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Gene Expression Literature Summary
tubulin, gamma 2

170 matching records from 170 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E3.5 E5.5 E6.5 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 1 2 3 1 14 1 16 2 19 2 18 2 15 3 23 4 9 1 3 8 14 10 29
In situ RNA (section) 1
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 15
Western blot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Tubg2  tubulin, gamma 2   (Synonyms: Tubgl)
Results  Reference
1J:278544 Abdelhamed ZA, Abdelmottaleb DI, El-Asrag ME, Natarajan S, Wheway G, Inglehearn CF, Toomes C, Johnson CA, The ciliary Frizzled-like receptor Tmem67 regulates canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signalling in the developing cerebellum via Hoxb5. Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 1;9(1):5446
1*J:223384 Abdelhamed ZA, Natarajan S, Wheway G, Inglehearn CF, Toomes C, Johnson CA, Jagger DJ, The Meckel-Gruber syndrome protein TMEM67 controls basal body positioning and epithelial branching morphogenesis in mice via the non-canonical Wnt pathway. Dis Model Mech. 2015 Jun;8(6):527-41
2J:193837 Abdelhamed ZA, Wheway G, Szymanska K, Natarajan S, Toomes C, Inglehearn C, Johnson CA, Variable expressivity of ciliopathy neurological phenotypes that encompass Meckel-Gruber syndrome and Joubert syndrome is caused by complex de-regulated ciliogenesis, Shh and Wnt signalling defects. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Apr 1;22(7):1358-72
1J:255486 Agbu SO, Liang Y, Liu A, Anderson KV, The small GTPase RSG1 controls a final step in primary cilia initiation. J Cell Biol. 2018 Jan 2;217(1):413-427
1J:182741 Alten L, Schuster-Gossler K, Beckers A, Groos S, Ulmer B, Hegermann J, Ochs M, Gossler A, Differential regulation of node formation, nodal ciliogenesis and cilia positioning by Noto and Foxj1. Development. 2012 Apr;139(7):1276-84
1*J:230806 Arbi M, Pefani DE, Kyrousi C, Lalioti ME, Kalogeropoulou A, Papanastasiou AD, Taraviras S, Lygerou Z, GemC1 controls multiciliogenesis in the airway epithelium. EMBO Rep. 2016 Mar;17(3):400-13
4J:177950 Bakircioglu M, Carvalho OP, Khurshid M, Cox JJ, Tuysuz B, Barak T, Yilmaz S, Caglayan O, Dincer A, Nicholas AK, Quarrell O, Springell K, Karbani G, Malik S, Gannon C, Sheridan E, Crosier M, Lisgo SN, Lindsay S, Bilguvar K, Gergely F, Gunel M, Woods CG, The essential role of centrosomal NDE1 in human cerebral cortex neurogenesis. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 May 13;88(5):523-35
3J:175541 Bangs F, Antonio N, Thongnuek P, Welten M, Davey MG, Briscoe J, Tickle C, Generation of mice with functional inactivation of talpid3, a gene first identified in chicken. Development. 2011 Aug;138(15):3261-72
3J:208632 Bazzi H, Anderson KV, Acentriolar mitosis activates a p53-dependent apoptosis pathway in the mouse embryo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Apr 15;111(15):E1491-500
1*J:323868 Bellchambers HM, Ware SM, Loss of Zic3 impairs planar cell polarity leading to abnormal left-right signaling, heart defects and neural tube defects. Hum Mol Genet. 2021 Nov 30;30(24):2402-2415
2J:284524 Bendriem RM, Singh S, Aleem AA, Antonetti DA, Ross ME, Tight junction protein occludin regulates progenitor Self-Renewal and survival in developing cortex. Elife. 2019 Dec 3;8:e49376
