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Gene Expression Literature Summary
zinc finger protein, multitype 2

75 matching records from 75 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E7 E7.5 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 2 1 5 1 4 10 5 4 5 1 2 4 8 20
In situ RNA (section) 1 3 6 1 5 2 4 5 1 2 5 3 1 2 1 3 7
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1 3 1 1 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 2 3 1 1 1
Northern blot 1 1 1 2 6
Western blot 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
RT-PCR 1 5 1 2 2 4 2 6 2 4 1 3 1 1 4
cDNA clones 1 1 1 1 1
RNase protection 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Zfpm2  zinc finger protein, multitype 2   (Synonyms: B330005D23Rik, FOG-2, FOG2)
Results  Reference
7*J:100119 Ackerman KG, Herron BJ, Vargas SO, Huang H, Tevosian SG, Kochilas L, Rao C, Pober BR, Babiuk RP, Epstein JA, Greer JJ, Beier DR, Fog2 is required for normal diaphragm and lung development in mice and humans. PLoS Genet. 2005 Jul;1(1):e10
2J:134027 Ackerman KG, Wang J, Luo L, Fujiwara Y, Orkin SH, Beier DR, Gata4 is necessary for normal pulmonary lobar development. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2007 Apr;36(4):391-7
9J:82545 Anttonen M, Ketola I, Parviainen H, Pusa AK, Heikinheimo M, FOG-2 and GATA-4 Are Coexpressed in the Mouse Ovary and Can Modulate Mullerian-Inhibiting Substance Expression. Biol Reprod. 2003 Apr;68(4):1333-40
2J:112701 Bailey PJ, Klos JM, Andersson E, Karlen M, Kallstrom M, Ponjavic J, Muhr J, Lenhard B, Sandelin A, Ericson J, A global genomic transcriptional code associated with CNS-expressed genes. Exp Cell Res. 2006 Oct 1;312(16):3108-19
1J:244630 Bardot E, Calderon D, Santoriello F, Han S, Cheung K, Jadhav B, Burtscher I, Artap S, Jain R, Epstein J, Lickert H, Gouon-Evans V, Sharp AJ, Dubois NC, Foxa2 identifies a cardiac progenitor population with ventricular differentiation potential. Nat Commun. 2017 Feb 14;8:14428
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
7*J:93500 Bouma GJ, Hart GT, Washburn LL, Recknagel AK, Eicher EM, Using real time RT-PCR analysis to determine multiple gene expression patterns during XX and XY mouse fetal gonad development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2004 Nov;5(1):141-9
2*J:67359 Bruneau BG, Bao ZZ, Fatkin D, Xavier-Neto J, Georgakopoulos D, Maguire CT, Berul CI, Kass DA, Kuroski-de Bold ML, de Bold AJ, Conner DA, Rosenthal N, Cepko CL, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Cardiomyopathy in Irx4-deficient mice is preceded by abnormal ventricular gene expression. Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Mar;21(5):1730-6
1J:189064 Chassot AA, Bradford ST, Auguste A, Gregoire EP, Pailhoux E, de Rooij DG, Schedl A, Chaboissier MC, WNT4 and RSPO1 together are required for cell proliferation in the early mouse gonad. Development. 2012 Dec;139(23):4461-72
4*J:121803 Dale RM, Remo BF, Svensson EC, An alternative transcript of the FOG-2 gene encodes a FOG-2 isoform lacking the FOG repression motif. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Jun 8;357(3):683-7
