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Gene Expression Literature Summary

93 matching records from 93 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E1 E10.5 E11.5 E12.5 E13.5 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16.5 E17.5 E18.5 E19.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 2 2 6 1 8 1 16 9 10 21 1 31
In situ RNA (section) 4 1 1 1 2
Northern blot 1 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 3 4 10 1 17

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Ghrl  ghrelin   (Synonyms: 2210006E23Rik, Ghr, m46, MTLRP, MTLRPAP)
Results  Reference
5J:338878 Abarinov V, Levine JA, Churchill AJ, Hopwood B, Deiter CS, Guney MA, Wells KL, Schrunk JM, Guo Y, Hammelman J, Gifford DK, Magnuson MA, Wichterle H, Sussel L, Major beta cell-specific functions of NKX2.2 are mediated via the NK2-specific domain. Genes Dev. 2023 Jun 1;37(11-12):490-504
1J:184016 Afelik S, Qu X, Hasrouni E, Bukys MA, Deering T, Nieuwoudt S, Rogers W, Macdonald RJ, Jensen J, Notch-mediated patterning and cell fate allocation of pancreatic progenitor cells. Development. 2012 May;139(10):1744-53
3J:169647 Ait-Lounis A, Bonal C, Seguin-Estevez Q, Schmid CD, Bucher P, Herrera PL, Durand B, Meda P, Reith W, The transcription factor Rfx3 regulates beta-cell differentiation, function, and glucokinase expression. Diabetes. 2010 Jul;59(7):1674-85
3*J:175542 Anderson KR, Singer RA, Balderes DA, Hernandez-Lagunas L, Johnson CW, Artinger KB, Sussel L, The L6 domain tetraspanin Tm4sf4 regulates endocrine pancreas differentiation and directed cell migration. Development. 2011 Aug;138(15):3213-24
3J:156329 Anderson KR, Torres CA, Solomon K, Becker TC, Newgard CB, Wright CV, Hagman J, Sussel L, Cooperative transcriptional regulation of the essential pancreatic islet gene NeuroD1 (beta2) by Nkx2.2 and neurogenin 3. J Biol Chem. 2009 Nov 6;284(45):31236-48
1J:156022 Anderson KR, White P, Kaestner KH, Sussel L, Identification of known and novel pancreas genes expressed downstream of Nkx2.2 during development. BMC Dev Biol. 2009;9:65
2*J:231585 Arnes L, Akerman I, Balderes DA, Ferrer J, Sussel L, betalinc1 encodes a long noncoding RNA that regulates islet beta-cell formation and function. Genes Dev. 2016 Mar 1;30(5):502-7
3J:187468 Arnes L, Leclerc K, Friel JM, Hipkens SB, Magnuson MA, Sussel L, Generation of Nkx2.2:lacZ mice using recombination-mediated cassette exchange technology. Genesis. 2012 Aug;50(8):612-24
2J:240765 Arregi I, Climent M, Iliev D, Strasser J, Gouignard N, Johansson JK, Singh T, Mazur M, Semb H, Artner I, Minichiello L, Pera EM, Retinol Dehydrogenase-10 Regulates Pancreas Organogenesis and Endocrine Cell Differentiation via Paracrine Retinoic Acid Signaling. Endocrinology. 2016 Dec;157(12):4615-4631
1J:260459 Azizoglu DB, Braitsch C, Marciano DK, Cleaver O, Afadin and RhoA control pancreatic endocrine mass via lumen morphogenesis. Genes Dev. 2017 Dec 1;31(23-24):2376-2390
2J:204532 Balderes DA, Magnuson MA, Sussel L, Nkx2.2:Cre knock-in mouse line: A novel tool for pancreas- and CNS-specific gene deletion. Genesis. 2013 Dec;51(12):844-51
