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Gene Expression Literature Summary
catenin beta 1

1186 matching records from 1186 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E1 E1.5 E2 E2.5 E3 E3.5 E4 E4.5 E5 E5.5 E6 E6.5 E7 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E19.5 E20 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 1 3 3 8 3 3 8 1 14 2 14 7 20 19 64 10 76 11 73 12 131 13 116 16 136 14 99 13 80 9 47 11 94 2 5 2 40 262
In situ RNA (section) 4 1 4 5 1 4 7 1 20 2 8 1 6 1 2 2 4 1 12
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 2 1 2 4 11 1 4 2 3 2 3 2 6 2 2 2 4 1 3 1 1 5 3 1 6 3 3 1 5 4 5 3 21
In situ RNA (whole mount) 4 2 3 5 1 4 6 1 4 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1 1 2 1 1
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
Western blot 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 11 11 5 17 3 21 3 26 2 15 5 12 4 10 4 23 1 1 8 100
RT-PCR 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 3 3 10 2 10 4 15 1 20 2 16 3 8 13 1 24 5 47
cDNA clones 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Ctnnb1  catenin beta 1   (Synonyms: beta catenin, beta-catenin, Bfc, catenin (cadherin associated protein), beta 1, Catnb)
Results  Reference
1*J:253968 Abdelhamed Z, Vuong SM, Hill L, Shula C, Timms A, Beier D, Campbell K, Mangano FT, Stottmann RW, Goto J, A mutation in Ccdc39 causes neonatal hydrocephalus with abnormal motile cilia development in mice. Development. 2018 Jan 9;145(1):dev154500
1J:278544 Abdelhamed ZA, Abdelmottaleb DI, El-Asrag ME, Natarajan S, Wheway G, Inglehearn CF, Toomes C, Johnson CA, The ciliary Frizzled-like receptor Tmem67 regulates canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signalling in the developing cerebellum via Hoxb5. Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 1;9(1):5446
1J:193837 Abdelhamed ZA, Wheway G, Szymanska K, Natarajan S, Toomes C, Inglehearn C, Johnson CA, Variable expressivity of ciliopathy neurological phenotypes that encompass Meckel-Gruber syndrome and Joubert syndrome is caused by complex de-regulated ciliogenesis, Shh and Wnt signalling defects. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Apr 1;22(7):1358-72
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2J:223873 Ahmed MI, Alam M, Emelianov VU, Poterlowicz K, Patel A, Sharov AA, Mardaryev AN, Botchkareva NV, MicroRNA-214 controls skin and hair follicle development by modulating the activity of the Wnt pathway. J Cell Biol. 2014 Nov 24;207(4):549-67
1J:315767 Ahn SY, Kim Y, Kim ST, Swat W, Miner JH, Scaffolding proteins DLG1 and CASK cooperate to maintain the nephron progenitor population during kidney development. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Jun;24(7):1127-38
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1J:143626 Ai D, Fu X, Wang J, Lu MF, Chen L, Baldini A, Klein WH, Martin JF, Canonical Wnt signaling functions in second heart field to promote right ventricular growth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 29;104(22):9319-24
1*J:307271 Airik M, Schuler M, McCourt B, Weiss AC, Herdman N, Ludtke TH, Widmeier E, Stolz DB, Nejak-Bowen KN, Yimlamai D, Wu YL, Kispert A, Airik R, Hildebrandt F, Loss of Anks6 leads to YAP deficiency and liver abnormalities. Hum Mol Genet. 2020 Nov 4;29(18):3064-3080
1J:228507 Ajima R, Bisson JA, Helt JC, Nakaya MA, Habas R, Tessarollo L, He X, Morrisey EE, Yamaguchi TP, Cohen ED, DAAM1 and DAAM2 are co-required for myocardial maturation and sarcomere assembly. Dev Biol. 2015 Dec 1;408(1):126-39
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1J:207610 Akiyama R, Kawakami H, Taketo MM, Evans SM, Wada N, Petryk A, Kawakami Y, Distinct populations within Isl1 lineages contribute to appendicular and facial skeletogenesis through the beta-catenin pathway. Dev Biol. 2014 Mar 1;387(1):37-48
1J:277133 Alfano D, Altomonte A, Cortes C, Bilio M, Kelly RG, Baldini A, Tbx1 regulates extracellular matrix-cell interactions in the second heart field. Hum Mol Genet. 2019 Jul 15;28(14):2295-2308
1J:326354 Allegre N, Chauveau S, Dennis C, Renaud Y, Meistermann D, Estrella LV, Pouchin P, Cohen-Tannoudji M, David L, Chazaud C, NANOG initiates epiblast fate through the coordination of pluripotency genes expression. Nat Commun. 2022 Jun 21;13(1):3550