3J:197849 Deck M, Lokmane L, Chauvet S, Mailhes C, Keita M, Niquille M, Yoshida M, Yoshida Y, Lebrand C, Mann F, Grove EA, Garel S, Pathfinding of corticothalamic axons relies on a rendezvous with thalamic projections. Neuron. 2013 Feb 6;77(3):472-84
1*J:153498 Diez-Roux G, Banfi S, Sultan M, Geffers L, Anand S, Rozado D, Magen A, Canidio E, Pagani M, Peluso I, Lin-Marq N, Koch M, Bilio M, Cantiello I, Verde R, De Masi C, Bianchi SA, Cicchini J, Perroud E, Mehmeti S, Dagand E, Schrinner S, Nurnberger A, SchmidtK, Metz K, Zwingmann C, Brieske N, Springer C, Hernandez AM, Herzog S, Grabbe F, Sieverding C, Fischer B, Schrader K, Brockmeyer M, Dettmer S, Helbig C, Alunni V, Battaini MA, Mura C, Henrichsen CN, Garcia-Lopez R, Echevarria D, Puelles E, et al., A high-resolution anatomical atlas of the transcriptome in the mouse embryo. PLoS Biol. 2011;9(1):e1000582
3*J:310178 Efimenko E, Padua MB, Manuylov NL, Fox SC, Morse DA, Tevosian SG, The transcription factor GATA4 is required for follicular development and normal ovarian function. Dev Biol. 2013 Sep 1;381(1):144-58
1J:133699 Fischer A, Steidl C, Wagner TU, Lang E, Jakob PM, Friedl P, Knobeloch KP, Gessler M, Combined loss of Hey1 and HeyL causes congenital heart defects because of impaired epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Circ Res. 2007 Mar 30;100(6):856-63
1*J:134429 Flagg AE, Earley JU, Svensson EC, FOG-2 attenuates endothelial-to-mesenchymal transformation in the endocardial cushions of the developing heart. Dev Biol. 2007 Apr 1;304(1):308-16
8J:204550 Fujimoto Y, Tanaka SS, Yamaguchi YL, Kobayashi H, Kuroki S, Tachibana M, Shinomura M, Kanai Y, Morohashi K, Kawakami K, Nishinakamura R, Homeoproteins Six1 and Six4 regulate male sex determination and mouse gonadal development. Dev Cell. 2013 Aug 26;26(4):416-30
3J:333383 Funk OH, Qalieh Y, Doyle DZ, Lam MM, Kwan KY, Postmitotic accumulation of histone variant H3.3 in new cortical neurons establishes neuronal chromatin, transcriptome, and identity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Aug 9;119(32):e2116956119
8J:239715 Galazo MJ, Emsley JG, Macklis JD, Corticothalamic Projection Neuron Development beyond Subtype Specification: Fog2 and Intersectional Controls Regulate Intraclass Neuronal Diversity. Neuron. 2016 Jul 06;91(1):90-106
2J:339946 Galazo MJ, Sweetser DA, Macklis JD, Tle4 controls both developmental acquisition and early post-natal maturation of corticothalamic projection neuron identity. Cell Rep. 2023 Aug 29;42(8):112957
1J:159978 Gao Z, Kim GH, Mackinnon AC, Flagg AE, Bassett B, Earley JU, Svensson EC, Ets1 is required for proper migration and differentiation of the cardiac neural crest. Development. 2010 May;137(9):1543-51
1J:216295 Garnatz AS, Gao Z, Broman M, Martens S, Earley JU, Svensson EC, FOG-2 mediated recruitment of the NuRD complex regulates cardiomyocyte proliferation during heart development. Dev Biol. 2014 Nov 1;395(1):50-61
2*J:86790 Gitler AD, Lu MM, Jiang YQ, Epstein JA, Gruber PJ, Molecular markers of cardiac endocardial cushion development. Dev Dyn. 2003 Dec;228(4):643-50
1*J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, GUDMAP: the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project. www.gudmap.org. 2004;
