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Gene Expression Literature Summary
KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 3

3 matching records from 3 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E1 E2.5 E3.5 E14.5 P
Western blot 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Kansl3  KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 3   (Synonyms: 4632411B12Rik, mKIAA1310)
Results  Reference
4*J:350482 Chander A, Mager J, Loss of KANSL3 leads to defective inner cell mass and early embryonic lethality. Mol Reprod Dev. 2024 May;91(5):e23760
1*J:193641 Nakano Y, Jahan I, Bonde G, Sun X, Hildebrand MS, Engelhardt JF, Smith RJ, Cornell RA, Fritzsch B, Banfi B, A mutation in the Srrm4 gene causes alternative splicing defects and deafness in the Bronx waltzer mouse. PLoS Genet. 2012;8(10):e1002966
2*J:291094 Sheikh BN, Guhathakurta S, Tsang TH, Schwabenland M, Renschler G, Herquel B, Bhardwaj V, Holz H, Stehle T, Bondareva O, Aizarani N, Mossad O, Kretz O, Reichardt W, Chatterjee A, Braun LJ, Thevenon J, Sartelet H, Blank T, Grun D, von Elverfeldt D, Huber TB, Vestweber D, Avilov S, Prinz M, Buescher JM, Akhtar A, Neural metabolic imbalance induced by MOF dysfunction triggers pericyte activation and breakdown of vasculature. Nat Cell Biol. 2020 Jul;22(7):828-841

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