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Gene Expression Literature Summary
visual system homeobox 2

380 matching records from 380 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 13 5 58 8 59 7 60 2 31 2 36 14 2 10 2 5 1 13 13 152
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 1 3 2 18 3 16 3 13 1 11 3 10 1 8 1 6 2 1 5 3 21
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 2
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 2 3 2 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1 1 1 1 2
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 2
Western blot 1
RT-PCR 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 17
cDNA clones 1 2

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Vsx2  visual system homeobox 2   (Synonyms: Chx10, Hox-10, Hox10)
Results  Reference
3*J:104158 Alanentalo T, Chatonnet F, Karlen M, Sulniute R, Ericson J, Andersson E, Ahlgren U, Cloning and analysis of Nkx6.3 during CNS and gastrointestinal development. Gene Expr Patterns. 2006 Jan;6(2):162-70
2J:240005 Aldiri I, Ajioka I, Xu B, Zhang J, Chen X, Benavente C, Finkelstein D, Johnson D, Akiyama J, Pennacchio LA, Dyer MA, Brg1 coordinates multiple processes during retinogenesis and is a tumor suppressor in retinoblastoma. Development. 2015 Dec 01;142(23):4092-106
1J:273391 Aldunate EZ, Di Foggia V, Di Marco F, Hervas LA, Ribeiro JC, Holder DL, Patel A, Jannini TB, Thompson DA, Martinez-Barbera JP, Pearson RA, Ali RR, Sowden JC, Conditional Dicer1 depletion using Chrnb4-Cre leads to cone cell death and impaired photopic vision. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 19;9(1):2314
3J:254591 Alldredge A, Fuhrmann S, Loss of Axin2 Causes Ocular Defects During Mouse Eye Development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016 Oct 1;57(13):5253-5262
1J:273860 Andreu-Cervera A, Anselme I, Karam A, Laclef C, Catala M, Schneider-Maunoury S, The Ciliopathy Gene Ftm/Rpgrip1l Controls Mouse Forebrain Patterning via Region-Specific Modulation of Hedgehog/Gli Signaling. J Neurosci. 2019 Mar 27;39(13):2398-2415
5J:57340 Arber S, Han B, Mendelsohn M, Smith M, Jessell TM, Sockanathan S, Requirement for the homeobox gene Hb9 in the consolidation of motor neuron identity. Neuron. 1999 Aug;23(4):659-74
2J:65765 Ashery-Padan R, Marquardt T, Zhou X, Gruss P, Pax6 activity in the lens primordium is required for lens formation and for correct placement of a single retina in the eye. Genes Dev. 2000 Nov 1;14(21):2701-11
1J:87948 Bai CB, Stephen D, Joyner AL, All mouse ventral spinal cord patterning by hedgehog is Gli dependent and involves an activator function of Gli3. Dev Cell. 2004 Jan;6(1):103-15
1J:257081 Bai G, Chivatakarn O, Bonanomi D, Lettieri K, Franco L, Xia C, Stein E, Ma L, Lewcock JW, Pfaff SL, Presenilin-dependent receptor processing is required for axon guidance. Cell. 2011 Jan 7;144(1):106-18
1*J:207154 Balasubramanian R, Bui A, Ding Q, Gan L, Expression of LIM-homeodomain transcription factors in the developing and mature mouse retina. Gene Expr Patterns. 2014 Jan;14(1):1-8
3J:314666 Balasubramanian R, Min X, Quinn PMJ, Giudice QL, Tao C, Polanco K, Makrides N, Peregrin J, Bouaziz M, Mao Y, Wang Q, da Costa BL, Buenaventura D, Wang F, Ma L, Tsang SH, Fabre PJ, Zhang X, Phase transition specified by a binary code patterns the vertebrate eye cup. Sci Adv. 2021 Nov 12;7(46):eabj9846
3J:218165 Bankhead EJ, Colasanto MP, Dyorich KM, Jamrich M, Murtaugh LC, Fuhrmann S, Multiple requirements of the focal dermal hypoplasia gene porcupine during ocular morphogenesis. Am J Pathol. 2015 Jan;185(1):197-213