2J:171429 Besse L, Neti M, Anselme I, Gerhardt C, Ruther U, Laclef C, Schneider-Maunoury S, Primary cilia control telencephalic patterning and morphogenesis via Gli3 proteolytic processing. Development. 2011 May;138(10):2079-88
1*J:259558 Bhattacharyya S, Rainey MA, Arya P, Dutta S, George M, Storck MD, McComb RD, Muirhead D, Todd GL, Gould K, Datta K, Gelineau-van Waes J, Band V, Band H, Endocytic recycling protein EHD1 regulates primary cilia morphogenesis and SHH signaling during neural tube development. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 17;6:20727
1*J:317479 Bizzotto S, Uzquiano A, Dingli F, Ershov D, Houllier A, Arras G, Richards M, Loew D, Minc N, Croquelois A, Houdusse A, Francis F, Eml1 loss impairs apical progenitor spindle length and soma shape in the developing cerebral cortex. Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 11;7(1):17308
2J:169219 Blitzer AL, Panagis L, Gusella GL, Danias J, Mlodzik M, Iomini C, Primary cilia dynamics instruct tissue patterning and repair of corneal endothelium. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Feb 15;108(7):2819-24
1J:200759 Bok J, Zenczak C, Hwang CH, Wu DK, Auditory ganglion source of Sonic hedgehog regulates timing of cell cycle exit and differentiation of mammalian cochlear hair cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Aug 20;110(34):13869-74
2J:212241 Boutin C, Labedan P, Dimidschstein J, Richard F, Cremer H, Andre P, Yang Y, Montcouquiol M, Goffinet AM, Tissir F, A dual role for planar cell polarity genes in ciliated cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Jul 29;111(30):E3129-38
1J:269515 Bowie E, Norris R, Anderson KV, Goetz SC, Spinocerebellar ataxia type 11-associated alleles of Ttbk2 dominantly interfere with ciliogenesis and cilium stability. PLoS Genet. 2018 Dec;14(12):e1007844
1J:139130 Breunig JJ, Sarkisian MR, Arellano JI, Morozov YM, Ayoub AE, Sojitra S, Wang B, Flavell RA, Rakic P, Town T, Primary cilia regulate hippocampal neurogenesis by mediating sonic hedgehog signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Sep 2;105(35):13127-32
1J:240157 Breuss M, Fritz T, Gstrein T, Chan K, Ushakova L, Yu N, Vonberg FW, Werner B, Elling U, Keays DA, Mutations in the murine homologue of TUBB5 cause microcephaly by perturbing cell cycle progression and inducing p53-associated apoptosis. Development. 2016 Apr 01;143(7):1126-33
2J:308860 Burns TA, Deepe RN, Bullard J, Phelps AL, Toomer KA, Hiriart E, Norris RA, Haycraft CJ, Wessels A, A Novel Mouse Model for Cilia-Associated Cardiovascular Anomalies with a High Penetrance of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2019 Jan;302(1):136-145
1J:164695 Bush JR, Wevrick R, Loss of Necdin impairs myosin activation and delays cell polarization. Genesis. 2010 Sep;48(9):540-53
1*J:343451 Camblor-Perujo S, Ozer Yildiz E, Kupper H, Overhoff M, Rastogi S, Bazzi H, Kononenko NL, The AP-2 complex interacts with gamma-TuRC and regulates the proliferative capacity of neural progenitors. Life Sci Alliance. 2024 Feb;7(2)
1J:182748 Chacon-Heszele MF, Ren D, Reynolds AB, Chi F, Chen P, Regulation of cochlear convergent extension by the vertebrate planar cell polarity pathway is dependent on p120-catenin. Development. 2012 Mar;139(5):968-78
1J:132152 Chamberlain CE, Jeong J, Guo C, Allen BL, McMahon AP, Notochord-derived Shh concentrates in close association with the apically positioned basal body in neural target cells and forms a dynamic gradient during neural patterning. Development. 2008 Mar;135(6):1097-106
