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Gene Expression Literature Summary

349 matching records from 349 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E19.5 E P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 2 5 9 24 7 32 4 34 7 32 6 42 5 35 8 31 11 22 4 22 8 40 1 1 10 102
In situ RNA (section) 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1 2 3 1 5 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 9
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 3 1 1
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1
Northern blot 1
Western blot 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 4 11
RT-PCR 3 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 5 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 6 1 1 13
cDNA clones 1 1

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Des  desmin  
Results  Reference
1J:281255 Ackermann MA, King B, Lieberman NAP, Bobbili PJ, Rudloff M, Berndsen CE, Wright NT, Hecker PA, Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos A, Novel obscurins mediate cardiomyocyte adhesion and size via the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2017 Oct;111:27-39
2*J:90043 Acosta L, Haase H, Morano I, Moorman AF, Franco D, Regional expression of L-type calcium channel subunits during cardiac development. Dev Dyn. 2004 May;230(1):131-6
1J:63877 Adams RH, Porras A, Alonso G, Jones M, Vintersten K, Panelli S, Valladares A, Perez L, Klein R, Nebreda AR, Essential role of p38alpha MAP kinase in placental but not embryonic cardiovascular development. Mol Cell. 2000 Jul;6(1):109-16
4J:219809 Afelik S, Pool B, Schmerr M, Penton C, Jensen J, Wnt7b is required for epithelial progenitor growth and operates during epithelial-to-mesenchymal signaling in pancreatic development. Dev Biol. 2015 Mar 15;399(2):204-17
1J:228507 Ajima R, Bisson JA, Helt JC, Nakaya MA, Habas R, Tessarollo L, He X, Morrisey EE, Yamaguchi TP, Cohen ED, DAAM1 and DAAM2 are co-required for myocardial maturation and sarcomere assembly. Dev Biol. 2015 Dec 1;408(1):126-39
11*J:56243 Alcolea S, Theveniau-Ruissy M, Jarry-Guichard T, Marics I, Tzouanacou E, Chauvin JP, Briand JP, Moorman AF, Lamers WH, Gros DB, Downregulation of connexin 45 gene products during mouse heart development. Circ Res. 1999 Jun 25;84(12):1365-79
1J:245883 Aldeiri B, Roostalu U, Albertini A, Wong J, Morabito A, Cossu G, Transgelin-expressing myofibroblasts orchestrate ventral midline closure through TGFbeta signalling. Development. 2017 Sep 15;144(18):3336-3348
4*J:74504 Amano O, Yamane A, Shimada M, Koshimizu U, Nakamura T, Iseki S, Hepatocyte growth factor is essential for migration of myogenic cells and promotes their proliferation during the early periods of tongue morphogenesis in mouse embryos. Dev Dyn. 2002 Mar;223(2):169-79
1J:251794 Antony N, McDougall AR, Mantamadiotis T, Cole TJ, Bird AD, Creb1 regulates late stage mammalian lung development via respiratory epithelial and mesenchymal-independent mechanisms. Sci Rep. 2016 May 6;6:25569
1J:230224 Aoki H, Hara A, Oomori Y, Shimizu Y, Yamada Y, Kunisada T, Neonatal lethality of neural crest cell-specific Rest knockout mice is associated with gastrointestinal distension caused by aberrations of myenteric plexus. Genes Cells. 2014 Oct;19(10):723-42
1J:204089 Arechederra M, Carmona R, Gonzalez-Nunez M, Gutierrez-Uzquiza A, Bragado P, Cruz-Gonzalez I, Cano E, Guerrero C, Sanchez A, Lopez-Novoa JM, Schneider MD, Maina F, Munoz-Chapuli R, Porras A, Met signaling in cardiomyocytes is required for normal cardiac function in adult mice. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Dec;1832(12):2204-15
4J:263978 Ariza L, Canete A, Rojas A, Munoz-Chapuli R, Carmona R, Role of the Wilms' tumor suppressor gene Wt1 in pancreatic development. Dev Dyn. 2018 Apr 30;