1J:287436 Barbato S, Marrocco E, Intartaglia D, Pizzo M, Asteriti S, Naso F, Falanga D, Bhat RS, Meola N, Carissimo A, Karali M, Prosser HM, Cangiano L, Surace EM, Banfi S, Conte I, MiR-211 is essential for adult cone photoreceptor maintenance and visual function. Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 5;7(1):17004
2*J:181601 Bassett EA, Korol A, Deschamps PA, Buettner R, Wallace VA, Williams T, West-Mays JA, Overlapping expression patterns and redundant roles for AP-2 transcription factors in the developing mammalian retina. Dev Dyn. 2012 Apr;241(4):814-29
4J:158712 Bassett EA, Williams T, Zacharias AL, Gage PJ, Fuhrmann S, West-Mays JA, AP-2alpha knockout mice exhibit optic cup patterning defects and failure of optic stalk morphogenesis. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 May 1;19(9):1791-804
4J:83532 Baumer N, Marquardt T, Stoykova A, Spieler D, Treichel D, Ashery-Padan R, Gruss P, Retinal pigmented epithelium determination requires the redundant activities of Pax2 and Pax6. Development. 2003 Jul;130(13):2903-15
14J:188155 Bharti K, Gasper M, Ou J, Brucato M, Clore-Gronenborn K, Pickel J, Arnheiter H, A regulatory loop involving PAX6, MITF, and WNT signaling controls retinal pigment epithelium development. PLoS Genet. 2012 Jul;8(7):e1002757
5J:132153 Bharti K, Liu W, Csermely T, Bertuzzi S, Arnheiter H, Alternative promoter use in eye development: the complex role and regulation of the transcription factor MITF. Development. 2008 Mar;135(6):1169-78
5*J:93300 Blackshaw S, Harpavat S, Trimarchi J, Cai L, Huang H, Kuo WP, Weber G, Lee K, Fraioli RE, Cho SH, Yung R, Asch E, Ohno-Machado L, Wong WH, Cepko CL, Genomic analysis of mouse retinal development. PLoS Biol. 2004 Oct;2(9):E247
2J:331141 Boobalan E, Thompson AH, Alur RP, McGaughey DM, Dong L, Shih G, Vieta-Ferrer ER, Onojafe IF, Kalaskar VK, Arno G, Lotery AJ, Guan B, Bender C, Memon O, Brinster L, Soleilhavoup C, Panman L, Badea TC, Minella A, Lopez AJ, Thomasy SM, Moshiri A, Blain D, Hufnagel RB, Cogliati T, Bharti K, Brooks BP, Zfp503/Nlz2 Is Required for RPE Differentiation and Optic Fissure Closure. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Nov 1;63(12):5
1J:287985 Bosze B, Moon MS, Kageyama R, Brown NL, Simultaneous Requirements for Hes1 in Retinal Neurogenesis and Optic Cup-Stalk Boundary Maintenance. J Neurosci. 2020 Feb 12;40(7):1501-1513
3J:341148 Bosze B, Suarez-Navarro J, Cajias I, Brzezinski Iv JA, Brown NL, Notch pathway mutants do not equivalently perturb mouse embryonic retinal development. PLoS Genet. 2023 Sep;19(9):e1010928
2J:303632 Bosze B, Suarez-Navarro J, Soofi A, Lauderdale JD, Dressler GR, Brown NL, Multiple roles for Pax2 in the embryonic mouse eye. Dev Biol. 2021 Apr;472:18-29
1J:204690 Brzezinski JA 4th, Uoon Park K, Reh TA, Blimp1 (Prdm1) prevents re-specification of photoreceptors into retinal bipolar cells by restricting competence. Dev Biol. 2013 Dec 15;384(2):194-204
3J:32083 Burmeister M, Novak J, Liang MY, Basu S, Ploder L, Hawes NL, Vidgen D, Hoover F, Goldman D, Kalnins VI, Roderick TH, Taylor BA, Hankin MH, McInnes RR, Ocular retardation mouse caused by Chx10 homeobox null allele: impaired retinal progenitor proliferation and bipolar cell differentiation. Nat Genet. 1996 Apr;12(4):376-84
3J:249800 Burnett JB, Lupu FI, Eggenschwiler JT, Proper ciliary assembly is critical for restricting Hedgehog signaling during early eye development in mice. Dev Biol. 2017 Oct 1;430(1):32-40
