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Gene Expression Literature Summary
cellular communication network factor 2

157 matching records from 157 references.

Summary by Age and Assay: Numbers in the table indicate the number of results matching the search criteria.
Age E0.5 E1 E2 E2.5 E3 E3.5 E4.5 E5.5 E6.5 E7 E7.5 E8 E8.5 E9 E9.5 E10 E10.5 E11 E11.5 E12 E12.5 E13 E13.5 E14 E14.5 E15 E15.5 E16 E16.5 E17 E17.5 E18 E18.5 E19 E19.5 P
Immunohistochemistry (section) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 4 5 1 7 1 3 1 5 1 1 8 1 1 15
In situ RNA (section) 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 8 1 8 1 17 1 9 7 2 2 5 26
Immunohistochemistry (whole mount) 1
In situ RNA (whole mount) 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2
In situ reporter (knock in) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Northern blot 1 1 1 1 1
Western blot 1 1 1 5 9
RT-PCR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 1 8 1 9 1 4 3 5 1 5 3 10 1 33
cDNA clones 2

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Ccn2  cellular communication network factor 2   (Synonyms: Ccn2, Ctgf, Fisp12, Hcs24, hypertrophic chondrocyte-specific gene product 24)
Results  Reference
1J:360049 Abou Nader N, Charrier L, Meisnsohn MC, Banville L, Deffrennes B, St-Jean G, Boerboom D, Zamberlam G, Brind'Amour J, Pepin D, Boyer A, Lats1 and Lats2 regulate YAP and TAZ activity to control the development of mouse Sertoli cells. FASEB J. 2024 May 15;38(9):e23633
1J:331266 Abou Nader N, Menard A, Levasseur A, St-Jean G, Boerboom D, Zamberlam G, Boyer A, Targeted Disruption of Lats1 and Lats2 in Mice Impairs Testis Development and Alters Somatic Cell Fate. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Nov 5;23(21)
1J:185552 Acharya A, Baek ST, Huang G, Eskiocak B, Goetsch S, Sung CY, Banfi S, Sauer MF, Olsen GS, Duffield JS, Olson EN, Tallquist MD, The bHLH transcription factor Tcf21 is required for lineage-specific EMT of cardiac fibroblast progenitors. Development. 2012 Jun;139(12):2139-49
4*J:130902 Alejandre-Alcazar MA, Michiels-Corsten M, Vicencio AG, Reiss I, Ryu J, de Krijger RR, Haddad GG, Tibboel D, Seeger W, Eickelberg O, Morty RE, TGF-beta signaling is dynamically regulated during the alveolarization of rodent and human lungs. Dev Dyn. 2008 Jan;237(1):259-69
2J:326693 Angelozzi M, Pellegrino da Silva R, Gonzalez MV, Lefebvre V, Single-cell atlas of craniogenesis uncovers SOXC-dependent, highly proliferative, and myofibroblast-like osteodermal progenitors. Cell Rep. 2022 Jul 12;40(2):111045
1J:358091 Arriagada C, Lin E, Schonning M, Astrof S, Mesodermal fibronectin controls cell shape, polarity, and mechanotransduction in the second heart field during cardiac outflow tract development. Dev Cell. 2024 Oct 14;
1*J:121955 Baguma-Nibasheka M, Angka HE, Inanlou MR, Kablar B, Microarray analysis of Myf5-/-:MyoD-/- hypoplastic mouse lungs reveals a profile of genes involved in pneumocyte differentiation. Histol Histopathol. 2007 May;22(5):483-95
1J:334460 Bando H, Brinkmeier ML, Castinetti F, Fang Q, Lee MS, Saveanu A, Albarel F, Dupuis C, Brue T, Camper SA, Heterozygous variants in SIX3 and POU1F1 cause pituitary hormone deficiency in mouse and man. Hum Mol Genet. 2023 Jan 13;32(3):367-385
1*J:313619 Bedogni F, Hevner RF, Cell-Type-Specific Gene Expression in Developing Mouse Neocortex: Intermediate Progenitors Implicated in Axon Development. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021;14:686034