1J:316778 Arroyo N, Villamayor L, Diaz I, Carmona R, Ramos-Rodriguez M, Munoz-Chapuli R, Pasquali L, Toscano MG, Martin F, Cano DA, Rojas A, GATA4 induces liver fibrosis regression by deactivating hepatic stellate cells. JCI Insight. 2021 Dec 8;6(23):e150059
8J:170930 Asahina K, Zhou B, Pu WT, Tsukamoto H, Septum transversum-derived mesothelium gives rise to hepatic stellate cells and perivascular mesenchymal cells in developing mouse liver. Hepatology. 2011 Mar;53(3):983-95
1J:166932 Asai R, Kurihara Y, Fujisawa K, Sato T, Kawamura Y, Kokubo H, Tonami K, Nishiyama K, Uchijima Y, Miyagawa-Tomita S, Kurihara H, Endothelin receptor type A expression defines a distinct cardiac subdomain within the heart field and is later implicated in chamber myocardium formation. Development. 2010 Nov;137(22):3823-33
2J:164943 Bae GU, Yang YJ, Jiang G, Hong M, Lee HJ, Tessier-Lavigne M, Kang JS, Krauss RS, Neogenin regulates skeletal myofiber size and focal adhesion kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activities in vivo and in vitro. Mol Biol Cell. 2009 Dec;20(23):4920-31
2J:108443 Bajanca F, Luz M, Raymond K, Martins GG, Sonnenberg A, Tajbakhsh S, Buckingham M, Thorsteinsdottir S, Integrin {alpha}6{beta}1-laminin interactions regulate early myotome formation in the mouse embryo. Development. 2006 May;133(9):1635-44
1J:176604 Bell SM, Zhang L, Mendell A, Xu Y, Haitchi HM, Lessard JL, Whitsett JA, Kruppel-like factor 5 is required for formation and differentiation of the bladder urothelium. Dev Biol. 2011 Oct 1;358(1):79-90
2*J:37520 Benjamin IJ, Shelton J, Garry DJ, Richardson JA, Temporospatial expression of the small HSP/alpha B-crystallin in cardiac and skeletal muscle during mouse development. Dev Dyn. 1997 Jan;208(1):75-84
1J:42573 Berk M, Desai SY, Heyman HC, Colmenares C, Mice lacking the ski proto-oncogene have defects in neurulation, craniofacial, patterning, and skeletal muscle development. Genes Dev. 1997 Aug 15;11(16):2029-39
1J:229394 Bernier-Latmani J, Cisarovsky C, Demir CS, Bruand M, Jaquet M, Davanture S, Ragusa S, Siegert S, Dormond O, Benedito R, Radtke F, Luther SA, Petrova TV, DLL4 promotes continuous adult intestinal lacteal regeneration and dietary fat transport. J Clin Invest. 2015 Dec;125(12):4572-86
1J:232687 Birdsey GM, Shah AV, Dufton N, Reynolds LE, Osuna Almagro L, Yang Y, Aspalter IM, Khan ST, Mason JC, Dejana E, Gottgens B, Hodivala-Dilke K, Gerhardt H, Adams RH, Randi AM, The endothelial transcription factor ERG promotes vascular stability and growth through Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Dev Cell. 2015 Jan 12;32(1):82-96
1J:28570 Bladt F, Riethmacher D, Isenmann S, Aguzzi A, Birchmeier C, Essential role for the c-met receptor in the migration of myogenic precursor cells into the limb bud [see comments]. Nature. 1995 Aug 31;376(6543):768-71
4J:278550 Boing M, Brand-Saberi B, Napirei M, Murine transcription factor Math6 is a regulator of placenta development. Sci Rep. 2018 Oct 9;8(1):14997
2*J:84903 Bolcato-Bellemin AL, Lefebvre O, Arnold C, Sorokin L, Miner JH, Kedinger M, Simon-Assmann P, Laminin alpha5 chain is required for intestinal smooth muscle development. Dev Biol. 2003 Aug 15;260(2):376-90
1J:214083 Boucherat O, Nadeau V, Berube-Simard FA, Charron J, Jeannotte L, Crucial requirement of ERK/MAPK signaling in respiratory tract development. Development. 2014 Aug;141(16):3197-211
1*J:273624 Bourgeois JR, Ferland RJ, Loss of the neurodevelopmental Joubert syndrome causing protein, Ahi1, causes motor and muscle development delays independent of central nervous system involvement. Dev Biol. 2019 Apr 1;448(1):36-47
1J:206586 Boyle SC, Liu Z, Kopan R, Notch signaling is required for the formation of mesangial cells from a stromal mesenchyme precursor during kidney development. Development. 2014 Jan;141(2):346-54
3*J:24360 Braun T, Arnold HH, Inactivation of Myf-6 and Myf-5 genes in mice leads to alterations in skeletal muscle development. EMBO J. 1995 Mar 15;14(6):1176-86