1*J:136314 Burns CJ, Zhang J, Brown EC, Van Bibber AM, Van Es J, Clevers H, Ishikawa TO, Taketo MM, Vetter ML, Fuhrmann S, Investigation of Frizzled-5 during embryonic neural development in mouse. Dev Dyn. 2008 Jun;237(6):1614-26
1*J:88970 Burrill JD, Moran L, Goulding MD, Saueressig H, PAX2 is expressed in multiple spinal cord interneurons, including a population of EN1+ interneurons that require PAX6 for their development. Development. 1997 Nov;124(22):4493-503
2J:159104 Cai Z, Feng GS, Zhang X, Temporal requirement of the protein TyrosinePhosphatase Shp2 in establishing the neuronal fatein early retinal development. J Neurosci. 2010 Mar 17;30(11):4110-9
2J:214343 Cai Z, Grobe K, Zhang X, Role of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in optic disc and stalk morphogenesis. Dev Dyn. 2014 Oct;243(10):1310-6
2*J:174095 Cai Z, Simons DL, Fu XY, Feng GS, Wu SM, Zhang X, Loss of shp2-mediated mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in muller glial cells results in retinal degeneration. Mol Cell Biol. 2011 Jul;31(14):2973-83
1J:198655 Cai Z, Tao C, Li H, Ladher R, Gotoh N, Feng GS, Wang F, Zhang X, Deficient FGF signaling causes optic nerve dysgenesis and ocular coloboma. Development. 2013 Jul;140(13):2711-23
1J:275154 Caldeira V, Dougherty KJ, Borgius L, Kiehn O, Spinal Hb9::Cre-derived excitatory interneurons contribute to rhythm generation in the mouse. Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 27;7:41369
3J:165076 Cammas L, Trensz F, Jellali A, Ghyselinck NB, Roux MJ, Dolle P, Retinoic acid receptor (RAR)-alpha is not critically required for mediating retinoic acid effects in the developing mouse retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010 Jun;51(6):3281-90
1*J:301700 Cao H, Wu J, Lam S, Duan R, Newnham C, Molday RS, Graziotto JJ, Pierce EA, Hu J, Temporal and tissue specific regulation of RP-associated splicing factor genes PRPF3, PRPF31 and PRPC8--implications in the pathogenesis of RP. PLoS One. 2011 Jan 19;6(1):e15860
1J:302526 Cao X, An J, Cao Y, Lv J, Wang J, Ding Y, Lin X, Zhou X, EMC3 Is Essential for Retinal Organization and Neurogenesis During Mouse Retinal Development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 Feb 1;62(2):31
2J:220323 Carpenter AC, Smith AN, Wagner H, Cohen-Tayar Y, Rao S, Wallace V, Ashery-Padan R, Lang RA, Wnt ligands from the embryonic surface ectoderm regulate 'bimetallic strip' optic cup morphogenesis in mouse. Development. 2015 Mar 1;142(5):972-82
1J:120712 Caspary T, Larkins CE, Anderson KV, The graded response to sonic hedgehog depends on cilia architecture. Dev Cell. 2007 May;12(5):767-78
1J:95393 Cepeda-Nieto AC, Pfaff SL, Varela-Echavarria A, Homeodomain transcription factors in the development of subsets of hindbrain reticulospinal neurons. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2005 Jan;28(1):30-41
1J:241509 Chang KC, Hertz J, Zhang X, Jin XL, Shaw P, Derosa BA, Li JY, Venugopalan P, Valenzuela DA, Patel RD, Russano KR, Alshamekh SA, Sun C, Tenerelli K, Li C, Velmeshev D, Cheng Y, Boyce TM, Dreyfuss A, Uddin MS, Muller KJ, Dykxhoorn DM, Goldberg JL, Novel Regulatory Mechanisms for the SoxC Transcriptional Network Required for Visual Pathway Development. J Neurosci. 2017 May 10;37(19):4967-4981
1J:304721 Chang SH, Su YC, Chang M, Chen JA, MicroRNAs mediate precise control of spinal interneuron populations to exert delicate sensory-to-motor outputs. Elife. 2021 Mar 31;10:e63768