1J:162313 Bedogni F, Hodge RD, Elsen GE, Nelson BR, Daza RA, Beyer RP, Bammler TK, Rubenstein JL, Hevner RF, Tbr1 regulates regional and laminar identity of postmitotic neurons in developing neocortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jul 20;107(29):13129-34
2J:202628 Bedore J, Sha W, McCann MR, Liu S, Leask A, Seguin CA, Impaired intervertebral disc development and premature disc degeneration in mice with notochord-specific deletion of CCN2. Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Oct;65(10):2634-44
4J:217339 Beiser KU, Glaser A, Kleinschmidt K, Scholl I, Roth R, Li L, Gretz N, Mechtersheimer G, Karperien M, Marchini A, Richter W, Rappold GA, Identification of novel SHOX target genes in the developing limb using a transgenic mouse model. PLoS One. 2014;9(6):e98543
1J:338901 Boogerd CJ, Perini I, Kyriakopoulou E, Han SJ, La P, van der Swaan B, Berkhout JB, Versteeg D, Monshouwer-Kloots J, van Rooij E, Cardiomyocyte proliferation is suppressed by ARID1A-mediated YAP inhibition during cardiac maturation. Nat Commun. 2023 Aug 5;14(1):4716
3J:174459 Boyle MP, Bernard A, Thompson CL, Ng L, Boe A, Mortrud M, Hawrylycz MJ, Jones AR, Hevner RF, Lein ES, Cell-type-specific consequences of Reelin deficiency in the mouse neocortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. J Comp Neurol. 2011 Aug 1;519(11):2061-89
1J:247078 Bultmann-Mellin I, Dinger K, Debuschewitz C, Loewe KMA, Melcher Y, Plum MTW, Appel S, Rappl G, Willenborg S, Schauss AC, Jungst C, Kruger M, Dressler S, Nakamura T, Wempe F, Alejandre Alcazar MA, Sterner-Kock A, Role of LTBP4 in alveolarization, angiogenesis, and fibrosis in lungs. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2017 Oct 01;313(4):L687-L698
1J:159309 Buttner N, Johnsen SA, Kugler S, Vogel T, Af9/Mllt3 interferes with Tbr1 expression through epigenetic modification of histone H3K79 during development of the cerebral cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 13;107(15):7042-7
1J:160559 Caronia G, Wilcoxon J, Feldman P, Grove EA, Bone morphogenetic protein signaling in the developing telencephalon controls formation of the hippocampal dentate gyrus and modifies fear-related behavior. J Neurosci. 2010 May 5;30(18):6291-301
1J:301556 Cha B, Ho YC, Geng X, Mahamud MR, Chen L, Kim Y, Choi D, Kim TH, Randolph GJ, Cao X, Chen H, Srinivasan RS, YAP and TAZ maintain PROX1 expression in the developing lymphatic and lymphovenous valves in response to VEGF-C signaling. Development. 2020 Dec 13;147(23):dev195453
2J:315974 Chen X, Wang L, Huang R, Qiu H, Wang P, Wu D, Zhu Y, Ming J, Wang Y, Wang J, Na J, Dgcr8 deletion in the primitive heart uncovered novel microRNA regulating the balance of cardiac-vascular gene program. Protein Cell. 2019 May;10(5):327-346
1J:253272 Cheng J, Sahani S, Hausrat TJ, Yang JW, Ji H, Schmarowski N, Endle H, Liu X, Li Y, Bottche R, Radyushkin K, Maric HM, Hoerder-Suabedissen A, Molnar Z, Prouvot PH, Trimbuch T, Ninnemann O, Huai J, Fan W, Visentin B, Sabbadini R, Stromgaard K, Stroh A, Luhmann HJ, Kneussel M, Nitsch R, Vogt J, Precise Somatotopic Thalamocortical Axon Guidance Depends on LPA-Mediated PRG-2/Radixin Signaling. Neuron. 2016 Oct 5;92(1):126-142