2*J:70599 Huggins GS, Bacani CJ, Boltax J, Aikawa R, Leiden JM, Friend of GATA 2 physically interacts with chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter-TF2 (COUP-TF2) and COUP-TF3 and represses COUP-TF2-dependent activation of the atrial natriuretic factor promoter. J Biol Chem. 2001 Jul 27;276(30):28029-36
5J:101033 Jacobsen CM, Mannisto S, Porter-Tinge S, Genova E, Parviainen H, Heikinheimo M, Adameyko II, Tevosian SG, Wilson DB, GATA-4:FOG interactions regulate gastric epithelial development in the mouse. Dev Dyn. 2005 Oct;234(2):355-62
1J:117367 Jay PY, Bielinska M, Erlich JM, Mannisto S, Pu WT, Heikinheimo M, Wilson DB, Impaired mesenchymal cell function in Gata4 mutant mice leads to diaphragmatic hernias and primary lung defects. Dev Biol. 2007 Jan 15;301(2):602-614
1J:242405 Kask K, Ruisu K, Tikker L, Karis K, Saare M, Meier R, Karis A, Tonissoo T, Pooga M, Deletion of RIC8A in neural precursor cells leads to altered neurogenesis and neonatal lethality of mouse. Dev Neurobiol. 2015 Sep;75(9):984-1002
9J:79154 Ketola I, Anttonen M, Vaskivuo T, Tapanainen JS, Toppari J, Heikinheimo M, Developmental expression and spermatogenic stage specificity of transcription factors GATA-1 and GATA-4 and their cofactors FOG-1 and FOG-2 in the mouse testis. Eur J Endocrinol. 2002 Sep;147(3):397-406
6J:151488 Kim GH, Samant SA, Earley JU, Svensson EC, Translational control of FOG-2 expression in cardiomyocytes by microRNA-130a. PLoS One. 2009;4(7):e6161
2J:326949 Kirjavainen A, Singh P, Lahti L, Seja P, Lelkes Z, Makkonen A, Kilpinen S, Ono Y, Salminen M, Aitta-Aho T, Stenberg T, Molchanova S, Achim K, Partanen J, Gata2, Nkx2-2 and Skor2 form a transcription factor network regulating development of a midbrain GABAergic neuron subtype with characteristics of REM-sleep regulatory neurons. Development. 2022 Jul 15;149(14):dev200937
1J:205405 Kozhemyakina E, Ionescu A, Lassar AB, GATA6 is a crucial regulator of Shh in the limb bud. PLoS Genet. 2014 Jan;10(1):e1004072
3J:315293 Kumamoto T, Toma K, Gunadi, McKenna WL, Kasukawa T, Katzman S, Chen B, Hanashima C, Foxg1 coordinates the switch from nonradially to radially migrating glutamatergic subtypes in the neocortex through spatiotemporal repression. Cell Rep. 2013 Mar 28;3(3):931-45
1J:141130 Kwan KY, Lam MM, Krsnik Z, Kawasawa YI, Lefebvre V, Sestan N, SOX5 postmitotically regulates migration, postmigratory differentiation, and projections of subplate and deep-layer neocortical neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Oct 14;105(41):16021-6
4J:239986 Lahti L, Haugas M, Tikker L, Airavaara M, Voutilainen MH, Anttila J, Kumar S, Inkinen C, Salminen M, Partanen J, Differentiation and molecular heterogeneity of inhibitory and excitatory neurons associated with midbrain dopaminergic nuclei. Development. 2016 Feb 01;143(3):516-29
1*J:154369 Lanier J, Dykes IM, Nissen S, Eng SR, Turner EE, Brn3a regulates the transition from neurogenesis to terminal differentiation and represses non-neural gene expression in the trigeminal ganglion. Dev Dyn. 2009 Oct 29;238(12):3065-3079
1*J:347585 Leon NY, Le TNU, Garvie A, Wong LH, Bagheri-Fam S, Harley VR, Y chromosome damage underlies testicular abnormalities in ATR-X syndrome. iScience. 2024 May 17;27(5):109629
