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Gene Expression Literature Summary
transcription factor 7 like 2, T cell specific, HMG box

161 matching records from 161 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E1.5 E2 E2.5 E3 E3.5 E4.5 E6.5 E7 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 3 8 8 14 1 8 1 10 2 5 6 6 1 7 2 25
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 2 1 3 7 11 2 17 16 2 17 6 1 7 4 2 7 6 10
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1 1 6 5 11 11 8 7 2 1 3 1 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 1
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
Western blot 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 6
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 4 1 3 4 1 4 2 1 15
cDNA clones 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Primer Extension 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Tcf7l2  transcription factor 7 like 2, T cell specific, HMG box   (Synonyms: mTcf-4B, mTcf-4E, Tcf-4, Tcf4, TCF4B, TCF4E)
Results  Reference
2J:284172 Adachi N, Bilio M, Baldini A, Kelly RG, Cardiopharyngeal mesoderm origins of musculoskeletal and connective tissues in the mammalian pharynx. Development. 2020 Feb 3;147(3):dev185256
1J:228507 Ajima R, Bisson JA, Helt JC, Nakaya MA, Habas R, Tessarollo L, He X, Morrisey EE, Yamaguchi TP, Cohen ED, DAAM1 and DAAM2 are co-required for myocardial maturation and sarcomere assembly. Dev Biol. 2015 Dec 1;408(1):126-39
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2J:124680 Brugmann SA, Goodnough LH, Gregorieff A, Leucht P, Ten Berge D, Fuerer C, Clevers H, Nusse R, Helms JA, Wnt signaling mediates regional specification in the vertebrate face. Development. 2007 Sep;134(18):3283-95
1J:198628 Cai X, Zhang W, Hu J, Zhang L, Sultana N, Wu B, Cai W, Zhou B, Cai CL, Tbx20 acts upstream of Wnt signaling to regulate endocardial cushion formation and valve remodeling during mouse cardiogenesis. Development. 2013 Aug;140(15):3176-87
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2J:98338 Chu EY, Hens J, Andl T, Kairo A, Yamaguchi TP, Brisken C, Glick A, Wysolmerski JJ, Millar SE, Canonical WNT signaling promotes mammary placode development and is essential for initiation of mammary gland morphogenesis. Development. 2004 Oct;131(19):4819-29
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2J:301645 Cleal L, McHaffie SL, Lee M, Hastie N, Martinez-Estrada OM, Chau YY, Resolving the heterogeneity of diaphragmatic mesenchyme: a novel mouse model of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Dis Model Mech. 2021 Jan 26;14(1)
3J:124189 Cohen ED, Wang Z, Lepore JJ, Lu MM, Taketo MM, Epstein DJ, Morrisey EE, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling promotes expansion of Isl-1-positive cardiac progenitor cells through regulation of FGF signaling. J Clin Invest. 2007 Jul;117(7):1794-804
1J:309485 Colasanto MP, Eyal S, Mohassel P, Bamshad M, Bonnemann CG, Zelzer E, Moon AM, Kardon G, Development of a subset of forelimb muscles and their attachment sites requires the ulnar-mammary syndrome gene Tbx3. Dis Model Mech. 2016 Nov 1;9(11):1257-1269
1J:298619 Comai GE, Tesarova M, Dupe V, Rhinn M, Vallecillo-Garcia P, da Silva F, Feret B, Exelby K, Dolle P, Carlsson L, Pryce B, Spitz F, Stricker S, Zikmund T, Kaiser J, Briscoe J, Schedl A, Ghyselinck NB, Schweitzer R, Tajbakhsh S, Local retinoic acid signaling directs emergence of the extraocular muscle functional unit. PLoS Biol. 2020 Nov;18(11):e3000902
1J:306254 Crane-Smith Z, Schoenebeck J, Graham KA, Devenney PS, Rose L, Ditzell M, Anderson E, Thomson JI, Klenin N, Kurrasch DM, Lettice LA, Hill RE, A Highly Conserved Shh Enhancer Coordinates Hypothalamic and Craniofacial Development. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:595744
1J:212081 Dai ZM, Sun S, Wang C, Huang H, Hu X, Zhang Z, Lu QR, Qiu M, Stage-specific regulation of oligodendrocyte development by Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. J Neurosci. 2014 Jun 18;34(25):8467-73
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7*J:72420 Douglas KR, Brinkmeier ML, Kennell JA, Eswara P, Harrison TA, Patrianakos AI, Sprecher BS, Potok MA, Lyons RH Jr, MacDougald OA, Camper SA, Identification of members of the Wnt signaling pathway in the embryonic pituitary gland. Mamm Genome. 2001 Nov;12(11):843-51