1J:291485 Baumann D, Wong A, Akhaphong B, Jo S, Pritchard S, Mohan R, Chung G, Zhang Y, Alejandro EU, Role of nutrient-driven O-GlcNAc-post-translational modification in pancreatic exocrine and endocrine islet development. Development. 2020 Apr 12;147(7):dev186643
1J:333987 Bohuslavova R, Fabriciova V, Lebron-Mora L, Malfatti J, Smolik O, Valihrach L, Benesova S, Zucha D, Berkova Z, Saudek F, Evans SM, Pavlinkova G, ISL1 controls pancreatic alpha cell fate and beta cell maturation. Cell Biosci. 2023 Mar 10;13(1):53
1J:309174 Bohuslavova R, Smolik O, Malfatti J, Berkova Z, Novakova Z, Saudek F, Pavlinkova G, NEUROD1 Is Required for the Early alpha and beta Endocrine Differentiation in the Pancreas. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jun 23;22(13)
2J:268361 Byrnes LE, Wong DM, Subramaniam M, Meyer NP, Gilchrist CL, Knox SM, Tward AD, Ye CJ, Sneddon JB, Lineage dynamics of murine pancreatic development at single-cell resolution. Nat Commun. 2018 Sep 25;9(1):3922
3J:129103 Chao CS, Loomis ZL, Lee JE, Sussel L, Genetic identification of a novel NeuroD1 function in the early differentiation of islet alpha, PP and epsilon cells. Dev Biol. 2007 Dec 15;312(2):523-32
4J:240413 Churchill AJ, Gutierrez GD, Singer RA, Lorberbaum DS, Fischer KA, Sussel L, Genetic evidence that Nkx2.2 acts primarily downstream of Neurog3 in pancreatic endocrine lineage development. Elife. 2017 Jan 10;6:e20010
2J:235909 Conrad E, Dai C, Spaeth J, Guo M, Cyphert HA, Scoville D, Carroll J, Yu WM, Goodrich LV, Harlan DM, Grove KL, Roberts CT Jr, Powers AC, Gu G, Stein R, The MAFB transcription factor impacts islet alpha-cell function in rodents and represents a unique signature of primate islet beta-cells. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Jan 1;310(1):E91-E102
1J:269131 Cortijo C, Gouzi M, Tissir F, Grapin-Botton A, Planar cell polarity controls pancreatic beta cell differentiation and glucose homeostasis. Cell Rep. 2012 Dec 27;2(6):1593-606
1J:160437 Dames P, Puff R, Weise M, Parhofer KG, Goke B, Gotz M, Graw J, Favor J, Lechner A, Relative roles of the different Pax6 domains for pancreatic alpha cell development. BMC Dev Biol. 2010;10:39
1*J:170654 Das P, May CL, Expression analysis of the Islet-1 gene in the developing and adult gastrointestinal tract. Gene Expr Patterns. 2011 Mar-Apr;11(3-4):244-54
1*J:286215 De Angelis MT, Russo F, D'Angelo F, Federico A, Gemei M, Del Vecchio L, Ceccarelli M, De Felice M, Falco G, Novel pancreas organogenesis markers refine the pancreatic differentiation roadmap of embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Rev Rep. 2014 Apr;10(2):269-79
1J:119284 Decker K, Goldman DC, Grasch CL, Sussel L, Gata6 is an important regulator of mouse pancreas development. Dev Biol. 2006 Oct 15;298(2):415-29
1J:153962 Desgraz R, Herrera PL, Pancreatic neurogenin 3-expressing cells are unipotent islet precursors. Development. 2009 Nov;136(21):3567-74
3J:119914 Doyle MJ, Loomis ZL, Sussel L, Nkx2.2-repressor activity is sufficient to specify alpha-cells and a small number of beta-cells in the pancreatic islet. Development. 2007 Feb;134(3):515-23