1J:235635 Leone DP, Heavner WE, Ferenczi EA, Dobreva G, Huguenard JR, Grosschedl R, McConnell SK, Satb2 Regulates the Differentiation of Both Callosal and Subcerebral Projection Neurons in the Developing Cerebral Cortex. Cereb Cortex. 2015 Oct;25(10):3406-19
1J:228600 Li Q, Wang HY, Chepelev I, Zhu Q, Wei G, Zhao K, Wang RF, Stage-dependent and locus-specific role of histone demethylase Jumonji D3 (JMJD3) in the embryonic stages of lung development. PLoS Genet. 2014 Jul;10(7):e1004524
1J:325428 Liu J, Yang M, Su M, Liu B, Zhou K, Sun C, Ba R, Yu B, Zhang B, Zhang Z, Fan W, Wang K, Zhong M, Han J, Zhao C, FOXG1 sequentially orchestrates subtype specification of postmitotic cortical projection neurons. Sci Adv. 2022 May 27;8(21):eabh3568
1J:174607 Lu CC, Appler JM, Houseman EA, Goodrich LV, Developmental profiling of spiral ganglion neurons reveals insights into auditory circuit assembly. J Neurosci. 2011 Jul 27;31(30):10903-18
8*J:55073 Lu JR, McKinsey TA, Xu H, Wang DZ, Richardson JA, Olson EN, FOG-2, a heart- and brain-enriched cofactor for GATA transcription factors. Mol Cell Biol. 1999 Jun;19(6):4495-502
4J:98265 Makita T, Duncan SA, Sucov HM, Retinoic acid, hypoxia, and GATA factors cooperatively control the onset of fetal liver erythropoietin expression and erythropoietic differentiation. Dev Biol. 2005 Apr 1;280(1):59-72
1J:210221 Mandai K, Reimert DV, Ginty DD, Linx mediates interaxonal interactions and formation of the internal capsule. Neuron. 2014 Jul 2;83(1):93-103
1J:143586 Manuylov NL, Smagulova FO, Leach L, Tevosian SG, Ovarian development in mice requires the GATA4-FOG2 transcription complex. Development. 2008 Nov;135(22):3731-43
4*J:173838 Manuylov NL, Zhou B, Ma Q, Fox SC, Pu WT, Tevosian SG, Conditional ablation of Gata4 and Fog2 genes in mice reveals their distinct roles in mammalian sexual differentiation. Dev Biol. 2011 May 15;353(2):229-41
1J:238369 Mihalas AB, Elsen GE, Bedogni F, Daza RA, Ramos-Laguna KA, Arnold SJ, Hevner RF, Intermediate Progenitor Cohorts Differentially Generate Cortical Layers and Require Tbr2 for Timely Acquisition of Neuronal Subtype Identity. Cell Rep. 2016 Jun 28;16(1):92-105
2*J:130227 Millien G, Beane J, Lenburg M, Tsao PN, Lu J, Spira A, Ramirez MI, Characterization of the mid-foregut transcriptome identifies genes regulated during lung bud induction. Gene Expr Patterns. 2008 Jan;8(2):124-39
8J:305279 Morello F, Borshagovski D, Survila M, Tikker L, Sadik-Ogli S, Kirjavainen A, Estartus N, Knaapi L, Lahti L, Toronen P, Mazutis L, Delogu A, Salminen M, Achim K, Partanen J, Molecular Fingerprint and Developmental Regulation of the Tegmental GABAergic and Glutamatergic Neurons Derived from the Anterior Hindbrain. Cell Rep. 2020 Oct 13;33(2):108268
1J:154029 Munger SC, Aylor DL, Syed HA, Magwene PM, Threadgill DW, Capel B, Elucidation of the transcription network governing mammalian sex determination by exploiting strain-specific susceptibility to sex reversal. Genes Dev. 2009 Nov 1;23(21):2521-36
1J:158526 Naillat F, Prunskaite-Hyyrylainen R, Pietila I, Sormunen R, Jokela T, Shan J, Vainio SJ, Wnt4/5a signalling coordinates cell adhesion and entry into meiosis during presumptive ovarian follicle development. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Apr 15;19(8):1539-50