1*J:21616 Braun T, Bober E, Rudnicki MA, Jaenisch R, Arnold HH, MyoD expression marks the onset of skeletal myogenesis in Myf-5 mutant mice. Development. 1994 Nov;120(11):3083-92
2J:188916 Brohl D, Vasyutina E, Czajkowski MT, Griger J, Rassek C, Rahn HP, Purfurst B, Wende H, Birchmeier C, Colonization of the satellite cell niche by skeletal muscle progenitor cells depends on Notch signals. Dev Cell. 2012 Sep 11;23(3):469-81
1J:213432 Burns TA, Dours-Zimmermann MT, Zimmermann DR, Krug EL, Comte-Walters S, Reyes L, Davis MA, Schey KL, Schwacke JH, Kern CB, Mjaatvedt CH, Imbalanced expression of Vcan mRNA splice form proteins alters heart morphology and cellular protein profiles. PLoS One. 2014;9(2):e89133
1J:187280 Campbell AL, Shih HP, Xu J, Gross MK, Kioussi C, Regulation of motility of myogenic cells in filling limb muscle anlagen by Pitx2. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35822
2J:180115 Cao XM, Yang YP, Li HR, Cui HL, Ya J, Morphology of the developing muscularis externa in the mouse esophagus. Dis Esophagus. 2012 Jan;25(1):10-6
3J:56944 Carlsson L, Li Z, Paulin D, Thornell LE, Nestin is expressed during development and in myotendinous and neuromuscular junctions in wild type and desmin knock-out mice. Exp Cell Res. 1999 Aug 25;251(1):213-23
2J:56509 Carmeliet P, Lampugnani MG, Moons L, Breviario F, Compernolle V, Bono F, Balconi G, Spagnuolo R, Oostuyse B, Dewerchin M, Zanetti A, Angellilo A, Mattot V, Nuyens D, Lutgens E, Clotman F, de Ruiter MC, Gittenberger-de Groot A, Poelmann R, Lupu F, HerbertJM, Collen D, Dejana E, Targeted deficiency or cytosolic truncation of the VE-cadherin gene in mice impairs VEGF-mediated endothelial survival and angiogenesis. Cell. 1999 Jul 23;98(2):147-57
1J:301038 Casoni F, Croci L, Vincenti F, Podini P, Riba M, Massimino L, Cremona O, Consalez GG, ZFP423 regulates early patterning and multiciliogenesis in the hindbrain choroid plexus. Development. 2020 Nov 30;147(22):dev190173
1J:196959 Castagnaro L, Lenti E, Maruzzelli S, Spinardi L, Migliori E, Farinello D, Sitia G, Harrelson Z, Evans SM, Guidotti LG, Harvey RP, Brendolan A, Nkx2-5(+)islet1(+) mesenchymal precursors generate distinct spleen stromal cell subsets and participate in restoring stromal network integrity. Immunity. 2013 Apr 18;38(4):782-91
1J:222174 Cenik BK, Garg A, McAnally JR, Shelton JM, Richardson JA, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN, Liu N, Severe myopathy in mice lacking the MEF2/SRF-dependent gene leiomodin-3. J Clin Invest. 2015 Apr;125(4):1569-78
2J:163845 Chandana EP, Maeda Y, Ueda A, Kiyonari H, Oshima N, Yamamoto M, Kondo S, Oh J, Takahashi R, Yoshida Y, Kawashima S, Alexander DB, Kitayama H, Takahashi C, Tabata Y, Matsuzaki T, Noda M, Involvement of the Reck tumor suppressor protein in maternal and embryonic vascular remodeling in mice. BMC Dev Biol. 2010;10:84
1J:209678 Chandramouli A, Hatsell SJ, Pinderhughes A, Koetz L, Cowin P, Gli activity is critical at multiple stages of embryonic mammary and nipple development. PLoS One. 2013;8(11):e79845
2J:131962 Chen JF, Murchison EP, Tang R, Callis TE, Tatsuguchi M, Deng Z, Rojas M, Hammond SM, Schneider MD, Selzman CH, Meissner G, Patterson C, Hannon GJ, Wang DZ, Targeted deletion of Dicer in the heart leads to dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Feb 12;105(6):2111-6
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1*J:23910 Cifuentes-Diaz C, Nicolet M, Alameddine H, Goudou D, Dehaupas M, Rieger F, Mege RM, M-cadherin localization in developing adult and regenerating mouse skeletal muscle: possible involvement in secondary myogenesis. Mech Dev. 1995 Mar;50(1):85-97
3J:95029 Cole F, Zhang W, Geyra A, Kang JS, Krauss RS, Positive regulation of myogenic bHLH factors and skeletal muscle development by the cell surface receptor CDO. Dev Cell. 2004 Dec;7(6):843-54