1J:326379 Chaya T, Ishikane H, Varner LR, Sugita Y, Maeda Y, Tsutsumi R, Motooka D, Okuzaki D, Furukawa T, Deficiency of the neurodevelopmental disorder-associated gene Cyfip2 alters the retinal ganglion cell properties and visual acuity. Hum Mol Genet. 2022 Feb 21;31(4):535-547
1J:282598 Chaya T, Tsutsumi R, Varner LR, Maeda Y, Yoshida S, Furukawa T, Cul3-Klhl18 ubiquitin ligase modulates rod transducin translocation during light-dark adaptation. EMBO J. 2019 Dec 2;38(23):e101409
1J:174745 Chen JA, Huang YP, Mazzoni EO, Tan GC, Zavadil J, Wichterle H, Mir-17-3p controls spinal neural progenitor patterning by regulating Olig2/Irx3 cross-repressive loop. Neuron. 2011 Feb 24;69(4):721-35
1*J:89228 Chen MH, Li YJ, Kawakami T, Xu SM, Chuang PT, Palmitoylation is required for the production of a soluble multimeric Hedgehog protein complex and long-range signaling in vertebrates. Genes Dev. 2004 Mar 15;18(6):641-59
1J:195672 Chen S, Lewis B, Moran A, Xie T, Cadherin-mediated cell adhesion is critical for the closing of the mouse optic fissure. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e51705
2J:356425 Chen S, Li H, Gaudenz K, Paulson A, Guo F, Trimble R, Peak A, Seidel C, Deng C, Furuta Y, Xie T, Defective FGF signaling causes coloboma formation and disrupts retinal neurogenesis. Cell Res. 2013 Feb;23(2):254-73
1J:188341 Chen WV, Alvarez FJ, Lefebvre JL, Friedman B, Nwakeze C, Geiman E, Smith C, Thu CA, Tapia JC, Tasic B, Sanes JR, Maniatis T, Functional significance of isoform diversification in the protocadherin gamma gene cluster. Neuron. 2012 Aug 9;75(3):402-9
1J:103461 Cheng CW, Chow RL, Lebel M, Sakuma R, Cheung HO, Thanabalasingham V, Zhang X, Bruneau BG, Birch DG, Hui CC, McInnes RR, Cheng SH, The Iroquois homeobox gene, Irx5, is required for retinal cone bipolar cell development. Dev Biol. 2005 Nov 1;287(1):48-60
1J:105025 Cheung M, Chaboissier MC, Mynett A, Hirst E, Schedl A, Briscoe J, The transcriptional control of trunk neural crest induction, survival, and delamination. Dev Cell. 2005 Feb;8(2):179-92
1J:184469 Cho SH, Kim JY, Simons DL, Song JY, Le JH, Swindell EC, Jamrich M, Wu SM, Kim S, Genetic ablation of Pals1 in retinal progenitor cells models the retinal pathology of Leber congenital amaurosis. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Jun 15;21(12):2663-76
2J:266104 Choi JH, Jo HS, Lim S, Kim HT, Lee KW, Moon KH, Ha T, Kwak SS, Kim Y, Lee EJ, Joe CO, Kim JW, mTORC1 accelerates retinal development via the immunoproteasome. Nat Commun. 2018 Jun 27;9(1):2502
6*J:73287 Chow RL, Snow B, Novak J, Looser J, Freund C, Vidgen D, Ploder L, McInnes RR, Vsx1, a rapidly evolving paired-like homeobox gene expressed in cone bipolar cells. Mech Dev. 2001 Dec;109(2):315-22
3J:265843 Chowdhury R, Laboissonniere LA, Wester AK, Muller M, Trimarchi JM, The Trim family of genes and the retina: Expression and functional characterization. PLoS One. 2018;13(9):e0202867
2J:239874 Christ A, Christa A, Klippert J, Eule JC, Bachmann S, Wallace VA, Hammes A, Willnow TE, LRP2 Acts as SHH Clearance Receptor to Protect the Retinal Margin from Mitogenic Stimuli. Dev Cell. 2015 Oct 12;35(1):36-48
2*J:168654 Chung YC, Tsai YJ, Shiu TY, Sun YY, Wang PF, Chen CL, Screening large numbers of expression patterns of transcription factors in late stages of the mouse thymus. Gene Expr Patterns. 2011 Jan-Feb;11(1-2):84-92