1J:96354 Chang CC, Ma Y, Jacobs S, Tian XC, Yang X, Rasmussen TP, A maternal store of macroH2A is removed from pronuclei prior to onset of somatic macroH2A expression in preimplantation embryos. Dev Biol. 2005 Feb 15;278(2):367-80
1*J:308674 Chang CF, Brown KM, Yang Y, Brugmann SA, Centriolar Protein C2cd3 Is Required for Craniofacial Development. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:647391
1J:222441 Chang R, Petersen JR, Niswander LA, Liu A, A hypomorphic allele reveals an important role of inturned in mouse skeletal development. Dev Dyn. 2015 Jun;244(6):736-47
1J:211665 Chaya T, Omori Y, Kuwahara R, Furukawa T, ICK is essential for cell type-specific ciliogenesis and the regulation of ciliary transport. EMBO J. 2014 Jun 2;33(11):1227-42
1J:226309 Chen CT, Hehnly H, Yu Q, Farkas D, Zheng G, Redick SD, Hung HF, Samtani R, Jurczyk A, Akbarian S, Wise C, Jackson A, Bober M, Guo Y, Lo C, Doxsey S, A unique set of centrosome proteins requires pericentrin for spindle-pole localization and spindle orientation. Curr Biol. 2014 Oct 6;24(19):2327-34
2J:218613 Chen J, Laclef C, Moncayo A, Snedecor ER, Yang N, Li L, Takemaru K, Paus R, Schneider-Maunoury S, Clark RA, The ciliopathy gene rpgrip1l is essential for hair follicle development. J Invest Dermatol. 2015 Mar;135(3):701-9
1J:224504 Chen JF, Zhang Y, Wilde J, Hansen KC, Lai F, Niswander L, Microcephaly disease gene Wdr62 regulates mitotic progression of embryonic neural stem cells and brain size. Nat Commun. 2014;5:3885
2J:175551 Chilov D, Sinjushina N, Rita H, Taketo MM, Makela TP, Partanen J, Phosphorylated beta-catenin localizes to centrosomes of neuronal progenitors and is required for cell polarity and neurogenesis in developing midbrain. Dev Biol. 2011 Sep 1;357(1):259-68
1J:272423 Choi YJ, Laclef C, Yang N, Andreu-Cervera A, Lewis J, Mao X, Li L, Snedecor ER, Takemaru KI, Qin C, Schneider-Maunoury S, Shroyer KR, Hannun YA, Koch PJ, Clark RA, Payne AS, Kowalczyk AP, Chen J, RPGRIP1L is required for stabilizing epidermal keratinocyte adhesion through regulating desmoglein endocytosis. PLoS Genet. 2019 Jan;15(1):e1007914
1J:186552 Christopher KJ, Wang B, Kong Y, Weatherbee SD, Forward genetics uncovers Transmembrane protein 107 as a novel factor required for ciliogenesis and Sonic hedgehog signaling. Dev Biol. 2012 Aug 15;368(2):382-92
1J:255775 Connell M, Chen H, Jiang J, Kuan CW, Fotovati A, Chu TL, He Z, Lengyell TC, Li H, Kroll T, Li AM, Goldowitz D, Frappart L, Ploubidou A, Patel MS, Pilarski LM, Simpson EM, Lange PF, Allan DW, Maxwell CA, HMMR acts in the PLK1-dependent spindle positioning pathway and supports neural development. Elife. 2017 Oct 10;6:e28672
1J:167534 Cui C, Chatterjee B, Francis D, Yu Q, SanAgustin JT, Francis R, Tansey T, Henry C, Wang B, Lemley B, Pazour GJ, Lo CW, Disruption of Mks1 localization to the mother centriole causes cilia defects and developmental malformations in Meckel-Gruber syndrome. Dis Model Mech. 2011 Jan;4(1):43-56
1J:309354 Cyge B, Voronina V, Hoque M, Kim EN, Hall J, Bailey-Lundberg JM, Pazour GJ, Crawford HC, Moon RT, Li FQ, Takemaru KI, Loss of the ciliary protein Chibby1 in mice leads to exocrine pancreatic degeneration and pancreatitis. Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 26;11(1):17220
