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Gene Expression Literature Summary
methyl-CpG binding domain protein 1

10 matching records from 10 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E1 E1.5 E2 E2.5 E3 E3.5 E4.5 E10 E10.5 E11.5 E13.5 E14.5 E15.5 E17 P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 1
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 2 1 2
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Mbd1  methyl-CpG binding domain protein 1   (Synonyms: Cxxc3, PCM1)
Results  Reference
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
3J:310811 Chen Y, Damayanti NP, Irudayaraj J, Dunn K, Zhou FC, Diversity of two forms of DNA methylation in the brain. Front Genet. 2014;5:46
1*J:266522 Elsen GE, Bedogni F, Hodge RD, Bammler TK, MacDonald JW, Lindtner S, Rubenstein JLR, Hevner RF, The Epigenetic Factor Landscape of Developing Neocortex Is Regulated by Transcription Factors Pax6--> Tbr2--> Tbr1. Front Neurosci. 2018;12:571
3*J:91257 Gray PA, Fu H, Luo P, Zhao Q, Yu J, Ferrari A, Tenzen T, Yuk DI, Tsung EF, Cai Z, Alberta JA, Cheng LP, Liu Y, Stenman JM, Valerius MT, Billings N, Kim HA, Greenberg ME, McMahon AP, Rowitch DH, Stiles CD, Ma Q, Mouse Brain Organization Revealed Through Direct Genome-Scale TF Expression Analysis. Science. 2004 Dec 24;306(5705):2255-2257
1*J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, GUDMAP: the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project. www.gudmap.org. 2004;
7*J:140465 Guo G, Huss M, Tong GQ, Wang C, Li Sun L, Clarke ND, Robson P, Resolution of cell fate decisions revealed by single-cell gene expression analysis from zygote to blastocyst. Dev Cell. 2010 Apr 20;18(4):675-85
3*J:162220 Magdaleno S, Jensen P, Brumwell CL, Seal A, Lehman K, Asbury A, Cheung T, Cornelius T, Batten DM, Eden C, Norland SM, Rice DS, Dosooye N, Shakya S, Mehta P, Curran T, BGEM: an in situ hybridization database of gene expression in the embryonic and adult mouse nervous system. PLoS Biol. 2006 Apr;4(4):e86
1J:161421 Mann W, Haaf T, Single cell RT-PCR on mouse embryos: a general approach for developmental biology. Methods Mol Biol. 2010;630:3-12
4*J:145796 May A, Kirchner R, Muller H, Hartmann P, El Hajj N, Tresch A, Zechner U, Mann W, Haaf T, Multiplex rt-PCR expression analysis of developmentally important genes in individual mouse preimplantation embryos and blastomeres. Biol Reprod. 2009 Jan;80(1):194-202
1*J:330334 Zhang H, Jiang JC, Wu YW, Yu YS, Wang HN, Ding NZ, Fan HY, The RNA ligase RNA terminal phosphate cyclase B regulates mRNA alternative splicing and is required for mouse oocyte development and maintenance. Development. 2022 Oct 1;149(19):dev200497

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