JL, Ballabio A, Expression pattern of the Tbr2 (Eomesodermin) gene during mouse and chick brain development. Mech Dev. 1999 Jun;84(1-2):133-8
1J:146275 Burtscher I, Lickert H, Foxa2 regulates polarity and epithelialization in the endoderm germ layer of the mouse embryo. Development. 2009 Mar;136(6):1029-38
3J:347732 Buth JE, Dyevich CE, Rubin A, Wang C, Gao L, Marks T, Harrison MR, Kong JH, Ross ME, Novitch BG, Pearson CA, Foxp1 suppresses cortical angiogenesis and attenuates HIF-1alpha signaling to promote neural progenitor cell maintenance. EMBO Rep. 2024 Apr 10;
3J:159309 Buttner N, Johnsen SA, Kugler S, Vogel T, Af9/Mllt3 interferes with Tbr1 expression through epigenetic modification of histone H3K79 during development of the cerebral cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 13;107(15):7042-7
1J:353339 Butts JC, Wu SR, Durham MA, Dhindsa RS, Revelli JP, Ljungberg MC, Saulnier O, McLaren ME, Taylor MD, Zoghbi HY, A single-cell transcriptomic map of the developing Atoh1 lineage identifies neural fate decisions and neuronal diversity in the hindbrain. Dev Cell. 2024 Aug 19;59(16):2171-2188.e7
1J:261286 Cai Y, Tang X, Chen X, Li X, Wang Y, Bao X, Wang L, Sun D, Zhao J, Xing Y, Warner M, Xu H, Gustafsson JA, Fan X, Liver X receptor beta regulates the development of the dentate gyrus and autistic-like behavior in the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Mar 20;115(12):E2725-E2733
1J:241820 Cain JT, Berosik MA, Snyder SD, Crawford NF, Nour SI, Schaubhut GJ, Darland DC, Shifts in the vascular endothelial growth factor isoforms result in transcriptome changes correlated with early neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation in mouse forebrain. Dev Neurobiol. 2014 Jan;74(1):63-81
1*J:221635 Canovas J, Berndt FA, Sepulveda H, Aguilar R, Veloso FA, Montecino M, Oliva C, Maass JC, Sierralta J, Kukuljan M, The Specification of Cortical Subcerebral Projection Neurons Depends on the Direct Repression of TBR1 by CTIP1/BCL11a. J Neurosci. 2015 May 13;35(19):7552-64
2J:113146 Cappello S, Attardo A, Wu X, Iwasato T, Itohara S, Wilsch-Brauninger M, Eilken HM, Rieger MA, Schroeder TT, Huttner WB, Brakebusch C, Gotz M, The Rho-GTPase cdc42 regulates neural progenitor fate at the apical surface. Nat Neurosci. 2006 Sep;9(9):1099-107
2J:182669 Cappello S, Bohringer CR, Bergami M, Conzelmann KK, Ghanem A, Tomassy GS, Arlotta P, Mainardi M, Allegra M, Caleo M, van Hengel J, Brakebusch C, Gotz M, A radial glia-specific role of RhoA in double cortex formation. Neuron. 2012 Mar 8;73(5):911-24
1J:205294 Cappello S, Gray MJ, Badouel C, Lange S, Einsiedler M, Srour M, Chitayat D, Hamdan FF, Jenkins ZA, Morgan T, Preitner N, Uster T, Thomas J, Shannon P, Morrison V, Di Donato N, Van Maldergem L, Neuhann T, Newbury-Ecob R, Swinkells M, Terhal P, Wilson LC, Zwijnenburg PJ, Sutherland-Smith AJ, Black MA, Markie D, Michaud JL, Simpson MA, Mansour S, McNeill H, Gotz M, Robertson SP, Mutations in genes encoding the cadherin receptor-ligand pair DCHS1 and FAT4 disrupt cerebral cortical development. Nat Genet. 2013 Nov;45(11):1300-8
2J:313961 Caramello A, Galichet C, Rizzoti K, Lovell-Badge R, Dentate gyrus development requires a cortical hem-derived astrocytic scaffold. Elife. 2021 Jan 4;10:e63904
1J:255072 Cardano M, Diaferia GR, Conti L, Baronchelli S, Sessa A, Broccoli V, Barbieri A, De Blasio P, Biunno I, mSEL-1L deficiency affects vasculogenesis and neural stem cell lineage commitment. J Cell Physiol. 2018 Apr;233(4):3152-3163
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