2*J:308788 Cheong SS, Akram KM, Matellan C, Kim SY, Gaboriau DCA, Hind M, Del Rio Hernandez AE, Griffiths M, Dean CH, The Planar Polarity Component VANGL2 Is a Key Regulator of Mechanosignaling. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020;8:577201
1J:197340 Chung C, Kim T, Kim M, Kim M, Song H, Kim TS, Seo E, Lee SH, Kim H, Kim SK, Yoo G, Lee DH, Hwang DS, Kinashi T, Kim JM, Lim DS, Hippo-Foxa2 signaling pathway plays a role in peripheral lung maturation and surfactant homeostasis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 May 7;110(19):7732-7
11*J:93808 Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, Feijen A, Korving J, Korchynskyi O, Larsson J, Karlsson S, ten Dijke P, Lyons KM, Goldschmeding R, Doevendans P, Mummery CL, Connective tissue growth factor expression and Smad signaling during mouse heart development and myocardial infarction. Dev Dyn. 2004 Nov;231(3):542-50
1J:245870 Cotton JL, Li Q, Ma L, Park JS, Wang J, Ou J, Zhu LJ, Ip YT, Johnson RL, Mao J, YAP/TAZ and Hedgehog Coordinate Growth and Patterning in Gastrointestinal Mesenchyme. Dev Cell. 2017 Oct 09;43(1):35-47.e4
9J:145696 Crawford LA, Guney MA, Oh YA, Deyoung RA, Valenzuela DM, Murphy AJ, Yancopoulos GD, Lyons KM, Brigstock DR, Economides A, Gannon M, Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF) Inactivation Leads to Defects in Islet Cell Lineage Allocation and {beta}-Cell Proliferation during Embryogenesis. Mol Endocrinol. 2009 Mar;23(3):324-36
2J:80024 Delot EC, Bahamonde ME, Zhao M, Lyons KM, BMP signaling is required for septation of the outflow tract of the mammalian heart. Development. 2003 Jan;130(1):209-20
1*J:153498 Diez-Roux G, Banfi S, Sultan M, Geffers L, Anand S, Rozado D, Magen A, Canidio E, Pagani M, Peluso I, Lin-Marq N, Koch M, Bilio M, Cantiello I, Verde R, De Masi C, Bianchi SA, Cicchini J, Perroud E, Mehmeti S, Dagand E, Schrinner S, Nurnberger A, SchmidtK, Metz K, Zwingmann C, Brieske N, Springer C, Hernandez AM, Herzog S, Grabbe F, Sieverding C, Fischer B, Schrader K, Brockmeyer M, Dettmer S, Helbig C, Alunni V, Battaini MA, Mura C, Henrichsen CN, Garcia-Lopez R, Echevarria D, Puelles E, et al., A high-resolution anatomical atlas of the transcriptome in the mouse embryo. PLoS Biol. 2011;9(1):e1000582
3*J:165111 Doherty HE, Kim HS, Hiller S, Sulik KK, Maeda N, A mouse strain where basal connective tissue growth factor gene expression can be switched from low to high. PLoS One. 2010;5(9):e12909
1*J:165751 Du J, Takeuchi H, Leonhard-Melief C, Shroyer KR, Dlugosz M, Haltiwanger RS, Holdener BC, O-fucosylation of thrombospondin type 1 repeats restricts epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and maintains epiblast pluripotency during mouse gastrulation. Dev Biol. 2010 Oct 1;346(1):25-38
1J:139945 El-Bizri N, Guignabert C, Wang L, Cheng A, Stankunas K, Chang CP, Mishina Y, Rabinovitch M, SM22alpha-targeted deletion of bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1A in mice impairs cardiac and vascular development, and influences organogenesis. Development. 2008 Sep;135(17):2981-91
1J:235531 Elbediwy A, Vincent-Mistiaen ZI, Spencer-Dene B, Stone RK, Boeing S, Wculek SK, Cordero J, Tan EH, Ridgway R, Brunton VG, Sahai E, Gerhardt H, Behrens A, Malanchi I, Sansom OJ, Thompson BJ, Integrin signalling regulates YAP and TAZ to control skin homeostasis. Development. 2016 May 15;143(10):1674-87
1J:267596 Escot S, Willnow D, Naumann H, Di Francescantonio S, Spagnoli FM, Robo signalling controls pancreatic progenitor identity by regulating Tead transcription factors. Nat Commun. 2018 Nov 30;9(1):5082