1J:131879 Clark AM, Yun S, Veien ES, Wu YY, Chow RL, Dorsky RI, Levine EM, Negative regulation of Vsx1 by its paralog Chx10/Vsx2 is conserved in the vertebrate retina. Brain Res. 2008 Feb 4;1192:99-113
1J:248927 Clements R, Turk R, Campbell KP, Wright KM, Dystroglycan Maintains Inner Limiting Membrane Integrity to Coordinate Retinal Development. J Neurosci. 2017 Aug 30;37(35):8559-8574
3J:238975 Clovis YM, Seo SY, Kwon JS, Rhee JC, Yeo S, Lee JW, Lee S, Lee SK, Chx10 Consolidates V2a Interneuron Identity through Two Distinct Gene Repression Modes. Cell Rep. 2016 Aug 09;16(6):1642-52
1*J:332642 Cohen-Gulkar M, David A, Messika-Gold N, Eshel M, Ovadia S, Zuk-Bar N, Idelson M, Cohen-Tayar Y, Reubinoff B, Ziv T, Shamay M, Elkon R, Ashery-Padan R, The LHX2-OTX2 transcriptional regulatory module controls retinal pigmented epithelium differentiation and underlies genetic risk for age-related macular degeneration. PLoS Biol. 2023 Jan;21(1):e3001924
1J:297748 Collin GB, Won J, Krebs MP, Hicks WJ, Charette JR, Naggert JK, Nishina PM, Disruption in murine Eml1 perturbs retinal lamination during early development. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 27;10(1):5647
3J:185186 Crone SA, Viemari JC, Droho S, Mrejeru A, Ramirez JM, Sharma K, Irregular Breathing in Mice following Genetic Ablation of V2a Neurons. J Neurosci. 2012 Jun 6;32(23):7895-906
1J:75882 Cunningham JJ, Levine EM, Zindy F, Goloubeva O, Roussel MF, Smeyne RJ, The Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitors p19(Ink4d) and p27(Kip1) Are Coexpressed in Select Retinal Cells and Act Cooperatively to Control Cell Cycle Exit. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2002 Mar;19(3):359-74
3J:171198 Cwinn MA, Mazerolle C, McNeill B, Ringuette R, Thurig S, Hui CC, Wallace VA, Suppressor of fused is required to maintain the multipotency of neural progenitor cells in the retina. J Neurosci. 2011 Mar 30;31(13):5169-80
4J:160729 Das G, Choi Y, Sicinski P, Levine EM, Cyclin D1 fine-tunes the neurogenic output of embryonic retinal progenitor cells. Neural Dev. 2009;4:15
3J:180843 Davis N, Mor E, Ashery-Padan R, Roles for Dicer1 in the patterning and differentiation of the optic cup neuroepithelium. Development. 2011 Jan;138(1):127-38
1J:95327 de Melo J, Du G, Fonseca M, Gillespie LA, Turk WJ, Rubenstein JL, Eisenstat DD, Dlx1 and Dlx2 function is necessary for terminal differentiation and survival of late-born retinal ganglion cells in the developing mouse retina. Development. 2005 Jan;132(2):311-22
2J:173617 de Melo J, Peng GH, Chen S, Blackshaw S, The Spalt family transcription factor Sall3 regulates the development of cone photoreceptors and retinal horizontal interneurons. Development. 2011 Jun;138(11):2325-36
1J:83565 De Melo J, Qiu X, Du G, Cristante L, Eisenstat DD, Dlx1, Dlx2, Pax6, Brn3b, and Chx10 homeobox gene expression defines the retinal ganglion and inner nuclear layers of the developing and adult mouse retina. J Comp Neurol. 2003 Jun 23;461(2):187-204
3J:231601 de Melo J, Zibetti C, Clark BS, Hwang W, Miranda-Angulo AL, Qian J, Blackshaw S, Lhx2 Is an Essential Factor for Retinal Gliogenesis and Notch Signaling. J Neurosci. 2016 Feb 24;36(8):2391-405
2J:299679 Debrulle S, Baudouin C, Hidalgo-Figueroa M, Pelosi B, Francius C, Rucchin V, Ronellenfitch K, Chow RL, Tissir F, Lee SK, Clotman F, Vsx1 and Chx10 paralogs sequentially secure V2 interneuron identity during spinal cord development. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2020 Oct;77(20):4117-4131