1J:195725 D'Angelo A, De Angelis A, Avallone B, Piscopo I, Tammaro R, Studer M, Franco B, Ofd1 controls dorso-ventral patterning and axoneme elongation during embryonic brain development. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52937
2J:205544 Dai D, Li L, Huebner A, Zeng H, Guevara E, Claypool DJ, Liu A, Chen J, Planar cell polarity effector gene Intu regulates cell fate-specific differentiation of keratinocytes through the primary cilia. Cell Death Differ. 2013 Jan;20(1):130-8
1J:223340 Damerla RR, Cui C, Gabriel GC, Liu X, Craige B, Gibbs BC, Francis R, Li Y, Chatterjee B, San Agustin JT, Eguether T, Subramanian R, Witman GB, Michaud JL, Pazour GJ, Lo CW, Novel Jbts17 mutant mouse model of Joubert syndrome with cilia transition zone defects and cerebellar and other ciliopathy related anomalies. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Jul 15;24(14):3994-4005
1J:326549 Dang H, Martin-Villalba A, Schiebel E, Centrosome linker protein C-Nap1 maintains stem cells in mouse testes. EMBO Rep. 2022 Jul 5;23(7):e53805
1J:228347 Daviaud N, Chen K, Huang Y, Friedel RH, Zou H, Impaired cortical neurogenesis in plexin-B1 and -B2 double deletion mutant. Dev Neurobiol. 2016 Aug;76(8):882-99
2*J:348695 David L, Martinez L, Xi Q, Kooshesh KA, Zhang Y, Shah JV, Maas RL, Wu H, Piezo mechanosensory channels regulate centrosome integrity and mitotic entry. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Jan 3;120(1):e2213846120
1J:310888 Di Domenico M, Jokwitz M, Witke W, Pilo Boyl P, Specificity and Redundancy of Profilin 1 and 2 Function in Brain Development and Neuronal Structure. Cells. 2021 Sep 3;10(9)
1*J:153498 Diez-Roux G, Banfi S, Sultan M, Geffers L, Anand S, Rozado D, Magen A, Canidio E, Pagani M, Peluso I, Lin-Marq N, Koch M, Bilio M, Cantiello I, Verde R, De Masi C, Bianchi SA, Cicchini J, Perroud E, Mehmeti S, Dagand E, Schrinner S, Nurnberger A, SchmidtK, Metz K, Zwingmann C, Brieske N, Springer C, Hernandez AM, Herzog S, Grabbe F, Sieverding C, Fischer B, Schrader K, Brockmeyer M, Dettmer S, Helbig C, Alunni V, Battaini MA, Mura C, Henrichsen CN, Garcia-Lopez R, Echevarria D, Puelles E, et al., A high-resolution anatomical atlas of the transcriptome in the mouse embryo. PLoS Biol. 2011;9(1):e1000582
1*J:284772 DiStasio A, Paulding D, Chaturvedi P, Stottmann RW, Nubp2 is required for cranial neural crest survival in the mouse. Dev Biol. 2020 Feb 15;458(2):189-199
1*J:178421 Dowdle WE, Robinson JF, Kneist A, Sirerol-Piquer MS, Frints SG, Corbit KC, Zaghloul NA, van Lijnschoten G, Mulders L, Verver DE, Zerres K, Reed RR, Attie-Bitach T, Johnson CA, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Katsanis N, Bergmann C, Reiter JF, Disruption of a ciliary B9 protein complex causes Meckel syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Jul 15;89(1):94-110
1J:274335 Draganova K, Zemke M, Zurkirchen L, Valenta T, Cantu C, Okoniewski M, Schmid MT, Hoffmans R, Gotz M, Basler K, Sommer L, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling regulates sequential fate decisions of murine cortical precursor cells. Stem Cells. 2015 Jan;33(1):170-82
1J:309675 Elias S, Thion MS, Yu H, Sousa CM, Lasgi C, Morin X, Humbert S, Huntingtin regulates mammary stem cell division and differentiation. Stem Cell Reports. 2014 Apr 8;2(4):491-506
1J:256059 Falk S, Bugeon S, Ninkovic J, Pilz GA, Postiglione MP, Cremer H, Knoblich JA, Gotz M, Time-Specific Effects of Spindle Positioning on Embryonic Progenitor Pool Composition and Adult Neural Stem Cell Seeding. Neuron. 2017 Feb 22;93(4):777-791.e3