1J:308983 Farmer DT, Mlcochova H, Zhou Y, Koelling N, Wang G, Ashley N, Bugacov H, Chen HJ, Parvez R, Tseng KC, Merrill AE, Maxson RE Jr, Wilkie AOM, Crump JG, Twigg SRF, The developing mouse coronal suture at single-cell resolution. Nat Commun. 2021 Aug 10;12(1):4797
5*J:83516 Friedrichsen S, Heuer H, Christ S, Winckler M, Brauer D, Bauer K, Raivich G, CTGF expression during mouse embryonic development. Cell Tissue Res. 2003 May;312(2):175-88
1J:339946 Galazo MJ, Sweetser DA, Macklis JD, Tle4 controls both developmental acquisition and early post-natal maturation of corticothalamic projection neuron identity. Cell Rep. 2023 Aug 29;42(8):112957
1J:206763 Gan Q, Lee A, Suzuki R, Yamagami T, Stokes A, Nguyen BC, Pleasure D, Wang J, Chen HW, Zhou CJ, Pax6 mediates ss-catenin signaling for self-renewal and neurogenesis by neocortical radial glial stem cells. Stem Cells. 2014 Jan;32(1):45-58
2J:259888 Gnedeva K, Jacobo A, Salvi JD, Petelski AA, Hudspeth AJ, Elastic force restricts growth of the murine utricle. Elife. 2017 Jul 25;6:e25681
1J:307272 Godin P, Tsoi M, Paquet M, Boerboom D, YAP and TAZ are required for the postnatal development and the maintenance of the structural integrity of the oviduct. Reproduction. 2020 Aug;160(2):307-318
1J:249823 Guidi LG, Mattley J, Martinez-Garay I, Monaco AP, Linden JF, Velayos-Baeza A, Molnar Z, Knockout Mice for Dyslexia Susceptibility Gene Homologs KIAA0319 and KIAA0319L have Unaffected Neuronal Migration but Display Abnormal Auditory Processing. Cereb Cortex. 2017 Dec 1;27(12):5831-5845
2J:176445 Guney MA, Petersen CP, Boustani A, Duncan MR, Gunasekaran U, Menon R, Warfield C, Grotendorst GR, Means AL, Economides AN, Gannon M, Connective tissue growth factor acts within both endothelial cells and {beta} cells to promote proliferation of developing {beta} cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Sep 13;108(37):15242-7
2J:185218 Hall-Glenn F, De Young RA, Huang BL, van Handel B, Hofmann JJ, Chen TT, Choi A, Ong JR, Benya PD, Mikkola H, Iruela-Arispe ML, Lyons KM, CCN2/connective tissue growth factor is essential for pericyte adhesion and endothelial basement membrane formation during angiogenesis. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e30562
6*J:331476 Hazra R, Brine L, Garcia L, Benz B, Chirathivat N, Shen MM, Wilkinson JE, Lyons SK, Spector DL, Platr4 is an early embryonic lncRNA that exerts its function downstream on cardiogenic mesodermal lineage commitment. Dev Cell. 2022 Nov 7;57(21):2450-2468.e7
1J:238301 Henley KD, Stanescu DE, Kropp PA, Wright CV, Won KJ, Stoffers DA, Gannon M, Threshold-Dependent Cooperativity of Pdx1 and Oc1 in Pancreatic Progenitors Establishes Competency for Endocrine Differentiation and beta-Cell Function. Cell Rep. 2016 Jun 21;15(12):2637-50
1J:304356 Hermann A, Wu G, Nedvetsky PI, Brucher VC, Egbring C, Bonse J, Hoffken V, Wennmann DO, Marks M, Krahn MP, Scholer H, Heiduschka P, Pavenstadt H, Kremerskothen J, The Hippo pathway component Wwc2 is a key regulator of embryonic development and angiogenesis in mice. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jan 22;12(1):117
5*J:84136 Heuer H, Christ S, Friedrichsen S, Brauer D, Winckler M, Bauer K, Raivich G, Connective tissue growth factor: a novel marker of layer VII neurons in the rat cerebral cortex. Neuroscience. 2003;119(1):43-52