2J:83133 Nemer G, Nemer M, Transcriptional activation of BMP-4 and regulation of mammalian organogenesis by GATA-4 and -6. Dev Biol. 2003 Feb 1;254(1):131-48
1J:220583 Nielsen JV, Thomassen M, Mollgard K, Noraberg J, Jensen NA, Zbtb20 defines a hippocampal neuronal identity through direct repression of genes that control projection neuron development in the isocortex. Cereb Cortex. 2014 May;24(5):1216-29
1*J:326026 Prokopuk L, Jarred EG, Blucher RO, McLaughlin EA, Stringer JM, Western PS, An essential role for Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 in the mouse ovary. Reproduction. 2022 Feb 17;163(3):167-182
1J:242314 Racedo SE, Hasten E, Lin M, Devakanmalai GS, Guo T, Ozbudak EM, Cai CL, Zheng D, Morrow BE, Reduced dosage of beta-catenin provides significant rescue of cardiac outflow tract anomalies in a Tbx1 conditional null mouse model of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. PLoS Genet. 2017 Mar;13(3):e1006687
1J:177263 Rash BG, Lim HD, Breunig JJ, Vaccarino FM, FGF Signaling Expands Embryonic Cortical Surface Area by Regulating Notch-Dependent Neurogenesis. J Neurosci. 2011 Oct 26;31(43):15604-17
1J:182304 Ross SE, McCord AE, Jung C, Atan D, Mok SI, Hemberg M, Kim TK, Salogiannis J, Hu L, Cohen S, Lin Y, Harrar D, McInnes RR, Greenberg ME, Bhlhb5 and Prdm8 form a repressor complex involved in neuronal circuit assembly. Neuron. 2012 Jan 26;73(2):292-303
1J:235958 Rousso DL, Qiao M, Kagan RD, Yamagata M, Palmiter RD, Sanes JR, Two Pairs of ON and OFF Retinal Ganglion Cells Are Defined by Intersectional Patterns of Transcription Factor Expression. Cell Rep. 2016 May 31;15(9):1930-44
1*J:182007 Russell MK, Longoni M, Wells J, Maalouf FI, Tracy AA, Loscertales M, Ackerman KG, Pober BR, Lage K, Bult CJ, Donahoe PK, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia candidate genes derived from embryonic transcriptomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Feb 21;109(8):2978-83
1J:186632 Shim S, Kwan KY, Li M, Lefebvre V, Sestan N, Cis-regulatory control of corticospinal system development and evolution. Nature. 2012 Jun 7;486(7401):74-9
5*J:139183 Smagulova FO, Manuylov NL, Leach LL, Tevosian SG, GATA4/FOG2 transcriptional complex regulates Lhx9 gene expression in murine heart development. BMC Dev Biol. 2008;8:67
1J:63121 Svensson EC, Huggins GS, Lin H, Clendenin C, Jiang F, Tufts R, Dardik FB, Leiden JM, A syndrome of tricuspid atresia in mice with a targeted mutation of the gene encoding Fog-2. Nat Genet. 2000 Jul;25(3):353-6
9*J:53717 Svensson EC, Tufts RL, Polk CE, Leiden JM, Molecular cloning of FOG-2: a modulator of transcription factor GATA-4 in cardiomyocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Feb 2;96(3):956-61
14*J:52532 Tevosian SG, Deconinck AE, Cantor AB, Rieff HI, Fujiwara Y, Corfas G, Orkin SH, FOG-2: A novel GATA-family cofactor related to multitype zinc-finger proteins Friend of GATA-1 and U-shaped. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Feb 2;96(3):950-5
2*J:62879 Tevosian SG, Deconinck AE, Tanaka M, Schinke M, Litovsky SH, Izumo S, Fujiwara Y, Orkin SH, FOG-2, a cofactor for GATA transcription factors, is essential for heart morphogenesis and development of coronary vessels from epicardium. Cell. 2000 Jun 23;101(7):729-39