2J:154416 Du A, Hunter CS, Murray J, Noble D, Cai CL, Evans SM, Stein R, May CL, Islet-1 is required for the maturation, proliferation, and survival of the endocrine pancreas. Diabetes. 2009 Sep;58(9):2059-69
2J:184887 Du A, McCracken KW, Walp ER, Terry NA, Klein TJ, Han A, Wells JM, May CL, Arx is required for normal enteroendocrine cell development in mice and humans. Dev Biol. 2012 May 1;365(1):175-88
1J:141800 Edfalk S, Steneberg P, Edlund H, Gpr40 is expressed in enteroendocrine cells and mediates free fatty acid stimulation of incretin secretion. Diabetes. 2008 Sep;57(9):2280-7
1J:248949 Ejarque M, Mir-Coll J, Gomis R, German MS, Lynn FC, Gasa R, Generation of a Conditional Allele of the Transcription Factor Atonal Homolog 8 (Atoh8). PLoS One. 2016;11(1):e0146273
2J:129665 Fujikura J, Hosoda K, Iwakura H, Tomita T, Noguchi M, Masuzaki H, Tanigaki K, Yabe D, Honjo T, Nakao K, Notch/Rbp-j signaling prevents premature endocrine and ductal cell differentiation in the pancreas. Cell Metab. 2006 Jan;3(1):59-65
2J:112173 Gierl MS, Karoulias N, Wende H, Strehle M, Birchmeier C, The Zinc-finger factor Insm1 (IA-1) is essential for the development of pancreatic beta cells and intestinal endocrine cells. Genes Dev. 2006 Sep 1;20(17):2465-78
1J:157954 Grainger S, Savory JG, Lohnes D, Cdx2 regulates patterning of the intestinal epithelium. Dev Biol. 2010 Mar 1;339(1):155-65
2J:181586 Hald J, Galbo T, Rescan C, Radzikowski L, Sprinkel AE, Heimberg H, Ahnfelt-Ronne J, Jensen J, Scharfmann R, Gradwohl G, Kaestner KH, Stoeckert C Jr, Jensen JN, Madsen OD, Pancreatic islet and progenitor cell surface markers with cell sorting potential. Diabetologia. 2012 Jan;55(1):154-65
1J:94455 Harmon EB, Apelqvist AA, Smart NG, Gu X, Osborne DH, Kim SK, GDF11 modulates NGN3+ islet progenitor cell number and promotes {beta}-cell differentiation in pancreas development. Development. 2004 Dec;131(24):6163-6174
2J:92173 Heller RS, Stoffers DA, Liu A, Schedl A, Crenshaw EB 3rd, Madsen OD, Serup P, The role of Brn4/Pou3f4 and Pax6 in forming the pancreatic glucagon cell identity. Dev Biol. 2004 Apr 1;268(1):123-34
1J:98770 Henseleit KD, Nelson SB, Kuhlbrodt K, Hennings JC, Ericson J, Sander M, NKX6 transcription factor activity is required for {alpha}- and {beta}-cell development in the pancreas. Development. 2005 Jul;132(13):3139-49
1*J:156957 Hill JT, Chao CS, Anderson KR, Kaufman F, Johnson CW, Sussel L, Nkx2.2 activates the ghrelin promoter in pancreatic islet cells. Mol Endocrinol. 2010 Feb;24(2):381-90
1*J:139177 Hoffman BG, Zavaglia B, Witzsche J, Ruiz de Algara T, Beach M, Hoodless PA, Jones SJ, Marra MA, Helgason CD, Identification of transcripts with enriched expression in the developing and adult pancreas. Genome Biol. 2008;9(6):R99
1J:208600 Hunter CS, Dixit S, Cohen T, Ediger B, Wilcox C, Ferreira M, Westphal H, Stein R, May CL, Islet alpha-, beta-, and delta-cell development is controlled by the Ldb1 coregulator, acting primarily with the islet-1 transcription factor. Diabetes. 2013 Mar;62(3):875-86
1J:80672 Jenny M, Uhl C, Roche C, Duluc I, Guillermin V, Guillemot F, Jensen J, Kedinger M, Gradwohl G, Neurogenin3 is differentially required for endocrine cell fate specification in the intestinal and gastric epithelium. EMBO J. 2002 Dec 2;21(23):6338-47