1J:263171 Hoefert JE, Bjerke GA, Wang D, Yi R, The microRNA-200 family coordinately regulates cell adhesion and proliferation in hair morphogenesis. J Cell Biol. 2018 Jun 4;217(6):2185-2204
3*J:195324 Hoerder-Suabedissen A, Oeschger FM, Krishnan ML, Belgard TG, Wang WZ, Lee S, Webber C, Petretto E, Edwards AD, Molnar Z, Expression profiling of mouse subplate reveals a dynamic gene network and disease association with autism and schizophrenia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb 26;110(9):3555-60
3*J:174112 Hoerder-Suabedissen A, Wang WZ, Lee S, Davies KE, Goffinet AM, Rakic S, Parnavelas J, Reim K, Nicolic M, Paulsen O, Molnar Z, Novel markers reveal subpopulations of subplate neurons in the murine cerebral cortex. Cereb Cortex. 2009 Aug;19(8):1738-50
1*J:139177 Hoffman BG, Zavaglia B, Witzsche J, Ruiz de Algara T, Beach M, Hoodless PA, Jones SJ, Marra MA, Helgason CD, Identification of transcripts with enriched expression in the developing and adult pancreas. Genome Biol. 2008;9(6):R99
1J:227000 Hsu LC, Nam S, Cui Y, Chang CP, Wang CF, Kuo HC, Touboul JD, Chou SJ, Lhx2 regulates the timing of beta-catenin-dependent cortical neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Sep 29;112(39):12199-204
1J:302131 Hu HB, Song ZQ, Song GP, Li S, Tu HQ, Wu M, Zhang YC, Yuan JF, Li TT, Li PY, Xu YL, Shen XL, Han QY, Li AL, Zhou T, Chun J, Zhang XM, Li HY, LPA signaling acts as a cell-extrinsic mechanism to initiate cilia disassembly and promote neurogenesis. Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 28;12(1):662
1J:157570 Hu M, Sun XJ, Zhang YL, Kuang Y, Hu CQ, Wu WL, Shen SH, Du TT, Li H, He F, Xiao HS, Wang ZG, Liu TX, Lu H, Huang QH, Chen SJ, Chen Z, Histone H3 lysine 36 methyltransferase Hypb/Setd2 is required for embryonic vascular remodeling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Feb 16;107(7):2956-61
1J:170883 Huang J, Davis EC, Chapman SL, Budatha M, Marmorstein LY, Word RA, Yanagisawa H, Fibulin-4 deficiency results in ascending aortic aneurysms: a potential link between abnormal smooth muscle cell phenotype and aneurysm progression. Circ Res. 2010 Feb 19;106(3):583-92
1J:289493 Isago H, Mitani A, Mikami Y, Horie M, Urushiyama H, Hamamoto R, Terasaki Y, Nagase T, Epithelial Expression of YAP and TAZ Is Sequentially Required in Lung Development. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2020 Feb;62(2):256-266
2J:188305 Ishijima M, Suzuki N, Hozumi K, Matsunobu T, Kosaki K, Kaneko H, Hassell JR, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y, Perlecan modulates VEGF signaling and is essential for vascularization in endochondral bone formation. Matrix Biol. 2012 May;31(4):234-45
8J:83260 Ivkovic S, Yoon BS, Popoff SN, Safadi FF, Libuda DE, Stephenson RC, Daluiski A, Lyons KM, Connective tissue growth factor coordinates chondrogenesis and angiogenesis during skeletal development. Development. 2003 Jun;130(12):2779-91
2J:304850 Jiang C, Javed A, Kaiser L, Nava MM, Xu R, Brandt DT, Zhao D, Mayer B, Fernandez-Baldovinos J, Zhou L, Hoss C, Sawmynaden K, Oleksy A, Matthews D, Weinstein LS, Hahn H, Grone HJ, Graumann PL, Niessen CM, Offermanns S, Wickstrom SA, Worzfeld T, Mechanochemical control of epidermal stem cell divisions by B-plexins. Nat Commun. 2021 Feb 26;12(1):1308