1J:283675 Comai G, Heude E, Mella S, Paisant S, Pala F, Gallardo M, Langa F, Kardon G, Gopalakrishnan S, Tajbakhsh S, A distinct cardiopharyngeal mesoderm genetic hierarchy establishes antero-posterior patterning of esophagus striated muscle. Elife. 2019 Sep 19;8:e47460
1J:228101 Comai G, Sambasivan R, Gopalakrishnan S, Tajbakhsh S, Variations in the efficiency of lineage marking and ablation confound distinctions between myogenic cell populations. Dev Cell. 2014 Dec 8;31(5):654-67
3J:298619 Comai GE, Tesarova M, Dupe V, Rhinn M, Vallecillo-Garcia P, da Silva F, Feret B, Exelby K, Dolle P, Carlsson L, Pryce B, Spitz F, Stricker S, Zikmund T, Kaiser J, Briscoe J, Schedl A, Ghyselinck NB, Schweitzer R, Tajbakhsh S, Local retinoic acid signaling directs emergence of the extraocular muscle functional unit. PLoS Biol. 2020 Nov;18(11):e3000902
1J:153959 Conti FJ, Monkley SJ, Wood MR, Critchley DR, Muller U, Talin 1 and 2 are required for myoblast fusion, sarcomere assembly and the maintenance of myotendinous junctions. Development. 2009 Nov;136(21):3597-606
1J:206194 Corada M, Orsenigo F, Morini MF, Pitulescu ME, Bhat G, Nyqvist D, Breviario F, Conti V, Briot A, Iruela-Arispe ML, Adams RH, Dejana E, Sox17 is indispensable for acquisition and maintenance of arterial identity. Nat Commun. 2013;4:2609
1J:245870 Cotton JL, Li Q, Ma L, Park JS, Wang J, Ou J, Zhu LJ, Ip YT, Johnson RL, Mao J, YAP/TAZ and Hedgehog Coordinate Growth and Patterning in Gastrointestinal Mesenchyme. Dev Cell. 2017 Oct 09;43(1):35-47.e4
1J:297054 Cozzitorto C, Mueller L, Ruzittu S, Mah N, Willnow D, Darrigrand JF, Wilson H, Khosravinia D, Mahmoud AA, Risolino M, Selleri L, Spagnoli FM, A Specialized Niche in the Pancreatic Microenvironment Promotes Endocrine Differentiation. Dev Cell. 2020 Oct 26;55(2):150-162.e6
2J:174203 Crippa S, Cassano M, Messina G, Galli D, Galvez BG, Curk T, Altomare C, Ronzoni F, Toelen J, Gijsbers R, Debyser Z, Janssens S, Zupan B, Zaza A, Cossu G, Sampaolesi M, miR669a and miR669q prevent skeletal muscle differentiation in postnatal cardiac progenitors. J Cell Biol. 2011 Jun 27;193(7):1197-212
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2J:206594 Daou N, Lecolle S, Lefebvre S, della Gaspera B, Charbonnier F, Chanoine C, Armand AS, A new role for the calcineurin/NFAT pathway in neonatal myosin heavy chain expression via the NFATc2/MyoD complex during mouse myogenesis. Development. 2013 Dec;140(24):4914-25
1J:211437 de la Rosa AJ, Dominguez JN, Sedmera D, Sankova B, Hove-Madsen L, Franco D, Aranega AE, Functional suppression of Kcnq1 leads to early sodium channel remodelling and cardiac conduction system dysmorphogenesis. Cardiovasc Res. 2013 Jun 1;98(3):504-14
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5*J:43111 Delorme B, Dahl E, Jarry-Guichard T, Briand JP, Willecke K, Gros D , Theveniau-Ruissy M, Expression pattern of connexin gene products at the early developmental stages of the mouse cardiovascular system. Circ Res. 1997 Sep;81(3):423-37
1J:335193 Derk J, Como CN, Jones HE, Joyce LR, Kim S, Spencer BL, Bonney S, O'Rourke R, Pawlikowski B, Doran KS, Siegenthaler JA, Formation and function of the meningeal arachnoid barrier around the developing mouse brain. Dev Cell. 2023 Apr 24;58(8):635-644.e4
1*J:153498 Diez-Roux G, Banfi S, Sultan M, Geffers L, Anand S, Rozado D, Magen A, Canidio E, Pagani M, Peluso I, Lin-Marq N, Koch M, Bilio M, Cantiello I, Verde R, De Masi C, Bianchi SA, Cicchini J, Perroud E, Mehmeti S, Dagand E, Schrinner S, Nurnberger A, SchmidtK, Metz K, Zwingmann C, Brieske N, Springer C, Hernandez AM, Herzog S, Grabbe F, Sieverding C, Fischer B, Schrader K, Brockmeyer M, Dettmer S, Helbig C, Alunni V, Battaini MA, Mura C, Henrichsen CN, Garcia-Lopez R, Echevarria D, Puelles E, et al., A high-resolution anatomical atlas of the transcriptome in the mouse embryo. PLoS Biol. 2011;9(1):e1000582