1J:269508 Alonso-Martin S, Aurade F, Mademtzoglou D, Rochat A, Zammit PS, Relaix F, SOXF factors regulate murine satellite cell self-renewal and function through inhibition of beta-catenin activity. Elife. 2018 Jun 8;7:e26039
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2J:144081 Andersson ER, Prakash N, Cajanek L, Minina E, Bryja V, Bryjova L, Yamaguchi TP, Hall AC, Wurst W, Arenas E, Wnt5a regulates ventral midbrain morphogenesis and the development of A9-A10 dopaminergic cells in vivo. PLoS One. 2008;3(10):e3517
3J:76477 Andl T, Reddy ST, Gaddapara T, Millar SE, WNT Signals Are Required for the Initiation of Hair Follicle Development. Dev Cell. 2002 May;2(5):643-53
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4J:251150 Aoki H, Ogino H, Tomita H, Hara A, Kunisada T, Disruption of Rest Leads to the Early Onset of Cataracts with the Aberrant Terminal Differentiation of Lens Fiber Cells. PLoS One. 2016;11(9):e0163042
1J:313612 Arimura N, Okada M, Taya S, Dewa KI, Tsuzuki A, Uetake H, Miyashita S, Hashizume K, Shimaoka K, Egusa S, Nishioka T, Yanagawa Y, Yamakawa K, Inoue YU, Inoue T, Kaibuchi K, Hoshino M, DSCAM regulates delamination of neurons in the developing midbrain. Sci Adv. 2020 Sep;6(36)
2J:253754 Arora H, Boulberdaa M, Qureshi R, Bitirim V, Gasser A, Messaddeq N, Dolle P, Nebigil CG, Prokineticin receptor-1 signaling promotes Epicardial to Mesenchymal Transition during heart development. Sci Rep. 2016 May 6;6:25541
3J:239479 Arora H, Boulberdaa M, Qureshi R, Bitirim V, Messadeq N, Dolle P, Nebigil CG, Prokineticin receptor 1 is required for mesenchymal-epithelial transition in kidney development. FASEB J. 2016 Aug;30(8):2733-40
1J:196665 Arvanitis DN, Behar A, Tryoen-Toth P, Bush JO, Jungas T, Vitale N, Davy A, Ephrin B1 maintains apical adhesion of neural progenitors. Development. 2013 May;140(10):2082-92
4J:178696 Asami M, Pilz GA, Ninkovic J, Godinho L, Schroeder T, Huttner WB, Gotz M, The role of Pax6 in regulating the orientation and mode of cell division of progenitors in the mouse cerebral cortex. Development. 2011 Dec;138(23):5067-78
2J:335233 Astrof S, Arriagada C, Saijoh Y, Francou A, Kelly RG, Moon A, Aberrant differentiation of second heart field mesoderm prefigures cellular defects in the outflow tract in response to loss of FGF8. Dev Biol. 2023 Apr 14;499:10-21
1J:237108 Ataca D, Caikovski M, Piersigilli A, Moulin A, Benarafa C, Earp SE, Guri Y, Kostic C, Arsenivic Y, Soininen R, Apte SS, Brisken C, Adamts18 deletion results in distinct developmental defects and provides a model for congenital disorders of lens, lung, and female reproductive tract development. Biol Open. 2016 Nov 15;5(11):1585-1594
2J:333947 Athanasouli P, Balli M, De Jaime-Soguero A, Boel A, Papanikolaou S, van der Veer BK, Janiszewski A, Vanhessche T, Francis A, El Laithy Y, Nigro AL, Aulicino F, Koh KP, Pasque V, Cosma MP, Verfaillie C, Zwijsen A, Heindryckx B, Nikolaou C, Lluis F, The Wnt/TCF7L1 transcriptional repressor axis drives primitive endoderm formation by antagonizing naive and formative pluripotency. Nat Commun. 2023 Mar 3;14(1):1210
1J:337598 Au TYK, Yip RKH, Wynn SL, Tan TY, Fu A, Geng YH, Szeto IYY, Niu B, Yip KY, Cheung MCH, Lovell-Badge R, Cheah KSE, Hypomorphic and dominant-negative impact of truncated SOX9 dysregulates Hedgehog-Wnt signaling, causing campomelia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Jan 3;120(1):e2208623119
1J:90769 Aubin J, Davy A, Soriano P, In vivo convergence of BMP and MAPK signaling pathways: impact of differential Smad1 phosphorylation on development and homeostasis. Genes Dev. 2004 Jun 15;18(12):1482-94
2J:132361 Aulehla A, Wiegraebe W, Baubet V, Wahl MB, Deng C, Taketo M, Lewandoski M, Pourquie O, A beta-catenin gradient links the clock and wavefront systems in mouse embryo segmentation. Nat Cell Biol. 2008 Feb;10(2):186-93
1J:236211 Aviles EC, Pinto C, Hanna P, Ojeda J, Perez V, De Ferrari GV, Zamorano P, Albistur M, Sandoval D, Henriquez JP, Frizzled-9 impairs acetylcholine receptor clustering in skeletal muscle cells. Front Cell Neurosci. 2014;8:110
1J:96233 Backman M, Machon O, Mygland L, van den Bout CJ, Zhong W, Taketo MM, Krauss S, Effects of canonical Wnt signaling on dorso-ventral specification of the mouse telencephalon. Dev Biol. 2005 Mar 1;279(1):155-68
