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Gene Expression Literature Summary
MKS transition zone complex subunit 1

7 matching records from 7 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E9.5 E10 E14.5 E15.5 E18.5 E P
In situ RNA (section) 1 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1
Western blot 1 1 1
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Mks1  MKS transition zone complex subunit 1   (Synonyms: avc6, B8d3, Meckel syndrome, type 1)
Results  Reference
4*J:237132 Burnicka-Turek O, Steimle JD, Huang W, Felker L, Kamp A, Kweon J, Peterson M, Reeves RH, Maslen CL, Gruber PJ, Yang XH, Shendure J, Moskowitz IP, Cilia gene mutations cause atrioventricular septal defects by multiple mechanisms. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Jul 15;25(14):3011-3028
1*J:273130 Ding W, Wu Q, Sun L, Pan NC, Wang X, Cenpj Regulates Cilia Disassembly and Neurogenesis in the Developing Mouse Cortex. J Neurosci. 2019 Mar 13;39(11):1994-2010
1*J:105230 Kyttala M, Tallila J, Salonen R, Kopra O, Kohlschmidt N, Paavola-Sakki P, Peltonen L, Kestila M, MKS1, encoding a component of the flagellar apparatus basal body proteome, is mutated in Meckel syndrome. Nat Genet. 2006 Feb;38(2):155-7
1J:350444 Martinez-Mayer J, Brinkmeier ML, O'Connell SP, Ukagwu A, Marti MA, Miras M, Forclaz MV, Benzrihen MG, Cheung LYM, Camper SA, Ellsworth BS, Raetzman LT, Perez-Millan MI, Davis SW, Knockout mice with pituitary malformations help identify human cases of hypopituitarism. Genome Med. 2024 May 31;16(1):75
1*J:154075 Weatherbee SD, Niswander LA, Anderson KV, A mouse model for Meckel syndrome reveals Mks1 is required for ciliogenesis and Hedgehog signaling. Hum Mol Genet. 2009 Dec 1;18(23):4565-75
2J:196290 Wheway G, Abdelhamed Z, Natarajan S, Toomes C, Inglehearn C, Johnson CA, Aberrant Wnt signalling and cellular over-proliferation in a novel mouse model of Meckel-Gruber syndrome. Dev Biol. 2013 May 1;377(1):55-66
1*J:166958 Yates LL, Papakrivopoulou J, Long DA, Goggolidou P, Connolly JO, Woolf AS, Dean CH, The planar cell polarity gene Vangl2 is required for mammalian kidney-branching morphogenesis and glomerular maturation. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Dec 1;19(23):4663-76

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