1J:255472 Jimenez-Caliani AJ, Pillich R, Yang W, Diaferia GR, Meda P, Crisa L, Cirulli V, alphaE-Catenin Is a Positive Regulator of Pancreatic Islet Cell Lineage Differentiation. Cell Rep. 2017 Aug 8;20(6):1295-1306
1J:352077 Kane E, Mak TCS, Latreille M, MicroRNA-7 regulates endocrine progenitor delamination and endocrine cell mass in developing pancreatic islets. iScience. 2024 Jul 19;27(7):110332
1J:154990 Kang HS, Kim YS, ZeRuth G, Beak JY, Gerrish K, Kilic G, Sosa-Pineda B, Jensen J, Foley J, Jetten AM, Transcription factor Glis3, a novel critical player in the regulation of pancreatic beta-cell development and insulin gene expression. Mol Cell Biol. 2009 Dec;29(24):6366-79
2J:249276 Kang HS, Takeda Y, Jeon K, Jetten AM, The Spatiotemporal Pattern of Glis3 Expression Indicates a Regulatory Function in Bipotent and Endocrine Progenitors during Early Pancreatic Development and in Beta, PP and Ductal Cells. PLoS One. 2016;11(6):e0157138
2J:227422 Karpova T, Ravichandiran K, Insisienmay L, Rice D, Agbor V, Heckert LL, Steroidogenic factor 1 differentially regulates fetal and adult leydig cell development in male mice. Biol Reprod. 2015 Oct;93(4):83
4*J:83705 Kawamura K, Sato N, Fukuda J, Kodama H, Kumagai J, Tanikawa H, Nakamura A, Honda Y, Sato T, Tanaka T, Ghrelin inhibits the development of mouse preimplantation embryos in vitro. Endocrinology. 2003 Jun;144(6):2623-33
1J:138261 Kokubu H, Ohtsuka T, Kageyama R, Mash1 is required for neuroendocrine cell development in the glandular stomach. Genes Cells. 2008 Jan;13(1):41-51
4J:176201 Kordowich S, Collombat P, Mansouri A, Serup P, Arx and Nkx2.2 compound deficiency redirects pancreatic alpha- and beta-cell differentiation to a somatostatin/ghrelin co-expressing cell lineage. BMC Dev Biol. 2011;11:52
1*J:187631 Kredo-Russo S, Mandelbaum AD, Ness A, Alon I, Lennox KA, Behlke MA, Hornstein E, Pancreas-enriched miRNA refines endocrine cell differentiation. Development. 2012 Aug;139(16):3021-31
1J:96332 Lee CS, Sund NJ, Behr R, Herrera PL, Kaestner KH, Foxa2 is required for the differentiation of pancreatic alpha-cells. Dev Biol. 2005 Feb 15;278(2):484-95
1J:272578 Liu J, Banerjee A, Herring CA, Attalla J, Hu R, Xu Y, Shao Q, Simmons AJ, Dadi PK, Wang S, Jacobson DA, Liu B, Hodges E, Lau KS, Gu G, Neurog3-Independent Methylation Is the Earliest Detectable Mark Distinguishing Pancreatic Progenitor Identity. Dev Cell. 2019 Jan 7;48(1):49-63.e7
2*J:76060 Liu YL, Yakar S, Otero-Corchon V, Low MJ, Liu JL, Ghrelin gene expression is age-dependent and influenced by gender and the level of circulating IGF-I. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2002 Mar 28;189(1-2):97-103
3J:290417 Lorberbaum DS, Kishore S, Rosselot C, Sarbaugh D, Brooks EP, Aragon E, Xuan S, Simon O, Ghosh D, Mendelsohn C, Gadue P, Sussel L, Retinoic acid signaling within pancreatic endocrine progenitors regulates mouse and human beta cell specification. Development. 2020 Jun 22;147(12):dev189977
1*J:132315 Lynn FC, Skewes-Cox P, Kosaka Y, McManus MT, Harfe BD, German MS, MicroRNA expression is required for pancreatic islet cell genesis in the mouse. Diabetes. 2007 Dec;56(12):2938-45