1*J:238636 Fededa JP, Esk C, Mierzwa B, Stanyte R, Yuan S, Zheng H, Ebnet K, Yan W, Knoblich JA, Gerlich DW, MicroRNA-34/449 controls mitotic spindle orientation during mammalian cortex development. EMBO J. 2016 Nov 15;35(22):2386-2398
2J:227002 Ferron SR, Radford EJ, Domingo-Muelas A, Kleine I, Ramme A, Gray D, Sandovici I, Constancia M, Ward A, Menheniott TR, Ferguson-Smith AC, Differential genomic imprinting regulates paracrine and autocrine roles of IGF2 in mouse adult neurogenesis. Nat Commun. 2015;6:8265
2*J:111698 Fish JL, Kosodo Y, Enard W, Paabo S, Huttner WB, Aspm specifically maintains symmetric proliferative divisions of neuroepithelial cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Jul 5;103(27):10438-43
1J:345876 Fitzsimons LA, Tasouri E, Willaredt MA, Stetson D, Gojak C, Kirsch J, Gardner HAR, Gorgas K, Tucker KL, Primary cilia are critical for tracheoesophageal septation. Dev Dyn. 2024 Mar;253(3):312-332
1J:142875 Follit JA, San Agustin JT, Xu F, Jonassen JA, Samtani R, Lo CW, Pazour GJ, The Golgin GMAP210/TRIP11 anchors IFT20 to the Golgi complex. PLoS Genet. 2008 Dec;4(12):e1000315
1J:343606 Francis RJB, San Agustin JT, Szabo Rogers HL, Cui C, Jonassen JA, Eguether T, Follit JA, Lo CW, Pazour GJ, Autonomous and non-cell autonomous role of cilia in structural birth defects in mice. PLoS Biol. 2023 Dec;21(12):e3002425
2J:269420 Franz H, Villarreal A, Heidrich S, Videm P, Kilpert F, Mestres I, Calegari F, Backofen R, Manke T, Vogel T, DOT1L promotes progenitor proliferation and primes neuronal layer identity in the developing cerebral cortex. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jan 10;47(1):168-183
2J:206576 Fukuda T, Kominami K, Wang S, Togashi H, Hirata K, Mizoguchi A, Rikitake Y, Takai Y, Aberrant cochlear hair cell attachments caused by Nectin-3 deficiency result in hair bundle abnormalities. Development. 2014 Jan;141(2):399-409
1J:360819 Gabriel GC, Yagi H, Tan T, Bais A, Glennon BJ, Stapleton MC, Huang L, Reynolds WT, Shaffer MG, Ganapathiraju M, Simon D, Panigrahy A, Wu YL, Lo CW, Mitotic block and epigenetic repression underlie neurodevelopmental defects and neurobehavioral deficits in congenital heart disease. Nat Commun. 2025 Jan 7;16(1):469
1*J:236076 Gai M, Bianchi FT, Vagnoni C, Verni F, Bonaccorsi S, Pasquero S, Berto GE, Sgro F, Chiotto AM, Annaratone L, Sapino A, Bergo A, Landsberger N, Bond J, Huttner WB, Di Cunto F, ASPM and CITK regulate spindle orientation by affecting the dynamics of astral microtubules. EMBO Rep. 2016 Oct;17(10):1396-1409
4J:228881 Gazea M, Tasouri E, Tolve M, Bosch V, Kabanova A, Gojak C, Kurtulmus B, Novikov O, Spatz J, Pereira G, Hubner W, Brodski C, Tucker KL, Blaess S, Primary cilia are critical for Sonic hedgehog-mediated dopaminergic neurogenesis in the embryonic midbrain. Dev Biol. 2016 Jan 1;409(1):55-71
2J:199499 Gerhardt C, Lier JM, Kuschel S, Ruther U, The ciliary protein Ftm is required for ventricular wall and septal development. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e57545
1J:246522 Goetz SC, Bangs F, Barrington CL, Katsanis N, Anderson KV, The Meckel syndrome- associated protein MKS1 functionally interacts with components of the BBSome and IFT complexes to mediate ciliary trafficking and hedgehog signaling. PLoS One. 2017;12(3):e0173399