3*J:121338 Driskell RR, Goodheart M, Neff T, Liu X, Luo M, Moothart C, Sigmund CD, Hosokawa R, Chai Y, Engelhardt JF, Wnt3a regulates Lef-1 expression during airway submucosal gland morphogenesis. Dev Biol. 2007 May 1;305(1):90-102
1J:292321 Fan X, Waardenberg AJ, Demuth M, Osteil P, Sun JQJ, Loebel DAF, Graham M, Tam PPL, Fossat N, TWIST1 Homodimers and Heterodimers Orchestrate Lineage-Specific Differentiation. Mol Cell Biol. 2020 May 14;40(11)
2J:150044 Fancy SP, Baranzini SE, Zhao C, Yuk DI, Irvine KA, Kaing S, Sanai N, Franklin RJ, Rowitch DH, Dysregulation of the Wnt pathway inhibits timely myelination and remyelination in the mammalian CNS. Genes Dev. 2009 Jul 1;23(13):1571-85
2J:326362 Feng S, Li J, Wen H, Liu K, Gui Y, Wen Y, Wang X, Yuan S, hnRNPH1 recruits PTBP2 and SRSF3 to modulate alternative splicing in germ cells. Nat Commun. 2022 Jun 23;13(1):3588
1J:222248 Fossat N, Ip CK, Jones VJ, Studdert JB, Khoo PL, Lewis SL, Power M, Tourle K, Loebel DA, Kwan KM, Behringer RR, Tam PP, Context-specific function of the LIM homeobox 1 transcription factor in head formation of the mouse embryo. Development. 2015 Jun 1;142(11):2069-79
2J:170646 Fossat N, Jones V, Khoo PL, Bogani D, Hardy A, Steiner K, Mukhopadhyay M, Westphal H, Nolan PM, Arkell R, Tam PP, Stringent requirement of a proper level of canonical WNT signalling activity for head formation in mouse embryo. Development. 2011 Feb;138(4):667-76
2J:174727 Fotaki V, Price DJ, Mason JO, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is disrupted in the extra-toes (Gli3(Xt/Xt) ) mutant from early stages of forebrain development, concomitant with anterior neural plate patterning defects. J Comp Neurol. 2011 Jun 15;519(9):1640-57
5*J:152838 Fu H, Cai J, Clevers H, Fast E, Gray S, Greenberg R, Jain MK, Ma Q, Qiu M, Rowitch DH, Taylor CM, Stiles CD, A genome-wide screen for spatially restricted expression patterns identifies transcription factors that regulate glial development. J Neurosci. 2009 Sep 9;29(36):11399-408
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3J:59284 Galceran J, Miyashita-Lin EM, Devaney E, Rubenstein JL, Grosschedl R, Hippocampus development and generation of dentate gyrus granule cells is regulated by LEF1. Development. 2000 Feb;127(3):469-82
2J:266784 Gay MH, Valenta T, Herr P, Paratore-Hari L, Basler K, Sommer L, Distinct adhesion-independent functions of beta-catenin control stage-specific sensory neurogenesis and proliferation. BMC Biol. 2015 Apr 11;13:24
2J:289005 Gerner-Mauro KN, Akiyama H, Chen J, Redundant and additive functions of the four Lef/Tcf transcription factors in lung epithelial progenitors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Jun 2;117(22):12182-12191
3J:98430 Glass DA 2nd, Bialek P, Ahn JD, Starbuck M, Patel MS, Clevers H, Taketo MM, Long F, McMahon AP, Lang RA, Karsenty G, Canonical wnt signaling in differentiated osteoblasts controls osteoclast differentiation. Dev Cell. 2005 May;8(5):751-64
2J:226667 Goodnough LH, Dinuoscio GJ, Ferguson JW, Williams T, Lang RA, Atit RP, Distinct requirements for cranial ectoderm and mesenchyme-derived wnts in specification and differentiation of osteoblast and dermal progenitors. PLoS Genet. 2014 Feb;10(2):e1004152
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3*J:91257 Gray PA, Fu H, Luo P, Zhao Q, Yu J, Ferrari A, Tenzen T, Yuk DI, Tsung EF, Cai Z, Alberta JA, Cheng LP, Liu Y, Stenman JM, Valerius MT, Billings N, Kim HA, Greenberg ME, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD, Ma Q, Mouse Brain Organization Revealed Through Direct Genome-Scale TF Expression Analysis. Science. 2004 Dec 24;306(5705):2255-2257
2J:90119 Gregorieff A, Grosschedl R, Clevers H, Hindgut defects and transformation of the gastro-intestinal tract in Tcf4(-/-)/Tcf1(-/-) embryos. EMBO J. 2004 Apr 21;23(8):1825-33
1*J:302851 Greschik H, Duteil D, Messaddeq N, Willmann D, Arrigoni L, Sum M, Jung M, Metzger D, Manke T, Gunther T, Schule R, The histone code reader Spin1 controls skeletal muscle development. Cell Death Dis. 2017 Nov 23;8(11):e3173
1J:163218 Gu B, Sun P, Yuan Y, Moraes RC, Li A, Teng A, Agrawal A, Rheaume C, Bilanchone V, Veltmaat JM, Takemaru K, Millar S, Lee EY, Lewis MT, Li B, Dai X, Pygo2 expands mammary progenitor cells by facilitating histone H3 K4 methylation. J Cell Biol. 2009 Jun 1;185(5):811-26