2J:128001 Del Barrio MG, Taveira-Marques R, Muroyama Y, Yuk DI, Li S, Wines-Samuelson M, Shen J, Smith HK, Xiang M, Rowitch D, Richardson WD, A regulatory network involving Foxn4, Mash1 and delta-like 4/Notch1 generates V2a and V2b spinal interneurons from a common progenitor pool. Development. 2007 Oct;134(19):3427-36
3J:278241 Delile J, Rayon T, Melchionda M, Edwards A, Briscoe J, Sagner A, Single cell transcriptomics reveals spatial and temporal dynamics of gene expression in the developing mouse spinal cord. Development. 2019 Mar 27;146(12):dev173807
1J:178688 Demireva EY, Shapiro LS, Jessell TM, Zampieri N, Motor neuron position and topographic order imposed by beta- and gamma-catenin activities. Cell. 2011 Oct 28;147(3):641-52
1J:161598 Dessaud E, Ribes V, Balaskas N, Yang LL, Pierani A, Kicheva A, Novitch BG, Briscoe J, Sasai N, Dynamic assignment and maintenance of positional identity in the ventral neural tube by the morphogen sonic hedgehog. PLoS Biol. 2010;8(6):e1000382
1J:284635 Di Bella DJ, Carcagno AL, Bartolomeu ML, Pardi MB, Lohr H, Siegel N, Hammerschmidt M, Marin-Burgin A, Lanuza GM, Ascl1 Balances Neuronal versus Ependymal Fate in the Spinal Cord Central Canal. Cell Rep. 2019 Aug 27;28(9):2264-2274.e3
1J:271140 Diacou R, Zhao Y, Zheng D, Cvekl A, Liu W, Six3 and Six6 Are Jointly Required for the Maintenance of Multipotent Retinal Progenitors through Both Positive and Negative Regulation. Cell Rep. 2018 Nov 27;25(9):2510-2523.e4
1*J:153498 Diez-Roux G, Banfi S, Sultan M, Geffers L, Anand S, Rozado D, Magen A, Canidio E, Pagani M, Peluso I, Lin-Marq N, Koch M, Bilio M, Cantiello I, Verde R, De Masi C, Bianchi SA, Cicchini J, Perroud E, Mehmeti S, Dagand E, Schrinner S, Nurnberger A, SchmidtK, Metz K, Zwingmann C, Brieske N, Springer C, Hernandez AM, Herzog S, Grabbe F, Sieverding C, Fischer B, Schrader K, Brockmeyer M, Dettmer S, Helbig C, Alunni V, Battaini MA, Mura C, Henrichsen CN, Garcia-Lopez R, Echevarria D, Puelles E, et al., A high-resolution anatomical atlas of the transcriptome in the mouse embryo. PLoS Biol. 2011;9(1):e1000582
1J:147448 Ding Q, Chen H, Xie X, Libby RT, Tian N, Gan L, BARHL2 differentially regulates the development of retinal amacrine and ganglion neurons. J Neurosci. 2009 Apr 1;29(13):3992-4003
6*J:206224 Dixit R, Tachibana N, Touahri Y, Zinyk D, Logan C, Schuurmans C, Gene expression is dynamically regulated in retinal progenitor cells prior to and during overt cellular differentiation. Gene Expr Patterns. 2014 Jan;14(1):42-54
1J:110865 Donovan SL, Schweers B, Martins R, Johnson D, Dyer MA, Compensation by tumor suppressor genes during retinal development in mice and humans. BMC Biol. 2006;4:14
2J:209344 Dougherty KJ, Zagoraiou L, Satoh D, Rozani I, Doobar S, Arber S, Jessell TM, Kiehn O, Locomotor rhythm generation linked to the output of spinal shox2 excitatory interneurons. Neuron. 2013 Nov 20;80(4):920-33
1J:358820 Dudukcu O, Raj DDA, van de Haar LL, Grossouw LM, Linders LE, Garritsen O, Adolfs Y, van Kronenburg NCH, Broekhoven MH, Kapteijns THW, Meye FJ, Pasterkamp RJ, Molecular diversity and migration of GABAergic neurons in the developing ventral midbrain. iScience. 2024 Nov 15;27(11):111239
3J:304642 Dupacova N, Antosova B, Paces J, Kozmik Z, Meis homeobox genes control progenitor competence in the retina. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Mar 23;118(12):e2013136118
1J:166059 Duquette PM, Zhou X, Yap NL, MacLaren EJ, Lu JJ, Wallace VA, Chen HH, Loss of LMO4 in the retina leads to reduction of GABAergic amacrine cells and functional deficits. PLoS One. 2010;5(10):e13232