1J:310617 Gonzalez-Martinez J, Cwetsch AW, Martinez-Alonso D, Lopez-Sainz LR, Almagro J, Melati A, Gomez J, Perez-Martinez M, Megias D, Boskovic J, Gilabert-Juan J, Grana-Castro O, Pierani A, Behrens A, Ortega S, Malumbres M, Deficient adaptation to centrosome duplication defects in neural progenitors causes microcephaly and subcortical heterotopias. JCI Insight. 2021 Aug 23;6(16)
1*J:163866 Goto M, O'Brien DA, Eddy EM, Speriolin is a novel human and mouse sperm centrosome protein. Hum Reprod. 2010 Aug;25(8):1884-94
1J:220469 Grego-Bessa J, Hildebrand J, Anderson KV, Morphogenesis of the mouse neural plate depends on distinct roles of cofilin 1 in apical and basal epithelial domains. Development. 2015 Apr 1;142(7):1305-14
1J:178336 Grosse AS, Pressprich MF, Curley LB, Hamilton KL, Margolis B, Hildebrand JD, Gumucio DL, Cell dynamics in fetal intestinal epithelium: implications for intestinal growth and morphogenesis. Development. 2011 Oct;138(20):4423-32
1J:242967 Gu B, Lambert JP, Cockburn K, Gingras AC, Rossant J, AIRE is a critical spindle-associated protein in embryonic stem cells. Elife. 2017 Jul 25;6:e28131
2J:311537 Guo L, Beck T, Fulmer D, Ramos-Ortiz S, Glover J, Wang C, Moore K, Gensemer C, Morningstar J, Moore R, Schott JJ, Le Tourneau T, Koren N, Norris RA, DZIP1 regulates mammalian cardiac valve development through a Cby1-beta-catenin mechanism. Dev Dyn. 2021 Oct;250(10):1432-1449
1J:251433 Ha T, Moon KH, Dai L, Hatakeyama J, Yoon K, Park HS, Kong YY, Shimamura K, Kim JW, The Retinal Pigment Epithelium Is a Notch Signaling Niche in the Mouse Retina. Cell Rep. 2017 Apr 11;19(2):351-363
2*J:324299 Hamada N, Noda M, Ito H, Iwamoto I, Nagata KI, Expression Analyses of Cep152, a Responsible Gene Product for Autosomal Recessive Primary Microcephaly, during Mouse Brain Development. Dev Neurosci. 2022;44(3):162-170
1J:133208 Hammerle B, Elizalde C, Tejedor FJ, The spatio-temporal and subcellular expression of the candidate Down syndrome gene Mnb/Dyrk1A in the developing mouse brain suggests distinct sequential roles in neuronal development. Eur J Neurosci. 2008 Mar;27(5):1061-74
1J:333012 Han X, Shen X, Wang M, Wang X, Jian Y, Yang C, Guo W, Loss of RNA-Binding Protein HuR Leads to Defective Ependymal Cells and Hydrocephalus. J Neurosci. 2022 Jan 12;42(2):202-219
1J:306386 Han X, Wei Y, Wu X, Gao J, Yang Z, Zhao C, PDK1 Regulates Transition Period of Apical Progenitors to Basal Progenitors by Controlling Asymmetric Cell Division. Cereb Cortex. 2020 Jan 10;30(1):406-420
1J:258793 Hayakawa-Yano Y, Suyama S, Nogami M, Yugami M, Koya I, Furukawa T, Zhou L, Abe M, Sakimura K, Takebayashi H, Nakanishi A, Okano H, Yano M, An RNA-binding protein, Qki5, regulates embryonic neural stem cells through pre-mRNA processing in cell adhesion signaling. Genes Dev. 2017 Sep 15;31(18):1910-1925
1J:255415 He M, Ye W, Wang WJ, Sison ES, Jan YN, Jan LY, Cytoplasmic Cl(-) couples membrane remodeling to epithelial morphogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Dec 26;114(52):E11161-E11169
1J:343284 Helmer P, Vallee RB, A two-kinesin mechanism controls neurogenesis in the developing brain. Commun Biol. 2023 Dec 1;6(1):1219
1J:319546 Herranz-Perez V, Nakatani J, Ishii M, Katada T, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Ohata S, Ependymoma associated protein Zfta is expressed in immature ependymal cells but is not essential for ependymal development in mice. Sci Rep. 2022 Jan 27;12(1):1493
