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Gene Expression Literature Summary
receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 2

14 matching records from 14 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E10.5 E11.5 E12.5 E13.5 E14.5 E17.5 E18.5 E20 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 3 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1
Northern blot 1 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Ramp2  receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 2  
Results  Reference
1*J:87858 Abbott DE, Pritchard C, Clegg NJ, Ferguson C, Dumpit R, Sikes RA, Nelson PS, Expressed sequence tag profiling identifies developmental and anatomic partitioning of gene expression in the mouse prostate. Genome Biol. 2003;4(12):R79
1*J:325730 Ahuja N, Hiltabidle MS, Rajasekhar H, Voss S, Lu SZ, Barlow HR, Cowdin MA, Daniel E, Vaddaraju V, Anandakumar T, Black E, Cleaver O, Maynard C, Endothelial Cyp26b1 restrains murine heart valve growth during development. Dev Biol. 2022 Jun;486:81-95
1*J:121955 Baguma-Nibasheka M, Angka HE, Inanlou MR, Kablar B, Microarray analysis of Myf5-/-:MyoD-/- hypoplastic mouse lungs reveals a profile of genes involved in pneumocyte differentiation. Histol Histopathol. 2007 May;22(5):483-95
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
1J:130930 Fritz-Six KL, Dunworth WP, Li M, Caron KM, Adrenomedullin signaling is necessary for murine lymphatic vascular development. J Clin Invest. 2008 Jan;118(1):40-50
2*J:62792 Husmann K, Sexton PM, Fischer JA, Born W, Mouse receptor-activity-modifying proteins 1, -2 and -3: amino acid sequence, expression and function. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2000 Apr 25;162(1-2):35-43
6J:130931 Ichikawa-Shindo Y, Sakurai T, Kamiyoshi A, Kawate H, Iinuma N, Yoshizawa T, Koyama T, Fukuchi J, Iimuro S, Moriyama N, Kawakami H, Murata T, Kangawa K, Nagai R, Shindo T, The GPCR modulator protein RAMP2 is essential for angiogenesis and vascular integrity. J Clin Invest. 2008 Jan;118(1):29-39
2J:245423 Kadmiel M, Matson BC, Espenschied ST, Lenhart PM, Caron KM, Loss of receptor activity-modifying protein 2 in mice causes placental dysfunction and alters PTH1R regulation. PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0181597
2J:267148 Kechele DO, Dunworth WP, Trincot CE, Wetzel-Strong SE, Li M, Ma H, Liu J, Caron KM, Endothelial Restoration of Receptor Activity-Modifying Protein 2 Is Sufficient to Rescue Lethality, but Survivors Develop Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Hypertension. 2016 Sep;68(3):667-77
2*J:226028 Lewandowski JP, Du F, Zhang S, Powell MB, Falkenstein KN, Ji H, Vokes SA, Spatiotemporal regulation of GLI target genes in the mammalian limb bud. Dev Biol. 2015 Oct 1;406(1):92-103
1*J:198109 Oeschger FM, Wang WZ, Lee S, Garcia-Moreno F, Goffinet AM, Arbones ML, Rakic S, Molnar Z, Gene expression analysis of the embryonic subplate. Cereb Cortex. 2012 Jun;22(6):1343-59
2J:102850 Singh U, Sun T, Shi W, Schulz R, Nuber UA, Varanou A, Hemberger MC, Elliott RW, Ohta H, Wakayama T, Fundele R, Expression and functional analysis of genes deregulated in mouse placental overgrowth models: Car2 and Ncam1. Dev Dyn. 2005 Dec;234(4):1034-45
1J:356615 Wallgard E, Larsson E, He L, Hellstrom M, Armulik A, Nisancioglu MH, Genove G, Lindahl P, Betsholtz C, Identification of a core set of 58 gene transcripts with broad and specific expression in the microvasculature. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2008 Aug;28(8):1469-76
1J:304773 Yvernogeau L, Klaus A, Maas J, Morin-Poulard I, Weijts B, Schulte-Merker S, Berezikov E, Junker JP, Robin C, Multispecies RNA tomography reveals regulators of hematopoietic stem cell birth in the embryonic aorta. Blood. 2020 Aug 13;136(7):831-844

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