6*J:137797 Jones JA, Gray MR, Oliveira BE, Koch M, Castellot JJ Jr, CCN5 expression in mammals : I. Embryonic and fetal tissues of mouse and human. J Cell Commun Signal. 2007 Sep;1(2):127-43
1J:143588 Kamiya N, Ye L, Kobayashi T, Mochida Y, Yamauchi M, Kronenberg HM, Feng JQ, Mishina Y, BMP signaling negatively regulates bone mass through sclerostin by inhibiting the canonical Wnt pathway. Development. 2008 Nov;135(22):3801-11
1J:351385 Kaneko N, Hirai K, Oshima M, Yura K, Hattori M, Maeda N, Ohtaka-Maruyama C, ADAMTS2 promotes radial migration by activating TGF-beta signaling in the developing neocortex. EMBO Rep. 2024 Jul;25(7):3090-3115
2J:322702 Kaplan MM, Flucher BE, Counteractive and cooperative actions of muscle beta-catenin and CaV1.1 during early neuromuscular synapse formation. iScience. 2022 Apr 15;25(4):104025
1J:155442 Kawaki H, Kubota S, Suzuki A, Lazar N, Yamada T, Matsumura T, Ohgawara T, Maeda T, Perbal B, Lyons KM, Takigawa M, Cooperative regulation of chondrocyte differentiation by CCN2 and CCN3 shown by a comprehensive analysis of the CCN family proteins in cartilage. J Bone Miner Res. 2008 Nov;23(11):1751-64
1*J:182578 Kay JN, Chu MW, Sanes JR, MEGF10 and MEGF11 mediate homotypic interactions required for mosaic spacing of retinal neurons. Nature. 2012 Mar 22;483(7390):465-9
1J:263568 Kim GE, Ross JL, Xie C, Su KN, Zaha VG, Wu X, Palmeri M, Ashraf M, Akar JG, Russell KS, Akar FG, Young LH, LKB1 deletion causes early changes in atrial channel expression and electrophysiology prior to atrial fibrillation. Cardiovasc Res. 2015 Oct 1;108(1):197-208
4J:40574 Kireeva ML, Latinkic BV, Kolesnikova TV, Chen CC, Yang GP, Abler AS , Lau LF, Cyr61 and Fisp12 are both ECM-associated signaling molecules: activities, metabolism, and localization during development. Exp Cell Res. 1997 May 25;233(1):63-77
1J:235727 Kuta A, Mao Y, Martin T, Ferreira de Sousa C, Whiting D, Zakaria S, Crespo-Enriquez I, Evans P, Balczerski B, Mankoo B, Irvine KD, Francis-West PH, Fat4-Dchs1 signalling controls cell proliferation in developing vertebrae. Development. 2016 Jul 1;143(13):2367-75
1J:220322 Kutchuk L, Laitala A, Soueid-Bomgarten S, Shentzer P, Rosendahl AH, Eilot S, Grossman M, Sagi I, Sormunen R, Myllyharju J, Maki JM, Hasson P, Muscle composition is regulated by a Lox-TGFbeta feedback loop. Development. 2015 Mar 1;142(5):983-93
1J:238700 Kwan J, Sczaniecka A, Arash EH, Nguyen L, Chen CC, Ratkovic S, Klezovitch O, Attisano L, McNeill H, Emili A, Vasioukhin V, DLG5 connects cell polarity and Hippo signaling protein networks by linking PAR-1 with MST1/2. Genes Dev. 2016 Dec 15;30(24):2696-2709
1J:141130 Kwan KY, Lam MM, Krsnik Z, Kawasawa YI, Lefebvre V, Sestan N, SOX5 postmitotically regulates migration, postmigratory differentiation, and projections of subplate and deep-layer neocortical neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Oct 14;105(41):16021-6
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1*J:199301 Lavado A, He Y, Pare J, Neale G, Olson EN, Giovannini M, Cao X, Tumor suppressor Nf2 limits expansion of the neural progenitor pool by inhibiting Yap/Taz transcriptional coactivators. Development. 2013 Aug;140(16):3323-34
3J:240786 Lee DH, Park JO, Kim TS, Kim SK, Kim TH, Kim MC, Park GS, Kim JH, Kuninaka S, Olson EN, Saya H, Kim SY, Lee H, Lim DS, LATS-YAP/TAZ controls lineage specification by regulating TGFbeta signaling and Hnf4alpha expression during liver development. Nat Commun. 2016 Jun 30;7:11961