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1J:326662 Hamed AA, Kunz DJ, El-Hamamy I, Trinh QM, Subedar OD, Richards LM, Foltz W, Bullivant G, Ware M, Vladoiu MC, Zhang J, Raj AM, Pugh TJ, Taylor MD, Teichmann SA, Stein LD, Simons BD, Dirks PB, A brain precursor atlas reveals the acquisition of developmental-like states in adult cerebral tumours. Nat Commun. 2022 Jul 19;13(1):4178
4J:221338 Hammond E, Lang J, Maeda Y, Pleasure D, Angus-Hill M, Xu J, Horiuchi M, Deng W, Guo F, The Wnt effector transcription factor 7-like 2 positively regulates oligodendrocyte differentiation in a manner independent of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. J Neurosci. 2015 Mar 25;35(12):5007-22
1J:234565 He D, Marie C, Zhao C, Kim B, Wang J, Deng Y, Clavairoly A, Frah M, Wang H, He X, Hmidan H, Jones BV, Witte D, Zalc B, Zhou X, Choo DI, Martin DM, Parras C, Lu QR, Chd7 cooperates with Sox10 and regulates the onset of CNS myelination and remyelination. Nat Neurosci. 2016 May;19(5):678-89
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1*J:139177 Hoffman BG, Zavaglia B, Witzsche J, Ruiz de Algara T, Beach M, Hoodless PA, Jones SJ, Marra MA, Helgason CD, Identification of transcripts with enriched expression in the developing and adult pancreas. Genome Biol. 2008;9(6):R99
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3J:267224 Hrckulak D, Janeckova L, Lanikova L, Kriz V, Horazna M, Babosova O, Vojtechova M, Galuskova K, Sloncova E, Korinek V, Wnt Effector TCF4 Is Dispensable for Wnt Signaling in Human Cancer Cells. Genes (Basel). 2018 Sep 1;9(9)
1J:94274 Hu H, Hilton MJ, Tu X, Yu K, Ornitz DM, Long F, Sequential roles of Hedgehog and Wnt signaling in osteoblast development. Development. 2005 Jan;132(1):49-60
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2J:128278 Kim BM, Mao J, Taketo MM, Shivdasani RA, Phases of canonical Wnt signaling during the development of mouse intestinal epithelium. Gastroenterology. 2007 Aug;133(2):529-38
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10*J:45934 Korinek V, Barker N, Willert K, Molenaar M, Roose J, Wagenaar G, Markman M, Lamers W, Destree O, Clevers H, Two members of the Tcf family implicated in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling during embryogenesis in the mouse. Mol Cell Biol. 1998 Mar;18(3):1248-56
1*J:91012 Kurokawa D, Takasaki N, Kiyonari H, Nakayama R, Kimura-Yoshida C, Matsuo I, Aizawa S, Regulation of Otx2 expression and its functions in mouse epiblast and anterior neuroectoderm. Development. 2004 Jul;131(14):3307-17
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1J:235736 Masek J, Machon O, Korinek V, Taketo MM, Kozmik Z, Tcf7l1 protects the anterior neural fold from adopting the neural crest fate. Development. 2016 Jun 15;143(12):2206-16
2J:167712 Mathew SJ, Hansen JM, Merrell AJ, Murphy MM, Lawson JA, Hutcheson DA, Hansen MS, Angus-Hill M, Kardon G, Connective tissue fibroblasts and Tcf4 regulate myogenesis. Development. 2011 Jan;138(2):371-84
1J:283040 McKenzie MG, Cobbs LV, Dummer PD, Petros TJ, Halford MM, Stacker SA, Zou Y, Fishell GJ, Au E, Non-canonical Wnt Signaling through Ryk Regulates the Generation of Somatostatin- and Parvalbumin-Expressing Cortical Interneurons. Neuron. 2019 Sep 4;103(5):853-864.e4
1*J:257654 Memic F, Knoflach V, Morarach K, Sadler R, Laranjeira C, Hjerling-Leffler J, Sundstrom E, Pachnis V, Marklund U, Transcription and Signaling Regulators in Developing Neuronal Subtypes of Mouse and Human Enteric Nervous System. Gastroenterology. 2018 Feb;154(3):624-636
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1J:127530 Miller KA, Barrow J, Collinson JM, Davidson S, Lear M, Hill RE, Mackenzie A, A highly conserved Wnt-dependent TCF4 binding site within the proximal enhancer of the anti-myogenic Msx1 gene supports expression within Pax3-expressing limb bud muscle precursor cells. Dev Biol. 2007 Nov 15;311(2):665-78
1J:327818 Murphy P, Armit C, Hill B, Venkataraman S, Frankel P, Baldock RA, Davidson DR, Integrated analysis of Wnt signalling system component gene expression. Development. 2022 Aug 15;149(16):dev200312
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6J:197885 Nagalski A, Irimia M, Szewczyk L, Ferran JL, Misztal K, Kuznicki J, Wisniewska MB, Postnatal isoform switch and protein localization of LEF1 and TCF7L2 transcription factors in cortical, thalamic, and mesencephalic regions of the adult mouse brain. Brain Struct Funct. 2013 Nov;218(6):1531-49
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