1J:267771 Mamidi A, Prawiro C, Seymour PA, de Lichtenberg KH, Jackson A, Serup P, Semb H, Mechanosignalling via integrins directs fate decisions of pancreatic progenitors. Nature. 2018 Dec;564(7734):114-118
2J:195141 Mastracci TL, Anderson KR, Papizan JB, Sussel L, Regulation of Neurod1 contributes to the lineage potential of Neurogenin3+ endocrine precursor cells in the pancreas. PLoS Genet. 2013 Feb;9(2):e1003278
3J:204869 Mastracci TL, Lin CS, Sussel L, Generation of mice encoding a conditional allele of Nkx2.2. Transgenic Res. 2013 Oct;22(5):965-72
8J:178173 Mastracci TL, Wilcox CL, Arnes L, Panea C, Golden JA, May CL, Sussel L, Nkx2.2 and Arx genetically interact to regulate pancreatic endocrine cell development and endocrine hormone expression. Dev Biol. 2011 Nov 1;359(1):1-11
3J:208967 Mazur MA, Winkler M, Ganic E, Colberg JK, Johansson JK, Bennet H, Fex M, Nuber UA, Artner I, Microphthalmia transcription factor regulates pancreatic beta-cell function. Diabetes. 2013 Aug;62(8):2834-42
4J:183486 Metzger DE, Gasperowicz M, Otto F, Cross JC, Gradwohl G, Zaret KS, The transcriptional co-repressor Grg3/Tle3 promotes pancreatic endocrine progenitor delamination and beta-cell differentiation. Development. 2012 Apr;139(8):1447-56
1J:169013 Miyatsuka T, Kosaka Y, Kim H, German MS, Neurogenin3 inhibits proliferation in endocrine progenitors by inducing Cdkn1a. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jan 4;108(1):185-90
3J:137017 Nekrep N, Wang J, Miyatsuka T, German MS, Signals from the neural crest regulate beta-cell mass in the pancreas. Development. 2008 Jun;135(12):2151-60
1*J:132598 Nishimura W, Rowan S, Salameh T, Maas RL, Bonner-Weir S, Sell SM, Sharma A, Preferential reduction of beta cells derived from Pax6-MafB pathway in MafB deficient mice. Dev Biol. 2008 Feb 15;314(2):443-56
1J:167091 Nyeng P, Bjerke MA, Norgaard GA, Qu X, Kobberup S, Jensen J, Fibroblast growth factor 10 represses premature cell differentiation during establishment of the intestinal progenitor niche. Dev Biol. 2011 Jan 1;349(1):20-34
1J:134393 Nyeng P, Norgaard GA, Kobberup S, Jensen J, FGF10 signaling controls stomach morphogenesis. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 1;303(1):295-310
1J:191410 Ohta Y, Kosaka Y, Kishimoto N, Wang J, Smith SB, Honig G, Kim H, Gasa RM, Neubauer N, Liou A, Tecott LH, Deneris ES, German MS, Convergence of the insulin and serotonin programs in the pancreatic beta-cell. Diabetes. 2011 Dec;60(12):3208-16
1J:306470 Osipovich AB, Dudek KD, Greenfest-Allen E, Cartailler JP, Manduchi E, Potter Case L, Choi E, Chapman AG, Clayton HW, Gu G, Stoeckert CJ Jr, Magnuson MA, A developmental lineage-based gene co-expression network for mouse pancreatic beta-cells reveals a role for Zfp800 in pancreas development. Development. 2021 Mar 21;148(6):dev196964
1*J:309372 Padgett LR, Robertson MA, Anderson-Baucum EK, Connors CT, Wu W, Mirmira RG, Mastracci TL, Deoxyhypusine synthase, an essential enzyme for hypusine biosynthesis, is required for proper exocrine pancreas development. FASEB J. 2021 May;35(5):e21473