2*J:241009 Himmelstein DS, Cajigas I, Bi C, Clark BS, Van Der Voort G, Kohtz JD, SHH E176/E177-Zn2+ conformation is required for signaling at endogenous sites. Dev Biol. 2017 Apr 15;424(2):221-235
2J:343289 Ho KH, Candat A, Scarpetta V, Faucourt M, Weill S, Salio C, D'Este E, Meschkat M, Wurm CA, Kneussel M, Janke C, Magiera MM, Genovesio A, Meunier A, Sassoe-Pognetto M, Brill MS, Spassky N, Patrizi A, Choroid plexuses carry nodal-like cilia that undergo axoneme regression from early adult stage. Dev Cell. 2023 Dec 4;58(23):2641-2651.e6
1J:236236 Hong CJ, Hamilton BA, Zfp423 Regulates Sonic Hedgehog Signaling via Primary Cilium Function. PLoS Genet. 2016 Oct;12(10):e1006357
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1J:100466 Huangfu D, Anderson KV, Cilia and Hedgehog responsiveness in the mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Aug 9;102(32):11325-30
8J:275532 Ivanova EL, Gilet JG, Sulimenko V, Duchon A, Rudolf G, Runge K, Collins SC, Asselin L, Broix L, Drouot N, Tilly P, Nusbaum P, Vincent A, Magnant W, Skory V, Birling MC, Pavlovic G, Godin JD, Yalcin B, Herault Y, Draber P, Chelly J, Hinckelmann MV, TUBG1 missense variants underlying cortical malformations disrupt neuronal locomotion and microtubule dynamics but not neurogenesis. Nat Commun. 2019 May 13;10(1):2129
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1*J:273083 Joseph DB, Chandrashekar AS, Abler LL, Chu LF, Thomson JA, Vezina CM, Epithelial DNA methyltransferase-1 regulates cell survival, growth and maturation in developing prostatic buds. Dev Biol. 2019 Mar 15;447(2):157-169
1J:304136 Journiac N, Gilabert-Juan J, Cipriani S, Benit P, Liu X, Jacquier S, Faivre V, Delahaye-Duriez A, Csaba Z, Hourcade T, Melinte E, Lebon S, Violle-Poirsier C, Oury JF, Adle-Biassette H, Wang ZQ, Mani S, Rustin P, Gressens P, Nardelli J, Cell Metabolic Alterations due to Mcph1 Mutation in Microcephaly. Cell Rep. 2020 Apr 14;31(2):107506
1J:213915 Kadzik RS, Cohen ED, Morley MP, Stewart KM, Lu MM, Morrisey EE, Wnt ligand/Frizzled 2 receptor signaling regulates tube shape and branch-point formation in the lung through control of epithelial cell shape. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Aug 26;111(34):12444-9
1J:266265 Kishimoto K, Tamura M, Nishita M, Minami Y, Yamaoka A, Abe T, Shigeta M, Morimoto M, Synchronized mesenchymal cell polarization and differentiation shape the formation of the murine trachea and esophagus. Nat Commun. 2018 Jul 19;9(1):2816
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1J:102364 Koike C, Nishida A, Akimoto K, Nakaya MA, Noda T, Ohno S, Furukawa T, Function of atypical protein kinase Clambda in differentiating photoreceptors is required for proper lamination of mouse retina. J Neurosci. 2005 Nov 2;25(44):10290-8
1J:307969 Kumar D, Rains A, Herranz-Perez V, Lu Q, Shi X, Swaney DL, Stevenson E, Krogan NJ, Huang B, Westlake C, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Yoder BK, Reiter JF, A ciliopathy complex builds distal appendages to initiate ciliogenesis. J Cell Biol. 2021 Sep 6;220(9)
1J:192772 Kusek G, Campbell M, Doyle F, Tenenbaum SA, Kiebler M, Temple S, Asymmetric segregation of the double-stranded RNA binding protein Staufen2 during mammalian neural stem cell divisions promotes lineage progression. Cell Stem Cell. 2012 Oct 5;11(4):505-16
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