5J:161910 Dominguez JN, de la Rosa A, Navarro F, Franco D, Aranega AE, Tissue distribution and subcellular localization of the cardiac sodium channel during mouse heart development. Cardiovasc Res. 2008 Apr 1;78(1):45-52
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1J:100441 Dupays L, Jarry-Guichard T, Mazurais D, Calmels T, Izumo S, Gros D, Theveniau-Ruissy M, Dysregulation of connexins and inactivation of NFATc1 in the cardiovascular system of Nkx2-5 null mutants. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2005 May;38(5):787-98
1J:55508 Eferl R, Sibilia M, Hilberg F, Fuchsbichler A, Kufferath I, Guertl B, Zenz R, Wagner EF, Zatloukal K, Functions of c-Jun in liver and heart development. J Cell Biol. 1999 May 31;145(5):1049-61
2J:345073 Eley L, Richardson RV, Alqahtani A, Chaudhry B, Henderson DJ, eNOS plays essential roles in the developing heart and aorta linked to disruption of Notch signalling. Dis Model Mech. 2024 Jan 1;17(1)
1J:201629 Faurobert E, Rome C, Lisowska J, Manet-Dupe S, Boulday G, Malbouyres M, Balland M, Bouin AP, Keramidas M, Bouvard D, Coll JL, Ruggiero F, Tournier-Lasserve E, Albiges-Rizo C, CCM1-ICAP-1 complex controls beta1 integrin-dependent endothelial contractility and fibronectin remodeling. J Cell Biol. 2013 Aug 5;202(3):545-61
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2J:115962 Finckenstein FG, Davicioni E, Osborn KG, Cavenee WK, Arden KC, Anderson MJ, Transgenic mice expressing PAX3-FKHR have multiple defects in muscle development, including ectopic skeletal myogenesis in the developing neural tube. Transgenic Res. 2006 Oct;15(5):595-614
1J:162692 Finzsch M, Schreiner S, Kichko T, Reeh P, Tamm ER, Bosl MR, Meijer D, Wegner M, Sox10 is required for Schwann cell identity and progression beyond the immature Schwann cell stage. J Cell Biol. 2010 May 17;189(4):701-12
1J:273336 Flood HM, Bolte C, Dasgupta N, Sharma A, Zhang Y, Gandhi CR, Kalin TV, Kalinichenko VV, The Forkhead box F1 transcription factor inhibits collagen deposition and accumulation of myofibroblasts during liver fibrosis. Biol Open. 2019 Feb 11;8(2):bio039800
2J:115909 Foo SS, Turner CJ, Adams S, Compagni A, Aubyn D, Kogata N, Lindblom P, Shani M, Zicha D, Adams RH, Ephrin-B2 controls cell motility and adhesion during blood-vessel-wall assembly. Cell. 2006 Jan 13;124(1):161-73
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2*J:74171 Franco D, Demolombe S, Kupershmidt S, Dumaine R, Dominguez JN, Roden D, Antzelevitch C, Escande D, Moorman AF, Divergent expression of delayed rectifier K(+) channel subunits during mouse heart development. Cardiovasc Res. 2001 Oct;52(1):65-75
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1J:181550 Frob F, Bremer M, Finzsch M, Kichko T, Reeh P, Tamm ER, Charnay P, Wegner M, Establishment of myelinating schwann cells and barrier integrity between central and peripheral nervous systems depend on Sox10. Glia. 2012 May;60(5):806-19
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1J:192497 Georg I, Barrionuevo F, Wiech T, Scherer G, Sox9 and Sox8 are required for basal lamina integrity of testis cords and for suppression of FOXL2 during embryonic testis development in mice. Biol Reprod. 2012 Oct;87(4):99
1*J:138858 Georgas K, Rumballe B, Wilkinson L, Chiu HS, Lesieur E, Gilbert T, Little MH, Use of dual section mRNA in situ hybridisation/immunohistochemistry to clarify gene expression patterns during the early stages of nephron development in the embryo and in the mature nephron of the adult mouse kidney. Histochem Cell Biol. 2008 Nov;130(5):927-42
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1J:307272 Godin P, Tsoi M, Paquet M, Boerboom D, YAP and TAZ are required for the postnatal development and the maintenance of the structural integrity of the oviduct. Reproduction. 2020 Aug;160(2):307-318
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