1J:246400 Paul L, Walker EM, Drosos Y, Cyphert HA, Neale G, Stein R, South J, Grosveld G, Herrera PL, Sosa-Pineda B, Lack of Prox1 Downregulation Disrupts the Expansion and Maturation of Postnatal Murine beta-Cells. Diabetes. 2016 Mar;65(3):687-98
2J:292845 Piccand J, Vagne C, Blot F, Meunier A, Beucher A, Strasser P, Lund ML, Ghimire S, Nivlet L, Lapp C, Petersen N, Engelstoft MS, Thibault-Carpentier C, Keime C, Correa SJ, Schreiber V, Molina N, Schwartz TW, De Arcangelis A, Gradwohl G, Rfx6 promotes the differentiation of peptide-secreting enteroendocrine cells while repressing genetic programs controlling serotonin production. Mol Metab. 2019 Nov;29:24-39
1J:168019 Plank JL, Mundell NA, Frist AY, LeGrone AW, Kim T, Musser MA, Walter TJ, Labosky PA, Influence and timing of arrival of murine neural crest on pancreatic beta cell development and maturation. Dev Biol. 2011 Jan 15;349(2):321-30
8J:88639 Prado CL, Pugh-Bernard AE, Elghazi L, Sosa-Pineda B, Sussel L, Ghrelin cells replace insulin-producing beta cells in two mouse models of pancreas development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Mar 2;101(9):2924-9
1J:251520 Pujadas G, Cervantes S, Tutusaus A, Ejarque M, Sanchez L, Garcia A, Esteban Y, Fargas L, Alsina B, Hartmann C, Gomis R, Gasa R, Wnt9a deficiency discloses a repressive role of Tcf7l2 on endocrine differentiation in the embryonic pancreas. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 14;6:19223
1*J:246476 Raum JC, Soleimanpour SA, Groff DN, Core N, Fasano L, Garratt AN, Dai C, Powers AC, Stoffers DA, Tshz1 Regulates Pancreatic beta-Cell Maturation. Diabetes. 2015 Aug;64(8):2905-14
1J:271120 Scavuzzo MA, Chmielowiec J, Yang D, Wamble K, Chaboub LS, Duraine L, Tepe B, Glasgow SM, Arenkiel BR, Brou C, Deneen B, Borowiak M, Pancreatic Cell Fate Determination Relies on Notch Ligand Trafficking by NFIA. Cell Rep. 2018 Dec 26;25(13):3811-3827.e7
1J:141017 Seymour PA, Freude KK, Dubois CL, Shih HP, Patel NA, Sander M, A dosage-dependent requirement for Sox9 in pancreatic endocrine cell formation. Dev Biol. 2008 Nov 1;323(1):19-30
1J:242899 Sinagoga KL, Stone WJ, Schiesser JV, Schweitzer JI, Sampson L, Zheng Y, Wells JM, Distinct roles for the mTOR pathway in postnatal morphogenesis, maturation and function of pancreatic islets. Development. 2017 Jul 01;144(13):2402-2414
2J:156925 Smith SB, Qu HQ, Taleb N, Kishimoto NY, Scheel DW, Lu Y, Patch AM, Grabs R, Wang J, Lynn FC, Miyatsuka T, Mitchell J, Seerke R, Desir J, Eijnden SV, Abramowicz M, Kacet N, Weill J, Renard ME, Gentile M, Hansen I, Dewar K, Hattersley AT, Wang R, Wilson ME, Johnson JD, Polychronakos C, German MS, Rfx6 directs islet formation and insulin production in mice and humans. Nature. 2010 Feb 11;463(7282):775-80
1J:205763 Suissa Y, Magenheim J, Stolovich-Rain M, Hija A, Collombat P, Mansouri A, Sussel L, Sosa-Pineda B, McCracken K, Wells JM, Heller RS, Dor Y, Glaser B, Gastrin: a distinct fate of neurogenin3 positive progenitor cells in the embryonic pancreas. PLoS One. 2013;8(8):e70397
3J:147764 Svensson P, Bergqvist I, Norlin S, Edlund H, MFng is dispensable for mouse pancreas development and function. Mol Cell Biol. 2009 Apr;29(8):2129-38