4*J:257228 Li S, Pan Y, Differential expression of transforming growth factor-beta1, connective tissue growth factor, phosphorylated-SMAD2/3 and phosphorylated-ERK1/2 during mouse tooth development. J Mol Histol. 2017 Dec;48(5-6):347-355
5*J:224948 Lin C, Yao E, Chuang PT, A conserved MST1/2-YAP axis mediates Hippo signaling during lung growth. Dev Biol. 2015 Jul 1;403(1):101-13
1J:244106 Lin C, Yao E, Zhang K, Jiang X, Croll S, Thompson-Peer K, Chuang PT, YAP is essential for mechanical force production and epithelial cell proliferation during lung branching morphogenesis. Elife. 2017 Mar 21;6:e21130
1J:274694 Lodge EJ, Santambrogio A, Russell JP, Xekouki P, Jacques TS, Johnson RL, Thavaraj S, Bornstein SR, Andoniadou CL, Homeostatic and tumourigenic activity of SOX2+ pituitary stem cells is controlled by the LATS/YAP/TAZ cascade. Elife. 2019 Mar 26;8:e43996
1J:208651 Louvi A, Nishimura S, Gunel M, Ccm3, a gene associated with cerebral cavernous malformations, is required for neuronal migration. Development. 2014 Mar;141(6):1404-15
1J:149179 Maeda A, Nishida T, Aoyama E, Kubota S, Lyons KM, Kuboki T, Takigawa M, CCN family 2/connective tissue growth factor modulates BMP signalling as a signal conductor, which action regulates the proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes. J Biochem. 2009 Feb;145(2):207-16
1J:215515 Magnani D, Hasenpusch-Theil K, Theil T, Gli3 controls subplate formation and growth of cortical axons. Cereb Cortex. 2013 Nov;23(11):2542-51
2J:258670 Mahany EB, Han X, Borges BC, da Silveira Cruz-Machado S, Allen SJ, Garcia-Galiano D, Hoenerhoff MJ, Bellefontaine NH, Elias CF, Obesity and High-Fat Diet Induce Distinct Changes in Placental Gene Expression and Pregnancy Outcome. Endocrinology. 2018 Apr 1;159(4):1718-1733
1J:267771 Mamidi A, Prawiro C, Seymour PA, de Lichtenberg KH, Jackson A, Serup P, Semb H, Mechanosignalling via integrins directs fate decisions of pancreatic progenitors. Nature. 2018 Dec;564(7734):114-118
1J:309380 Mei L, Qv M, Bao H, He Q, Xu Y, Zhang Q, Shi W, Ren Q, Yan Z, Xu C, Tang C, Hussain M, Zeng LH, Wu X, SUMOylation activates large tumour suppressor 1 to maintain the tissue homeostasis during Hippo signalling. Oncogene. 2021 Sep;40(35):5357-5366
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6*J:190558 Myers RB, Rwayitare K, Richey L, Lem J, Castellot JJ Jr, CCN5 Expression in mammals. III. Early embryonic mouse development. J Cell Commun Signal. 2012 Dec;6(4):217-23
1J:333189 Nambiar SM, Lee J, Yanum JA, Garcia V, Jiang H, Dai G, Maternal hepatocytes heterogeneously and dynamically exhibit developmental phenotypes partially via yes-associated protein 1 during pregnancy. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2023 Jan 1;324(1):G38-G50
1J:272609 Nantie LB, Young RE, Paltzer WG, Zhang Y, Johnson RL, Verheyden JM, Sun X, Lats1/2 inactivation reveals Hippo function in alveolar type I cell differentiation during lung transition to air breathing. Development. 2018 Nov 9;145(21):dev163105
1*J:321553 Neupane S, Berardinelli SJ, Cameron DC, Grady RC, Komatsu DE, Percival CJ, Takeuchi M, Ito A, Liu TW, Nairn AV, Moremen KW, Haltiwanger RS, Holdener BC, O-fucosylation of thrombospondin type 1 repeats is essential for ECM remodeling and signaling during bone development. Matrix Biol. 2022 Feb 12;
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