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Gene Expression Literature Summary
carbonic anhydrase 14

6 matching records from 6 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E3.5 E6.5 E7.5 E14.5 E15.5 P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1
In situ RNA (section) 2 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 2

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Car14  carbonic anhydrase 14   (Synonyms: CA XIV)
Results  Reference
3*J:264256 Bernardo AS, Jouneau A, Marks H, Kensche P, Kobolak J, Freude K, Hall V, Feher A, Polgar Z, Sartori C, Bock I, Louet C, Faial T, Kerstens HHD, Bouissou C, Parsonage G, Mashayekhi K, Smith JC, Lazzari G, Hyttel P, Stunnenberg HG, Huynen M, Pedersen RA, Dinnyes A, Mammalian embryo comparison identifies novel pluripotency genes associated with the naive or primed state. Biol Open. 2018 Aug 17;7(8):bio033282
1*J:125993 Cankaya M, Hernandez AM, Ciftci M, Beydemir S, Ozdemir H, Budak H, Gulcin I, Comakli V, Emircupani T, Ekinci D, Kuzu M, Jiang Q, Eichele G, Kufrevioglu OI, An analysis of expression patterns of genes encoding proteins with catalytic activities. BMC Genomics. 2007;8:232
1J:342643 Oh Y, Kasu M, Bottoms CJ, Douglas JC, Sekulovski N, Hayashi K, MacLean Ii JA, Rhox8 homeobox gene ablation leads to rete testis abnormality and male subfertility in mice. Biol Reprod. 2023 Oct 13;109(4):520-532
1J:216097 Reibring CG, El Shahawy M, Hallberg K, Kannius-Janson M, Nilsson J, Parkkila S, Sly WS, Waheed A, Linde A, Gritli-Linde A, Expression patterns and subcellular localization of carbonic anhydrases are developmentally regulated during tooth formation. PLoS One. 2014;9(5):e96007
1*J:122989 Visel A, Thaller C, Eichele G, GenePaint.org: an atlas of gene expression patterns in the mouse embryo. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 1;32(Database issue):D552-6
3*J:193048 Wu L, Sagong B, Choi JY, Kim UK, Bok J, A systematic survey of carbonic anhydrase mRNA expression during Mammalian inner ear development. Dev Dyn. 2013 Mar;242(3):269-80

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