1J:307817 Theis A, Singer RA, Garofalo D, Paul A, Narayana A, Sussel L, Groucho co-repressor proteins regulate beta cell development and proliferation by repressing Foxa1 in the developing mouse pancreas. Development. 2021 Mar 24;148(6):dev192401
1J:164654 Valtat B, Dupuis C, Zenaty D, Singh-Estivalet A, Tronche F, Breant B, Blondeau B, Genetic evidence of the programming of beta cell mass and function by glucocorticoids in mice. Diabetologia. 2011 Feb;54(2):350-9
1J:121610 Vanhorenbeeck V, Jenny M, Cornut JF, Gradwohl G, Lemaigre FP, Rousseau GG, Jacquemin P, Role of the Onecut transcription factors in pancreas morphogenesis and in pancreatic and enteric endocrine differentiation. Dev Biol. 2007 May 15;305(2):685-94
1J:292264 Vinckier NK, Patel NA, Geusz RJ, Wang A, Wang J, Matta I, Harrington AR, Wortham M, Wetton N, Wang J, Jhala US, Rosenfeld MG, Benner CW, Shih HP, Sander M, LSD1-mediated enhancer silencing attenuates retinoic acid signalling during pancreatic endocrine cell development. Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 29;11(1):2082
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5J:130423 Wang Q, Elghazi L, Martin S, Martins I, Srinivasan RS, Geng X, Sleeman M, Collombat P, Houghton J, Sosa-Pineda B, Ghrelin is a novel target of Pax4 in endocrine progenitors of the pancreas and duodenum. Dev Dyn. 2008 Jan;237(1):51-61
1J:145575 Wang YC, Gallego-Arteche E, Iezza G, Yuan X, Matli MR, Choo SP, Zuraek MB, Gogia R, Lynn FC, German MS, Bergsland EK, Donner DB, Warren RS, Nakakura EK, Homeodomain transcription factor NKX2.2 functions in immature cells to control enteroendocrine differentiation and is expressed in gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2009 Mar;16(1):267-279
1J:183127 Westmoreland JJ, Kilic G, Sartain C, Sirma S, Blain J, Rehg J, Harvey N, Sosa-Pineda B, Pancreas-specific deletion of prox1 affects development and disrupts homeostasis of the exocrine pancreas. Gastroenterology. 2012 Apr;142(4):999-1009.e6
2J:209317 Wilcox CL, Terry NA, May CL, Arx polyalanine expansion in mice leads to reduced pancreatic alpha-cell specification and increased alpha-cell death. PLoS One. 2013;8(11):e78741
3J:220744 Xu EE, Krentz NA, Tan S, Chow SZ, Tang M, Nian C, Lynn FC, SOX4 cooperates with neurogenin 3 to regulate endocrine pancreas formation in mouse models. Diabetologia. 2015 May;58(5):1013-23
2J:177082 Yang Y, Chang BH, Yechoor V, Chen W, Li L, Tsai MJ, Chan L, The Kruppel-like zinc finger protein GLIS3 transactivates neurogenin 3 for proper fetal pancreatic islet differentiation in mice. Diabetologia. 2011 Oct;54(10):2595-605
1J:280702 Yung T, Poon F, Liang M, Coquenlorge S, McGaugh EC, Hui CC, Wilson MD, Nostro MC, Kim TH, Sufu- and Spop-mediated downregulation of Hedgehog signaling promotes beta cell differentiation through organ-specific niche signals. Nat Commun. 2019 Oct 11;10(1):4647
1J:336753 Zinina VV, Sauer M, Nigmatullina L, Kreim N, Soshnikova N, TCF7L1 Controls the Differentiation of Tuft Cells in Mouse Small Intestine. Cells. 2023 May 23;12(11)

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