1J:239796 Badouel C, Zander MA, Liscio N, Bagherie-Lachidan M, Sopko R, Coyaud E, Raught B, Miller FD, McNeill H, Fat1 interacts with Fat4 to regulate neural tube closure, neural progenitor proliferation and apical constriction during mouse brain development. Development. 2015 Aug 15;142(16):2781-91
2J:314666 Balasubramanian R, Min X, Quinn PMJ, Giudice QL, Tao C, Polanco K, Makrides N, Peregrin J, Bouaziz M, Mao Y, Wang Q, da Costa BL, Buenaventura D, Wang F, Ma L, Tsang SH, Fabre PJ, Zhang X, Phase transition specified by a binary code patterns the vertebrate eye cup. Sci Adv. 2021 Nov 12;7(46):eabj9846
4J:314901 Bao H, Liu D, Xu Y, Sun Y, Mu C, Yu Y, Wang C, Han Q, Liu S, Cai H, Liu F, Kong S, Deng W, Cao B, Wang H, Wang Q, Lu J, Hyperactivated Wnt-beta-catenin signaling in the absence of sFRP1 and sFRP5 disrupts trophoblast differentiation through repression of Ascl2. BMC Biol. 2020 Oct 27;18(1):151
3*J:146199 Barrionuevo F, Georg I, Scherthan H, Lecureuil C, Guillou F, Wegner M, Scherer G, Testis cord differentiation after the sex determination stage is independent of Sox9 but fails in the combined absence of Sox9 and Sox8. Dev Biol. 2009 Mar 15;327(2):301-12
1J:136177 Barrionuevo F, Naumann A, Bagheri-Fam S, Speth V, Taketo MM, Scherer G, Neubuser A, Sox9 is required for invagination of the otic placode in mice. Dev Biol. 2008 May 1;317(1):213-24
1J:140568 Barron MJ, Brookes SJ, Draper CE, Garrod D, Kirkham J, Shore RC, Dixon MJ, The cell adhesion molecule nectin-1 is critical for normal enamel formation in mice. Hum Mol Genet. 2008 Nov 15;17(22):3509-20
1J:81795 Barrow JR, Thomas KR, Boussadia-Zahui O, Moore R, Kemler R, Capecchi MR, McMahon AP, Ectodermal Wnt3/beta-catenin signaling is required for the establishment and maintenance of the apical ectodermal ridge. Genes Dev. 2003 Feb 1;17(3):394-409
1J:253960 Basilicata MF, Frank M, Solter D, Brabletz T, Stemmler MP, Inappropriate cadherin switching in the mouse epiblast compromises proper signaling between the epiblast and the extraembryonic ectoderm during gastrulation. Sci Rep. 2016 May 24;6:26562
1J:346054 Baur K, Carrillo-Garcia C, San S, von Hahn M, Strelau J, Holzl-Wenig G, Mandl C, Ciccolini F, Growth/differentiation factor 15 controls ependymal and stem cell number in the V-SVZ. Stem Cell Reports. 2024 Mar 12;19(3):351-365
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2J:307822 Beal R, Alonso-Carriazo Fernandez A, Grammatopoulos DK, Matter K, Balda MS, ARHGEF18/p114RhoGEF Coordinates PKA/CREB Signaling and Actomyosin Remodeling to Promote Trophoblast Cell-Cell Fusion During Placenta Morphogenesis. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:658006
1J:226997 Bebee TW, Park JW, Sheridan KI, Warzecha CC, Cieply BW, Rohacek AM, Xing Y, Carstens RP, The splicing regulators Esrp1 and Esrp2 direct an epithelial splicing program essential for mammalian development. Elife. 2015;4
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
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1J:145172 Benedito R, Trindade A, Hirashima M, Henrique D, da Costa LL, Rossant J, Gill PS, Duarte A, Loss of Notch signalling induced by Dll4 causes arterial calibre reduction by increasing endothelial cell response to angiogenic stimuli. BMC Dev Biol. 2008;8:117
2J:244906 Berthon A, Faucz FR, Espiard S, Drougat L, Bertherat J, Stratakis CA, Age-dependent effects of Armc5 haploinsufficiency on adrenocortical function. Hum Mol Genet. 2017 Sep 15;26(18):3495-3507
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3J:223863 Bhattaram P, Penzo-Mendez A, Kato K, Bandyopadhyay K, Gadi A, Taketo MM, Lefebvre V, SOXC proteins amplify canonical WNT signaling to secure nonchondrocytic fates in skeletogenesis. J Cell Biol. 2014 Dec 8;207(5):657-71
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1J:185651 Bluske KK, Vue TY, Kawakami Y, Taketo MM, Yoshikawa K, Johnson JE, Nakagawa Y, beta-Catenin signaling specifies progenitor cell identity in parallel with Shh signaling in the developing mammalian thalamus. Development. 2012 Aug;139(15):2692-702
3J:230220 Boczonadi V, Gillespie R, Keenan I, Ramsbottom SA, Donald-Wilson C, Al Nazer M, Humbert P, Schwarz RJ, Chaudhry B, Henderson DJ, Scrib:Rac1 interactions are required for the morphogenesis of the ventricular myocardium. Cardiovasc Res. 2014 Oct 1;104(1):103-15
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