1J:134563 Elshatory Y, Deng M, Xie X, Gan L, Expression of the LIM-homeodomain protein Isl1 in the developing and mature mouse retina. J Comp Neurol. 2007 Jul 1;503(1):182-97
2J:41620 Ericson J, Rashbass P, Schedl A, Brenner-Morton S, Kawakami A , van Heyningen V , Jessell TM , Briscoe J, Pax6 controls progenitor cell identity and neuronal fate in response to graded Shh signaling. Cell. 1997 Jul 11;90(1):169-80
2J:176438 Esteve P, Sandonis A, Ibanez C, Shimono A, Guerrero I, Bovolenta P, Secreted frizzled-related proteins are required for Wnt/{beta}-catenin signalling activation in the vertebrate optic cup. Development. 2011 Oct;138(19):4179-84
1J:302546 Exelby K, Herrera-Delgado E, Garcia Perez L, Perez-Carrasco R, Sagner A, Metzis V, Sollich P, Briscoe J, Precision of Tissue Patterning is Controlled by Dynamical Properties of Gene Regulatory Networks. Development. 2021 Feb 5;:dev197566
2J:221018 Farhy C, Elgart M, Shapira Z, Oron-Karni V, Yaron O, Menuchin Y, Rechavi G, Ashery-Padan R, Pax6 is required for normal cell-cycle exit and the differentiation kinetics of retinal progenitor cells. PLoS One. 2013;8(9):e76489
1J:119663 Feng L, Xie X, Joshi PS, Yang Z, Shibasaki K, Chow RL, Gan L, Requirement for Bhlhb5 in the specification of amacrine and cone bipolar subtypes in mouse retina. Development. 2006 Dec;133(24):4815-25
1J:168595 Feng L, Xie ZH, Ding Q, Xie X, Libby RT, Gan L, MATH5 controls the acquisition of multiple retinal cell fates. Mol Brain. 2010;3:36
1J:290813 Fiore L, Takata N, Acosta S, Ma W, Pandit T, Oxendine M, Oliver G, Optic vesicle morphogenesis requires primary cilia. Dev Biol. 2020 Jun 15;462(2):119-128
1*J:199602 Fotaki V, Smith R, Pratt T, Price DJ, Foxg1 is required to limit the formation of ciliary margin tissue and Wnt/beta-catenin signalling in the developing nasal retina of the mouse. Dev Biol. 2013 Aug 15;380(2):299-313
5J:240621 Francius C, Hidalgo-Figueroa M, Debrulle S, Pelosi B, Rucchin V, Ronellenfitch K, Panayiotou E, Makrides N, Misra K, Harris A, Hassani H, Schakman O, Parras C, Xiang M, Malas S, Chow RL, Clotman F, Vsx1 Transiently Defines an Early Intermediate V2 Interneuron Precursor Compartment in the Mouse Developing Spinal Cord. Front Mol Neurosci. 2016;9:145
3J:237449 Francius C, Ravassard P, Hidalgo-Figueroa M, Mallet J, Clotman F, Nardelli J, Genetic dissection of Gata2 selective functions during specification of V2 interneurons in the developing spinal cord. Dev Neurobiol. 2015 Jul;75(7):721-37
2J:115047 Fu X, Sun H, Klein WH, Mu X, Beta-catenin is essential for lamination but not neurogenesis in mouse retinal development. Dev Biol. 2006 Nov 15;299(2):424-37
1J:316293 Fujimura N, Klimova L, Antosova B, Smolikova J, Machon O, Kozmik Z, Genetic interaction between Pax6 and beta-catenin in the developing retinal pigment epithelium. Dev Genes Evol. 2015 Apr;225(2):121-8
1J:253958 Fujimura N, Kuzelova A, Ebert A, Strnad H, Lachova J, Machon O, Busslinger M, Kozmik Z, Polycomb repression complex 2 is required for the maintenance of retinal progenitor cells and balanced retinal differentiation. Dev Biol. 2018 Jan 1;433(1):47-60
3J:153566 Fujimura N, Taketo MM, Mori M, Korinek V, Kozmik Z, Spatial and temporal regulation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is essential for development of the retinal pigment epithelium. Dev Biol. 2009 Oct 1;334(1):31-45
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