5*J:215487 Thompson CL, Ng L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee CK, Glattfelder K, Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JL, Wakeman WB, Hohmann J, Dee N, Sodt AJ, Young R, Smith K, Nguyen TN, Kidney J, Kuan L, Jeromin A,Kaykas A, Miller J, Page D, Orta G, Bernard A, Riley Z, Smith S, Wohnoutka P, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L, Jones AR, A high-resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain. Neuron. 2014 Jul 16;83(2):309-23
2J:297100 Tikker L, Casarotto P, Singh P, Biojone C, Piepponen TP, Estartus N, Seelbach A, Sridharan R, Laukkanen L, Castren E, Partanen J, Inactivation of the GATA Cofactor ZFPM1 Results in Abnormal Development of Dorsal Raphe Serotonergic Neuron Subtypes and Increased Anxiety-Like Behavior. J Neurosci. 2020 Nov 4;40(45):8669-8682
1J:306633 Tsyporin J, Tastad D, Ma X, Nehme A, Finn T, Huebner L, Liu G, Gallardo D, Makhamreh A, Roberts JM, Katzman S, Sestan N, McConnell SK, Yang Z, Qiu S, Chen B, Transcriptional repression by FEZF2 restricts alternative identities of cortical projection neurons. Cell Rep. 2021 Jun;35
1J:311813 VanDusen NJ, Casanovas J, Vincentz JW, Firulli BA, Osterwalder M, Lopez-Rios J, Zeller R, Zhou B, Grego-Bessa J, De La Pompa JL, Shou W, Firulli AB, Hand2 is an essential regulator for two Notch-dependent functions within the embryonic endocardium. Cell Rep. 2014 Dec 24;9(6):2071-83
1J:188920 Vijayaraj P, Le Bras A, Mitchell N, Kondo M, Juliao S, Wasserman M, Beeler D, Spokes K, Aird WC, Baldwin HS, Oettgen P, Erg is a crucial regulator of endocardial-mesenchymal transformation during cardiac valve morphogenesis. Development. 2012 Nov;139(21):3973-85
1*J:165754 Watanabe T, Koibuchi N, Chin MT, Transcription factor CHF1/Hey2 regulates coronary vascular maturation. Mech Dev. 2010 Sep-Dec;127(9-12):418-27
1J:227426 Wiegreffe C, Simon R, Peschkes K, Kling C, Strehle M, Cheng J, Srivatsa S, Liu P, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Tarabykin V, Britsch S, Bcl11a (Ctip1) Controls Migration of Cortical Projection Neurons through Regulation of Sema3c. Neuron. 2015 Jul 15;87(2):311-25
1J:235394 Woodworth MB, Greig LC, Liu KX, Ippolito GC, Tucker HO, Macklis JD, Ctip1 Regulates the Balance between Specification of Distinct Projection Neuron Subtypes in Deep Cortical Layers. Cell Rep. 2016 May 3;15(5):999-1012
1J:103437 You LR, Takamoto N, Yu CT, Tanaka T, Kodama T, Demayo FJ, Tsai SY, Tsai MJ, Mouse lacking COUP-TFII as an animal model of Bochdalek-type congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Nov 8;102(45):16351-6
1J:251389 Zakariyah AF, Rajgara RF, Veinot JP, Skerjanc IS, Burgon PG, Congenital heart defect causing mutation in Nkx2.5 displays in vivo functional deficit. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2017 Apr;105:89-98
7J:150452 Zhou B, Ma Q, Kong SW, Hu Y, Campbell PH, McGowan FX, Ackerman KG, Wu B, Zhou B, Tevosian SG, Pu WT, Fog2 is critical for cardiac function and maintenance of coronary vasculature in the adult mouse heart. J Clin Invest. 2009 Jun;119(6):1462-76

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